# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4601 | . | 994 | |||||
4602 | The article treats positive and negative sides of the traditional view on the problem of the origin of the psychic. The author emphasizes the indisputable fact that the enormous amount of data accumulated in the arsenal of the sciences related to a human being, are impossible to explain from the standpoint of the officially recognized materialistic paradigm. He also points out the existence of extensive scientific research, the results of which obviously disagree with the evolutional theory of the psychic development of the person. The author presents arguments in favour of the alternative opinion, supported by the research based on the humanistic, existential and transpersonal concepts. He supposes that the alternative humanistic approach to solving urgent problems in psychology and psychiatry will be able to fill the void that appeared between the traditional Western thought and the philosophical system of the Ancient East. | 994 | |||||
4603 | The rating of efficiency perspective for selection hybrid and parental forms of flax in conditions of Tomsk area is carried out. Is is shown, that the researched hybrid forms which have been brought up in different microclimatic conditions in territory of Tomsk area, differ by the increased parameters both seed, and fibrous efficiency to comparison with parental samples. The hybrids are perspective for test of sorts in territory of the West-Siberian region with the purpose of creation for a grade of bilateral use, that confirm the data of cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and dispersion analysis. For reception of high efficiency it is necessary further test of sorts of each form for revealing optimum conditions of cultivation | 994 | |||||
4604 | In the article the essence of a personally-oriented education is reviewed from the point of a creative psychology connected with music. The article states that musical activities in a secondary school must be based on the principle of an active creation reflected in its all the forms beginning from the musical perception to getting the musical habits and reaching the original emotionally-important results during the simple types of musical improvisation and creation | 994 | |||||
4605 | Axiological criteria of educational systems measuring are braking with a solving of cooperation of utopia ideas and philisophical bases of education | 994 | |||||
4606 | The paper analyzes the specifics of rural education, historical and pedagogical trends in municipal educational systems of Russia, the direction and mechanisms for implementing the ideas of accessibility, quality and efficiency in the complex process of structural change in the years 2002-2009. Tendencies of the formation of networks of educational institutions in an integrated project modernization of education (on the example of Tomsk Oblast). Keywords: general historico-pedagogical tendencies in municipal educational systems development in Russia, rural educational systems specificity, tendencies of realization ofideas ofmodernization | 994 | |||||
4607 | The originality of moral judgements of younger teenagers about personal qualities of schoolmates as the most blamed is considered by them. Distribution of qualities on three groups is offered: qualities-acts, qualities-motives and unmotivated qualities. Dynamics of variation of number of elections at younger teenagers in comparison with younger students in favour of qualities-motives that gives reason for the fact of orientation of psychology of teenagers on knowledge and understanding of a private world of surrounding people is traced. Keywords: younger teenagers, moral judgements, qualities-acts, qualities-motives, unmotivated qualities, a threshold of condemnation | 994 | |||||
4608 | The article examines the determined research layer concerning to the investigation of the invariant models in advertising discourse. The authors deal with the main steps of linguistic means usage of narrative constructions; analyse the choice of the narrative fi eld border lines. Also there are main characteristic of basic narrative constructions types, based on the interpreting praxis of the person existence experience in the social interaction system. Keywords: advertising discourse, narrative construction, communicator, addresser, advertising article, invariant model of communicative interaction | 994 | |||||
4609 | The paper introduces research on the image of “Persons in Higher Education” in Russian speakers' mind. Research is based on the method of dictionary defi nitions and free associative experiment. Keywords: free associative experiment, nuclear and peripheral areas | 994 | |||||
4610 | The article discusses some of the problems of transformation of higher education that takes place in this country as a part of ideology of the competence approach. The ideas of this approach are analysed in a methodological perspective, in the aspects of personal focus, professionalism and subjective activation in education. It shows risks and positive opportunities of that direction of modernization of education, which is given by the ideology and can be traced in a number of practical amendments made in the life of higher school. Keywords: competence approach, modernization, personality, culture, professionalization, activating technology of training | 994 | |||||
4611 | We present a synopsis of superextended Landau models possessing both worldline supersymmetry and graded internal symmetry acting in the target space. The main focus is on the recently constructed model with the worldline N = 4 supersymmetry and the target ISU(2|2) symmetry. Keywords: supersymmetry, Landau levels, superspace | 994 | |||||
