# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3601 | The set of devices for treatment of air against and for various characteristics of its content are designed (purification, moisturing, ionization, filling with medicines, aromatizing fumes, etc). A historical outline of development of biological and technical findings in this field. This information was used for formulating unsolved problems in air purification field | 1127 | |||||
3602 | This research sets the task to analyze the «ontological» and «temporal» turn, which take place in the philosophy of 20th century. The central figure of this «turn» is M. Heidegger, who explicated in some fundamental works the relation between time and being. Destruction of the history of ontology from Aristotle to Heidegger shows that all traditional ontologica! terms are constituted with concept of time, which sets in motion the entire system of fundamental concepts of European metaphysics: arche. eidos, energia. kinesis ousia, parusia, Essenz, Existenz, Substanz, Subjekt. Our general strategy consists in clarification of the relationships between time and ontology and in explication of ontological status of time. | 1127 | |||||
3603 | The paper is dedicated to the investigation of linguistic mechanisms of forming trends of association in Mandel’shtam’s lyric poetry. The analysis of means of forming associations in the texts allowed to find important peculiarities of the poetic ideostyle. | 1127 | |||||
3604 | This research sets the task of analysis the «onto-logical» and «temporal» turn, which take place in 20th century philosophy. The central figure in this «turn» is M. Heidegger, who‘s fundamental works are explicated the relation between time and being. The article show two Heidegger’s research programs and its methods. Our general strategy consist in clarification of the relationships between time and ontology and in explication of the fundamental ontological status of time. | 1127 | |||||
3605 | The evolution of anthropological sights of I. Annensky is traced in the article on the material of his dramatic art and criticism («the Book of reflections»). In critical works of the poet the specificity of an embodiment such as «the person of decadence» comes to light, the ways of its overcoming planned by Annensky are analyzed. Annensky’s dramatic art is considered as a variant of overcoming of cultural crisis of «transitive epoch» as a result of actualization of valuable system of antique tragedy of the pre-Euripi’s period. | 1127 | |||||
3606 | A problem of introduction of ecological knowledge in modern educational process of Pedagogic University is being researched in this article. The author has designed a principle of translation of ecological knowledge with a point of view of social and cultural aspects and submitted certain forms, technologies and educational projects directed to the model to be realized. | 1127 | |||||
3607 | The article is devoted to the unsufficiently studied problem in German linguistics related to the choice of syntactic subordination in the quantitative word combinations with the second component expanded by an adjective (participle) Nquant+AdjN and eine Art +AdjN. The material analysed has shown that despite recommendations of classic grammar reference books to choose co-ordination as a type of subordination for the syntactic structure of these constructions, the genitive and prepositional subordination still exists and is the most widely used one. Moreover, the hypothesis that the syntactic organization of these constructions is determined by the grammatical characteristics of their components has been confirmed. | 1127 | |||||
3608 | Auditing financial results is one of the most important conditions of the successful enterprise activity. The authors of the article consider the task of estimating periodicity such procedure using rule minimization of Bayesian risk. | 1127 | |||||
3609 | In this work are given the results of calculations of characteristics of Auger-spectrum, arising from the decaying via Coulomb autoionisation of quartet terms 1s2pnl in Li atom and Be+ ion to the adjacent 1s2sеl quartet continuum | 1127 | |||||
3610 | In territory of Western Siberia last decade the change populations and spases structure malaria mosquitoes of a sort Anopheles is registered. It is supposed, that the change of a parity of competing kinds in common maintained reservoirs in many respects is connected to microevolutionary processes occurring at mosquitoes in conditions warming of a climate. In populations of insects as a whole there was a sharp reduction of a share of “northern” inversions XL1, XL2, 2R1, 3R1, 3L1 and distribution of variants, alternative to them | 1127 | |||||
3611 | Authors on the basis of the analysis of the literary data, accessible normative materials and own psychological researches give the characteristic of conditions of professional work, personal features and components of a way of life of modern employees of militia who are carrying out official duties, connected with a safety of passengers Росийского railway, air and a sailing charter. The characteristic of professionally significant, personal qualities and requirements of professional suitability to the maintenance of vocational training in such structures as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is given. Carried out researches have the important scientific and practical value | 1127 | |||||
3612 | In the article the analytical survey of the current state and development prospects of labor-market and labor power in Russia is represented; the principal directions of modernization of Russian basic vocational education in the context of students’ training for professional and social adaptation in the labor-market are highlighted | 1127 | |||||
3613 | In the article the necessity and opportunity of purposeful formation of scientific outlook at lessons of physics are shown. The complex of methodical approaches to formation of scientific and moral components of modern scientific outlook is offered. Keywords: outlook, moral component, lesson of physics, electromagnetic treatment, personal-significant attitude | 1127 | |||||
