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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2301 | The reviewer points out that the author of the work is cardinally revising the boundaries and the essense of the notion «epic dramas. She is giving the first systematic investigation within the framework of the Russian tradition to dramas thoroughly forgotten (by S. Tretjakov), quite new (by G Gorm, O. Brodsky, B, Aksjenov, V, Maksimov) and well known, which former interpretation cannot be accepted nowadays (by M. Gorky, К Trenev) | 1086 | |||||
2302 | The distinction character of the Whole and the Entity and the resemblance character of the Entity and the Unity of Yamvlih from Syrien are researched. There are two points of view about the Unity. The Unity is the beginning of the simple number row and, simultaneously, the beginning of the number, which this Unity embraces and forms. The second meaning concurs with Yamvlih from Syrien idea about the Unity who understands it as the all-absorbing (ubiquitous) reality, which embraces and maintains everything in itself indistinguishably. On the other hand it concurs with the meaning of the Entity as the all-embracing beginnig, which excepts every distinction and engenders everything from itself. | 1086 | |||||
2303 | Calendars of peoples of the world as important elements of their cultures are represented in the paper. The typical features of calendar systems of ancient peoples are described; main principles of forming of calendars of preliterate peoples are studied in the paper. | 1086 | |||||
2304 | We trace the dynamics of the change of functions of music, concerning the language on early stages of the western culture development. We show how the localization of the concept-expressing function of music into the sphere of every-day speech and art take place as the language change and the graphic means of fixating language expressions appear. | 1086 | |||||
2305 | The article deals with the problems of language teaching at the elementary level. The authors share their teaching experience in the educational complex “Kristina” (the kindergarten and elementary school). | 1086 | |||||
2306 | The article shows the need of state support for developing programs of educational crediting in Russia both at federal and regional levels. Interaction of the state, large banks, insurance companies, corporations can create an effective mechanism of crediting of paying educational services. Educational crediting contributes to the maintenance of demand for paying educational services and to the provision of accessibility of education. | 1086 | |||||
2307 | Professional and applied physical training problem's solution is based on preliminary identification of professionally important qualities for this or that kind of labour, its conditions analysis as well as on the study of occupational hazards which earlier was based on systematic professional and graphical researches | 1086 | |||||
2308 | Introduction of market relations in Russia, innovative development of production of goods and increase of its competitiveness in the world markets totally change approaches to education of all levels and specialties. Special attention is given to innovative business training organized for students whose curriculum contains this training as the specific form of professional activity. The curriculum should contain disciplines of student specialization in the specific areas of industry, and also bring up in his (her) business activity and economic efficiency. Training of a student should be conducted basing on the specific innovative project in which competitive advantages of the person give synergy impact on competitive advantages of a team | 1086 | |||||
2309 | In the article we examine questions about development of teacher's copyright interactive tutorials – sites. We’ve done an analysis of the use of computer technology in traditional teaching methods. Analysis is based on the information of regional competition of copyright lessons using computer. This competition has been holding in Tomsk region for four years. In the article we explore the problems of use computer technology on the lessons at the present stage of development of education. We put special emphasis on the possibility of the use of information technology within the system of personality-developing training. We discuss the issues of designing the structure of interactive computer tutorials. We presented the description of constructor, which is intended to create copyright sites. Keywords: interactive tutorials, web-sites, computer technologies, regional competition, personality-developing training, tutorial structure, electronic constructor | 1086 | |||||
2310 | The authors of the article offer ways to improve quality of education and make specialized education in ungraded schools readily available by means of providing of online forms of education and implementation of innovative educational programs Keywords: education, ungraded school, state educational policy, teachers extended training, online education tutor, specialized education, innovative educational programs | 1086 | |||||
2311 | The article considers the linguistic ways of «Creator» concept objectification in Prigov’s poetic texts. The methods of conceptual analysis are here applied. The given research is a fragment of concept analysis; as a result of it certain cognitive indications have been formulated, dominant senses of some poetic fragments and the whole texts have been revealed. Keywords: conceptual analysis, «Creator» concept, cognitive indication, cognitive classification indication, key lexeme, representative, idio-style | 1086 | |||||