4612 | The article describes the contemporary experience of youth movement of volunteer organizations in Tomsk and Tomsk region. The article deals with the existing forms of civic upbringing, which assist in the development of social activity and patriotic qualities of rising generation. Keywords: social actions, youth initiatives, charity organizations, patriotic upbringing | 994 | |||||
4613 | The article deals with strategic guidelines of the professional mobility development of technical major students due to ongoing changes in the economy, development of new technologies and changes in the structure of employment. The problems of professional mobility in the historical aspect are regarded; promising targets for its development are identified. Keywords: professional mobility, humanization, personality, competence, continuing education, Bologna process | 994 | |||||
4614 | The article deals with regulative possibilities of different stylistic methods (repeat, contrast, personification, string of epithets, etc.) in textual fragments and whole poetic text on the basis of experimental data. The factors, which determine the impact of stylistic methods on readers, were detected. The research is done in line of communicative stylistics of the text on the material by A. A. Akhmatova, M. I. Tsvetaeva, B. L. Pasternak verses. Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, stylistic method, regulativity, regulative structures, regulative potential, regulative effect | 994 | |||||
4615 | The article deals with the main theses, approaches and concepts of development and preservation of health of students’ personality within the process of realization of the concept of nature and culture corresponding education. They are: development, self-development of personal (intellectual, creative and etc.) students’ potential; preservation of their health; improvement of training quality and quality of specialists training. The investigations of the authors and postgraduate students proved theoretically and confirmed experimentally the possibility and effectiveness of these problems-solving within nature and culture corresponding education. Keywords: conception, concepts of nature and culture corresponding education, development and preservation of health of students’ personality, quality of training, education | 994 | |||||
4616 | The paper deals with some common problems we face when teaching adult language learners, in particular learners who have considerable experience of studying but still seem to be stuck at the lower levels of elementary and pre-intermediate due to their low self-esteem, high level of anxiety, and fear of making mistakes. Adult learners face difficulties when listening to the target language. Nevertheless, the types and the extent of difficulty differ and much listening comprehension research has been conducted to investigate these differences. The results of this body of research show that listener difficulties may be influenced by a number of factors. Keywords: adult learners, educational process, socio-psychological obstacles, listening | 994 | |||||
4617 | Northern (Arctic) Federal University Named After M. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk The article traces the limiting impact of zinc and copper in the soil-plant system, gives the scientific rationale and develops a regional system of environmental regulation of the content of heavy metals in soils of Arkhangelsk. Key points of comparison are concentrations of heavy metals in the soil, leading to a decrease in their accumulation (translocation) in plants, excess tissue in their maximum allowable concentrations and maximum allowable level, as well as the effect of the average soil phytotoxicity test applied to test-object (watercress). Critical level of these metals in the plant is achieved with a soil content of mobile forms of zinc at 5.0–13.0 mg / kg, copper – 2.0 mg / kg. This is below the maximum allowable concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals in soils of 1.5–1.8 times. Observes the decrease in the accumulation of zinc aerial parts of plants when the content in the soils of 45–50 mg / kg, copper – 4.2–5.2 mg / kg. There is a significant inverse relationship between phytotoxicity and content in the soils of zinc and copper. However, their concentration in the soil, leading to a moderate degree of phytotoxicity (30 %) accounted for zinc – 30 mg / kg for copper – 2.0 mg / kg, which is 1.3–1.5 times higher than the maximum allowable concentration mobile forms of heavy metals in soils. Based on regression analysis and comparison with regulatory measures adopted in Russia, has developed principles for the valuation of the regional conditions of the North. Set the concentration of total content and the content of mobile forms of zinc and copper, affecting the ecological status of grasses and soil phytotoxicity, picked averaged limiting concentration (total content and mobile forms) of these metals, which are soil polluters of Arkhangelsk. Keywords: urban soils, zinc, copper, ecological condition grasses, soil phytotoxicity, limiting concentration | 994 | |||||
