# | Article | Downloads | |||||
601 | In the article author offer the definition of early juvenile delinquency prevention and analyze does regulations of the Federal Statute “On The Bases of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention System” provide measures of early juvenile delinquency prevention. | 1350 | |||||
602 | In article are considered questions of the teaching to religions with standpoint culturology approach. They Are Shown possibility and advantage the phenomenology for teaching the theories and histories to religions. They Are Considered also main problems of the study to religions in rural school in social and cultural aspect Keywords: teaching in a rural school, religious studies, cultural studies, aphenomenological approach to religion | 1350 | |||||
603 | The article considers «snowball» technique as one of task complex constructing methods. The efficiency of the technique is proved and the methods of using it at Geometry classes are described. Keywords: complex of tasks, process of task complex constructing, «snowball» technique, methods of using task complex | 1350 | |||||
604 | In the given article the Russian bank associations and the unions are considered, the purposes and problems of their activity, the role for national economy are in detail studied. The received results specify in a considerable role of bank associations and the unions both for regions, and for Russia as a whole. They represent itself as defenders of banks, intermediaries between the government, the Central bank, foreign countries and innovators. Keywords: Bank association, the bank union, the credit organization, the Сentral bank, economy, a role | 1350 | |||||
605 | In this article there is given an explanation of urgency in studying gender competence development of children at preschool and junior school according to the concept of social development of L. V. Kolomiychenko; there is presented a plan and description of the stages of the research in studying gender competence development of the junior school and senior school children, the components of gender competence of children at preschool and junior school are specified; gender competence is considered as the result of successive gender education of the preschool and junior school children. Keywords: gender education, gender competence, components and criteria of gender competence | 1350 | |||||
606 | This article is devoted to the analysis of two main scientific approaches to the steady verbal-nominal combinations of modern Russian: semantic and functional. Classifications of the verbal analytical units developed with use of these two approaches are offered. The question of a ratio of the steady units with a rod verbal component and the free phrases is considered. Keywords: the free phrases, the steady verbal-nominal combinations, the synlexes the phraseological units, the turns of speech, the belletrizm, the terms, nominative structure of language | 1350 | |||||
607 | Ninomiya Akira . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 1 (64). P. 8-8 . | 1349 | |||||
608 | The social analysis of the role of family and culture in the hierarchy of modern youth’ values, based on the survey of 247 university students, living in Saratov region, is presented in the article. In addition to that, the students’ attitude to people of different nationalities, marriages among them, level of knowledge of their own national culture in the globalization epoch and expanding of social interaction between the representatives of different cultures is analyzed. Keywords: culture, family, marriages between people of different nationalities, toleration, youth, values, nationality. | 1349 | |||||
609 | The article is devoted to the metaphors, displaying the inner world (phenomena of the phyche) in “The Mind Parasites” by C. Wilson. Reasons for difficulties in their producing and understanding are analysed. The list of the difficulties is founded on the material of the above mentioned novel. Keywords: English, metaphor, phenomena of the phyche, concepts of the inner world, basic metaphor models, metaphor producing and understanding. | 1349 | |||||
610 | The authors review some effective methods in teaching English language speaking in class at university. Transactional and interactional speeches are shortly characterized. A range of problems in teaching language oral speech are considered and analyzed. Some measures to solve the problems are recommended to be taken. The characteristic of an ‘effective activity’ is given. A series of various activities providing the development of speaking skills and forming communicative competence in students are considered. Keywords: oral speech, effective forms and methods, transactional and interactional speech, learners, a range of problems/difficulties in teaching/learning, activities, to take measures, skills, communicative competence | 1349 | |||||
611 | Analyzing "Musorny Veter" and other works by A. Platonov in the article ""Musorny Veter" by A. Platonov: the debate with R. Decarte", K.A. Barsht comes to the conclusion that a writer-philosopher perceives the human consciousness as the "substance-energy" of self-developing matter, the main function of which is to produce, accumulate and distribute the energy of "thought-love" as one of the most valuable types of energy filling of Cosmos. | 1348 | |||||
612 | In this article such Selkup kinship terms as ed~eka, дzou, aga, sдlum, inem, il'da, цnцkа~цneka, temnam are analysed with the help of a comparable method and a componential analysis. | 1348 | |||||
613 | The article considers complex problem-oriented approach to solving tasks in physics with system use of information and communication technologies. Proposed method enlarges problem file of teaching physics, approaches its content to modern level of scien tific knowledge in physics and project-oriented problems are very important for creative development. Models are applicable for students end teachers of physic and special schools. Positions and suggestions of the article are illustrated with the concrete examples Keywords: the problemno-focused approach, information-communication technologies in training to the physicist, internet resources in training to the physicist | 1348 | |||||