3614 | The paragenetic structure of landscapes within physical-geographical (natural region) provinces of the plain part of Altay territory is described. The results of study of landscapes complexes view that it is characterized by paragenetic links between structures elements of landscapes causing by contrast of environments. Keywords: the principle of contrast, the type of terrain, paragenetic landscape | 1127 | |||||
3615 | The article deals with main aspects of analysis of the play “Mandate” by N. Erdman and the performance directed by V. Mejerhold by formal theatrical criticism in the 1920-s. We consider different estimations of the play and the performance. Keywords: formal theatrical criticism, “Mandate”, N. Erdman, V. Mejerhold, formal-content aspect of theatrical criticism | 1127 | |||||
3616 | . | 1127 | |||||
3617 | The article tells about educational adaptively-developmental environment, which contains the process of student development and there defined the concept of the environment, principles of its development and key approaches for its formation. The article examines the modern Western psychological and educational literature on this issue, it studies the effect of the educational climate on psychological and educational characteristics of students, the article examines the educational climate in terms of students, teachers and parents. The analysis suggests that the organization of educational, adaptive-developing environment includes a variety of forms and activities. Keywords: adaptive-developmental environment, levels of the environment’s formation, criteria and indicators for its formation | 1127 | |||||
3618 | In the present paper problems of interconnection of the contents of the foundation of exact sciences with the contents of the future occupational teaching are regarded , based on the material of the Phisycs course in the process of pre-profile preparation and profile instruction. An algorythm of selecting information of industrial character , its systematization and inclusion of it into the contents of the school subject as an example of the operation of the scientific laws is provided. Keywords: profile instruction, contents of a school subject, information concerning production, their interconnection in the teaching process | 1127 | |||||
3619 | The article is devoted to the organization of work with gifted children in physics and mathematics at the Centre of additional education at the pedagogical university in Tomsk. There are principles of organization of the educational environment on the basis of the preliminary analysis of the features of gifted children. Keywords: talented children, additional education, educational environment, pedagogical university, physics and mathematics education | 1127 | |||||
3620 | The paper considers the names of perching birds in the Selkup language. The ornithonyms are systematized and their morphemic divisions let us defi ne their possible initial meaning for the Selkup nation. The aim of the paper is developing nomination characteristics of the considered ornithonyms. Keywords: Selkup language, names of birds (ornithonyms), nomination characteristics | 1127 | |||||
3621 | The article defines the reading type that lies in the foundation of teaching senior secondary school students to read original German texts containing linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistic information. The author analyses the views of researchers considering the reading process from the perspective of psychology, linguistics and methodology. Special attention is given to reviewing the types of reading. This issue is one of the most theoretically developed, but not yet terminologically stable. The characteristics of “mature” and “immature” reading in the native and foreign languages are identified and described. As a result, on the basis of the conducted research, the type of reading most suitable for teaching to read the original texts is proposed, its characterization is given. Keywords: reading, types of reading, original texts, “mature” reading, “immature” reading, reading with full understanding | 1127 | |||||
3622 | Some aspects of the interpretation of fiction associated with changes of cultural dominant are considered in the article; the author draws attention to what grounds laid down in the text of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “The Gambler” contributes to the emergence of new interpretation in the changed conditions; diachronic connection problem of interpretation fields is considered as a condition of preservation the integrity of culture. Keywords: image of the reader, interpretation, concept, cultural dominant | 1127 | |||||
3623 | The consistent tendencies towards the standardization of education result in the implementation of language standards in different countries and regions of the world. The conditions of their emergence and functioning define the language conventions specified in the standards as the basis of foreign language learners’ linguistic competence. The language of coursebooks of English is considered to be the source for their linguistic experts’ evaluation. The language standards being used to evaluate the coursebooks lead on to developing a set of criteria for such an evaluation including the area of cross-cultural communication and communication strategies in general as well as the acquisition of concrete lexical, grammatical and functional units of language. Keywords: language standards, competence, competency, competency-based approach, the language of coursebooks of English, linguistic analysis of coursebooks, expert evaluation of coursebooks | 1127 | |||||