2312 | In clause the stylistic nature epistolary of the discurs as specific form of speech dialogue is investigated. As base the rule about an accessory «classical» epistolary of the text to written colloquial discurs is put forward. The thesis about ability of the letters as special genre is proved to function in discurs of different types, saving thus the invariant attributes. Keywords: functional stylistics, sphere of the communications, functional style, epistolary the discurs, epistolary the text, epistolary the style, epistolary the genre | 1086 | |||||
2313 | The article treats the role of componential analysis in solving lexical, lexical and grammatical, and stylistic challenges of translation. The paper maintains that componential analysis enables the translator to understand what causes translation challenges, to suggest effective and efficient strategies of overcoming the challenges, to select adequate translation equivalents and to proofread the translation. Keywords: componential analysis, pre-translation analysis, translation challenge, adequacy of translation | 1086 | |||||
2314 | In the present article the analysis of some structural grammatical varieties, as well as structural-semantic functions of the joint constructions as the marker of the structural-semantic composition in the comparative plane on the material of the modern English and Tartar languages is being conducted. Keywords: joint constructions, supplementary predicativity, semi-composite sentence | 1086 | |||||
2315 | In the article the stress in the central and southern dialects of the Selkup language is described. The research is based on the material collected during field work with last speakers of these dialects, processings of the material of the A. P. Dulzon archive and the analysis of the language of the first Selkup books. In the course of research it is revealed that in all southern and central dialects of the Selkup language there were systems paradigmatic accents, which can be described in terms “dominant” and “recessive” morphemes. The basic differences in various dialects consist in stress position, basically in marks of suffixes. Keywords: stress, morphology, Selkup language | 1086 | |||||
2316 | A specific character of G. Hauptmanns drama “Die versunkene Glocke” in Russia at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries is observed. Dominating appraisal of Russian literary criticism about German playwright‘s work of literature and a degree of the insight into the authors conception are developed. The pattern of foreign work of literature entry into the culture of our country is deduced. Keywords: critical reception, symbolism, romanticism, neoromanticism, “new drama” | 1086 | |||||
2317 | This article deals with the phenomenon of open joint action as a special type of interaction between the teacher and the student. The subject of consideration is the word semantics “open”, and the characteristics of opening joint educational content. Justifi ed the allocation of the action as the basic units of educational content in elementary school. Keywords: open, the openness, the opening joint program, the communication, the opened and closed systems | 1086 | |||||
2318 | The article covers the analysis of criminal case materials about “solving” the so-called counterrevolutionary organization the “White Guard plot” in 1933. This one of the major criminal cases in the USSR was discovered by authorized representation of OGPU (Joint State Political Directorate) body in Western Siberian Region. The documents analysis report makes possible to conclude the total falsifi cation of this case from the beginning till the end. Keywords: political repression, “White Guard plot”, Western Siberia | 1086 | |||||
2319 | This article focuses at national system of higher education quality evaluation in Italy as one of the best practices of quality assurance in integrated Europe. Based on the analysis of the experience of Italy and the survey of Italian researchers views, the author defines the activities that could affect to the improvement of the quality assurance in other countries, involved in the Bologna Declaration. Keywords: higher education quality, evaluation, educational program, accreditation | 1086 | |||||
2320 | The article deals with the theoretical questions of the individual mechanism of criminal behavior within the frame of the interdisciplinary approach in philosophy, psychology, sociology and criminology. These questions are considered through the prism of addiction defining the perception and evaluation of specific life situations as a problem (conflict) and actualizing the harm as a way of overcoming it. In the context of addiction the postulate of crime is substantiated as a result of interference of personality characteristics on the one hand and the impact of specific situations on the other hand. Keywords: mechanism of criminal behavior, deviant behavior, addictive behavior, addiction | 1086 | |||||
2321 | The article presents an analysis of the linguistic means of expression of semantics of mental and physical states and their functional load in the stories by L. S. Petrushevskaya. In the process of representation of the studied semantics the traditional two-component models (the predicate and the carrier of the state) are characteristic of the syntactic level, on the semantic level attention focuses on the degree of intensity and depression. The simplicity of language means of expression is one of the key characteristics of creative works by L. S. Petrushevskaya. Conversational vocabulary, abundant urban slang, simple sentences, short gloomy phrases of the characters create a special artistic world of the author. In characters’ feelings expression there are no middle, neutral, «etiquette» of emotions, there is always felt anguish and emotional intensity: loved, wept, hard, etc. Hate is expressed indirectly, through the prism of despair and powerlessness. An analysis of the semantics of language means of expression in L. S. Petrushevskaya’s stories states the evidence of their artistic significance in the process of describing characters’ images. Laconic and simple shapes clearly highlight the depth of the feelings and experiences of the characters, the description of the emotional, physical and mental state generates a representation of the inner world of the characters, their perception of reality. Keywords: semantics of the state, story, model, character | 1086 | |||||
