# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3651 | Sukhotin A. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 21-28 . | 1125 | |||||
3652 | Surovtsova M. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 34-37 . | 1125 | |||||
3653 | In the article labour relations are viewed as content of the basic category of the theory of world economy which determines the logic of constructing of a whole system of geoplanetary economic relations. | 1125 | |||||
3654 | Meleshko T. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 35-39 . | 1125 | |||||
3655 | The article is devoted to the analysis of pre-service train¬ing of the future teacher of physical culture with the main ac¬cent on the causes of the orientation of pedagogical education on individual-creative development of the personality. On the basis of the analysis of introduction of humanistic educational models oriented to an individualized approach, the author iden¬tifies comprehensive trends of this process, and puts the prob¬lem of correspondence of didactical skills of university graduates to the labor market requirements in the forefront. Based on the analysis of the research pedagogical sources and own experience the author gives arguments for distinguishing be¬tween basic and production means of professional training giv¬ing the priorities to moral and physical health. Keywords: - | 1125 | |||||
3656 | Homogeneous blend of very fine TiC particles and of a phase such as of particles of NiTi alloy were consolidated to full density by sintering which was followed by rapid heating with formation of liquid phase. Fine particles of phases, were obtained by sintering with formation at relatively low temperatures. The alloys and composites obtained have a very fine micron/submicron scale homogeneous microstructure and high mechanical properties | 1125 | |||||
3657 | The article presents another scientific reference to an actual problem of interaction of Altai pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class and the mining industry administration during the pre-reform period of the XIXth century. The certain interpretation of the new primary sources allowed the author to declare the following understanding of the development of mutual relations between authorities and people at Altai pripisnoi (bonded) village during the pre-reform period. Duties of peasants in the mining industry such as labor-rent of norms at the factories and mines and delivery of provision and fodder to the factories, firstly can be qualified as feudal duties, but in due course, to the middle of the XIXth century, turned into a subject of a constructive partner interaction between two sides. | 1125 | |||||
3658 | In the article the authors show the problems of innovation setting formation in the pedagogical institution. They also reveal regional peculiarities of development of the system of general and pedagogical education. The basic directions of innovative development of the pedagogical institution are: development and introduction of the programme of continuous education with the intellectual potential of the institutions of general and professional education; development and approbation of the modern model of continuous professional training of teachers for small rural schools on the base of new pedagogical technologies; creation of multicultural educational setting for formation and support of national and multinational school; development of the basics of museum training and educational tourism as the form of teaching world standards in human rights, citizenship, patriotism; activation of the innovative activity of the pedagogical university graduates in the sphere of their professional activity | 1125 | |||||
3659 | The article devoted researching characteristic of peat. It have been cited result of getting and application products from peat for solving nature management problem. It have been displayed effictivine being obtained chemicals with oil pollution elimination. Keywords: peat, meliorant and sorbent based on peat, hydrocarbon-oxygenating microorganisms, petroleum, recultivated soils, biodegradation of oil, technological lands | 1125 | |||||
3660 | In article the approach in estimate knowledge which is productive during the present period when there is a transition on competence methods of training is considered. The method combining a traditional mark estimation of knowledge of pupils and an estimation subject competence of pupils on an example of studying physics is offered. Keywords: n estimation of knowledge, the competence of subjects, methods of training, elements of the analysis. | 1125 | |||||
3661 | The paper discusses Enets emphatic negative verbs. Besides the well-known Uralic “main” negative verb which is used for verbal negation, Enets also has other negative verbs which are combined with the connegative form of the lexical verb. These verbs have the meanings “after all, not”, “almost”, “of course”. The paper describes morphological and semantic properties of these verbs. Keywords: verbal negation, negative verb, emphatic negative verb, auxiliary, Samoyedic languages, Enets | 1125 | |||||
3662 | The article is devoted to consideration of the history of development of the health culture in Russia pedagogy. Its stated that health culture has been viewed from different aspects during historical periods, such as: hygiene, physical, mental, medical, pedagogic and others. The author concludes that the idea of local educators remains relevant in modern times and they are legacy for future teachers. Keywords: Health, health culture, physical culture, health life style, valueology | 1125 | |||||
3663 | In this article an option of designing specialized competences of graduates specialized in IT directions developed by author is offered. Such competences are missing in the state educational standards of the 3rd generation and are developed by universities independently. Keywords: professional competence, specialized competences, specialization, information system and technologies, specialized competences, geology, oil and gas production | 1125 | |||||
3664 | In the article the change of conditions of serving of punishments by prisoners in penitentiary establishments of Tomsk province in 1917 is considered, influence of regulatory legal acts of Provisional government on change of the condition of serving of punishments is analyzed, the volume of permissions and interdictions of prisoners is compared. Keywords: penal system, penitentiary establishments of Tomsk province, Provisional government regulatory legal acts, inmates, conditions of serving of punishments, volume of permissions and interdictions inmates | 1125 | |||||