614 | The Article is dedicated to the problem of motive organization of the epic drama. On a material of the Gorin's play «Til» Illustrate as multiple motives thematicly and functionly are unite in a motive complexes. Keywords: drama, native epic drama, cultural model, motive, motive complex, author, literature of XX cent | 1348 | |||||
615 | The article reveals lexical means of representation of concepts in fiction from the position of communicative stylistics. These lexical means include words, «overwords» units, lexical microstructure of utterances, series of utterances, textual paradigms of different types, associative-notional fields, lexical macrostructure of texts. There was established a connection between the type of concept and means of its lexical representation | 1347 | |||||
616 | The monograph by O.A. Dashevskaya (Tomsk, TSU press, 2006. – 435 p.) is favourably reviewed, among other reasons, because it is the first monographic investigation of the issue of search in D. Andreev’s books | 1347 | |||||
617 | The article is the result of analysis of the problem of historical narration in the works by Pushkin and Okudzava Keywords: A. S. Pushkin, B. S. Okudzava, historical fiction, narrative strategies, “Interview with Bonaparte”, A “journey of amateurs” | 1347 | |||||
618 | The article reveals issues related to high technology (Hi-Tech and Hi-Hume) as a miracle. This is due to: 1) inability to present a clear and popular modern scientific knowledge that underlies the high technology; 2) the influence of High Socio-Humanitarian technologies (Hi-Hume), intended for the manipulation of consciousness (advertising, PR, personnel management and knowledge management, etc.) that create distorted images of Hi-Tech; 3) declining natural science literacy and technical literacy of the population, and 4) oriented manufacturers Hi-Tech on the functional literacy of users and to increase the consumption of the convenience. Keywords: high technology, Hi-Tech, Hi-Hume, science, miracle, technology of consciousness manipulation, functional literacy, technical literacy | 1347 | |||||
619 | The author shows the contribution of former officers to the organization and development of the military educational system in Siberia. The data about the number, living and labour conditions of commanding and teaching staff of military educational institutions in Siberian military district are provided as well as the data about the changes which took place in them and in the attitude of the Soviet power to them. | 1346 | |||||
620 | This is an article about the analysis of color denominations in Gumilev’s lyric poetry connected with creative evolution of the poet. The author investigates the meaning of color vocabulary taking into consideration a famous division into periods of Gumilev’s works. The research has been done taking as a basis more than two thousand words denoted different color denominations revealed with the help of the method of solid excerpts from nine poet’s anthology. Keywords: color denominations, the poetic world’s picture, idiostyle | 1346 | |||||
621 | In the article the urgency of educational area “health and safety” is described, problems of the organization of out-of-class work in the course of “health and safety Basis” are considered, defi nition and classifi cation of out-of-class work by health and safety bases is resulted, the approximate maintenance is described. Realization of the basic approaches is described. Keywords: сourse of “Health and safety basis”, out-of-class work in the course of “Health and safety basis”, person-activity approach, integrative approach | 1346 | |||||
622 | The article presents possibilities of culturological approach in formation of social and professional culture, stages of activities and reflection of social and professional self-determination of students of secondary school. | 1345 | |||||
623 | In the present article an attempt has been made to theoretically ground the use of intercultural component as a basis to form international competence of the students of basic course of a technical higher education institute. In the article the correlation between the notions “foreign language communication competence” and “intercultural competence” has been specified. The subject matter of intercultural competence of the students of basic course of a technical higher educational institute has been determined as well | 1345 | |||||
624 | The aim of the article is to set a problem of admeasurements in classical studies. It is an area that fixes people’s knowledge about themselves and about their social surroundings. The author is aware of difficulties of the problem: despite natural sciences describe less complicated things than human beings; they face many problems connected with admeasurements. It is the first time that problem of admeasurements is studied from the processual standpoint. It determines the main task of the research which is to reveal an influence of information mechanisms on human life. Positiveness of the approach can be proved by the author’s understanding information as a process which consists of sequential stages. Previous stage determines the following one. Information processes cause in nonlinearity and multivariativeness that can be measured. Post-non-classical information theory can measure novelty, quality, quantity, value and effectiveness of information. In other words, it can measure the criteria that characterize each stage of information process. The conceptual models, that illustrate stages of information process, provide with methodological way to set a problem of admeasurements of self-organization within socio-cultural systems Keywords: problem of dimension in humanitarian knowledge, problem of dimension from the point of procedural notions, information mechanisms of dimension, information-synergetic approach, information as a process, criteria of dimension of information process stages, | 1345 | |||||