2322 | The main functions of foreign languages in the history of cultural development in Russia, such as political, international, professional, cultural-educational and ideological ones are analyzed by the authors in the article. It is proved that it's impossible to from a cultural, international and educational society with a man in its center without knowing foreign lan¬guages. | 1085 | |||||
2323 | One of the most important problems of modern education is analyzed in the article. The authors are sure that in situation of economical destabilny Russia is in want of a teacher of high political and world view culture and civil fortitude. | 1085 | |||||
2324 | In the cognitive aspect the words denoting animals are subject names with the denotative-significative type of meaning. This is the lexical-semantic group with the developed system of hyper-hyponymous relations, but weak synonymic and antonymic relations. In the communicative aspect the nomination is analyzed according to the source, the semantic type and the inner form (motivation). The greater part of Nganasan words denoting animals are motivated. The motives of colouring, body parts, age are prevailing. | 1085 | |||||
2325 | In this article the duality of mentality of a man of traditional cultures of Siberia and the North is characterized by a combination of empirical and pre-ioglcal elements of mentality. Empirical element of mentality of a man of traditional culture embodies individual practical experience of formal-logical order. But being indifferent to the objective cause and effect relationships of the phenomena, he reveals particular attentiveness to manifested and hidden mystical links between phenomena, the basis of which is the law of mystical contiguity of cause and effect. As a result of domination of such law a man of traditional society makes his behavior in the culture. This explains the duality of mentality of a man of traditional culture of Siberia and the North, whose empirical intuition is subjected to the «supreme collective notions*. | 1085 | |||||
2326 | The author of the article makes an attempt to prove that the true characters of Zabolotsky's poem are nei¬ther elements of nature, nor Gods of the antique Panthe¬on, but two great poets of the XIX and XX centuries Fjodor Tjutchev and Velimir Khlebnikov and co-opposing paradigms of their poetical languages. | 1085 | |||||
2327 | In order to ensure coordinated and proportional development of the social and economic system of the region, its management structures should have a clear idea of all the financial resources of the territory. This task could be accomplished by a summary financial balance that characterizes the general financial poten¬tial of the region in the context of aggregated money funds. | 1085 | |||||
2328 | In the article the logic specifications of eventual aspect of a world are consider. This categorical aspect correlate to actual perspectives and trends of modern science, philosophy and culture and it essentially differ from classical metaphysics of being. Being looks as an effect of event in this logic and a conscience is observed as eventual construction of sense. | 1085 | |||||
2329 | Stem-building markers became the formal factors of the declensions only in the course of time. Originally, they were not indifferent to the semantics of the nouns and joined to certain names only. The comparative analysis of nouns with consonantal elements -j-, -w-, -n- in Gothic convinces us of the ancient origin of the markers -j-, -w- as the morphological structure of the word allows to reveal earlier elements. Every stem-building marker with a consonantal element possesses its specific feature and expresses more concrete lexical meaning. The original meaning of the consonantal markers -j-, -w- was connected with an earlier category – category of animateness/inanimateness, i.e. they were markers of animateness but they lost this meaning. Only the marker -n- has kept the meaning of animateness, and vowel markers show the grammatical gender. | 1085 | |||||
2330 | The case system of the Khanty language remains one of the unexplored domains of modern Finno-Ugric Philology. The problem here lies not only in the definition of the number of case endings in the Khanty case paradigm but also in the methods of giving a complete qualitative characteristic of the functions performed by the cases. The article is aimed at giving a full systematic description of the Khanty case system with a special emphasis on the meaning expressed by the case forms. | 1085 | |||||
2331 | The article devoted to the model of future teachers patriotic upbringing, based on principles of succession, tolerance and altruism. To control the work of the system the authors suggest monitoring based on qualitative and quantitative criteria to determine the results at every level and opportunities of patriotic upbringing further correction and prognostication. | 1085 | |||||
2332 | The article relates to the problem of showing up non original locally limited vocabulary stated in the XVII-th Century only in Siberian written language. The author suggests a system of methods of revelation and typology of regional non original vocabulary. Unpublished archival materials are put into scientific use. | 1085 | |||||
