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801 | In article the question is use of a rule of summation of Einstein. Application of the given rule allows not only to simplify expression, but also to facilitate conclusions of various formulas. On the other hand, it accustoms the student to the designations accepted in the theory of a field. The material of article can be used at studying theoretical physics in pedagogical high schools | 1314 | |||||
802 | It is my great honor and pleasure to congratulate the international forum on peace, which is jointly organized by Tomsk and Hiroshima, and to have an opportunity of keynote speech, addressing about the internationalization strategies at Hiroshima University. In the globalized and competitive environments, HU is not an exceptional organization which must develop the strategic approaches and to prepare for the future challenges, in order to survive. HU faces with quite hard competition among note only Japanese universities, but also with those of foreign countries. | 1314 | |||||
803 | This article is devoted to the starting point of the first period (the beginning of the XVII century – the half of the 1890th) in the history of ethnographical research of tuvinian people. In 1616 Vasilij Tjumenez and Ivan Petrov, the first ambassadors of Russia went to the residence of Altyn-han to establish diplomatic relations. The trip of the Russian ambassadors was through the territory of some tuvinian tribes (Sajanskaja zemlja and Matzkaja zemlja). The ethnographical data of V. Tjumenez and I. Petrov include the description of the traditional culture and life style of tuvinian people at the beginning of the XVII century. Keywords: the ethnographical research of tuvinian people, the first Russian embassy, Altyn-han’s state, Vasilij Tjumenez, Ivan Petrov, sajanskaja zemlja, matzkaja zemlja | 1314 | |||||
804 | This article is devoted to the problem of development of children's and youth associations as institute of education which expand the zone of common culture, promote the becoming of a private world of children and teenagers, the formation of new valuable orientations, stimulate social development of a child. Keywords: children’s and youth associations, education, children's movement, development, public life, the becoming of the person | 1314 | |||||
805 | The article substantiates the elements of the author's methods of teaching art in the ungraded schools to meet the requirements of the draft standards of the second generation Keywords: universal education activities, methods of teaching Fine Arts | 1314 | |||||
806 | The paper ascertains the fact that modern school keeps the one-sided character of mastering by students of integral social and cultural experience which is formed mainly as a knowledge component. The paper considers the attempts of Russian scientists of education of the Soviet and post-Soviet stages of socio-economic development of Russian society, to deduce the content of education from a knowledge paradigm. As examples the paper considers the concepts of the content of general education by V. V. Krayevsky and I. Ya. Lerner, V. S. Lednev and M. S. Kagan, the content of general education in the paradigm of developmental education (L. V. Zankov, V. V. Davydov, B. D. Elkonin), person-centred education (V. S. Iliin, V. V. Serikov), competence building approach (V. A. Bolotov, V. V. Serikov, A. V. Khutorskoy). The article discusses the definitions of the terms «competence» (as a combination of the person’s knowledge, skills and experience in a certain sphere, which provides the ability to perform certain functions) and «competency» (a person’s possession of a complex of such combinations, which provide a wider sphere and abilities of functioning for the person). The paper provides the formulation of the concept «research competency» of the student as a component of the content of general education; investigates the ways and means of forming the research competence of schoolchildren; identifies the interrelation between the concepts of the «research competence» and the «metasubject» content of general education. Keywords: general education content, the “knowledge” paradigm of education content, competence building approach, competence, competency, metasubject, research competency | 1314 | |||||
807 | One distinguishes two types of syntactic construction in the Khanty language: the active and the passive ones. In this article we study the peculiarities of their formation and use in the dialects of the Khanty language. This work is also concerned with the use of a noun (the agent) in the form of the locative in the “passive” construction, which can be explained by the influence of the category of definitiness/ indefinitiness typical of the Uralic languages. The results of the analysis of the “passive” prove its outstanding status in the Uralic languages. | 1313 | |||||
808 | In article opportunities of formation of ecological culture of the schoolboy in conditions of an educational complex «a kindergarten-school- an educational institution» are opened. In a basis of the methodological approach to the decision of the designated problem the author studies the idea of steady development suggested by known domestic scientist Kaznacheev V.P. Keywords: steady development; continuous education; ecological culture. | 1313 | |||||
809 | This article is devoted to the problem of competitiveness forming among university graduates. We have given the definition of a competitive specialist and made up the model of competitiveness of University graduates. In our research work we have proved the dependence of competitiveness level from the quality of higher education, from successful management of competitiveness forming of University graduates. Keywords: competitiveness, higher education, graduates | 1313 | |||||
