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2151 | The article is focused on the separated syntactic constructions as a productive syntactic model which is used in the headlines of online quality press. The headlines from online archives of The Telegraph and The Independent dated back to 2015 and 2017 are used as the material for the study. The article is aimed at explaining the reasons for the use of the separated syntactic constructions in the headlines and singling out the main types of the separated syntactic constructions which are used in the headlines of online quality press. They are segmented constructions (binary separated constructions in which the segment (the first part) represents the main notion and the base (the second part) represents an utterance about the notion); joining constructions (syntactic complex containing two semantically connected utterances which are joining part and joined carrying some additional information); parcelled syntactic constructions (constructions containing the main part and parcelled part(s) which is (are) the rema of the headline separated by a punctuation mark); constructions with parenthesis (when structures of different syntactic levels (words, word combinations, predicate constructions or sentences) are included in the text of the headline to give a particular detail or to emphasize something); and separated syntactic constructions of mixed type (constructions of special type containing all above mentioned separated syntactic constructions as means of syntactic convergence). The article concludes that the separated syntactic constructions help to increase information content of the headline taking into consideration the peculiarities of online media and making the headline more expressive and attractive to the reader. Keywords: headline, separated syntactic constructions, segmented syntactic constructions, joining syntactic constructions, parcelled syntactic constructions, syntactic constructions with parenthesis, separated syntactic constructions of mixed type | 1194 | |||||
2152 | . | 1193 | |||||
2153 | The article presents the concept of the load dosing at the special-preparatory stage of weightlifting sport and the influence of the load dosing on the competi¬tion results. The method of the moderate intensity loading during the period of preparation for the contest was proposed in accordance with some medical parameters and final competition results. The studies have shown that the training cycle of the moderate intensity is more adequate to the adaptation ability of the organism of weightlifting sportsmen and gives higher training effect in compari¬son with the training of the high intensity. | 1193 | |||||
2154 | The detailed analysis of signs of classification of new goods is given: objective and subjective reasons complicating the promotion of innovations. The content of basic innovation strategies in the system of marketing was well revealed. The basic sta¬ges of elaboration of new products and organization forms of management by the process of creating inno¬vations were elucidated. | 1193 | |||||
2155 | In presented work by authors happen to mechanisms verbalisation thought process and word, as ontology factors spiritual in the light-that modern achievements of natural sciences and information biophysicists. Study of mechanisms of energy relationships in regulation processes lifes, announcing a person, gains in principal new aspect, as far as word itself and thought carry material base, confirmed by phychefisiologist studies. | 1193 | |||||
2156 | The author shows how the language and style used in the press depend on the social conditions of its functioning and on the type of publication. In the article, the method of sociolinguistic analysis of newspaper publishing is offered, taking into consideration its focus on the target audience. Typological features of the linguistic model of the publication are found in the headings, titles and texts. The stylistic consistency of the heading, title and text contains the semantic code of the type of publication and marks the professional degree of journalism. | 1193 | |||||
2157 | The article deals with the analysis of pragmatics of different types occasionalisms in M.I. Cvetaeva correspondence on the basis of recipient statements. The realized analysis discovered high degree of Tsvetaeva’s epistolary occasionalisms pragmatics, which is caused by specificity of epistolary sphere of communication as well as the peculiarities of conceptual world picture and individual style of the author. | 1193 | |||||
2158 | The article considers the possible ways of improving technological development of energetic sector of Russia. It also analyzes the advantages of application of innovatory technologies of horizontal and ramificated-harzontal tore-holes to the vertical ones | 1193 | |||||
2159 | Development of psychological schools, directions, sciences in a number of regions of Russia is considered. The analysis of researches of the domestic authors who have devoted the works to studying of a phenomenon of school is made. As a result of the subsequent the content-analysis is allocated a number a determinant which define specificity of development of psychology | 1193 | |||||
2160 | The article presents the data about efficiency of the individual form of organization of educational process, taking into account speech difficulties of a child 5–6 years old with the use of the electronic program, that by turn, allows to optimize logopedist’s work and to reduce time for the choice of materials for studies, to diversify training methods. Keywords: logopaedics, individual form of teaching, electronic program | 1193 | |||||
2161 | The article considers the problems of the formation of future teachers’ professional competences in the process of foreign language teaching which are particularly actual at preset due to the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education. Interactive teaching, authentic materials and use of new information technologies give great possibilities for developing students’ abilities, skills and knowledge, which will grow into the required teachers’ professional competences. Keywords: formation, future teacher, professional competences, foreign language teaching | 1193 | |||||