3624 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the global changes of labor resources quality in conditions of economy transformation. A distinctive feature of the modern economy is increase of information, intellectual and innovation components of the basic factors of production. Human resources become the main capital of the new economy which is also called knowledge economy. The article states the increasing role of knowledge, an increased interest in education throughout the world, the growth of the educational level of employment in the economy. It shows the problems of the existing system of education in Russia and the necessity of creation of conditions for lifelong learning. Keywords: knowledge economy, human resources, intellectual potential, continuous education, self-education | 1127 | |||||
3625 | The article is devoted to the research of the problem of studying of spiritual imperatives of art and publicistic works of F. M. Dostoyevsky at the lessons of literature considering priority tasks of national educational policy in the field of spiritual and moral education and education, setting for creation of students’ motivation for conscious moral behavior through acquaintance with classical works of the Russian literature of the 19th century. The study of the spiritual imperatives of creative work of Dostoyevsky can become the base of spiritual and moral education, forming of valuable structure of the personality in the situation of the accrescent challenges, loss of capability of cultural and world outlook self-identification. Acquaintance of students with the work of the writer shall begin in the advanced teenage age when the request for a conversation on values and meanings is personally staticized. The optimum form of the organization of the effective work on studying of spiritual imperatives of the art and publicistic works of Dostoyevsky is a dialogue, a discussion, the search by the teacher and the student of joint decisions, the aspiration for self-determination and self-analysis. In the work with personal value orientation of the teacher on creation of the serious substantial base of studying of the writer’s works the following aspects are important: knowledge of biographical context of Dostoyevsky’s life, idea of formation stages of valuable and world outlook features of the person, studying of conceptual contents of the writer’s works, knowledge of specifics of the Russian literature formation. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, spiritual imperatives, spiritual and moral education, author, reader, Russian culture, Orthodoxy, work of art, axiology, morality, novels of the Pentateuch, “A Writer`s Dairy”, value-oriented training, motivation, dialogue | 1127 | |||||
3626 | The article examines the role of explication of the evaluating attitude in the „star” interview. The evaluation category is an integral part of the linguistic view of the world. A man’s relation to the world and other people is the relation of active interaction with the world around and purposeful transformation of the world according to his values. The intentional features of “star” interview aimed at maximum disclosure of the interlocutor’s personality, as well as at the identification of his value conceptions are described in the work. The evaluation of the agent’s life experience and his social status form the basis for choosing value orientations – ideological, aesthetic, moral grounds for evaluating the world around. Therefore, it could be argued that the evaluation expresses the objective and subjective relation of the agent of speech to the designated one. The characteristic of structure and components of evaluation is given. The emotionalevaluative state of the agent requires special linguistic forms of his objectification. Examples of language verbalization of the evaluation in the “star” interview are given. The choice of the means depends on speaker’s interpretation of this or that fact and his evaluation of this or that object’s act. The research has shown that the modern language has a variety of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, phraseological means for adequate expression of the emotionally-valued relations to the agent of the utterance. As a rule, there is a close interaction of linguistic means of various levels. Keywords: “star” interview, evaluation, structure of evaluation, components of evaluation, the emotionalevaluative replies, language verbalization of the evaluation | 1127 | |||||
3627 | The article deals with analysis of the professional language personality of Natalia O’Shea – a singer, musician, songwriter and leader of the rock-group “Mel’nitsa” (The Mill). The material of research is the texts of the interviews (2004–2017 years). The author of the article describes in detail the three levels of the artist’s professional language personality: 1) the level of professional consciousness; 2) the verbal level; 3) the motivating and pragmatical level. The texts of the interviews give knowledge about N. O’Shea’s views of nature of creative work, things which inspire the artist, her musical and general erudition. Natalia O’Shea considers her creative work as a complicated subjective process of connection of individual impressions and emotions with allusions to literary works, fairytales and myths. The artist compares songwriting with stained-glass window creation, cultivation of flower etc. She notes that her activity as a musician is tightly connected with her scientific interests in philology. Natalia O’Shea knows terminology of music very well. In her stories about songwriting and recording of songs, playing the musical instruments the artist uses not only professional lexis, but different expressive means of language. There are a lot of onyms and a number of citations in speech of the artist. This research is interesting for linguopersonology and communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: professional language personality of the artist, Natalia O’Shea, interview | 1127 | |||||