2333 | The article considers the possible ways of improving technological development of energetic sector of Russia. It also analyzes the advantages of application of innovatory technologies of horizontal and ramificated-harzontal tore-holes to the vertical ones | 1085 | |||||
2334 | The present article is of scientific significance, because there are no special researches on this theme up to now. The research of the given problem is of current importance. Firstly, G.N.Potanin’s views concerning educational reforms in Russia are of particular interest and not only for specialists. Secondly, ecological culture of some people is an educational problem. Keywords: culturology, homeland studying, education, primary school, patriotism | 1085 | |||||
2335 | This paper deals with the results of scientific conference devoted to the well known philosophy and pedagogy S.I.Gessen’s memory. Some modern forms of the postgraduates research training in Tomsk government pedagogical university are presented. Keywords: scientific conference, education philosophy, pedagogy, school of young scientist, modern education | 1085 | |||||
2336 | The article proves the stages of the development of pedagogical education as socio-cultural phenomenon that were caused by the logic of all-Russian policy of the development of educational institutions network and the changes in the public policy relative to the remote territories colonization, as well as internal socio-cultural processes of the region. In different periods these factors have differently influenced on pedagogical education giving us an opportunity to speak about it as a result of socio-cultural development of Western Siberia. Keywords: region, pedagogical education, Western Siberia, teachers' training, educational policy, socio-cultural development | 1085 | |||||
2337 | The article is devoted to the functional equivalence of the borrowings in the business written language of the XVII century in terms of functional assimilation in the recipient language. The author distinguishes equivalent and unequivalent vocabulary. The work contains both the typology of the relationships between foreign words and their equivalents and the simultaneous analysis of borrowed vocabulary in terms of nomination features. The author defines the role of these characteristics of the borrowed words in the process of their assimilation in the recipient language continuum. Keywords: functional equivalence, historical lexicology, dialectology, borrowing, foreign vocabulary, Middle-Ob dialects, business written language of the XVII c | 1085 | |||||
2338 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the Siberian Constructional Democrats’ program positions evolution on the agrarian issue during the revolution and Civil War and the attempts of their practical achievements. Compromise content of the agrarian policy of the Constructional Democrats in the reviewed period, its motives, influence on the policy of A. V. Kolchak government and the reasons for the final failure was revealed on the materials of the Constructional Democrats party congresses and conferences, the Constructional Democrats periodical press and the archival documents. Keywords: Liberalism, Siberia, Revolution, Civil War | 1085 | |||||
2339 | In the article the sound (inclusive musical) content of the A. P. Chekhov’s drama “The Three Sisters” is considered. The sound and musical constituent of the drama is researched in the aspect of its ontological problems range: as representing the own world image of the play. The work is studied in the cultural context of the time of its creation that allows exposing the originality of Chekhov’s art ontology. Keywords: Chekhov, world image, sound, music, rhythm | 1085 | |||||
2340 | The article considers issues of the cognitive potential of the foreign neologisms in the Russian language on the material of Siberian business documents of the 17th century. The author finds out the realization directions of the cognitive potential of Siberian borrowings demonstrating the features of the national and regional worldview. Keywords: historical lexicology, dialectology, borrowing, foreign vocabulary, Middle-Ob dialects, business written language of the 17th century, cognitive potential | 1085 | |||||
2341 | This article provides a method for analyzing text clips, developed by the author on the basis of theoretical reflection on contemporary research in linguistics of text. As examples to demonstrate the practical application of the methodology used clips “итак” and “таким образом” with different text functions. Keywords: text, text clip, method of analysis, left context, right context, connection of components | 1085 | |||||
2342 | The article deals with problems of teaching basics of computer geometry in teacher training of computer science and mathematics teachers. The peculiarity of this subject is the study of algorithm approach to geometry problems solving. The authors worked out sets of methodical manuals, comprising automatic training and controlling programmes in “Coordinate Transformation” and “Curves of the Second Row”. Keywords: computer geometry, pedagogic programme means, training and controlling programmes, “Coordinate Transformation” and “Curves of the Second Row”, algorithm thinking | 1085 | |||||
2343 | The article reflects the results of the research work concerning the influence of level of schoolchildren knowledge in the field of physical education, on the formation motivation necessity in cognitive and motion activities, in physical training and sport activity. Keywords: physical training lesson, physical education knowledge, cognitive activity, motivation, necessity, motivation activity. | 1085 | |||||