810 | In present research phenomenon of «tolerance» is considered as complex concept including styles of thinking as a characteristic of cognitive sphere, self-actualization as a component of motivation-valuable sphere and valuable preferences. Keywords: In present research phenomenon of «tolerance» is considered as complex concept including styles of thinking as a characteristic of cognitive sphere, self-actualization as a component of motivation-valuable sphere and valuable preferences | 1313 | |||||
811 | The goal of the article is to analyze the status componentґs state of modern German within the main continuum. The descending status of German in its motherland is caused by the tendencies of Germanyґs Americanization and, as a result, by language democratization. This problem can be solved by a balanced model of German language policy. Keywords: language state, state analysis, language policy, the social prestige of languages, vertical media, exoglossy | 1313 | |||||
812 | The article is devoted to the characteristics of the initial stage in the history of formation and development of a professional training system in the field of social work in the USA. The author allocated stages of development of this system during the period from the end of the 19th century till 1930s. The basic attention is paid to the first of the allocated stages – to the stage of before-professional formations in the sphere of social work in the USA. The analysis of conceptual sights, characteristic for the American charitable movements in which bowels bases of the future system of vocational training of social workers in the USA, represents the particular interest. Keywords: social work, apprenticeship, professional training, formation and development of a professional training system, vocational training, movement “Settlement”, movement of “Societies of the organised charity», social education. | 1313 | |||||
813 | This article discusses the various definitions of “competence”. A review of various theoretical approaches to the definition and content of the concept of “research competence” of students, its structural and content model. Keywords: competence approach, competence, educational standards, research competence | 1313 | |||||
814 | The article deals with the phenomenon of communication as a manifestation of complexity of interacting creatures. Communication is considered not as a privilege of a human being; it is shown that it is in the root of the world of living nature, it has evolutionary origins. The communicative complexity is exposed by such concepts as flexibility, constructing, intersubjectivity, participatory sense-making, empathy, synergy, mutual incorporation and co-emergence of creatures, which enter the process of communication. Understanding of communication from the viewpoint of the conception of enactivism allows disclosing some substantial aspects of the constructivist character of communicative interaction. Keywords: communication, complexity, constructivism, intersubjectivity, participatory sense-making, mutual incorporation, situatedness, meaning, emergence, enactivism, empathy | 1313 | |||||
815 | Kozlova A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 12-14 . | 1312 | |||||
816 | It is necessary to distinguish between native and nonnative English speaking teachers. At the same time teaching credentials should be required of all English teachers, regardless of their native language. This study is aimed to answer a number of questions like: Are native speaker teachers automatically the best teachers of a language? Just because you speak a language naturally, does that mean you can teach it? Or does the process of learning a language to a high level of fluency make non-native speaker teachers far better equipped to teach that language? Both native and non-native English speaking teachers have certain intrinsic advantages and disadvantages but it depends far more on the personality and their abilities. | 1312 | |||||
817 | The authors of the article base the necessity of new method of evaluation of teaching results of students who choose physical profile through the formation among them a number of competences. They suggest to take project - research competence as basic subject competence formed in the profile. The article gives the authors’ definition of project – research competence, show the methods of its formation at elective courses and also the method of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of degree of this competence formation | 1312 | |||||
818 | The article presents the author’s interpretation of the essence of corporate social responsibility, economic reasons for its formation and development through the prism of the institutional approach, in particular the institutional theory of the firm. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, socialization and economic activity, social responsibility, social policy, external effects, trust | 1312 | |||||
819 | The article examines the question of psychological and pedagogical support for information security in the context of schoolchildren secure educational environment educational organization. There was introduced the concept of defined goals, objectives, structure of psychological and pedagogical support of information security of the individual schoolchildren. There was refined classification of types, methods and forms of psychological and pedagogical support. There are examples of the teacher, a psychologist to work with schoolchildren to ensure their information security. Keywords: information threats, information security, secure information- educational environment, psychological and educational support information security schoolchildren | 1312 | |||||
820 | Kamanina E. V. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2006. Issue 8 (59). P. 127-131 - | 1311 | |||||
821 | Social competence is one of the most significant components of the communicative competence. The development of social competence allows a student to acquire new social experience and use a foreign language as a tool of communication. With regard to the content of social competence, it is still not determined. In this article we have made an attempt to suggest a framework of the content of social competence for primary school students. | 1311 | |||||