2162 | The lack of theoretical knowledge of the concept “specialist’s competitiveness” in pedagogical studies is stated. General description of competitive specialist on the basis of essential characteristics presented in recent pedagogical studies is given. An acme approach to analyze peculiarities of competitive specialist is considered. Keywords: theoretical knowledge, investigation, competitive specialist, competitive activity, acme level, approach, pedagogical studies | 1193 | |||||
2163 | In the present article the analysis of some structural grammatical varieties, as well as structural-semantic functions of the joint constructions as the marker of the structural-semantic composition in the comparative plane on the material of the modern English and Tartar languages is being conducted. Keywords: joint constructions, supplementary predicativity, semi-composite sentence | 1193 | |||||
2164 | In article deals with the place of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in the system of pedagogical education of Russia, it compares its performance with that of other leading universities in the country. Keywords: ranking of universities, the system of teacher education, scientific schools, innovation in education | 1193 | |||||
2165 | Based of the first introduced into scientific use of archival materials of the criminal case the article considers the activity of the member of the security authorities, the head of the NKVD city department of Tomsk during the “Great Terror”, I. V. Ovchinnikov. Keywords: political repression, NKVD, Siberia, Tomsk | 1193 | |||||
2166 | The typological signs of an image of the fool in V. Voinovich’s prose in comparison with the image of fairy tale Ivan-fool and as special type of Russian national character in the article are considered. Keywords: V. Voinovich, fairy tale Ivan-fool, typology of a fool’s image, Ivan Chonkin, absurd, conflict, satirical novel | 1193 | |||||
2167 | Different means and methods of subtext representation in M. Tsvetaeva poetry cycle “Provoda” are studied in the article. Marking out of certain regulative means and implicit structures is proposed to be the major method of revealing the whole semantics of poetry pieces. Keywords: subtext, subtext representation, implicit meaning, regulation, regulative means and implicit structures | 1193 | |||||
2168 | We investigate a specic model for a dark energy which lead to the Quasi-Rip cosmology. In the Quasi-Rip model the equation of state parameter w is less than -1 in the rst stage, but then in the second stage is larger than -1. The conditions for the appearance the Quasi-Rip in the terms of the parameters equation of state are received. Keywords: dark energy, cosmological constant, equation of state, bound structures | 1193 | |||||
2169 | The article discloses the concept and design techniques in the sphere of life safety during the period of preschool childhood. The algorithm of educational designing in the sphere of life safety among preschoolers includes the formation of educational aims in the sphere of life safety; modeling; construction of education in the sphere of life safety among preschoolers and identification of the technology in formation the culture of life safety among preschoolers. Designing educational environment life safety should ensure the interaction of the system, cultural, personal, action-reflexive approaches. Keywords: pedagogical designing, education in the sphere of life safety, design techniques of education during the period of preschool childhood, methods of approaching the educational designing in the sphere of life safety | 1193 | |||||
2170 | The review summarizes literary data on a problem of alcohol dependence among various ethnic groups of Russia and the world. The results of studies show the significant influence of ethnicity on the development of alcoholdependent behavior. Special attention is paid to studies of the characteristics of alcohol consumption by indigenous people of the Far North of Russia. The paper analyses the preconditions to the formation of alcohol dependence among ethnic groups in Northern populations. Acculturation and acculturative stress are designated as conditions conducive to the development of alcohol dependence among representatives of native populations. Ethno-culturally competence is identified as the main characteristics of the strategy for the treatment and prevention of substance use disorders among different ethnic groups. Keywords: ethnicity, ethnic groups, alcohol dependence, acculturative stress | 1193 | |||||
2171 | Over the past years, the term “visualization” or “cognitive visualization” is widespread in pedagogy and methods of teaching some disciplines, especially mathematics, geometry and information technologies. The article describes the background and possible reasons for the sustainable interest of scientific and pedagogical public to methods of cognitive visualization. The author analyzes contemporary sources and concludes that despite the intensive study of cognitive visualization, prospects and opportunities of its application in the field of humanities are not developed enough. Particular attention is paid to the method of “mind maps”, as one of the most effective means of training both native and foreign language. Keywords: cognitive visualization, linguodidactics, mind map, visual means, graphic organizers | 1193 | |||||