3628 | The article presents the results of research and scientific-methodical work of the professional-pedagogical community of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in designing the modular educational programs for training bachelors of pedagogical education on the basis of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ through coordination of the FSES and professional standards. The authors suggest approaches to designing the structure of modular educational programs for training teachers at the University at the undergraduate level and determine the grounds for the allocation of their modules with the designation of the invariant and variable component. The didactic features of modular educational programs – from goal-setting to the final evaluation of their effectiveness are substantiated. The results of designing the list of professional competencies of bachelor graduates for the modular educational program 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (bachelor level) and the description of the content and organizational characteristics of such a modular educational program are presented. The materials of the article can be used by the heads of the main educational programs and administrative and management teams of Russia’s pedagogical universities in the context of transferring students to BEP (basic educational program) mastering created in accordance with the requirements of FSES HE 3 ++ in conjunction with professional standards of pedagogical activity. The content of the article is based on the use of the method of theoretical analysis, expert method, focus group method, pedagogical design methods. Author’s scientific and methodological developments of TSPU specialists are a means of implementing innovative transformations of bachelor’s practices of training a teacher in a university. Keywords: pedagogical education, professional standard of the teacher, the main educational program for bachelor training, professional competences, professional educational module, demonstration exam | 1127 | |||||
3629 | Kolov A. Yu. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 15-17 . | 1126 | |||||
3630 | Oganisyan M. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 33-37 . | 1126 | |||||
3631 | . | 1126 | |||||
3632 | The problem of diagnostics of schoolchildren's educa¬tional progress is a pedagogical and social problem. School is preparing students for their future self-dependent life. And the quality of training is vitally impor¬tant for pupils, parents, teachers and the state as well. Therefore the question of diagnostics is argent as exactly diagnostics can allow to control the process of learning and teaching. The present article is dedicated to the subject of reali¬zation diagnostics in the cognitive field of personality's development. Diagnostics of quality of knowledge has to be built on estimation evaluation of educational results expressed in the specially formed school activities. And indices should be organized on the basic of op¬erational structure of the activities, which is to be carried out to the rapid assimilation of knowledge. | 1126 | |||||
3633 | The electrochemical properties of sulfur and sulfide mercury en aqueous solvents have been investigated by using voltammetry on mercufy-fiim electrode. The peak of reduction of sulfide mercury in 1 M NaOH and 1 M Na2SO4 is observed at -0.82 ± 0.03 V and 0.80 ± to the reduction of ± 0.01V, the second peak polysulfide ions | 1126 | |||||
3634 | The necessity of studying of the personality theo¬ries for shaping effective systems of motivation and inducing at the plant is exhibited. The analysis of the different theories of the personality, of Russian and of foreign experience, and also registration of specificity of a modern stage allows to eliminate the one-sided approach to construction of motivation model. | 1126 | |||||
3635 | The article is dedicated to the methods of teaching of non-linguistic students oral and written communication. | 1126 | |||||
3636 | Photosynthesising surface extension tendency is characteristic for the most of plants that determinates high rate of growth and space expansion. Such plants can be called «occupants», and their life forms considered as «open». At extreme environment conditions (deserts, high-mountains, polar biomes), not space occupation but homeostasis maintenance by the surface area restriction due to spherical, compact life forms development, became the priority strategy (cushion plants, cactuses, etc.). These plants are «limiters», and their life forms are «closed» | 1126 | |||||
3637 | - | 1126 | |||||
3638 | The article is devoted to the investigation of the financial state of city and working-class consumers’ cooperative societies in Siberia in 1921–1925s. The author focuses his attention on the problems of bank crediting, the use of consumers’ societies’ own funds, the assistance given to these societies by trade unions and economic organizations. The author’s conclusions are based on the documents from the archives, the materials of consumers’ societies’ statistics and periodicals. | 1126 | |||||
3639 | In work on example Telecky lake is analysed relationship hydrogeochemical features surface area of water with solar cycles. For the first time dependency of the number physico-chemical factors of water lake and its influx is shown from main parameter of the solar activity. Keywords: Telecky lake, hydrogeochemikal factors, solar activity | 1126 | |||||
3640 | The article analyses the staff of few complement schools in Tomsk region and forecasts demands in forming pedagogical managing commands in such educational establishmens Keywords: the staff of few complement schools, prognosis of demands, pedagogical managing commands | 1126 | |||||
3641 | The paper outlines the interface of prosodic structure and pragmatic features. In line with cross-linguistic typological generalizations, the primary function of intonation is identified as manifesting salient discourse status, signaling topic-focus discourse functions, and delineating discourse components, clauses and phrases. General correlation is identified between the pitch accent placement and the discourse pragmatic function of Focus. Pitch accent manifests the part of the proposition containing assertion, new, unrecoverable or unexpected information. Keywords: typology, prosody, pragmatics | 1126 | |||||
