# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2301 | The system of education as an economic branch and its product - educational services - are analyzed. The economic functions of education are investigated in the article. | 1095 | |||||
2302 | The article deals with the problem of understanding a lingual sign as a symbol and the semantic analysis of words representing symbols of iconic type, i.e. objects of particular admiration that are readily recognized by most people, the English iconic word ‘tea’ taken as an example. | 1095 | |||||
2303 | Some theoretical problems of the subject of the agreement onerous rendering of services and its varieties - a mobile services are considered. The Determination of the subject of the agreement is produced through appropriation it to one of the essential terms of the agreement. Consideration of the service as the subject of the agreement matches up with the notion of the object of civil matter on rendering the mobile services i.e. notion of the service is analysed as subject of the agreement, and as object of civil matter. In connection with specified aspects subject of the agreement of the rendering the mobile services was considered. | 1095 | |||||
2304 | The case system of the Khanty language remains one of the unexplored domains of modern Finno-Ugric Philology. The problem here lies not only in the definition of the number of case endings in the Khanty case paradigm but also in the methods of giving a complete qualitative characteristic of the functions performed by the cases. The article is aimed at giving a full systematic description of the Khanty case system with a special emphasis on the meaning expressed by the case forms. | 1095 | |||||
2305 | The article considers the questions of forming management competence of directors of educational institutions in the sphere of culture. This problem is investigated in the correlation with the modernization of continuous education system in the sphere of culture of Krasnoyarsk Territory. | 1095 | |||||
2306 | In the article the author offers short history of the legal regulations about jury work formation in France and Russia and research the peculiarities of legal regulations about jury work nowadays (by the criminal procedure codes of France and Russian Federation). | 1095 | |||||
2307 | The article relates to the problem of showing up non original locally limited vocabulary stated in the XVII-th Century only in Siberian written language. The author suggests a system of methods of revelation and typology of regional non original vocabulary. Unpublished archival materials are put into scientific use. | 1095 | |||||
2308 | The establishment and development of international cooperation of the higher school of the USSR in the field of preparation of national specialists for foreign countries of the end of the 50s – the beginning of the 90s of the XXth Century is reflected in the present paper. The problems of expanding external relations of Soviet higher schools with the countries of Hear and Further Abrond by way of selection and direction of specialists for scientific and language probation, teaching and interpreting work aimed at exchanging experience and taking part in the international symposiums, conferences and congresses are regarded here | 1095 | |||||
2309 | - | 1095 | |||||
2310 | Introduction of market relations in Russia, innovative development of production of goods and increase of its competitiveness in the world markets totally change approaches to education of all levels and specialties. Special attention is given to innovative business training organized for students whose curriculum contains this training as the specific form of professional activity. The curriculum should contain disciplines of student specialization in the specific areas of industry, and also bring up in his (her) business activity and economic efficiency. Training of a student should be conducted basing on the specific innovative project in which competitive advantages of the person give synergy impact on competitive advantages of a team | 1095 | |||||
2311 | Are given new experimental data on biological productivity and decomposition of plant matter in communities of oligotrophic bogs of the middle taiga. Are adduced quantitative assessments of phytomass, mortmass, production and decay rate of main peat plant species. The plants are divided on five groups by decay rate. It is found the dependence of the decay rate of plant matter and net primary production. It is shown that in the ecosystems of oligotrophic bog with increasing of the production, increases the rate of decomposition. Keywords: bog, phytomass, biological production, decomposition plant | 1095 | |||||
2312 | This article is concerned with the pedagogical traditions in interconnection with the innovations, which take place in the system of English school management under the influence of the process of modernization. There is a review of the management innovations, which are aimed at the improvement of the system of school management in England Keywords: England, pedagogic tradition, innovation, interconnection, modernization, school management, education. | 1095 | |||||
2313 | The article analyses the translation of the drama by A. P. Chekhov „Three sisters” into the German language that was done in 1960 by S. von Radecki. The translation added rational approach which was alien to this work and to the whole Russian culture. Keywords: drama, A. P. Chekhov, translation, interpretation, Germany | 1095 | |||||
2314 | Topical issues of general education - the functioning of ungraded schools in modern conditions is considered. The role of education degree in staffing of rural schools, including retraining teachers ungraded schools is determined. We give the experience of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University on teacher training for ungraded schools of Tomsk region. Keywords: small rural schools, village school, professional development | 1095 | |||||