2172 | In the article we discuss the problem of formation and evaluation of pedagogical competences in the field of preschool foreign language education. Modern educational companies are in need of flexible and constantly developing teachers. The technology of portfolio is shown as one of the effective technologies which allows us to collect and structure all the information about the development of pedagogical competences. The teacher’s portfolio consists of a teacher questionnaire, English placement test, individual plan, project, teacher’s characteristics and selfreflection. It also helps to evaluate a teacher at any period of her or his professional development. The sources of evaluation are supervisors’ feedback, parents’ feedback and self-reflection. We distinguish four main pedagogical competences in the field of preschool foreign language education. They are communicative competences, informative competences, organizational competences and creative activity. We also formulate the requirements according to the three-level system of formation of the main pedagogical competences and the criteria of evaluation for each of three levels. The level «I know» means teachers understand the importance of self-development and they learn new skills. The level «I can» means teachers practice new skills at their lessons. The level «I can teach» means teachers can share their experience with colleagues. Keywords: professional development, preschool education, competences, foreign language teacher, portfolio, training, supervision, self-reflection | 1193 | |||||
2173 | In the article the author examined the views of scientists on the problem of choosing the topic of the study and described the requirements for choosing the topic of children’s research: accessibility, interest and benefit for the child. The text of the article contains a description of the mistakes that children make when formulating the title of the topic of the latest research. Semenova N. A. singles out the peculiarities of preschoolers’ research activity, she describes the approaches to the selection of the research topic in the kindergarten, reveals the differences between the spontaneous and specially organized research activity of preschool children. The article presents approaches to the selection of topics for educational research in primary school. Enumerated educational tasks, which the teacher solves when choosing the topic of children’s research activities. The author of the article proposed a method how to identify and formulate these criteria for choosing the topic of his research by junior schoolchildren in joint activities with the teacher. He provides the results of the analysis of the themes of children’s research works performed by junior schoolchildren and submitted for the contest “Create, Explore, Try” at Tomsk State Pedagogical University for seven years. The researcher makes a conclusion about what topics and why are claimed by the pupils of the primary school. Keywords: research topic, choice of research topics, competition of children’s research works | 1193 | |||||
2174 | Introduction. Modern requirements for professional pedagogical activity are updated, the leading functions of the educational system are described, and normative regulations for the use of the concepts of competence and competence are analyzed. Material and methods. The research material was theoretical and empirical observations on the problem of formation of future teachers. The analysis of current scientific sources allowed us to identify the leading ideas and analyze them taking into account the modern practice of professional pedagogical education. Results and discussion. Professional pedagogical education, focused on the formation of professional competencies, is in a state of development while maintaining the traditions of domestic education as a social practice and social institution. The set of analyzed approaches to defining the concept of professional pedagogical competence of a number of scientists (T. G. Brazhe, A.V. Khutorskaya, S. N. Chistyakova, etc.) allowed updating modern requirements for a teacher. In this context, several analytical and foresight studies were analyzed in order to identify the leading trends in the development of the system of professional training of future teachers. The principles of interdisciplinarity and phenomenological vision of the concept of pedagogical multidimensionality are described from the position of prolonged requirements for professional pedagogical activity, which can contribute to the quality training of the future teacher. Conclusion. A set of requirements to a modern teacher will claim wide knowledge of the subject area of professional activity, sufficient knowledge in related fields of knowledge and possession of competencies that will allow them to remain prolonged in demand in professional terms, possible with a rational combination of both crosscutting principles of the organization of the educational process and principles of formation of personality as a multidimensional professional. Keywords: professional pedagogical education, professional competences, competences, interdisciplinarity, multidimensionality | 1193 | |||||
2175 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 25-29 . | 1192 | |||||
2176 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 31-33 . | 1192 | |||||
2177 | Educational-pedagogical prognosis is the sphere of scientific knowledge In which principles, phenomena and methods of prognosis concerning specific objects which are studied by sciences of education, are considered. In this case, the object of research is pedagogical practice. The particularities of educational activity's objects, periods of scientific research, methods of prognosed-strategic research are examined in this article. | 1192 | |||||
2178 | In this work by the author happen to influence data weather and natural conditions on shaping a phyche of people, their consciousness, thinkings, glances, cultures and lifestyle. The Author for the explanation of relationships between psychic processes uses information-energy phyche model, presented in psychological terms, leaning on fundamental laws natura with attraction of system approach and principles of harmony. | 1192 | |||||
2179 | Basic kinds of students' competence in the period of pedagogical practice are considered to this article. Criteria of effectiveness of students' professional -pedagogical practice are defined here. The results of «Edinbut's questionarre», that show changes in students' motivation to pedagogical activity before and after pedagogical practice, are given in the article. | 1192 | |||||