4618 | The article discusses the historiography of the history of the development of cultural institutions of Russia as a whole and by selected region – Republic Buryatia. The time period 1985–2000-ies are characterized by changes in socio-economic and political spheres of life of Russian society. Similar changes underwent the socio-cultural activities of cultural and recreational institutions. Research in this area is relevant for scientists of different directions, as between 1985 and 2000-ies in the system of cultural and recreational institutions has changed the whole system of legislation, funding, personnel policy. Keywords: historiography, cultural and recreational institutions, regulatory legislation, the financing of culture, management of culture, personnel structure, material and technical base, “perestroika”. | 994 | |||||
4619 | The article deals with the peculiarities of rhyming compounds which are usually used as a means of speech expressiveness, but don’t belong to the system of rhyming slang. Rhyming compounds represent the group of minor types of word-formation in Modern English. The members of the group are less important in comparison with the other ways of replenishing the English vocabulary, but they play an important role in the field of expressive means of language. The meaning of rhyming compounds is diverse and often unpredictable; they usually denote quantity or intensity. Rhyming compounds are formed by repetition of roots with some changes in the vowels or/and consonants. The system of the word-formation type in question is rather stable and tends to increase. Keywords: word-formation, rhyming compound, expressiveness, colloquial speech, language and culture | 994 | |||||
4620 | The article examines teacher intellectuals of the Yenisei province in the XIX-XX centuries. The objective is to identify the population dynamics, social and right position, educational level, moral-ethical motivation of professional activities, cultural interests and political mood. The author states that the number of teachers in the province from 1897 to 1915 increased by 1.5 times, amounting in 1916 1148 man. The predominant age group was young people under 30, whose professional experience was less than 5 years. By 1915 74,6 % of teachers had primary and secondary special education. The vast majority of teachers came from the lower classes: petty bourgeois, peasants, Cossacks, village priests. The salary of rural teachers was slightly above the earnings of the wage worker in industry and ranged from 50 to 620 roubles a year. Higher social status had the teachers of the middle schools. Their salary 2-3,5 times was higher than that of the primary school teachers. In their cultural and educational practices teachers tried to adhere to the traditions of folk culture, which retained a strong religious colouring. The author claims that the the teachers, being the most massive professional group of provincial intellectuals, played a leading role in translating the achievements of cultural modernity into the mass consciousness of the Siberian society. Keywords: teacher intellectuals, socio-professional group, social and legal status, professional organizations, cultural modern | 994 | |||||
4621 | The study was performed in line with the theory of intertextuality and one of the areas of communicative stylistics of a literary text – the theory of regulativity. The study of the dialogic nature of literary text is of interest in connection with the modern anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics. Intertextuality, reflecting the author’s dialogue not only with readers but also with the poets-forerunners to the modern writer masters of artistic expression, extends the semantics of poetic works and determines their semantic deployment in the consciousness of the perceiver of the text of the addressee. The article presents the typology of regulative strategies of O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts including intertexts (intertextual structures), important for the complete decoding of the author’s intention. The work is based on the material of poetic texts from the collection «Stone». The peculiarities of the regulatory strategies that update the intertexts in this collection include: systemic reproduction; prevalence of strategies of explicit type; dominance of strong regulatory strategies; use of intertexts as a means of regulativity; consistent performance of aesthetic information; complex application of various intertexts by the poet (plots-intertexts, regulative models of the intertextual type); intertextual links with the main stages of Western European culture and the culture of the silver age. Proved that O.E. Mandelstam uses intertextuality as one of the important way of controlling cognitive readers’ activity by the author. Regulative strategies of intertextual type, based on the use of various intertexts, were considered from the point of view of proportion and aesthetic way of presenting information, the homogeneity / heterogeneity of the dominant means of regulativity, depending on the regulatory power of the text, according to the methods of regulatively. The data obtained are of interest for the detection of idiostyle of the poet. Keywords: poetic text, regulativity, regulative strategies, types of regulative strategies, intertextuality, intertext | 994 | |||||
