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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
1101 | The article outlines different cognitive models such as concepts, frames and scenario concepts. Different notions of the term “concept” are given and some means of realization of the scenario concept are considered. Keywords: concept, scenario, scenario concept, allusion | 1169 | |||||
1102 | The question of methodical competence formation of specialized pedagogue is considered in the network of the new academic course of the basic part of Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education in the sphere of Specialized (speech pathology) education training – “General methodical aspects of teaching in specialized educational institutions”. On the basis of the pursued scientific research there are distinguished peculiarities of methodical activity of the specialized pedagogue; specificity and necessity of deductive approach application to its methodical training are substantiated; methodical basis, principles, objectives, goals and the content of the new course are developed. Keywords: general methodical aspects, specialized pedagogue, methodical competence, methodical training, deductive approach, formation | 1169 | |||||
1103 | This paper presents an analytical review of the scientific literature on the subject of professional formation. Examines the concepts of professional formation in the two models of professional development: professionallyoriented and student-oriented. Examines the state of research in the field of professional development of a teacher. The focus is on the psychological determinants of successful professional development and professional teaching staff. Shows that the professional development of a teacher is accompanied by formation of a professionally important qualities such as intelligence, purpose, practical and diagnostic reasoning, intuition, empathy, precognition, teacher observation and reflection. Identified some aspects that violate the professional formation and development of teachers: professional stress, personal and professional deformation, professional burnout and stagnation and other forms of professional destructions in teaching. Keywords: professional formation, choice of profession, professional self-determination, formation of professional intentions, identity of the teacher, professional activity | 1169 | |||||
1104 | This paper is dedication to scientific examination of two his¬torical versions of origin of Russian surnames: official (non-ancestral) and informal (public, ancestral). Population-anthroponimic analysis as a scientific - research method was selected. So-called hypothesis of pro-portional representation, which the-oretically has to be performed in the case of justice of official version, has been controlled. Before, on the example of 12000 graduates Siberian Medical Univer-sity has been tested and showed, that in 25 % called hypothesis isn't performed, and it proves an-cestral (public) version of many Russian surnames These investigations were held with the use of 10000 graduates of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The results prove the made above conclu-sions at a great extent. | 1168 | |||||
1105 | The article considers actual matters of sports team control. Taking into account authoritarian, democratic and liberal approaches in athletes' reserves training the most appropriate and effective control style of 10-13 year old sprinters has been determined on the ini¬tial stage. | 1168 | |||||
1106 | Cultural-historical periodization of the early Iron Age in Surgut Ob’ river basin developed by J.P. Chemyakin is viewed in the article. The author of the article raises an objection against the names of the stages of Kulay culture of the Iron Age of the region. The analysis of the periodizations of the epoch of the yearly Iron Age of Ob-Irtysh basin shows that extracted by the archeologists cultural formations are synchronous just in part. Formation of Kulay culture in Surgut Ob’ river basin is connected with penetration of migrants whereas in Narym Ob’ river basin Kulay culture has autochthonous basis. This peculiarity of the early stage of the region’s epoch should be reflected in its name and the name of the early stage of Kulay culture should stay the same as it is in literature. | 1168 | |||||
1107 | - | 1168 | |||||
1108 | The article considers the problem of interaction with training college students who are considered to be maladjustable because of their negative social experience of communication. The article presents the detailed description of the experience of teenagers inclusion in socially-significant activity through their involvement in dramatic performance and charity. Keywords: theatrical pedagogics, maladjustable teenagers, socially-significant activity | 1168 | |||||
1109 | The paper deals with a psychological mechanism of stereotypes formation. The author studies influence of the stereotypes on cross-cultural communication, specifies interpretation of the stereotypes in regard to the US and Russian business cultures, analyzes functions of the stereotypes which are of paramount importance for cross-cultural communication. The author classifies stereotypes on the US and Russian business cultures. This classification is considered to be helpful for eliminating cultural shock when one encounters a foreign culture. Keywords: stereotype, cross-cultural communication, psychological mechanism, business culture, communicative strategy, cultural shock | 1168 | |||||