3665 | One of the forms of investing the risk projects – venture financing – is considered in the article. Its influence on the country-recipient’s economy and advantages of the others forms of financing are defined. The problems of attracting venture capital among developing countries and, in particularly, in Russia are analyzed. According to the successful experience of the developed countries the recommendations of effective stimulating and using venture capital are developed. The system of venture business developing for developing countries is presented. Keywords: venture capital, developing countries, innovative development, small entrepreneurship, government support | 1125 | |||||
3666 | In this paper, the methodology to create periodisation of the historical and pedagogical process is presented. The description of principal functions and features of periodisation is given. Besides, it is shown here the author’s viewpoint of the main stages of development of supplementary education for children from the 80-s of the 19th century till present in Western Siberian region. Special attention is paid to the historical and social and cultural background of changes of purposes, tasks, contents and principles of activities, types of supplementary educational institutions for children. Periods and stages represented are defined by different criteria based on the analysis of numerous historical and pedagogical facts and specific regional contexts. Also the article is focused on present-day situation of additional education for children and developmental perspectives in the context of the idea of lifelong learning. Keywords: additional education for children, periodisation of the historical and pedagogical process, aspects and functions of periodisation, regional features, purposes, contents, principles of activities, types of supplementary educational institutions for childr | 1125 | |||||
3667 | Phraseological combinations, which have a rich variety of structure features are considered. As they consist of one, two or more components, the first can be in the different cases of the noun. In these expressions, the second component can be a noun and a verb. Furthermore, the second component has a primary use in the epos. The first component of the phraseology in the epos, mainly is a noun, but here and maybe use other parts of speech. Keywords: epos, two-component phraseological unit, «Koroghlu», verb, declension, abstraction | 1125 | |||||
3668 | The article discusses the thematic range of V. S Solovyov’s lyrics. This issue is periodically raised in the Russian science about Solovyov, but the poetry of this lyric poet is analyzed either by thematic groups without specifying the subjects in them, or excluding some important layers of his creative work. Defining the nature of the Solovyov’s poetry as philosophical, the author emphasizes that it is impossible to ignore the fact that apart from the actual philosophical part, there is the so-called «comic» lyrics in his legacy, largely reflecting the specificity of ideology of the author, his aesthetic and artistic views. The author of the article analyzes Solovyov’s lyrical legacy in terms of the key themes and its changes in different periods of creativity, drawing as the material all diversity of art selfactualization of Solovyov-poet. The research was performed on the basis of the comparative-historical and typological methods. Stages of formation of the landscape, love, proper philosophical and humor lyrics of Solovyov are traced. The closeness of the themes of Solovyov’s poetry with Russian and Western European romantic lyrics (V. A. Zhukovsky, K. N. Batyushkov, M. Yu. Lermontov, G. Heine, A. Mickiewicz) on the one hand and philosophical lyrics of F. I. Tiutchev, on the other hand, is observed. In addition, there is a presence of the individual echoes of eastern gafiz and slavinofil poetic traditions. In addition, a presence of the separate echoes of the eastern, gafiz and slavophilic poetic traditions is observed. As a result of the research the conclusion about the breadth of the thematic range of the Solovyov’s lyrics is made. Frequence of the key themes of his poetry is not associated with the poverty of his lyrics, but with the author’s loyalty to his favorite poetic ideas, with the intense development and the constant deepening of them. Keywords: V. S. Solovyov, philosophical lyrics, landscape lyrics, love lyrics, comic lyrics, themes, transformation of theme, poetic tradition, motive, imagery, irony | 1125 | |||||
3669 | . | 1124 | |||||
3670 | . | 1124 | |||||
3671 | Koryukina E. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 41-47 . | 1124 | |||||
3672 | The paper presents a phenomenon of religion as one of the ways of solving the unknown mystery of the human existence. The peculiarity of an ideal of the Jewish people up¬bringing follows from its specific historical recognition: to be God-elected people. An ideal of upbringing of very old Jews seem ed to be «sanctity» realized as an absoiute faithfulness to God behest's. In Hebrew society great at¬tention was given to children' upbringing. A sacred duty of children proved to be their parents reverence. Due to the system of a deep-rooted religious upbringing, the Jewish people having endured slavery, the loss of Motherland continue live a full life occupying different countries keep¬ing a deep sense of their national affiliation. | 1124 | |||||
3673 | - | 1124 | |||||
3674 | The article gives a description of the pedagogical model of future fire protection officers’ preparation for leadership. The model peculiarity is that the authors base on personality-oriented approach. In the model structure the following components are singled out: purposeful, pithy, procedural, assessment-resulting. The given model allows to solve successfully the tasks of purposeful interaction between a teacher and cadets in a military higher educational establishment. | 1124 | |||||