4622 | The article is devoted to the problem of cognitive interest development among senior schoolchildren of nonhumanitarian classes during the English language acquisition at a secondary school. The author draws attention to the fact that the newly formed scientific branches provide the emergence of new professions, change the system of school education and increase the development of cognitive interest among schoolchildren. The main idea of the present article is to demonstrate the necessity of learning English for senior schoolchildren, whose profile subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics, as new professions actively come into modern life. Foreign language is considered to be polysubject and can enrich senior schoolchildren of non–humanitarian profile with knowledge on Natural Science and Mathematics and develop their cognitive interest. The interest to a foreign language as a subject, in recent times, is explained by it’s penetrating into different spheres and nonlinguistic professions. Actually, spheres of using a foreign language are extended. According to the “Atlas of new professions”, to 2025–2035 many new professions occur, many of them will need the knowledge of a foreign language. Intersubject relations come into modern school education and really extend the zone of subject knowledge on profile because of the interpenetration of knowledge of different subjects. Integration of a foreign language with Science subjects and Mathematics gives the opportunity for schoolchildren to get new knowledge on profile subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics and others) and increase the development of cognitive interest among senior schoolchildren. We consider that intersubject integration increases schoolchildren’s motivation to learning foreign languages, develops different kinds of thinking, forms the following abilities – to analyze, to generalize, to synthesize, to compare, make conclusions and others. Keywords: cognitive interest, cognitive motivation, intersubject, integration of humanitarian and natural science knowledge, new professions | 994 | |||||
4623 | . | 993 | |||||
4624 | . | 993 | |||||
4625 | The paper deals with the problem of self-sufficiency of ethics and morals not only as means but as the highest form of socialization of values and intercourse. | 993 | |||||
4626 | The author considers Russian processing of the popular subject circuit about the old man who concedes to the young beloved contender. The basic attention in the article is paid to the texts carrying the action in the national environment (I.S. Turgenev’s, N.S. Leskov’s, F.M. Dostoevsky’s, L.N. Tolstoy’s works etc.). Their sharp religious-ethical problematic contacts with spiritual traditions of national orthodoxy. | 993 | |||||
4627 | The article presents data on research conducted of the conditions of socialization of artisan-entrepreneur in Russian institutions with a craft training. The article reveals specifics of teacher training and vocational apprenticeship. Keywords: handicraftsman-businessman, integration approach the teacher of professional-craft training, social adaptation, social-psychological training. | 993 | |||||
4628 | The relative biomorphological diversity reflects the proportion of life forms and species in phytocenoses. In extreme conditions a decrease in species diversity of plants in phytocenoses can be partly compensated by their biomorphological varienty, which has a positive effect on their stability. Keywords: biodiversity, phytocenoses, species, life forms, biomorphs | 993 | |||||
4629 | The article deals with research of features of social-cultural integration of immigrants at comprehensive school, the conditions defi ning its effi ciency are proved. Keywords: student-immigrant, student-aboriginal, social-cultural integration, criterion social-cultural integration | 993 | |||||
4630 | Heuristic power and cognitive limits of the concept of complexity is viewed in this paper. It is shown, that the use of the concept of complexity helps us not only to recognize to what extent social thinking could accept basic ideas of synergetics, but also to deepen methodological reflection of the natural and social sciences’ integration process. It is also shown, that the study of temporality semiotics as an instrument of complexity reduction appears to be one of the most important aspects in methodological recognition of the above-mentioned process in social thinking and activity. Keywords: complexity, synergetics, meaning, social action, temporality semiotics | 993 | |||||
4631 | The paper presents the analysis of the dynamics of the constancy of the major pharmacopoeia drug of Trans-Ural steppe communities in the Republic of Bashkortostan grazing pressure gradient. Keywords: Мedicinal plants, steppe vegetation, Trans-Urals, syntaxonomy, constancy | 993 | |||||
4632 | The article gives results of the experiment, aiming at comprehensive study of students’ perception features of journalistic texts in regional editions and revealing linguistic means that influence on the reader. Keywords: newspaper style, journalistic texts, analytical genres, text regularitivity, regularitivity lexical means | 993 | |||||
4633 | The article examines the examples of interaction between pictorial arts and literature in Virginia Woolf’s writing. The British writer often used painting language as a source of renewal of fictional inventory. The paper analyzes different cases of intermedial interactions on the level of form (borrowing particular qualities of a genre in combination with peculiarities of composition characteristic of this genre, painting technique and tools) and content (allusions to certain paintings or popular topos, used by artists of different epochs, movements and schools). Keywords: Virginia Woolf, intermediality, visual poetics of the prose, allusions, impressionism in the literature, effect of the picture frame | 993 | |||||