1110 | The article studied the influence of luminiscent radiation of photoluminescent films on augmentation of productivity of plants in a greenhouses, and also the reflected, absorbed and dissipated solar light photoluminophore particles in films. It is experimentally erected, that the basic contribution to augmentation of productivity of plants to a greenhouses under photoluminescent films imports the luminescent radiance generated by films. Productivity also is spotted by a relation getting on a plant direct and a diffused light. Keywords: a greenhouse, a solar light, a photoluminescent film, luminescent radiation, productivity | 1168 | |||||
1111 | The article illustrates that the awareness and attitude of teenagers with cerebral paralysis is mainly defined by the level of their subjectness. The higher the level of the subjectness of teenagers with cerebral paralysis is, the more adequate their view of their defect, the existing limitations and the available possibilities is. Keywords: health, teenager, subjectness. | 1168 | |||||
1112 | The redox potential of soils seems to be a critical environmental factor because it governs the chemical and biochemical form of many compounds and their availability for plants and soil microorganisms. Dissolved and total organic carbon, total nitrogen and activity of reeducates, xanthine oxidase, phenol oxidase and peroxides were determined in the peat samples. The aim of this study is to compare the activity of enzymes participating in redox potential at two depths of profile Tagan peatland: acrotelm and catotelm. The study has shown the impact of two depths of profile peatland on activities enzymes participating in redox potential like nitrate reductase, xanthine oxidase, phenol oxidase and peroxidase. In soil profiles activity of xanthine oxidase, phenol oxidase and peroxidase increased with the depth in the points 2, 3 and 4 and also xanthine oxidase in point 1. Together with extending into the depth of soil, there was the increase in nitrate reductase activity in points 1, 3 and the decrease in points 2, 4. Keywords: peat soils, activity of nitrate reductase, xanthine oxidase, phenol oxidase and peroxidase | 1168 | |||||
1113 | The article deals with the interaction of the environmental and aesthetic education in the system of additional education as the method of the development of the ecological culture of students. The article describes students’ project activity experience in the system of additional education. Keywords: aesthetic education, environmental education, the project activity, system of additional education | 1168 | |||||
1114 | The article deals with the existing approaches to the identification of the language talent and foreign language aptitude from a position of theorists and practitioners. Some difficulties in identifying the language talent are described. The groups of approaches to identifying the language talent and foreign language aptitude in foreign languages are characterized. Keywords: talent, ability, language talent, foreign language aptitude, approaches to identifying talent | 1168 | |||||
1115 | This article deals with the features of the narrative of Post-Symbolism novels. The investigation of the figure of the unreliable narrator is based on the texts by Vsevolod Ivanov, Constantine Vaginov, Yuri Olesha, and Vladimir Nabokov. The role that this kind of a narrative instance plays in realization of the narrative strategy of provocation is observed. Keywords: narrative, narrator, storyteller, metaauthor, V. Nabokov, Yu. Olesha, K. Vaginov, L. Dobychin, I. Ehrenburg, V. Ivanov | 1168 | |||||
1116 | The article is devoted to slang units as a component of one of the sub-strata, which are present in every national language and comprehended by linguists at the level of the language system, and from the point of view of the functioning within certain areas of interpersonal and social communication. The subject of the study is the jargon, manifesting the specifics of the speech activity of the Chinese youth. The linguocultural angle of attention allows to explore the extra-literary lexicon of this category with the reference to manifestations of national culture. Substantiates the definition of jargon as linguocultural units that represent the specificity of a particular linguistic culture primarily in the context of intercultural interaction. It is noted that the study of certain strata of vocabulary as linguistic markers of national culture is relevant today in the context of the observed expansion of international relations and multicultural space communications, as well as the entry of humanity in the era of globalization and widespread information. The system of Chinese youth slang is traditionally exposed to the sublanguage differing stylistic markedness in relation to the literary norm. The use of slang words and expressions in China is characterized by centuries-old tradition, which in the light of their study in the aspect linguocultural mainstream is defined as one of the most important tasks of linguists. Keywords: slang, youth slang, jargon, linguistic culture, cultural linguistics, jargon as the linguocultural unit, Chinese | 1168 | |||||
1117 | The paper deals with the problems of the history of Uyghur khaganate (745–840). The author’s task is to reveal the peculiarities of historical evolution of Uyghur Empire and its differences from previous political nomads’ formations in Central Asia. According to the author’s hypothesis these differences are manifested in the formation of civilizations in Uyghur region. Due to the research of urbanization, the expansion of written language and literacy, elements of State formation, adoption of Manichaeism by the Uyghur elite, development of crafts, agriculture, trade and inclusion of Uyghur khaganate into Eurasian world-system relations, the author concludes that the khaganate was on the threshold of the civilization stage. Keywords: Uigur khaganate, urbanization, written language, Manichaeism, early State, nomadic empire, civilization | 1167 | |||||