625 | Some peculiarities of transdisciplinarity, its differences from interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, are under consideration in the article. The theory of complexity (synergetics), futures studies and cognitive science are regarded as intensively developing fields of modern transdisciplinary researches. It is shown that transdisciplinary research will, by all appearances, define the character of science in the medium-term future. Keywords: transdisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, synergetics, futures studies, cognitive science, complexity, holism, creativity. | 1345 | |||||
626 | The article offers the author’s “competence tree” building aimed at defi ning a universal, basic competence in the hierarchic structure of professional competence of a specialist in the sphere of foreign language education. Keywords: professional competence, foreign language communicative competence, linguist-teacher, second foreign language. | 1345 | |||||
627 | The purpose of this research is revealing of A. I. Hertzen’s views upon a person. The article deals with the social factors that influence the formation of personality: class origin, money status, professional activity, education, the situation of women in society, “the common opinion”. Keywords: social factor, concept of personality, environment, class origin, money status, professional activity, education, woman, “the common opinion”, aesthetic ideal | 1345 | |||||
628 | The article discusses the question of modeling of an individual educational route (hereinafter IER) for a child with disabilities (HIA) as a tool for accompanying children of this category in the educational process. The terms ”modeling”, “inclusive competence of the teacher” are clarified with the purpose of more accurate description of the author’s material in this direction. The stages of modeling IER as a means of the child’s most effective comprehension of the educational program and the system organization of inclusive space in the educational organization are described. Modeling of IER as an open joint reflexive action (according to E. D. Fayzullaeva) is the coordination of the interests and tasks of all participants in accompanying the child with HIA and the construction of a system of joint actions included in correctional, developmental, rehabilitation and other activities for the child. 7 stages of modeling IER are described: 1) installation-reflexive; 2) organizational; 3) meaningful; 4) reflexive; 5) transforming; 6) expertanalytical; 7) reflexive-projecting. Each stage reveals the specifics of the work of adults with the child, detailing the contribution of each participant in the joint activity. At each stage there is solving of various tasks for all participants in joint activities: work with the IER concept; realization of a systematic approach that implies a holistic vision of the child included in the common space of life (in which there is an inclusive educational space of the institution, microsocieties - the group and the family, as well as the external space - additional educational institutions, medical and specialized institutions, etc. along with public places of common use); actualization of the partnership positions; implementation of pedagogical actions aimed at correcting and developing the child, increasing his or her social adaptability. These stages are the joint activities of adults involved in the life of the child (parents and teachers) and reflect the realization of their inclusive competence. Presented are the results of research activities (focus groups and approbations) on the procedure for creating IER by all subjects of the educational process, including corrective, developmental, rehabilitation and other measures for the child with disabilities. Positive effects of this work were noted, which manifested themselves in the form of the phenomena of decentration; actualization of communicative, research, managerial, and reflective competencies among participants in joint activities on the compilation of IER; conscious interaction of all specialists with a deeper understanding and a responsible attitude in working with children with disabilities. Keywords: individual educational route, inclusive approach, modeling and IER, open joint reflexive action, child with disability, support for children with disabilities | 1345 | |||||
629 | The greatest problem of Russia is the deficit of edu¬cational models capable to work under modern condi¬tions. Unfortunately, the mankind is not safeguarded today against various extreme situations. Thereupon it is expedient to teach science of survival, fundamentals of self-preservation at studying such interconnec¬ted disciplines as Fundamentals of Safety of Habitabi¬lity and physical culture. The authors consider the forms of training simulating situations of survival under con¬ditions of independent existence. In the process of learning the skills strengthening general physical qua¬lities, health and raising physical culture are formed. | 1344 | |||||
630 | The article deals with the problems of semantic updating of the lexical structure of the Russian language for the last two decades, one of the types of the semantic derivation – the expansion of semantics of lexical units is considered. | 1344 | |||||
631 | The article considers the reasons for the construction of mountain plants in the region, the creation and development of a regional management model metallurgical industry of the Southern Urals in the 18th century. There are shown principles and methods of management, as well as the peculiarities of its functioning. The contribution of the leaders of central and regional governments to improve its management structure. Keywords: Mining industry, the Mining Board, mining bosses, mountain plants, the boss | 1344 | |||||