822 | The reviewer regards the research of different types of a tale narration and the mounting of meta-text structures in the famous writer’ prose as the values of the monograph “The works by E. Zamyatin in the context of narrative strategies of the first third of the 20th century” written by M.A.Khatyamova | 1311 | |||||
823 | In this article the author considers the features of author’s pedagogical model of the formation of multicultural competence on the basis of system analysis of its elements, adapted to the conditions of teaching of foreign language at the Pedagogical University. Keywords: pedagogical model, competence approach, technology of foreign language acquisition, tolerant competence, formation of multicultural competence, model of the formation of multicultural competence, system approach, active means of the formation of multicul | 1311 | |||||
824 | The article is compensating the shortage of methodology of psychological analysis for group academic work. Specific productivity of group academic work is showed; single and similarity stage changes of different psychological systems are discovered. Keywords: single, similarity, productivity, group academic work, academic cooperation, social ergition | 1311 | |||||
825 | Questions of information policy use and public opinion formation by governing bodies of higher educational institution as tools of image formation of modern educational institution are considered in the article. The author presented a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions providing effi ciency of formation of public opinion about higher educational institution, used for infl uence over consumer in pedagogical communication at organization of meetings with target audiences. Keywords: information policy, public opinion, pedagogical infl uence, image formation | 1311 | |||||
826 | In the scientific-methodical aspect the methodical comment exists in two basic forms: as a type of information-methodical products and as an expert evaluation. Both forms are significant and necessary for theoreticians and practitioners of the educational process. In this article methodical comment is examined as a means of development and evaluation of the professional competence of the teacher of a foreign language. The most appropriate base (informative material) for methodical comments in the course of teachers’ training is proposed (methodical statements, quotes from scientific and educational literature, a description of the methods, techniques, methods, forms of teaching, educational activity results). Examples of tasks from foreign textbooks, which can be considered analogous to methodological commentary and author’s examples of methodological comments are provided. Such tasks were developed by the author of this publication for National Students’ Olympiads on the methods of foreign language teaching “Foreign language (English) and methods of teaching it” (Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2016), and their use has fully justified their scientific and methodological value as a form of evaluation of professional competence of foreign language teachers. The criteria of evaluation of the methodical comments are given (pithiness, validity and completeness of the comment, actuality of the comment in terms of matching the realities of modern language education, knowledge of professional terminology, examples as a support to the comment, observance of time limits). Keywords: methodical comment, professional competence, means of development of professional competence, foreign language, foreign language teacher | 1311 | |||||
827 | Introduction. The article discusses the technology of blended learning, combining the advantages of traditional classroom and e-learning, ensuring the development of the student as a subject of self-educational activity and shaping his readiness for self-development in the future. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to review and analyze the features and key characteristics of “blended learning” technology, to study the models for its implementation in the educational process, as well as to describe the experience of using blended learning in the process of teaching Foreign Language. Material and methods. The methods of theoretical analysis were used: the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature and the Internet resources on the problem of research, the study of foreign experience in the use of blended learning in the educational process, as well as the reflection of the educational activities of the author of this article. Results and discussion. The models and approaches of introducing blended learning into the educational process are described. Key characteristics of blended learning are highlighted: individualization of the educational process, productive independent work, the rational use of class time, the active use of modern information and communication technologies, etc. The characteristics of the interaction of subjects (teacher, students, and electronic educational resources) and the roles they implement in the blended learning model are given. Electronic resources for the introduction of blended learning in educational practice (learning management systems, massive open online courses, Google for Education cloud services) are considered. The experience of using blended learning technology in the teaching of the discipline “Foreign Language” is described. The educational process was built in accordance with the Flipped Classroom technology, which is implemented in the form of a three-stage educational model - independent pre-class work (watching video lectures in order to familiarize yourself with the educational information before the lesson, completing tasks to verify understanding of the material watched), class work (active / creative types of educational activity) and post-graduate work (independent generalization of the studied educational material). Conclusion. It is concluded that the use of the blended learning model results in an increase in the quality of students’ knowledge and the development of their ability to learn independently. Keywords: blended learning, information-communication technologies, self-study, Google for Education, flipped classroom | 1311 | |||||