2180 | This article contents the analyses of the substantial parts of the investment momentum, influence on the investment system. | 1192 | |||||
2181 | In the article results of studies of vegetative components of orienting reflex of man are present. Considered influ¬ence of particularities of temperament, functional asym¬metry, vegetative regulation on the nature of orienting reflex. | 1192 | |||||
2182 | Stem-building markers became the formal factors of the declensions only in the course of time. Originally, they were not indifferent to the semantics of the nouns and joined to certain names only. The comparative analysis of nouns with consonantal elements -j-, -w-, -n- in Gothic convinces us of the ancient origin of the markers -j-, -w- as the morphological structure of the word allows to reveal earlier elements. Every stem-building marker with a consonantal element possesses its specific feature and expresses more concrete lexical meaning. The original meaning of the consonantal markers -j-, -w- was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness but they lost this meaning. Only the marker -n- has kept the meaning of animateness, and vowel markers show the grammatical gender. | 1192 | |||||
2183 | This article presents two problems. The first is to show the importance of recognition of spiritual factor determining in the policy of cooperation between states; to formulate proposals for documents of the United Nations, UNESCO and other public organizations, realizing initiative of peaceful nonviolent existence of people. The second is to show real opportunities of educational system in preparing for nonviolent style of life. | 1192 | |||||
2184 | The article presents research findings of morphological marking of abstract nouns in Gothic, Old High German and Old Icelandic. It is found out that the abstract nouns in these languages are mostly feminine and are primarily used in singular forms. A historical analysis of the categories of number and gender reveals their interaction in the evolution of grammatical gender system. | 1192 | |||||
2185 | Transformation of sense in professional consciousness of the future teacher arises, as has shown research, from the second rate and it is especially intensively shown before the ending of training in high school. Transformation of senses in consciousness of the future teacher can not be carried out without the reference to own ideas, feelings, associations, experiences concerning forthcoming professional work. The submitted variant of application of qualitative methods of diagnostic research transformation of sense in professional consciousness of the person, can become powerful stimulus by way of reflective self-disclosing the future teachers - professionals. Keywords: consciousness, transformation of sense, vocational training of the teacher, personal sense, the metaphorical text | 1192 | |||||
2186 | The paper analyzes the activities of the First (1821 - 1838) and the Second (1852 - 1864) Siberian Committees aimed at establishment of rational education management system in Western Siberia. Interaction between the central and the regional authorities is discussed, debatable points are revealed and the results of changes in education management system are summarized Keywords: Siberian Committees, reform, education, Western Siberia | 1192 | |||||
2187 | The article reviews the results of research. It is exposed that shift of interest to narrative in bioethics and creation of narrative ethics are natural consequences of realizing the necessity of “turning” to a patient, necessity of protection of his individuality. The role and objects of narrative in medical practice are defined and it is exposed that one of physician’s criterion of professionalism is taking into account patient’s narrative. Keywords: narrative medicine, narrative ethics, individuality, physician-patient relationship, narrative competence | 1192 | |||||
2188 | The article covers the problem of perception of the contemporary Russian prose by the Western criticism; a special attention is given to the analysis of differences in approach and of national and cultural peculiarities of the perception of the newest Russian literature in Russia and in the West. By means of the contrastive analysis of opinions about L.Petrushevskaya's, V.Makanin's, V.Pelevin's works in the native and English-speaking criticism the major tendencies in the reception of the contemporary Russian literature are developed. Keywords: contemporary Russian prose, English-speaking criticism, western criticism, native criticism and philology, feministic literature, female prose, Soviet literature and mentality, postmodernism, pop-culture, cognitive dissonance, Russian national archetype | 1192 | |||||
2189 | The article describes the activity of an outstanding scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the founder of Tomsk academic science – V. E. Zuev. Author accents the questions, connected with preparatory work of foundation of the first academic institute and formation of the structure of Tomsk scientific center of Siberian department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He also shows the significant role of the scientist in establishment of the network of research institutions in Tomsk city, gives the main data of life history of V. E. Zuev. Keywords: academician, V. E. Zuev, institute, science, research, scientific center, Tomsk State University, scientist, laboratory | 1192 | |||||
2190 | The article deals with the works by Oleg Bogaev, who represents the “new writing” as a modern way in Ural drama. In his plays there is a specific positive energy of the comic approach, which is opposed to the esthetics of estrangement, that is typical of the “new writing” at the turn of the century. Keywords: comic approach, new drama, theatre of the absurd, theatre of the cruelty, character, conflict, alogism. | 1192 | |||||
2191 | In the article the most rational ways of integration of the enterprises of a timber industry complex are proved and analyzed. As the most a topical, the formation of vertically integrated structures of holding type is offered. Keywords: the timber industry complex, vertically integrated structure, integration, holding | 1192 | |||||
