# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2801 | On the material of the novel “Teacher of fencing” by А. Duma and memoirs of P. Annenkova the author examines the semantics of the image of the decembrist’s wife expressed in the culture of the second half of the 19th century. The specificity of functioning of this type of woman personality comes to light in artistic and autodocumentary discourse. In addition, the analysis is carried out in a comparative aspect: the variants of the Russian and French reception of the decembrist culture and the image of decembrist’s wife are compared. In Russian literature maintenance of the concept of decembrist’s wife is based on spiritually-moral descriptions: oblatory love, devotion, loyalty, patience, courage. The ethical markers of this woman type are genetically related, on the one hand, to аutodocumental tradition of description of a wife, sharing the fate of the “disgraced” (often exiled to Siberia) spouse; and on the other hand, ascend to canonical character of a righteous wife, characteristic of the hagiografic genre. In the novel of А. Duma the beloved of the decembrist I. Annenkov is represented exceptionally in the field of love and love plot, and the chronotop of the novel is limited to the space of intimate history. Thus, the love of the character is interpreted by the teller only as a display of a strong woman passion and is not connected with the spiritually-moral categories of debt, sacrifice, etc. The image of the woman character in the Duma’s novel substantially differs from its prototype (P. Аnnenkova) and from the heroic type of woman personality presented in the Russian literature. Keywords: dekabrizm, autodocumentary literature, reception, dialogue of cultures, poetics, woman personality, referentional, character, discourse, historical novel | 1162 | |||||
2802 | Preconditions of opening a national turk-tatar pedagogical technical school in Tomsk in the 20-s and its activity during the first years of the existence are analyzed in the article. | 1161 | |||||
2803 | Three articles devoted to the role of universities in the development of modern society, their relationship to industry, are reviewed by the authors. They state that commercialization of higher school leads to loss of its specific features, its transformation into a very expensive business of industry of getting knowledge. It is supposed that cooperation of universities and industry will lead to synthesis of fundamental- and applied knowledge, and to more active use of the fundamental knowledge itself. For this purpose the term "technological transfer" is offered. | 1161 | |||||
2804 | The article deals with the problem of understanding a lingual sign as a symbol and the semantic analysis of words representing symbols of iconic type, i.e. objects of particular admiration that are readily recognized by most people, the English iconic word ‘tea’ taken as an example. | 1161 | |||||
2805 | The correlation of the adaptive physical culture as an integrative discipline with theory of physical culture as a basic discipline is considered, including its newest trends of development, philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, general and special pedagogy, humanistic psychology, valeology, as well as disciplines of medical and biological cycle: anatomy, general and particular pathology, genetics and other disciplines. It’s proved that adaptive physical culture and the disciplines enumerated above have general object, goal of pedagogical activity, common methodological approaches and principles, solve integrative common tasks from various angles and so should enrich and compliment each other. | 1161 | |||||
2806 | In the article the author research the history of correction works’ evolution in the Russian penal law. | 1161 | |||||
2807 | The article examines some propositions of the conception of the Revolution of I.A. Ilyin (1882–1954). It shows the complexity and significance of Ilyin’s conception connected mainly with his enmity towards the Soviet Russia | 1161 | |||||
2808 | This article is devoted to the analysis of the work of social charitable organizations in Western Siberia before the revolution. It gives the characteristics of social organizations and reveals the meaning for development of education in Siberia | 1161 | |||||
2809 | The article suggests the methodology that allows to graduate the intensity degree of creative and destructive principles in human mentality. The methodology is based on the ideas of distinction between libido, the life instinct, and the destructive death instinct of Thanatos (Sigmund Freud), biophilia and necrophilia (Erich Fromm). Keywords: self-evolution, self-destruction, the intensity degree, Sigmund Freud, Erich Fromm, the research methodology | 1161 | |||||
2810 | The competence-oriented professional training assumes an orientation to forming of special knowledge, skills and universal abilities of students. Now, they are claimed on a modern labor-market. Key competences are forming in practical and prequalifying trainings. They are revealed at drawing up in a portfolio-process. Sociological opinion poll among students and practice-masters and potential employer for qualitative estimation on projected competences of graduates was carried out. The rating of competences on the basis of the received results is constructed. Keywords: competence-oriented professional training, key competences, practical training, prequalifying training, portfolio-process, universal competences, professional competences, rating of competences | 1161 | |||||