1118 | The article is based on the analysis of current approaches to management, regulatory and legal framework of education, shows ways to identify organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective management of educational systems. It is noted that the basis for efficient management of educational systems that target the installation of the Russian education system and the selected management approaches to managing the organization as a whole. Keywords: education, management, organizational and pedagogical conditions | 1167 | |||||
1119 | A comparative analysis of the thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere, obtained by the radiosonde data of the station Novosibirsk and data of thunderstorms and heavy rains of meteorological station Ogurzovo for the summer seasons of 2000–2011 are introduced. The limits of variability and characteristics of some parameters (SHOW, CAPE, TOTL, KINX, LIFT, EQLV, LFCT) during thunderstorms and heavy rains were determined. Keywords: thunderstorm, heavy rain, thermodynamic parameters, convection in the atmosphere, intervals of variation of thermodynamic parameters | 1167 | |||||
1120 | Introduction. Having emerged as a tool of linguistic analysis, the corpus is now actively interpreted in terms of language learning. It allows us to speak about the formation of a new direction in humanitarian education – corpus teaching. Material and methods. The article deals with the consideration of the сorpus methodical potential in the field of student’s research work organization. It demonstrates the problem and project exercises that can be used in the practice of teaching the Russian language and the disciplines of the cycle “Modern Russian Language” (spelling, morphology, lexicology, orthology, etc.). The main target audience of the tasks are philology students, though with some adaptations they can be applied in the Russian language school course as well. Results and discussion. The presented tasks are aimed to the analysis of such phenomena as genus changing of nouns, polysemy, borrowed vocabulary, neologisms, the establishment of the words authorship and time of their appear in the language, outdated vocabulary and thematic groups using corpus data. To solve the tasks, students need to use such tools of the Russian National Corpus as lexico-grammatical search, search by semantic markup, ordering the results by date of creation, setting the sub-corpus and showing statistical information. In some tasks, the use of the corpus is combined with reference to the traditional means of learning – the dictionary. Comparison of vocabulary and corpus information allows to combine regulatory and customary approaches to the study of language and significantly expand the student’s understanding of it. The author describes the search mechanics needed to complete the tasks and gives methodological comments on the estimated results of the students and the teacher’s actions. The commentary is structured so that the reader could easily see the discussion potential of the educational material. The source for the tasks described in the article was the Russian National Corpus. Conclusion. In the end, the author draws conclusions about the pedagogical specificity of the corpus. According to the author, the corpus is an effective base for the implementation of the problem-based learning method and the project method, and its use allows students to look at the language as a living, mobile organism. Keywords: corpus linguistics, data-based teaching, corpus, Russian National Corpus, Russian language teaching, electronic educational resources | 1167 | |||||
1121 | From Ed. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2007. Issue 8 (71). P. 148-148 | 1166 | |||||
1122 | The article is devoted to the utopian idea of freedom society that has been known as “American dream”. The American dream as a model of information process has defined socio-cultural dynamics due to functions of utopia | 1166 | |||||
1123 | Requirements are led to quality artificial bedding rocks and to the basic component for their manufacturing - to peat. Ways, technologies and short characteristics developed VNIITP the equipment for manufacture bedding rocks are given. Keywords: soils, ground, components, peat, quality, the equipment | 1166 | |||||
1124 | The article presents the competent approach as the strategy for the development of higher professional education in Russia. Some problems of higher education didactics at the present stage are actualized. The author considers principles for design of the content of competent-oriented educational complex. Keywords: competence, competency, professional pedagogic education, didactics of higher education | 1166 | |||||
1125 | The article is devoted to comparative social and psychological analyses of portrait features of first-year students studying at Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev. Studies social characteristics, motives of choosing the university, attitude to teacher’s profession, expectations from pedagogical process and future professional activity, specific characteristics for the first-year students’ career group. The most important factor determining the success of professional training is students’ motivation, their interest to teacher’s profession. The main result of the experiment is orientation of first-year students to become a qualified professional of high level, that will provide them with great success at the beginning of their working way. Entering Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev is a way for first-year students to realize their vital aims and plans. The students are eager to get education, which will help them to become specialists in the changing conditions of professional activity, to admit these reforms. Students’ achievements and results are reflected in their personal portfolio. First-year students formulate an order for personal growth trainings, which help to develop the competence to change quickly and adapt to new working conditions. Forming of such competences will simplify students’ acceptance of the new social conditions. Also they hope that their achievements and activity in different spheres of students’ life will be appreciated. The research helps to define the direction of developing a set of measures: to adopt first-year students to educational process at pedagogical university aimed at formation of professional pedagogical values of students of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev. Keywords: first-year students, motives of choice, adaptation, satisfaction with results, career group | 1166 | |||||