3675 | The author considers the problem training as the most important in the system of school ecological training and emphasizes its essential components: problem situations, cognitive objectives, game situations, plays. The problems, which appear and prompt to cognitive action, are not only the methods to stir up thinking, but often define the development of person’s inclinations and abilities. Ecological objectives and plays provoke huge interests, make auspicious emotional conditions, and promote stirring up of schoolchildren thinking, develop logic and cognitive self-dependence. | 1124 | |||||
3676 | The article gives the experiment results of the usage of methodical approaches directed to equalize the motor skewness of legs with the purpose to improve the teaching quality of hurdling techniques among students of the sport faculty | 1124 | |||||
3677 | By the example of HMD and JND, the article considers and analyzes social and economic interactions that occur in the process of development of oil-and-gas resources. The reasons of the present situation are analyzed and the ways of their solution are proposed | 1124 | |||||
3678 | An important aspect of the social policy of the war years is considered: the employment of the servicemen’s family members. The forms and methods of this work and its results are showed. Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, West Siberia, families of servicemen, social policy, employment | 1124 | |||||
3679 | The article analyses the notion of different-age groups, methods of forming foreign education content in a different-age complement class. Keywords: different-age groups, complement classes, methods of forming foreign education content. | 1124 | |||||
3680 | Theoretical and practical questions of forming of students’ graphical culture are discussed in the article. Opportunities of use of the computer technology for forming of students’ graphical culture by teaching such disciplines as descriptive geometry and engineering graphic are found. Keywords: adaptation, mentality, climatic factors, the geographical environment, national character. | 1124 | |||||
3681 | The article presents the analysis of emotional colouring of urbanonyms (emporonyms) for what associative experiment and the phonosemantic analysis of names was conducted. As the result, words with the positive and negative connotation influencing perception of names by recipients-consumers have been revealed. Keywords: psycholinguistics, phonosemantics, emporonyms, associative experiment, connotative meaning | 1124 | |||||
3682 | Clinical and biochemical monitoring of degree from endotoksikose during chronicle cholecystitis – should include parameters of antioxidant and oxidant system, catabolism of protein. Exponents in the information of level endotoksikose are general antioxidant active and active of catalase in the erythrocytes, components of middle molecules mass. As biochemical estimation of heaviness for patients of cholecystitis important of calculated indexes, characterize of correlation analyzing parameters in blood’s plasma and erythrocytes. Keywords: endotoksikose, chronicle cholecystitis, biochemical parameters and estimation | 1124 | |||||
3683 | The needs of a modern post-industrial society focuses rural ungraded schools on education of competitive person on formation of socially significant qualities, which give the possibility of adaptation and self-realization of rural graduates. The ability of the subject to self-development and self-conscious and active through the assignment of the new social experience becomes a target of the pedagogical process. Keywords: rural ungraded schools, mixed-age teaching, interdisciplinary, integrative, educational content for different age-education, mixed-age class | 1124 | |||||
3684 | In this work properties and the mechanism of a dissipation of energy of elastic fluctuations of MnCu of alloys with the maintenance of Mn Keywords: dissipative properties, dislocation, elasticity module, alloys, structure | 1124 | |||||
3685 | The article deals with the development of professional competence of young teachers in training courses through an innovative module for the rational use of time at lessons. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey of young teachers, participating for the first time in professional development courses, we offer the idea of completing training groups of students with the most homogeneous professional difficulties. Keywords: innovations in education, professional competence of the teacher, improvement of professional skill of teachers, lesson density, interactive methods of training | 1124 | |||||
3686 | The analysis is based upon the archive of the folklore data collected by a linguist A. I. Kuzmina in the 1960s. The database includes 17 texts, which present the folklore stories of Itya widespread among the Selkups. The majority of these narratives with participation of this hero recorded by A. I. Kuzmina are previously unpublished. Their publication will dramatically extend the empirical base for the folklore and ethnohistorical studies. The plot of the stories is common to all Selkup groups. The data of A. I. Kuzmina supplement the folklore plots of the Middle Ob dialectal area (Ivankino, Tibinak, Konerovo). Keywords: selkup, folklore data, stories of Itya, folklore plots and motifs | 1124 | |||||
3687 | The authors distinguished management principles of innovative activity of the university in the context of conversion to post-industrial society, changes of the type of the scientific creativity. The principles, which define the essence of the interaction of entities of innovative activity of the modern university, are considered circumstantially. The requirements to the head of the university are distinguished on the basis of the analysis of ideas about modern educational reality. Herewith the university is regarded as a special social system. Keywords: innovative activity of the university, management principles, interaction of entities of innovative activity, competition based on innovations, head of the university | 1124 | |||||