4634 | The article is devoted to verbalization of business concept in Russian and English languages in comparative aspect. The method for research is chain associative experiment. The article provides theoretical relevance and reasons to use associative experiments. The reviewed language material is a result of two associative experiments. The authors made an attempt of construction and further interpretation of the associative layer of business concept, which was verbalized by the linguistic means of the Russian and English languages. As a result, were constructed two associative fields of the concept, that enabled to identify the common cultural and specific national features. Keywords: concept, associative experiment, concept construction, concept model, interpretation of experimental data | 993 | |||||
4635 | Individualization of learning is considered as organization of educational process, which takes into account individual differences of students. Individualization in the narrow sense is the development of individual learning path for each student. Individualization in the broad sense is the creation of conditions for the manifestation of student’s individual characteristics in the process of learning. The article shows that the individual approach should be distinguished from the differentiation. Differentiation means training based on division of students into groups according to some external criteria. The authors pay special attention to the differentiation and individual approach in teaching higher mathematics to the students who are enrolled in the university program specially developed for Elite Engineering Education (EEE). Examples of multi-level training materials illustrate various ways of individualization of learning higher mathematics in the framework of the EEE program. Recently, both individual approach and differentiation in teaching higher mathematics are the trend in the organization of the educational process in technical universities. To keep the urgent tendency significant the renewed educational practice in higher engineering and technologic educational institutions should be thoroughly adapted to requirements and opportunities of recent pedagogical reality. Keywords: individual approach, learning, learning differentiation, individualization, learning mathematics, higher mathematics, Elite Engineering Education | 993 | |||||
4636 | The article presents the analysis of peculiarities of creation of family and family life of the Russian law intellectual elite of the period of modernization in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. The importance of this aspect is due to the significance of the family, especially wife, in creating the conditions for successful scientific and journalistic activities. Some aspects of the problem are reflected in the works of N. L. Pushkareva, L. P. Repina, T. A. Saburova. This issue is at the intersection of problematic fields of history of intellectual culture, and the history of everyday life. A full study of the results of intellectual activity is possible only taking into account the understanding of the working conditions of their creators, their surrounding environment and relationships with family. To understand these features we have applied the methods of biographical and generational analysis, and gender analysis from the standpoint of the historical andrology. Conclusions based on the study with the denoted positions of the diaries and memoirs of the lawyers. Professionally successful lawyers suffered the most comfortable transition to a small family, perceived equitable conjugal role and the active role of the father in the upbringing of children. Marriage was seen as a deliberate step, voluntary, based on love union. The financial position of the bride had a secondary role, importance is given to personal qualities and level of intelligence. They emphasized the undoubted value to family life. Extramarital relations (if mentioned) were described very veiled. Representations of law intellectual elite about family and marriage, as well as practical implementation has coincided with the trends in this direction among the Russian educated society in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. Keywords: memoirs, diaries, married life, law intellectual elite | 993 | |||||
4637 | The paper discusses the compositional semantics of adjective-noun combinations like fake gun. Compositionality appears to be one of the most cognitively basic principles guiding semantic research. This study argues the claim of formal semantics that the meaning of an expression is a function of the meanings of its parts and of the way they are syntactically combined. The article adduces support for the claim that the meaning of the whole cannot be predicted from the meanings of the parts and the way they are put together. The investigation makes an attempt to find the relations between formally integrated linguistic structure and conceptually integrated structures. The adjective fake is seen as privative for which an instance of the adjective + noun combination is never an instance of the noun alone. Complexes with fake entail the negation of the noun modified by fake. The paper accounts for the meaning of adjective-noun combinations in terms of conceptual integration. Within the framework of mental spaces theory the adjective fake prompts for a specific complex mapping scheme and emerges a novel conceptual blend. In terms of conceptual blending the adjective fake calls for two input spaces with a disanalogy connector such that an element in one place is real, but in the other is not. The article highlights combinatorial possibilities of fake. Of particular concern is the issue that the appropriate use of fake requires the activation of an appropriate frame. Keywords: compositionality, adjective meaning, lexical semantics, emergent structure, blend, mental spaces, cognitive domain, complex concept | 993 | |||||
4638 | . | 992 | |||||
4639 | . | 992 | |||||