2315 | The comparative analysis of seasonal shoot growth cycle between latitudinal and altitudinal Siberian stone pine ecotypes growing under the homogeneous environments of clone archive was conducted. Among latitudinal ecotypes differences in shoots and needles growth dates and duration were more significant than those among altitudinal ones. More significant differentiation among latitudinal ecotypes, probably, was related to their development not only contrast climatic conditions but in different photoperiodic regime in contrast to altitudinal ecotypes. Keywords: Siberian stone pine, ecological-geographical differentiation, climatic ecotypes, phenology | 1095 | |||||
2316 | In the present article the analysis of some structural grammatical varieties, as well as structural-semantic functions of the joint constructions as the marker of the structural-semantic composition in the comparative plane on the material of the modern English and Tartar languages is being conducted. Keywords: joint constructions, supplementary predicativity, semi-composite sentence | 1095 | |||||
2317 | The paper considers the problem of breaking the value succession in Eastern Siberia in the middle of the 19th – early 20th century, as well as the issue of changing people’s value orientations. Special attention is paid to the factors that had great impact on the value system of people, as well as the problem of its diagnostics. Keywords: values, changing values, diagnostics, breaking the succession, Eastern Siberia of the 19th–20th centuries | 1095 | |||||
2318 | The article is devoted to the development of Evangelic and Lutheran church in the electoral district of Saxony after signing of the Peace of Augsburg. The basic measures of Elector Augustus І of Saxony on creation of territorial church organization are analysed. The conclusion about strengthening of territorial authorities’ influence on churches and schools as a result of the policy of confessionalization is done. Keywords: Reformation, confessionalization, Elector Augustus І of Saxony, visitation, orthodoxy, church ordinance of Saxony | 1095 | |||||
2319 | This article focuses at national system of higher education quality evaluation in Italy as one of the best practices of quality assurance in integrated Europe. Based on the analysis of the experience of Italy and the survey of Italian researchers views, the author defines the activities that could affect to the improvement of the quality assurance in other countries, involved in the Bologna Declaration. Keywords: higher education quality, evaluation, educational program, accreditation | 1095 | |||||
2320 | The reviewer points out that the author of the work is cardinally revising the boundaries and the essense of the notion «epic dramas. She is giving the first systematic investigation within the framework of the Russian tradition to dramas thoroughly forgotten (by S. Tretjakov), quite new (by G Gorm, O. Brodsky, B, Aksjenov, V, Maksimov) and well known, which former interpretation cannot be accepted nowadays (by M. Gorky, К Trenev) | 1094 | |||||
2321 | Calendars of peoples of the world as important elements of their cultures are represented in the paper. The typical features of calendar systems of ancient peoples are described; main principles of forming of calendars of preliterate peoples are studied in the paper. | 1094 | |||||
2322 | The article is devoted to the problem of pupils’ educational achievements assessment according to a contemporary educational paradigm of a personality development within the educational process. Development of the test tasks that allows to monitor and collects the information on educational achievements in different subject domains during training is offered. | 1094 | |||||
2323 | The article deals with the evolution of time measurements, subjectivity of time perception and ways of its representation in the English language. | 1094 | |||||
2324 | The article shows the need of state support for developing programs of educational crediting in Russia both at federal and regional levels. Interaction of the state, large banks, insurance companies, corporations can create an effective mechanism of crediting of paying educational services. Educational crediting contributes to the maintenance of demand for paying educational services and to the provision of accessibility of education. | 1094 | |||||
2325 | Professional and applied physical training problem's solution is based on preliminary identification of professionally important qualities for this or that kind of labour, its conditions analysis as well as on the study of occupational hazards which earlier was based on systematic professional and graphical researches | 1094 | |||||
2326 | This article is devoted to the main stages of research activity of the outstanding scholar, philosopher and teacher, Honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Valery Alexandrovich Dmitrienko, who celebrates his 70-th Anniversary on March 2nd, 2008. His contribution into the development of philosophy and science study is in working methodological, sociological and technological subjects of science and also in partial implementation into practice the results of these workings | 1094 | |||||
2327 | The article considers the linguistic ways of «Creator» concept objectification in Prigov’s poetic texts. The methods of conceptual analysis are here applied. The given research is a fragment of concept analysis; as a result of it certain cognitive indications have been formulated, dominant senses of some poetic fragments and the whole texts have been revealed. Keywords: conceptual analysis, «Creator» concept, cognitive indication, cognitive classification indication, key lexeme, representative, idio-style | 1094 | |||||
2328 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the Siberian Constructional Democrats’ program positions evolution on the agrarian issue during the revolution and Civil War and the attempts of their practical achievements. Compromise content of the agrarian policy of the Constructional Democrats in the reviewed period, its motives, influence on the policy of A. V. Kolchak government and the reasons for the final failure was revealed on the materials of the Constructional Democrats party congresses and conferences, the Constructional Democrats periodical press and the archival documents. Keywords: Liberalism, Siberia, Revolution, Civil War | 1094 | |||||