3642 | The question of public participation in general education on example of the municipal council on education in the city of Tomsk illustrates state public nature of the council forms direct participation of local communities in implementing local government authority in education. Keywords: municipal state public board of education, school board | 1126 | |||||
3643 | For a long time modern linguistics has been taking a closer examination of the issues and facts related to endangered languages, i. e. languages which do not have the written form. In the given article we try to investigate the manifestation of the vowel and consonant phonemes in the Enets, the Nganasan and the Selkup languages on the basis of the audio-visual and experimental methods. We understand that current innovative linguistic research may bring about new results that will contribute to the better knowledge of these languages and their phonetic and phonological structures. Keywords: the aborigines of Siberia: the Enets, the Nganasans, the Selkups; the audio-visual method, the distributive method, a phoneme | 1126 | |||||
3644 | In the article by V.V. Nevolina and V.N. Kazancheev the research of the influence of shadow economy (black market) on the regional interest is presented. The existence of the regional peculiarities of the shadow (black market) processes, their complicated influence on the economic interest of the region is stressed. The authors come to the conclusion that in the light of the struggle against shadow economy (black market) one cannot use only the possibilities of the given region. Keywords: shadow economy/ black market, regional economic interest, industrial approach, economic isolation, victimless crime | 1126 | |||||
3645 | The contradictions of the education system which have arisen in connection with transition to realization of new quality of education and competence-based model of the graduate are shown. Value of activity approach is for elimination of contradictions and a role of style of activity of the teacher as factor of formation of model of the graduate of school. The structure of style of teachers is characterized, two options of its manifestation and metaeffects which form various features of activity of pupils are shown. Keywords: new quality of education, style of pedagogical and educational activity, metaindividual effect of style of activity, metaeffects | 1126 | |||||
3646 | The article deals with the development and different approaches to civic education in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. During all the human history every society aimed at development of civic competences, knowledge among young generations. Nowadays these intensions (more about democratic citizenship) changed into increasing problem, demanding more attention, tightly connected with democratic processes. In different schools of Great Britain there is a program of introduction to the subjects connected with the development of civic competences. The fact of formalizing the subject in England reflects the growing concern among British young people’s attitudes to the civil society, their participation in the political life of the country, and is perceived as an important event in the history of education in the UK. However, the understanding of citizenship, education and cultural identity changes in accordance with the region, and that becomes the reason for different aims and approaches to civic education in Britain. The article presents the peculiarities in understanding of the terms “civic education” and “citizenship” in different countries of the UK. It is concluded that the understanding of these concepts affects the contents, the denomination and methods of teaching the subject of civic orientation in the school system. Aspects of civic education are firmly entrenched in government programs of primary, secondary and higher education, which constantly transform with the changes at different levels of the society. The UK has also these peculiarities and inside the Commonwealth approaches, the names and methods of civic education vary. The differences are due only to the territorial factor and the factor of experience, but, in general, the concept of civic education is a complex and versatile. Keywords: civic education, school, Great Britain, democracy | 1126 | |||||
3647 | In the article we are talking about the psychological and pedagogical adaptation of Chinese students in preparatory courses, mastering Russian as a foreign language from zero level. The key moment in this process is the psychological and pedagogical support of foreign native speakers by their teacher. Based on the conducted Russian and foreign studies, it is noted that informal communication and extracurricular activities of teachers contribute to facilitating the adaptation process in the new educational environment and improving the performance of foreign listeners. The basis of such activities are curators and tutors of training groups who have knowledge of cultural and religious norms and have an idea of the generally accepted rules of conduct of their wards. It is noted that as a result of the presence of such support, the process of adaptation of Chinese listeners and, accordingly, the educational process is optimized. The problem of psychological and pedagogical adaptation is very multifaceted, so for a more effective psychological and pedagogical support of Chinese students, it is necessary to create a system of common policies supporting foreign students. For the successful adaptation of foreign students to the reality of the Russian cultural, social and educational environment, the services and units of Russian universities that engage in hiring and accompanying foreign students must be staffed by teachers, specialists in the field of intercultural communication, ethnography and psychology. Russia can take a worthy place in the world market of educational services, because it has certain advantages, such as high level of teaching, more affordable cost of education, compared to other countries. To the list of advantages it is possible to add the introduction of the system of psychological and pedagogical support of foreign students, including all stages of the educational process. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, psychological and pedagogical adaptation, psychological and pedagogical support | 1126 | |||||