1126 | Health is the main value of modern society. The priority scientific direction of the third Millennium is the development in the medical sphere to find some ways to increase the average duration of human life. The significance of health problem is due to the need to develop the effective methods of fighting the diseases against which ones the medicine is powerless. The relevance of the topic choice is due to the unflagging interest in the discourse studies in modern linguistics as well as the role of British medicine in the world and the British health system. One of the leading countries in the field of medicine is Britain, whose health system is remarkable for its flexibility and equal treatment of all patients regardless of their nationality and social class. The research object of this article is the English medical discourse, the subject of the study is its genre differentiation. In modern native and foreign linguistics there are a various approaches to understanding of the term “discourse”. The English medical discourse belongs to the institutional discourses. The list of institutional discourses is quite extensive: political, diplomatic, administrative, legal, military, pedagogical, religious, mystical, medical, business, advertising, the discourse of Fashion, post, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, perfumery, gastronomic and others. The article considers the English medical discourse which represents the interaction of medical discourse proper, scientific and advertising medical, media discourse, legislative (legal), commercial, and academic discourses in the sphere of medicine. The leading role here belongs to the medical discourse proper. The medical discourse is characterized by the polyphonic inclusion of historical, encyclopedic, social and pharmaceutical discourses. The complex nature of the English medical discourse has generated a variety of genre forms. Keywords: medicine, health, discourse, medical discourse, speech genre | 1166 | |||||
1127 | Doubt is often cast nowadays on the previously stable triad of the truth, good and beauty, which is destroyed in one way or another. Proceeding from the principles of positivism the Russian scholar-humanitarian D.N. Ovsya¬niko-Kulikovsky (1853-1920) declared beauty a fiction. In the article it is shown that the scholar's stand as «the de¬stroyer of aesthetics» is determined by his general cultur-ological concept. The recognition of polarity in culture (normal/abnormal, pathological; health/illness) was an¬other characteristic feature of this concept. The author of this article believes that it was an outstanding and bold attempt to introduce fundamental opposition of cul¬ture/counterculture into the Russian science of culture. It is also pointed out that in making specific studies the scholar was inconsequent with the methodologically fruitful idea advanced by him. | 1165 | |||||
1128 | The author has discovered the reminiscences of the poems «The Upas-tree* by A. Pushkin and «Meditations at the front door* by N. Nekrasov in V. Mayakovsky's poem «The Seaters-over* in particular and the creative work of Mayakovsky as a whole. | 1165 | |||||
1129 | Analyzing the nature of successfulness of instructional activities of teachers in preparing them for work with innovation techniques, the author came to the conclusion about essential significance in this process of didactic difficulties, which are the factor of declining effectiveness of school activity. Studying the nature of didactic difficulties and the ways of their overcoming by means of special training becomes the condition for increasing of effectiveness of instructional process and learning activity of the students. In the article the author discusses the new approach to organization of professional training of a teacher focusing on necessity of previous the most recently encountered didactic difficulties in a group of learners connected with mastering of innovation technologies prior to organization and conduction of the courses aiming at the formation of the skills to overcome these difficulties. Inclusion of these actions as a prior stage of any courses of in-service training and advanced specialized courses opens extensive possibilities for increasing effectiveness in teaching issues connected with new educational techniques and strategies. | 1165 | |||||
1130 | The theoretical and methodological premises of the identity concept as social and psychological phenomenon is argumented. Auther show that it possible to study the identity as constracted complex of social and phyhological dimensions, that are reflected identity. | 1165 | |||||