2329 | The accounting form as one of the insufficiently known parts of the ancient pre-literate culture is the subject of this article. The classification of some typical accounting forms principles is presented; the conclusion about the fundamental accounting forms’ features is drawn by the author. Keywords: pre-literate societies, accounting form | 1094 | |||||
2330 | The article treats the role of componential analysis in solving lexical, lexical and grammatical, and stylistic challenges of translation. The paper maintains that componential analysis enables the translator to understand what causes translation challenges, to suggest effective and efficient strategies of overcoming the challenges, to select adequate translation equivalents and to proofread the translation. Keywords: componential analysis, pre-translation analysis, translation challenge, adequacy of translation | 1094 | |||||
2331 | The paper analyses the toponymic data of the fi eldnotes by G.-V. Miller collected among Narym and Ket Ostyaks in 1740. The focus of attention is on hydronymic terms. Available data allow to map the area of settlement of Selkup-speaking population in the middle part of the Trans-Ob region in the mid 18th century and make observations on this population’s localization in the watersheds of the main local rivers of Tym, Ket’, Parabel’, Chaja, and Chulym. Keywords: Selkups, Ostyaks, toponymy, hydronyms, habitat | 1094 | |||||
2332 | The article is devoted to consideration of functional features and means of expression of a graphic image epistolary of the text how by the integral component it art features in view of a complex extralinguistic of the factors and specificity of realization of a communicative-pragmatical axis “the author – the addressee”. As a material the letters of the artist М. V. Nesterov, opera singer F. I. Chaliapin, academician V. I. Vernadsky, poet M. I. Tsvetaeva. Keywords: graphic image of text, epistolary text, epistolary communication universals, graphic identity, graphic symbols, paragrafemnye facilities, cognitive function of graphical tools, the regulatory function of graphic tools | 1094 | |||||
2333 | The following issues are considered: the background of the formation of the state educational system in Russia during the 18th century and the main content of the 1802–1804 reforms which resulted in the formation of the educational system. Keywords: history of education, state educational system, reforms in education | 1094 | |||||
2334 | A specific character of G. Hauptmanns drama “Die versunkene Glocke” in Russia at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries is observed. Dominating appraisal of Russian literary criticism about German playwright‘s work of literature and a degree of the insight into the authors conception are developed. The pattern of foreign work of literature entry into the culture of our country is deduced. Keywords: critical reception, symbolism, romanticism, neoromanticism, “new drama” | 1094 | |||||
2335 | The article examines the main issues related to human constitutional characteristics in psychology and pedagogy. The analysis of literature relevant to this subject allowed revealing the topical problems of the constitutional types and mapping out the most important courses for further scientific research. Keywords: asthenic, athletic, body constitution, constitutional types, mesomorph, picnic, somatotype, ectomorph, endomorph | 1094 | |||||
2336 | The article deals with basic characteristics of this phe¬nomenon. Social, psychological and cultural problems of informatical war and individual mind are proposed there. As a factual basis events of bombing in Yugoslavia and occupation of Kosovo by NATO troops in spring 1999. And military-policed operations of Russian federal center in Chechnja in 1994-1996 and 1999-2000 are given. Aims, result and functions of informatical war, its negative role in ethno - cultural identity and normal functioning of a per¬sonality are analysed. Keywords: formation of informatical alternative, infor¬mational and classical war, collective mind, syndrome of informational war. | 1093 | |||||
2337 | It was found that characteristics of physical development of TPSU students practically don't depend of age (16-23) and chosen specialization (all 9 faculties). Students of the faculty of physical culture are exception, which showed considerably improvement of main physiometrical, and dynamometricai indications, which connects with regular going in for sports. It was found that there is a tendentious to improvement of antropo-metrical indications of faculty of foreign languages students in comparison to another faculties and indication in TSPU for 7 years of researches. | 1093 | |||||
2338 | In this article the duality of mentality of a man of traditional cultures of Siberia and the North is characterized by a combination of empirical and pre-ioglcal elements of mentality. Empirical element of mentality of a man of traditional culture embodies individual practical experience of formal-logical order. But being indifferent to the objective cause and effect relationships of the phenomena, he reveals particular attentiveness to manifested and hidden mystical links between phenomena, the basis of which is the law of mystical contiguity of cause and effect. As a result of domination of such law a man of traditional society makes his behavior in the culture. This explains the duality of mentality of a man of traditional culture of Siberia and the North, whose empirical intuition is subjected to the «supreme collective notions*. | 1093 | |||||
2339 | In the article the logic specifications of eventual aspect of a world are consider. This categorical aspect correlate to actual perspectives and trends of modern science, philosophy and culture and it essentially differ from classical metaphysics of being. Being looks as an effect of event in this logic and a conscience is observed as eventual construction of sense. | 1093 | |||||