2192 | This article provides a method for analyzing text clips, developed by the author on the basis of theoretical reflection on contemporary research in linguistics of text. As examples to demonstrate the practical application of the methodology used clips “итак” and “таким образом” with different text functions. Keywords: text, text clip, method of analysis, left context, right context, connection of components | 1192 | |||||
2193 | The article deals with problems of teaching basics of computer geometry in teacher training of computer science and mathematics teachers. The peculiarity of this subject is the study of algorithm approach to geometry problems solving. The authors worked out sets of methodical manuals, comprising automatic training and controlling programmes in “Coordinate Transformation” and “Curves of the Second Row”. Keywords: computer geometry, pedagogic programme means, training and controlling programmes, “Coordinate Transformation” and “Curves of the Second Row”, algorithm thinking | 1192 | |||||
2194 | This article deals with the phenomenon of open joint action as a special type of interaction between the teacher and the student. The subject of consideration is the word semantics “open”, and the characteristics of opening joint educational content. Justifi ed the allocation of the action as the basic units of educational content in elementary school. Keywords: open, the openness, the opening joint program, the communication, the opened and closed systems | 1192 | |||||
2195 | The article considers forms of adaptive behaviour that are fundamental for the sociogenesis, that is, for the evolutionary process, during which cognitive abilities have been formed. The decisive role in this process belongs to the artifi cial phylogenetic human activity, which gave the start sociogenesis and appearance of cultural forms of social behaviour. The synthesis of these forms of activity is the result of the development of symbolic and evolutionarily new human mental abilities. Keywords: adaptation, activity, behaviour, sociogenesis | 1192 | |||||
2196 | This paper is the result of a theoretical study of the content of the concept of “psychological and criminological characteristics of the individual offender”. It examines the psychological and forensic approach to the investigation of criminal conduct and the offender, based on the refl ection of individual personality characteristics of the offender in the process of committing a crime. Keywords: psychological and crime detection feature to personalities of the criminal, crime, personality of a criminal, the criminal behaviour, the way of committing a crime | 1192 | |||||
2197 | The paper reveals the methodological features of strategic planning at the regional level in the context of strategic management. The problems to the effective using of strategic planning tools are shown. The structure and quality of development strategies of the Siberian Federal District are analyzed. Authors provide recommendations for improving the regional strategic planning. Keywords: strategic planning, structure, strategy, strategic management, mission, PEST and SWOT-analysis, social-economic development of the Siberian Federal District | 1192 | |||||
2198 | The article considers the phenomenon of coupling and is defined by its function as a link between the different types of extensions within a single text. On the example of the poem by M. I. Tsvetaeva there was revealed the possibility of dominance over other types of coupling extension, and also its regulatory capacity. Keywords: the type of extension, regulation of the text, regulatory function, coupling | 1192 | |||||
2199 | Interrelation between Tajik proverbial corpus and peculiarities of national mentality, not discussed earlier, is considered in the article. Key features of Tajik/Persian mentality have been distinguished and highlighted by scoping literary review on the problem. The strata of 950 Tajik and Persian proverbs was searched to find characteristic features of national psychology and analyze them to discover specific peculiarities of world outlook and national ideology. Features of national mentality, verbally fixed in folk phraseology, specify psychological portrait of Tajik ethnicity and discover possibilities of national language to add important details to understanding of national culture and historical development. Keywords: national mentality, culture, Tajik language, proverbs | 1192 | |||||
2200 | The article presents the experience of comparative analysis of phraseological units in the Russian and Chinese languages with the somatic component of the “tooth”. The research analyzed the position of the classic and modern linguistic studies, actualizing the cultural semantization of phraseological units. Analytically described the semantic nests of the collected fund of phraseological units with somatism “tooth” in the Chinese and Russian languages. Carried out a comparison of the shared and unique values of phraseological units. In the Chinese language there are idioms connected with speech activity, with the appearance and facial expressions of a person, reflecting the relationship between people, with a person describing the action of speaking, as well as the unique meanings associated with a book, an article, with durability. The following meanings are established in the Russian language: strength, food, experience, reflection of the person’s negative emotions (resentment, wrath, anger, hatred), the symbolic expression of aggression. It is found that somatism “tooth” in Chinese and Russian phraseological units symbolically replaces the individual elements of the surrounding reality, conditioned by the history of peoples, their religions, customs and traditions, the natural conditions and value systems of the people, and therefore can not be considered identically, which must be taken into account in the process of mastering the language, and in the process of translation. Keywords: phraseological units, somatism, semantization, comparative analysis | 1192 |