632 | The article reveals the nature and direction of author’s transformations of a famous fairy-tale story – five variants of folk tales “Go there – I do not know where, bring it – I do not know that” in the play L. Filatov “About Fedotshooter, daring good fellow”. The article analyzes the system of characters, events, motives, considers the balance of forces in the folklore and author’s fairy-tale, defines the functions entered characters L. Filatov’s. Keywords: L. Filatov, Russian folk tale and its variants, author’s dramatic fairy tale, action of the play “About Fedot-shooter, daring good fellow” | 1344 | |||||
633 | The article reviews the problem of building students’ creative thinking at foreign language lessons by means of using written and oral tasks at non-language specialities. Implementation of creative writing is proposed as a solution to this problem. Key features of creative writing and their influence on the components of creative thinking are analyzed. The paper provides the efficiency analysis for this approach in the terms of various conceptions of learning writing. A great amount of attention is paid to creative writing significance in the process of foreign language teaching. In addition to above intellectual skills of a person and his creative potential are discovered too. Keywords: creative writing, creative thinking, creativity, thinking, foreign language, writing | 1344 | |||||
634 | This article discusses the factors that affect the efficiency of the process of teaching foreign students. Analized the educational process on specialties in Chinese universities for Russian students. Analysis of the learning process shows that the important role is played by the university educational system, where Russian students are trained in intercultural communication. The results show that the motivation of students and the process of adaptation in higher school play an important role in the effectiveness of the learning process. The main factors of Russian adaptation of students in Chinese universities are educational communication, educational and psychological and personalitycommunicative components. Based on the results of the study, the advantages and disadvantages of the educational process in Chinese universities were identified and the ways of solving the problems to improve the organization of the educational process were formulated. The current trend in the development of international educational space allows you to highlight the most important ways of improving the educational process. The article formulates solutions to improve the educational process. In the development of educational programs and the organization of the learning process for Russian students, administration and faculty must take into account the mentality of Russian students. Intercultural communication in the organization and in the process of teaching Russian students played a huge and one of the most important roles. For many Russian students the process of adaptation is difficult, there is the influence of both climatic conditions, and educational and communication factors. Successful adaptation depends on many factors of the environment and on the man himself. The more complex is the new environment, the more it differs from the usual environment for the student, the more difficult is the process of adaptation. Keywords: intercultural communication, adaptation, motivation, educational communication, educationalpsychological and personal-communicative approach | 1344 | |||||
635 | This article is devoted to the life and creative works of M.M. Polyakov lived in Tomsk in the end of XIX - begin¬ning pf XX centuries. He was the talent teacher of paint¬ing, as far as propagandist of fine arts, painter, public fig¬ure, collector. Polyakov has collected, kept and passed to the local museum of Tomsk a lot of art values. He left con¬siderable sign in the cultural life of Tomsk but his name is undeservedly forgotten today | 1343 | |||||
636 | Professionalism is understood as special property of people regularly, it is effective and reliable to carry out complex (professional) activity with the set parameters of quality. In article it is proved, that the psychological phenomenon of professionalism of the person should be studied as system object. Individual professionalism is analyzed as property, as a condition and as process of becoming of the expert. It is shown, that at studying professionalism of the person it is expedient to be based on the principles, known systems from the theory: functional, morphological and information. Functions and criteria of professionalism are formulated. | 1343 | |||||
637 | The philosophical tradition of the comprehension of the nature of "desires" in works by Aristoteles, Descartes, Condillac, Lock, Schopenhauer is reproduced in the article. The author reveals the basic tendencies of the development of spiritual and sensual aspirations of lyrical experiences in the poems by Zhukovskiy, Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Vyazemsky | 1343 | |||||
638 | The article deals with the problem of cruel attitude to children in the period of barbarism in Western Europe. The historical peculiarity of attitude to the children is revealed during the comparison of childhood in Western Europe and Russia. The settings of barbarian cruel behavior were found since childhood. A barbarian had to survive in conditions of severe reality since childhood. We can see archaic, cruel attitude to the children which was the basis of formation of the authoritarian structure of consciousness. Keywords: childhood, barbarian, cruelty, authoritarian structure of consciousness | 1343 | |||||
639 | In this article, from the positions of systematical psychology-pedagogical approach you can see the reason analysis cf educational quality insufficiency and teachers training quality insufficiency in various educational systems. Here the conditions of effective activation of cognitive activity are presented and grounded. These conditions promote the development of intellectual, professional and creative abilities of students and pupils. Here we present the examples of effective conditions in different educational subjects, which develop a personality and incarnate his or her potential creative scope. | 1342 | |||||