2340 | In research the analysis of psychology-pedagogical features of development by the teacher innovation technologies will be carried spent. The author’s system of the account of difficulties is offered during improvement of professional skill of the teachers and courses of specialization. In the process of training on courses (course period) diagnostics of difficulties of the teachers is recommended to be carried out immediately during by. Thus the difficulties act by indicators for conducting of courses and teachers showing critical points of passage of a technique innovation of training. The author offers a system of organizing developing studies based on methodical devices and recommendations how to use them while overcoming didactic difficulties (DD) which was worked out by the author. This technology is based on the methodical receptions, developed by the author, and references of their application at overcoming (DD). | 1093 | |||||
2341 | The article deals with the problems of language teaching at the elementary level. The authors share their teaching experience in the educational complex “Kristina” (the kindergarten and elementary school). | 1093 | |||||
2342 | The article is devoted to very important problem of ethical knowledge – methodical explanation of phenomenon of ethics as a universal regulator of relationships in social, natural and spirit world. | 1093 | |||||
2343 | The complex model of HKE for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive school has got a specific difference from the previous models, because it satisfies the specific educational needs for children with weak health (bronchial asthma), health keeping and strengthening with high educational results such as training level, general and high-quality school results. Besides this model develops the culture of pupils to take care of their own health. The collaboration of teachers, psychologists, physicians and parents provides the effective health support for children in sanatorium classes of comprehensive schools. Keywords: health keeping education, sanatorium classes, health keeping area, area of personal development of pupils, the complex of diagnostical medical and sanitation measures | 1093 | |||||
2344 | The article in the framework of historical and pedagogical analysis of the phenomenon of school education identifies stages in the formation of this form of differentiated education, analyzes the reasons for poor rural schools profiling. Keywords: profile education, historiography, stages of formation of special education, rural school | 1093 | |||||
2345 | In the article the stress in the central and southern dialects of the Selkup language is described. The research is based on the material collected during field work with last speakers of these dialects, processings of the material of the A. P. Dulzon archive and the analysis of the language of the first Selkup books. In the course of research it is revealed that in all southern and central dialects of the Selkup language there were systems paradigmatic accents, which can be described in terms “dominant” and “recessive” morphemes. The basic differences in various dialects consist in stress position, basically in marks of suffixes. Keywords: stress, morphology, Selkup language | 1093 | |||||
2346 | This article deals with the phenomenon of open joint action as a special type of interaction between the teacher and the student. The subject of consideration is the word semantics “open”, and the characteristics of opening joint educational content. Justifi ed the allocation of the action as the basic units of educational content in elementary school. Keywords: open, the openness, the opening joint program, the communication, the opened and closed systems | 1093 | |||||
2347 | The article covers the analysis of criminal case materials about “solving” the so-called counterrevolutionary organization the “White Guard plot” in 1933. This one of the major criminal cases in the USSR was discovered by authorized representation of OGPU (Joint State Political Directorate) body in Western Siberian Region. The documents analysis report makes possible to conclude the total falsifi cation of this case from the beginning till the end. Keywords: political repression, “White Guard plot”, Western Siberia | 1093 | |||||
2348 | In the article the one of varieties of norms that are in semantics of language units reflected is investigated in the aspect of modes of expression and conditions of manifestation in verb meanings. The reasons of non-reaching and exceeding the norm of action`s effectiveness are ascertained and also connection between parametrical and axiological norms on the one hand and logical varieties of antonyms on the other hand is revealed. Keywords: parametrical norm, axiological norm, scalaris-antonymous complex, non-reaching the norm, exceeding the norm | 1093 | |||||
2349 | This article is devoted to modern Ufa prose, the analysis of the story of a talented Ufa artist and writer P. Khramov, the originality of the plot, the composition, imaginative system, the system of techniques used by the novelist in his story “Coenobite”. Keywords: Ufa prose, story, hero-narrator, mythologema, principle of contrast, aphoristic, retrospective of the space-time coordinates, gallery of female characters, irony | 1093 | |||||
2350 | The article is devoted to historiography of regional parliamentalism as a new phenomena in Russian Federation political practice. Different scientific fields are being considered, which study parliaments and research centers and address the issues of Russian Federation subject governmental authorities system functioning. The conclusion about level of knowledge of this problem in national historical studies is made. Keywords: regional parliamentalism, governmental authorities, partition of sovereignty, region, legislature, federal subject, parliament | 1093 |