4640 | . | 992 | |||||
4641 | Endropov O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 61-64 . | 992 | |||||
4642 | . | 992 | |||||
4643 | The article considers the problems of formation of scientific-innovation sphere, trie peculiarity of economic interests of its subject and also the problems of mecha¬nism formation of interrelation of interests of scienti¬fic-innovation sphere subjects. | 992 | |||||
4644 | At the condensation 4-amino-1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazolone-5 with appropriate 8-benzodioxane aldehydes were synthesized earlier not known azomethines. The structure is confirmed by spectral methods. Is shown, what azomethine have none antitubercular of activity against штамма H37Rv in concentration 12.5 (јg/ml) also do not show activity against anti-HIV CEM-SS at concentration 5,00 х 10-5 in vitro. Among synthesized azomethines I-III the amplification of antibacterial activity is revealed at introduction in structure nitro of group | 992 | |||||
4645 | This article describes major tendencies of regional education policy in establishing a system for training of personnel for the development of regional innovative economy. The research shows the dynamics of changes in structure of educational programs aimed at the demands of modern economy. This article is based on the analysis of reports of universities of Tomsk in realization of innovative educational projects within the framework of national priority project “Education”. Keywords: innovative educational projects and programs, regional education system, human resources, innovative sector of economy, commercialization of innovative products | 992 | |||||
4646 | The article analyzes the development of the theoretical foundations of the invariant model of personalized and individualized training of educators focused on new models of certification; regularities of its design and implementation are opened, the structure and contents are described. Keywords: personalized and individualized approach, patterns, structure and content of a model of personalized and individualized training of educators | 992 | |||||
4647 | The article deals with an important issue in the sphere of teaching foreign languages – the problem of controlling in the system of foreign language education in high school. Having examined traditional forms of control we offer an alternative – pedagogical monitoring, that enables a teacher to get up to date information, to adjust the learning activities of students, to develop their independence and autonomy. Multifunctional nature of the pedagogical monitoring was highlighted, it was suggested that monitoring is not just a way to test and measure educational progress, but one of the efficient ways to organize the learning process. Keywords: pedagogical control, traditional means of control, pedagogical monitoring, modern information technologies | 992 | |||||
4648 | The direction of the application of nonlinear dynamics methods for semiotic diagnostics of social attractors in modern culture is presented (the result of the RFBR project № 14-06-00440). On the basis of semiotic diagnostics of images and symbols of social egoism and social altruism the arguments for the understanding of bioethics as a phenomenon of self-consciousness of modern culture are put forward (the result of the RFH project № 12-03-00198). The finding out about pragmatics of new culture is done within the framework of project № 155 “Methodology of the modeling the semiotic mechanisms of management of educational systems nonlinear dynamics” of the State assignment for Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: semiotic diagnostics, informational-synergistic approach, attractors of sociocultural dynamics, memory turn, bioethics, social egoism, social altruism | 992 | |||||
4649 | The article deals with all the most important pre-requisites to the process of education in the developed countries, gives the definition to the educational model and innovative educational model, describes innovative educational models of school education in the kingdom of Sweden: blended learning model, children are people model (CAP) and content and language integrated learning model (CLIL), analyses the innovative models according to the realization of the most important pre-requisites of the school education in the modern world, concludes the idea of potential application of the Swedish experience in the innovative educational models’ implementation in the process of the development (modernization) of the system of school education in the Russian Federation. Keywords: innovative educational model, blended learning, content and language integrated learning, usage of the latest achievements of technologies in the process of education, equality, interactive educational process, minimax principle, principle of psychologica | 992 | |||||
4650 | The present paper deals with studying theoretical and methodical background of the concept of blended learning, which is a major didactic tool of the modern ways of foreign languages teaching. It also considers the principles of integrating blended learning into the system of teaching foreign languages in engineering institutions. The basics of educational modeling used for developing a model of integrating blended learning in the process of foreign language teaching are defined. The schematic model representation is given and the way of implementing the described model into the educational process is shown via the example of the lesson on “Cohesive devices”. Keywords: blended learning, electronic resource, education process, Bologna process, educational modeling | 992 |