3648 | The paper discusses the issue of the development of the English speaking communicative competence at a technical university, which is thought to have become one of the most essential skills of today’s university staff. Due to this, many of the Russian universities are now reconsidering professional requirements to the staff, believing that good knowledge of English could contribute to faster integration of their universities into global scientific community. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, has designed a number of professional training programmes for the English language acquisition tailored to the specific needs of the academics. The paper focuses on the course outline “English for Scientific and Academic Communicative Purposes” aimed to develop foreign language communicative competence for professional communication within academic society at the level B1/B2 (Independent User) of European communicative competences. During the course, which has been primarily created for the staff of a technical university, the major features of the academic style of communication, academic grammar and vocabulary as well as the structure of the presentation and the ways of presenting scientific contents are studied and practised. Consequently, upon completing the course, the university staff are able to share the results of their professional activity with their foreign colleagues. The learners are expected to obtain the skills of making and delivering a presentation on their professional profile, duties, and challenges, which appears to be one of the major outcomes of the programme. Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, professional communication, English for Scientific and Academic Communicative Purposes, presentation | 1126 | |||||
3649 | Modern society of most countries is not socially homogenous yet composed of a variety of social and ethnic groups. Education in such multicultural state as Russia must take into consideration all components of a society. One of a perspective strategy for successful communication is ethno-pedagogical element in education. The complex of ethno-pedagogic means of formation of cross-cultural competence is aimed to minimize the psychological barriers of communication. It develops communication skills during educational process of foreign students. The ethno-cultural technology in teaching Russian as a foreign language solves three important tasks: transmission of personal culture; synthesis of personal culture with the culture of other ethnic groups; integration into global culture. The elements of ethno-pedagogic methods of education were applied in different historical epochs in places where two different languages and cultures came into contact. One example was presented from the period of Russian colony in Alaska, 1732-1867. In Aleut philosophy, the teacher is more a facilitator of those activities that are known as learning. The learner was engaged in learning activity not in the classroom, as in western societies, but in the different locations of each activity. It was always seasonal; for instance, during sea lion hunting it was at the beach. Instead of teaching by lecturing and talking, the boys were taken out to observe the hunting process conducted by the adult male who was proficient in hunting. The education during Russian period in Alaska was bilingual and bicultural: Russian and Aleut were taught through content on alternative base. Folklore of the indigenous people of Siberia (Selkup, Khanty, Ket) demonstrates examples of ethno-pedagogic strategies. Semantics of folklore discourse reveals the rules of accurate behavior and principles of indigenous worldview. Keywords: foreign students, educational process, institution of higher education, ethno-pedagogy, facilitator, cross-cultural competence, semantics of folklore discourse of indigenous people of Siberia | 1126 | |||||
3650 | Introduction. During the last years of the last century the conceptual sphere “the world of plants” got the attention of linguists. In many of their works, linguists analyse phytometaphor in comparison between two languages. The purpose of this article is to describe the semantic-pragmatical use of phytometaphor in Shalamov’s work The Kolyma Tales and the possibility if its translation in the Italian language. Material and methods. By examining the Italian word “piantone” (orderly) this article focuses on the particular case in which there is not a phytometaphor in the original text but it is present in the translated text. The study proceeds with the analysis of the main characteristics of the figurative sense of this word in both languages and the translators’ motivation in the use of it. Results and discussion. One important feature of Shalamov’s prose is the use of anthropomorphic details in the description of nature. After analyzing the first cycle of stories, we can divide the author’s used phytometaphors into four categories: 1) plant products used as a kind of currency; 2) the external characteristics of a person; 3) likening plants to animals; 4) the internal characteristics of a person. It is important to underline, that in other cases phytometaphor is not used in the original text but it is used in the translated text. After the linguistic analysis of the material (Russian, Italian and French dictionaries and corpora) it is possible to say that the word “piantone” with the meaning of soldier is not an Italian national and specific word but is a calc from French. Conclusion. According to the detailed analysis of the dictionaries and considering the peculiarities of V. Shalamov’s artistic style, the author concludes that the use of this phytometaphor is in line with the general trend of the use of metaphorical vocabulary by V. Shalamov in The Kolyma Tales. Keywords: phytometaphor, phytonym, Shalamov, the Italian language, the Russian language, translation | 1126 |