828 | The article is dedicated to the analysis of the verbal representation of I. Brodski's unique language philosophy in the lexical structure of Chapter X in his poem «Gorbunov and Gorchakov». The author traces the means and methods of the lexical implementation of meta-iingual reflection of the poet in the process of realization of the semantic programme of the poetic text. The research carried out by the author of the article enables us to come to the conclusion that a certain system of lexical means implementing the «Linguocentrism» of his conceptual world picture was already formed at an early stage of his creative work. | 1310 | |||||
829 | Modern life in Russia places new demands on a person, in particular, interest to a personality’s value system is being revived. The absence of conflict between public and personal values helps not only to live a life productively, but also assists self-actualization of a person, as a life-meaning need. A possibility of forming a personal value system in conditions of a prolong training is being considered in this article. | 1310 | |||||
830 | New results of investigation of biological productivity of bog in West Siberia are presented. Production of bog ecosystem ranged from 150 to 600 g/m2 year and be conditioned of plan | 1310 | |||||
831 | The article considers the аksiologichesky aspect of the development of the activity of modern 1–3 year-students at University. The theoretical substantiation of the problems of values and valuable orientations in the development of person’s activity is presented. The results of experimental research of values and their interrelation with the selfrelation of modern students are also described here. Keywords: values and valuable orientations, activity, self-relation, self-development | 1310 | |||||
832 | This article describes the organization of independent work of students in practical classes in mathematics at a technical college with a computer as a learning tool. Keywords: self-directed learning work of student, learning outcome-based approach, competence. | 1310 | |||||
833 | The article devoted to results of comparative motivology development at the last twenty years. In the article the contribution of comparative motivology workings-out into descriptive motivology and comparative linguistics is examined. | 1309 | |||||
834 | The article deals with the analysis of the core of the concept “baby” by means of studying different lexical means that describe a child during the first year of his life. The core of the concept “baby” consists of physical characteristics: small weight, diminutive height, specific age, weaning; physical-physiological characteristics: the ability to crawl, toddle, utter separate sounds and syllables and psychological ones: the ability to cry, scream and smile. | 1309 | |||||
835 | In this article are analyzing the main ways of the pedagogical education organization. The chief result of the author’s theoretical research presents the innovation model which includes the structure, principles and technology of constructing the standart of special pedagogical education | 1309 | |||||
836 | The article considers the results of pedagogical experiment on the estimation of efficiency of uniform and concentrated distribution of training loading in annual training process of preparation at university’s sport department of summer polyathlon. This methodology was used during preparing the combined team of university to the international competitions and rendered the positive influence on the achievement of the final positive result. Keywords: study-training process, training load, lap of training, concentration, control testing | 1309 | |||||
837 | The article is devoted to the structure and content of the Bachelor’s professiogram (degree programme: Pedagogical Education) taking into consideration modern tendencies in the development of education in Russia. Keywords: professional characteristics, professiogram, Bachelor’s professiogram | 1309 | |||||
838 | The article deals with social-pedagodical activity of the Tomsk doctor V. P. Pirussky in children’s sanatorium colonies organization, which turned out to be modern summer camps prototypes. Questions of all the year round educational, developing and socializing work with children in riding academies and city winter and summer grounds are reported; original pedagogic ideas of the scientist that foresaw a lot of achievements of the next decades in school and out of school education are revealed and summed up in the article. Keywords: children sanatorium colonies, pedagogical ideas, institutes of additional education, social practices | 1309 | |||||
839 | The sculpture of the ancient inhabitants of Western Siberia was studied in order to identify the origins of the iconography of the image of bear in the cultic repoussage of the Kulai community of the early Iron Age. It was established that the figurines of a bear standing on four paws, and the image of the beast’s head are genetically related to similar types of the sculpture that appeared in the Neolithic Era. The images of a bear standing on its hind paws became popular on the eve of the Iron Age under the influence of the forest-steppe ethnocultural impacts. The partial images are undergoing the process of rearchaization and form compositions known as a bear in the «sacrificial posture». Iconographic types reflect different semantic layers, representing, in particular, social symbols. Keywords: the Neolithic Era, the Bronze Age, the early Iron Age, the Rulai cultural-historical community, the images of bear, symbol, Western Siberia | 1309 | |||||