3688 | Contextual co-occurrence of morphemic repetition and syntactical parallelism in English fiction is by no means an exception. Interrelation of these syntagmatic phenomena reveals itself in the diversity of word combinations specifically correlated as to the following features: the number of constituents, the extent of syntactical parallelism, the linguistic status of the reiterated morpheme, the type of semantic ties between the morphemically related constituents. The interrelation considered is not a mere interplay of the twofold reiteration – on the morphemic and the syntactical level but primarily it is a most important means of carrying the meaning. Keywords: morphemic repetition, syntactical parallelism, dynamic character of the interrelation of morphemic and syntactical repetition, the number of constituents in a parallel structure, semantic relationships, antithetical structures | 1124 | |||||
3689 | The article presents the results of the special pedagogical study developing upon totals of more general studies in the field of reasons of the transformation of philosophical images of science. The author clears up features of method of formation of the image of science appearing under the influence of existentialist criticism of scientific discourse. It was offered some arguments of the author’s variant of the teaching the relations between scientism and anti-scientism within the framework of course of philosophy. That variant is supported by the competency-based approach to training of students in the direction “Pedagogical education”. Keywords: existentialism, transformation of philosophical image of science, method of formation of the image of science, scientific discourse, scientism, anti-scientism | 1124 | |||||
3690 | The article deals with the diversity of tree plants of the agrobiological station (ABS), Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) as of October 2012. There was presented taxonomic composition, chronological spectrum and other vital forms of trees ABS TSPU. Keywords: tree species, species diversity, life form, chorological analysis | 1124 | |||||
3691 | In the article denominations of body in the Selkup dialects are investigated. The somatic words under study are systematized, their possible historic denominations are offered. The somatic vocabulary developed from denomination of body is analysed. Keywords: Selkup, dialect, somatic vocabulary, denominations of body | 1124 | |||||
3692 | In the process of the historical and pedagogical analysis of theories and concepts of additional professional education the main stages of formation of network model of the personified and individualized professional development of educators are discovered and analyzed. Keywords: andragogical approach, theoretical grounds of formation of network models of professional development | 1124 | |||||
3693 | Rezun M. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 59-63 . | 1123 | |||||
3694 | The conception of competition ability is of great interest to modern science. This article deals with interaction and in-terconnection of competition abilities of firms and national economics. The idea is that every country can have competition ability on the national and foreign market if its firms and economy stands the competition. The factors of competition abilities of firms and national economics are different but interdependent. | 1123 | |||||
3695 | The article is devoted to the problems of the development of arts and crafts of the region. Here have been described different kinds of artistic handicraft in their temporary development and the correlation of artistic-subject world with aesthetic education. In the article there are conclusions that teaching of the arts and crafts basis at school and higher educational establishments will allow to unite broken links of cultural experience of generations, to create the world picture of the world in the world outlook of the rising generation, thus giving possibility to their spiritual development, the ability to make, to create according to the laws of beauty. | 1123 | |||||
3696 | Tolstoy's interest in the problem of national selfconsciousness as well as the publication of the essay «English tourists* by Thackeray in the magazine «Otechestvennije zapiski* make it reasonable to speak of Tolstoy's dialogue with the English writer. | 1123 | |||||
3697 | In the article «About new possibilities for the methodological synthesis by the studying of the powerful structures of the early Middle Ages» the author sets the methodology for searching cf social structures (among them - powerful structure). This methodology is used by the medievists of the french «School «Annais» and is connected with reorientation to the subjective analysis factors - personality and mentality. The author brings it out as transition from the macrolevei to the microlevel of searches. This search direction becomes priority in the modern native historiography too. | 1123 | |||||
3698 | The paper presents four formalization levels for logical structure of mathematical material of secondary school. Didactic conditions of transition to each level are considered. The author proceeds from the criteria of methodical expediency and disengagement. The work is aimed at arrangement of conditions for more deliberate and in-depth study of the subject content. Besides, general logical skills of students are formed by means of educational area «Mathematics», and, thus, general- cultural potential of this educational area is realized more completely and effectively. | 1123 | |||||
3699 | Research of a phenomenon and diagnostics of existential crisis conditions is carried out; psychosocial and existential roots of crisis are revealed; psychological and psychotherapeutic aspects experience of existential crisis; principles and methods of the psychological help to the persons experiencing crisis are certain; the interrelation of existential crisis and suicide tendencies is established at a depressive background of mood; the role in overcoming crisis of personal resources and psychological is certain | 1123 | |||||
3700 | The article considers an actual problem of formation among students of pedagogical specialities and tolerance as personality quality which stipulate efficiency not only socializations but also success of further professional activity of graduating students. The analysis of modern educational process in high school allows to speak about sufficiency of a substantial component and necessity of modernisation of a technological component, application of interactive innovative forms of preparation of students to pedagogical activity. Keywords: students, socializations, professional, school, tolerance, educational process in high school, component, technological component, innovative forms of preparation of students | 1123 |