1131 | The article represents the theoretical analysis of role of a pedagogical position of influence in the content of changing of the education. The author analyzes a traditional view at the teacher’s position like a generator of knowledge to pupils, which is in fact an antiauthoritarian position and it is revealed in join interactivity of child and adult. The modern educational situation demands reconsiderations of this state of things and to hold another position as an adviser, tutor, helper, observer. All this positions are linked with so called “mediation” as special type of pedagogical activity, which is being described by the author. | 1165 | |||||
1132 | The article presents the analysis of the role of industrial-bank capital in different stages of development of integrated structures. The advantages of industrial – bank unification are marked: enlarging size of capital, widening of profit earning possibilities, reduction and division of market risks, creation of the conditions for productive investment activity. Industrial-bank unifications appear to be the link, which is able to create high structured capital which provides the conditions for economic growth. | 1165 | |||||
1133 | The paper aims to investigate the domain of spatial relators in Eastern Khanty and the notions they serve to express. The domain of basic topological relations is represented by a class of postpositions which are more or less equivalent to prepositions in English. In the present paper we would like to approach the analysis of postpositions in Eastern Khanty within the modern grammaticization theory framework. Thus, the analysis is performed from a perspective of the evolution of postpositions out of earlier lexical forms. This involves etymology and explanation of changes in language through semantic and cognitive accounts of words. | 1165 | |||||
1134 | The article considers the peculiarities of formation of the system of investments into environment protection and the solution of regional economic tasks in HMD. It also makes the analysis of economic stimulation of the optimal nature development via the system of positive and negative motivation methods | 1165 | |||||
1135 | The article is devoted to the study of the Turkic vocabulary in the Russian dialects of the Middle-Ob in the 17th century. It is found out that this vocabulary is a feature of the frontier language continuum appeared in the 17th century, the influence of the Tatar languages and dialects is the strongest. Unpublished archive materials were also used for the study. Keywords: historical lexicology, dialectology, borrowing, foreign vocabulary, Middle-Ob dialects, business writing of the 17th centuries, frontier | 1165 | |||||
1136 | The main source of Z. Gippius’ literary activity is searching the Divine in the soul. The orthodox culture has become the basic layer in the foundation of the literary model of Z. Gippius’ literary world. Orthodox culture’s ideas such as sacralization of words, silence, negotiation of the sin origin etc. have affected the genre (prone genre), image (the image of Christ and the Virgin), thematic peculiarities of Z. Gippius’ (the ideas od Divine, sin, childhood etc.) poetic and prosaic literary activity. Keywords: functional text, literary genre, prone, religiosity | 1165 | |||||
1137 | The article deals with the theoretical problem of readiness for written translation within the frame of lingua sociocultural approach in translation teaching. The author presents distinguishing features of this process, its essence, princip les and defi nition. The indexes of readiness for written translation and their characteristics are deducted on the basis of the specifi c features of written translation. They are reproductions of the original sense (exactness and clarity, completeness and profundity), pragmatic adequacy, lexical equivalence, right translation form in Russian, creative approach, tempo of the translation. The article is of interest for researchers and specialists working with translation teaching. Keywords: lingua sociocultural approach, skills and habits, lexical equivalence, pragmatic adequacy, exactness and clarity, completeness and profundity | 1165 | |||||
1138 | Improving the effectiveness of training, rehabilitation and social adaptation is realized through interagency of agencies. The author draws attention to the most productive forms of interdepartmental cooperation, defi nes the functions of the organizations involved in it. Modular structuring of institutions, according to the author, allows a systematic approach to the problem of organizing access to education for children with special educational needs. Keywords: children with special educational needs, accessible education, inclusive education, interagency cooperation, module. | 1165 | |||||
1139 | The article runs about creation and realization of structural-functional education model of Russian language for foreign students. The aspects of process of pedagogical modelling are settled and considered, the structural models were described: target, technological, final, substantial, reflective. Keywords: modeling, structural-functional model, methodical aspect, Russian as foreign | 1165 | |||||
1140 | The article raises a problem of word formation in Chulym Turkic, the moribund Turkic varieties spread in Western Siberia. Chulym Turkic word formation is highly understudied with exception of noun formation. An exigency for detailed research of Chulym Turkic verb formation is urged by the on-going computerization of Chulym Turkic data with a further perspective of automatic language data processing. Keywords: Chulym Turkic sub-dialects, nominal and verbal word formation (derivation) | 1165 | |||||
1141 | In the article the authour analyses the sacrilege studies of the soul. The main research interest is focused on the energy concept of the personality. The author touches on hierarchical structure and functional mechanism of the soul. The authour pays special attention to the meaning of moral and spiritual beginning of personality’s being. | 1164 | |||||