2344 | The paper presents the analysis of motivational provision of remote support of school education and organizational forms of networking in the school (data: educational institutions of Altay Territory). Keywords: motivational provision, distant education, organizational forms of networking | 1085 | |||||
2345 | Introduction. The achromatic color terms and methods of their word-formation in different linguistic cultures - Kazakh, Altai, Russian are compared and analyzed. Adjectives that naming color are an important feature of describing differences in the objects of the surrounding world which effects a person’s perception and emotional state. The system of word-formation of color names, characteristic for the languages under consideration, is a set of nominative units that are diverse in terms of structure. The subject of research is achromatic color vocabulary in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. The aim of the work is to consider the methods of word formation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages and to determine the general and specific features of word formation. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the derivation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages was carried out. Among the methods of research is a comparative one. Results and discussion. The lexico-semantic field of color has a high degree of organization. Although color terms belong to different parts of speech, adjectives belong to the most significant group. The main emphasis is on the grammatical features of adjectives in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian. Color adjectives of the analyzed languages belong to the group of qualitative adjectives perceived by the senses, from which a comparative degree is formed. Morphological way of word formation is the basic one in the formation of color designation and color names in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. This formed a whole series of parametric values of the sufficiency or insufficiency of color, the degree of intensity and color saturation (high or low), the gradation of signs. The morphological way of word-formation of color descriptions involves the formation of color terms with the help of derivational affixes. This way of forming adjectives is most productive in the languages. It is the most prospective and dominant way of word-production of color adjectives. Other methods of word formation are considered; they are composing, partial or complete reduplication, the use of qualifiers, pair words, and comparative constructions with color components. Color designation comparisons were revealed similarity and difference in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages. Conclusion. The word-formative analysis of color adjectives make it possible to conclude that the Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages have a fairly extensive word-formation potential in terms of the possibility of expanding and enriching the lexico-semantic group of color-values. Keywords: color semantics, color designation, achromatic color, word formation, affixation, degree of comparison, comparative analysis | 1085 | |||||
2346 | The necessity of creation of concrete-sensitive system of notions describing a man is based. As a system-formed a notion «a track of information» is offered. A man is considered as an information structure, which is formed by outer invironment. Development of a man is understood as a process of materialization in biological structures of outer informational influences & selforganized process of building answer programmes of reaction. By his activities a man makes changes in surrounding informational invironment, this way taking part in the movement of information | 1084 | |||||
2347 | The detailed analysis of signs of classification of new goods is given: objective and subjective reasons complicating the promotion of innovations. The content of basic innovation strategies in the system of marketing was well revealed. The basic sta¬ges of elaboration of new products and organization forms of management by the process of creating inno¬vations were elucidated. | 1084 | |||||
2348 | The system of education as an economic branch and its product - educational services - are analyzed. The economic functions of education are investigated in the article. | 1084 | |||||
2349 | In research the analysis of psychology-pedagogical features of development by the teacher innovation technologies will be carried spent. The author’s system of the account of difficulties is offered during improvement of professional skill of the teachers and courses of specialization. In the process of training on courses (course period) diagnostics of difficulties of the teachers is recommended to be carried out immediately during by. Thus the difficulties act by indicators for conducting of courses and teachers showing critical points of passage of a technique innovation of training. The author offers a system of organizing developing studies based on methodical devices and recommendations how to use them while overcoming didactic difficulties (DD) which was worked out by the author. This technology is based on the methodical receptions, developed by the author, and references of their application at overcoming (DD). | 1084 | |||||
2350 | The article is devoted to the problem of pupils’ educational achievements assessment according to a contemporary educational paradigm of a personality development within the educational process. Development of the test tasks that allows to monitor and collects the information on educational achievements in different subject domains during training is offered. | 1084 |