640 | In this article some aspects of historical-philosophical ideas G.P. Fedotov’s (1886–1951) are considered. These ideas are connected with his interpretation of Russian revolution (1917). The scientist’s aspiration to bring out connection of revolution with the previous development of Russia as well as with general word tendency is also given. | 1342 | |||||
641 | The article deals with socio-cultural context searching models of educational practices of rural schools suitable for changing demands of contemporaneity. Information-communicative, plural and technological character of sociability of postindustrial society allows rural schools to develop rural society favoring positive self-determination of pupils to different kinds of social activities of his/her village Keywords: educational practice, human potential, rural school, educational results, overting, communication | 1342 | |||||
642 | In the article results of empirical research of manifestations of emotional burning out at various categories of teachers are presented. Emotional burning out is defined as structural personal education that allows considering this phenomenon in the aspect of the phenomenon of professional deformation. Keywords: personality, behavior, professional deformation, emotional burning out, specifics of professional activity | 1342 | |||||
643 | The formation of the picture ofmaladjustment of adolescents, the complex of unfavourable microsocial conditions have shown a certain dependence on the clinical and dynamic variant of personal bias or stages. The authors justified the adequacy of personological approach and based on its integrated programs of psycho-diagnostics and prevention, that will substantially optimize corrective, therapeutic, rehabilitative measures and increase their effectiveness. Keywords: maladjustment, deviant behavior of adolescents, micro social-environmental factors, psychological testing, personological approach | 1342 | |||||
644 | The author examines various conditions and different aims of Science in modern and postmodern society forming the main distinctions of classical and nonclassicai rationality. The article not only suggests methodology of science orientation but makes an objective conclusion that science of serving is oriented round man and nature while science of predominating is oriented round things, moral neutrality and technoworld. | 1341 | |||||
645 | The article presents a description of natural, climatic, environmental, socio-economic peculiarities of Altai Republic and regards their influence on forming of the educational sphere of the region. The particular features of Altai Republic (multi-national composition and low density of population, predominance of agricultural production, adverse weather and climate conditions, environmental problems, high variety of ethnic and religious traditions etc.) make a considerable impact on forming the republic's social basis. | 1341 | |||||
646 | The questions of formation of life values and orientations during education are considered in the article of Z.A. Skripko. The author addresses to historical development of axiology, and gives special attention to the analysis of formation of moral orientations for the youth during training of natural sciences. | 1341 | |||||
647 | The author of this article is examining the issue of researching feminine autobiographical literature. Several models of self-description are traced in the women's autobiographical literature of the 19th century in the gender aspect. The form of mediate self-interpretation is illustrated with the material of “The Memoirs” by A. Smirnova-Rosset | 1341 | |||||
648 | The life «inspector’s situation» described by N. V. Gogol as a “display” of personages2 superficial professionalrolе personality-“mask” which hides an evident inclination for self-assertion in any way is investigated. The psychological meaning of the main personages Khlestakov and governor of a town is considered. The psychological portrait of personages oriented to self-assertion and therefore raised themselves is represented. Keywords: life situation, «inspector’s situation», personality, social role, respect for rank, self-assertion | 1341 | |||||
649 | The adult were more exact in perception of the vertical-horizontal illusion than children aged 7-13 and adult men were more exact than adult women. Visual-manual hemispheric asymmetry had weak influence on the magnitude of distortion of children. At this time it had strong influence on the magnitude of distortion of adults. The adults right-handed or right leading eye demonstrated lower magnitude of distortion than the left-handers and left leading eye. Keywords: vertical-horizontal visual illusion, sex, age, hemispheric asymmetries | 1340 | |||||
650 | Now the children of «risk group» are trained in general educational classes with high filling. Use of possibilities of game activity and classes of physical training is effectively for correction of psychoemotional and cognitive spheres of younger schoolboys. On the basis of the indicators revealed in research the complex of elements of psychological and pedagogical correction has been developed for use at physical training lessons, as with children of «risk group», and with younger schoolboys in general. Decrease of level of anxiety, improvement of indicators of cognitive sphere, physical readiness, behaviour change is direct at a lesson of physical training and improvement of mutual relations in class testifys of positive influence of specially picked over means and methods to the younger schoolboy's person. Keywords: children of «risk group», classes of compensating training, school anxiety, a complex of elements of psychological and pedagogical correction, younger schoolboys, a physical training lesson | 1340 |