840 | Choosing the right ending of the case system of nouns is one of the main problems that are encountered by foreigners learning Russian. Probably the genitive case causes the greatest difficulties due to the fact that it can have many meanings and endings and contains a large number of special cases and exceptions. The authors have examined the existing guides and manuals for Russian-speaking natives and foreigners addressed to those who study Russian as a foreign language, and point out the best way to describe all the features of this case. The authors focus on how the genitive case system for nouns is presented, both substantively and graphically. Considerable discrepancies in the principles underlying the delivery and selection of linguistic materials are observed. The authors concluded that the genitive system wasn’t exhaustively treated, not all types of inflection and not all exceptions are described. Moreover, the authors have made three tables organizing the endings of the genitive case of nouns based on the literature review. The authors present a table in which the genitive endings of nouns are shown systematically. All the endings of the nouns are shown in the tables representing the genitive case of singular and plural cases, as well as examples of every case and the phonetic laws of changes in words and special cases of forms’ formation, which have not had drawn attention to before. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, genitive case, singular and plural forms, endings, inflections, tables, mobile vowels | 1309 | |||||
841 | The article devotes to the examination of unique event in the 20th Century history of education – the change of pedagogical paradigms. Nowadays traditional principles are focused on the knowledge of subjects, educations, which give place to the ideas of humanistic education, in the center of an individual self-expression. The main concept of the article lies in the change of pedagogical paradigms as the methodological resonance of changing types in philosophical thinking. This exactly allows to speak about classical pedagogics as the result of metaphysic work. | 1308 | |||||
842 | The article deals with structural organization of different types of variative lexical repeats on the base of M.I. Tsvetaeva lyric poetry and also their functions and meaning in text formation are revealed. | 1308 | |||||
843 | Afanasyeva E. M. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 153-155 - | 1308 | |||||
844 | The article is focused on the state and status of the modern psychotherapy from the ethical and methodological aspects. It accentuates the problem connected with estimation of effectiveness of psychotherapy methods. It also discusses potentials of the humanitarian approach | 1308 | |||||
845 | The article continues the study of morphosyntax problems in the Chuvash language. The functionality of the postpositions in the complex sentences is considered in the given article. Special attention paid to the lexicogrammatical relations between main and dependent clauses. Keywords: the Chuvash language, morphosyntax, grammar, functionality, postposition, complex sentence. | 1308 | |||||
846 | The article is the result of theoretical study of the contents of the notion “criminalistical feature to personalities of the juvenile criminal”. We consider the criminalistically significant forms of the manifestation individually-larval particularities juvenile criminal in way separate action for events of the forcible crime: of the hiding trace and in behaviour after completion of the crime. Keywords: criminalistical feature to personalities of the criminal, the influence of individually-larval particularities of the criminal on way of completion of the crime, the personality of a juvenile criminal, forcible crime | 1308 | |||||
847 | The works of Russian researchers, published in the Soviet period and dedicated to the political processes on the Korean Peninsula in the second part of the 20th century were analyzed in the article. The main issues, connected with the Korean problem, were examined. Keywords: Korean Peninsula, split of Korea, Korean War 1950–1953, interests of the USSR and the USA, unification | 1308 | |||||
848 | The article examines the usage and origin of slang in medical terminology. Psychological, ethical and law aspect of the usage of slang in medical society are analyzed. As a result, conclusions about the reasons of medical slang usage, consequences of its development and adaptation are made. Keywords: medical slang, bioethics, medicine | 1308 | |||||
849 | The article presents results of the complex research of the modern conditions of socialization, formation of reproductive behaviour, personal peculiarities and psychic sphere state of women belonging to the optimal reproductive age group. 208 women aged between 18 and 35, among them 158 in the state of pregnancy, took part in the survey and psycho-diagnostic investigations. Out of the total number 100 women planned to give birth to a child and 58 planned to have a therapeutic abortion. It was established that the social status characteristics and the parent family composition allowed to prognosticate the character of interpersonal relations within a young woman's family, her personality state, the reproductive activity level and the so-called «corridor of opportunities* for professional seif-realization. The application of MMPI and other test and non-test psycho-diagnostic methods showed the peculiarities of formation of a number of personal characteristics and the structure of emotional relations as refers to women affected by desired pregnancy. | 1307 | |||||
850 | In the article it is shown, that the civilization is a necessary, constant aspect of culture. Each culture, cultural – historical type represent objectivation and an explication of cultural and civilized values as actualizations of cultural and civilized aspects of a human nature. Cultural aspect of a human nature is represented by need for creativity, for sense of the existence, for belief, for service to idea etc.; civilized aspect such as need for safety, well-being, care of posterity etc. Then, cultural values – Real, True, the God etc.; civilized values – family, validity, a cosiness etc. | 1307 |