1142 | Mathematics is submultitude of Cultural World. Cultural World is subject-object variety of possessors of senses of material and spiritual activity of a man. The activity of sense-building itself and a man realizing it are elements of Cultural World and possessors of its culture and sense. Sense is a one-to-one correspondence between a multitudes of demands and possibilities which satisfy them. Mathematical vision of sense-obtaining process gives a chance to build the trajectory of sense as godograph of its radius-vector. Mathematical culture have the trajectory of sense reflecting sense of mathematical education and philosophy of mathematics. | 1164 | |||||
1143 | The article views the main grammaticalization patterns of polyverbal constructions in Chulym Turkic, namely: TAM forms, complex predicates of phraseological type, multicomponent constructions. Keywords: aktionsart, TAM forms, grammaticalization, polyverbal constructions, complex predicates of phraseological type | 1164 | |||||
1144 | This article is the result of a theoretical study of comparative constructions in the Shor language. This study gives a complete description and comparative analysis of the etymology of singularities of analytic performance comparison чилеп, шени, ош›аш in Shor and other Turkic languages (Altai, Khakas, Tuva), structural-functional classification of comparative constructions in the simple sentence in the Shor language and definition of synonymy postpositions. Keywords: postpositions, comparative particles, types of comparative constructions, comparison standard and comparison subject, comparison indicator, synonymy postpositions | 1164 | |||||
1145 | Classification of models of structuration of the educational information is considered in the article. The frame model is described in detail. The use of the given model in practical works in chemistry is proved. Keywords: structuration of the educational information, structuration model, frame | 1164 | |||||
1146 | The article examines an experience of classical Russian literature interpretations in Italian cinema. The analysis is carried out in several directions. The chronological vector suggests an interest in Russian literature from a historical perspective, beginning with the 40s of the XX century. In these years, Italian cinema became a cultural phenomenon subject to censorship – using Russian literature in films was a way whereby productions could avoid censorship. We can assume that film adaptations of Russian literature had a significant impact upon Italian cinema of the time. Writers such as Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gogol, Bulgakov became very popular after WWII. The Paper aims at providing an overview of Italian cinema based on Russian literature, whereas the question of «success» or «failure» of film adaptations under consideration shall be left open. Keywords: Italian movie art, Russian literature, neo-realism, censorship, strategy of creative activity | 1164 | |||||
1147 | According to the author. A great contribution was made by the evacuated population to provision of the front with all the necessary. Meanwhile, the processes of reception and quartering of there evacuated people had significant difficulties due to human strength tension and bad living conditions. The experi-ence on quartering of the evacuated population during the Great Patriotic War seems to be understudied till now. | 1163 | |||||
1148 | This article is based on the results of the first re¬search on the history of physical culture in the univer¬sities of Tomsk. The reader can find in it the names of teachers, trainers, sportsmen, managers and those who organized and developed physical culture and sports in universities in 1945-1955. The article con¬siders the problems of establishment and development of the physical culture teaching process, formation cf the conditions for siSDiiizatjon of teaching and sporting work It gives information about changes in the staff of teachers and trainers, medical provision in sports clas¬ses and place cf physical culture in curricula of univer-s-jy education. This article is intended for university teachers, stu¬dents, post-graduates, sports workers, historian-re¬searchers and others, who are interested in the history of physical culture and sports. | 1163 | |||||
1149 | The author regards the rhetorical category of colloquality with the reference to the theory of different types of speech culture as the relevant feature of public speech of the representatives of the elite type of speech culture. The undertaking analysis is closely related to the modern processes in public verbal communication. The author reveals the specific character of the rhetorical colloquiality, the composition of its units (including a low colloquial speech and jargon) and their functions, determines the limits of the permissible deviation from the norm of communication within the given culture and the corresponding criteria of reference of the speaker to the representatives of the elite type of speech culture. | 1163 | |||||
1150 | The article is devoted to analysis of regulative potential of stylistic figures (anzhabeman, parcelling) in lexical regulative structure of Z. Gippius poetic texts. It was determined that regulative means of anzhabeman and parcelling in the author verses are designated to coupling with title and the other regulative means (tropes and stylistic figures). The analyzed stylistic figures define originality of poetic texts and the main characteristic features of Z. Gippius idiostyle. They are “style firmness”, unemotionality, “categorical tone” of narration. Convergence of stylistic figures as the way of organization of text micro- and macrostructures contributes to making a gnomic style of poetic text and allows varying inflexion outline of work. | 1163 |