2811 | The article analyses general historical and pedagogical tendencies of development of municipal educational systems in Russia, rural educational systems specific character, tendencies in realization of accessibility ideas, quality and efficiency in the process of structural complex changes in 2002–2009, tendencies in the process of forming of educational establishments’ nets inside the complex project of education modernization (Tomsk region). Keywords: general historical and pedagogical tendencies of municipal educational systems’ development in Russia, rural educational systems’ specific character, tendencies of realization of ideas of modernization. | 1161 | |||||
2812 | The article describes major areas of activities for teachers to obtain information and communication means to organize their professional development efforts in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: distant education, ungraded school, educational and methodical sets. | 1161 | |||||
2813 | In the article the author analyzes features of civil-law responsibility, administrative responsibility, a disciplinary responsibility and a liability for their use for counteraction to neglect of the duties of the persons who perform administrative functions in the organizations. Keywords: Legal responsibility, efficiency of sanctions, administrative negligence | 1161 | |||||
2814 | The correlations between the literary system of Chekhov’s story and the image system of “Eugene Onegin” are defined in this article. The textual coincidences, which emphasize the “connection” and difference between Pushkin’s and Chekhov’s characters, are analyzed. The originality of the Chekhov’s view of the typical “literary” situation “The Russian on a rendez-vous” is disclosed. Keywords: Chekhov, Pushkin, “Onegin” plot, “useless man” | 1161 | |||||
2815 | The article presents the analysis of the poetic texts' titles by N. S. Gumilev, A. A. Akhmatova and O. E. Mandelstam. Both general tendencies in entitling the lyrical poems of the poets-acmeists and idiostylistic peculiarities are revealed. Keywords: poetic discourse, acmeism, theory of regulativity, types and forms of titles | 1161 | |||||
2816 | The questions, which have been raised with the linguistic relativity hypothesis, continue discussions. Opponents and supporters of the hypothesis defend the positions depending on the chosen aspect of vision. Without considering specially positive and negative sides of the hypothesis, Eko nevertheless stops on some provisions, proceeding from the principles of the translation’s practice. Keywords: theory and translation’s practice, language system, text, possible world, semiotics system, sense, interpretation, negotiations | 1161 | |||||
2817 | The problems of goals setting in a variety of studies devoted to the teachers training in the system of on-going pedagogic education, as well as the phased goal system planning of ethno regional training, are examined in the article. The succession and continuity in setting goals of pre-specialized, specialized, professional and postgraduate stages of training are shown. The justification of the necessity to focus on one target training results for schoolchildren, students and teachers in accordance with their individual needs, abilities, considering ethno regional peculiarities, is carried out. Keywords: ethno regional training, goal, system of continuous pedagogical training, the purpose of training teachers in ethno regional system of continuous teacher education | 1161 | |||||
2818 | The article examines the branding of tourism recreation clusters, the importance of creation of the Tourism information centers and the role of them in forming of regional clusters development. Keywords: Tourism information centers, place branding, tourism recreation clusters, tourism recreation cluster | 1161 | |||||
2819 | Linguistic means of presentation of taste sense modality in B. Pasternak’s poetry at lexical and syntactic levels are considered in this article. It also touches upon such subjects as perceptual metaphors and synesthethic combinations with taste basis. A part of studied linguistic units in formation of images is defined. Keywords: perception, taste sense modality, synesthethic metaphor | 1161 | |||||
2820 | This article analyzes the process of formation of the Russian scientific and pedagogical school at Professorial Institute of Dorpat. The author deals with the concept “scientific and pedagogical school” in the historical context of the first half of the 19th century as a special system of professors’ training for Russian universities. A special attention is paid to research activities of students of Professorial Institute, development of their skills of independent work and organization forms of practical training with students. The content of this training included both mastering the basics of research activities under the guidance of experienced mentor-professors, diving into it, and mastering effective forms of teaching their science, methods of initiation of students to it and developing their interest to scientific and pedagogical activities, desire to be engaged in it. Significant place in the article is devoted to the analysis of successive links in the chain of mentors-professors – Professorial Institute’ graduates – their students. Keywords: Professorial Institute of Dorpat, scientific school, scientific and pedagogical school, succession, research activities, professors of Russian universities in 19th century | 1161 | |||||
2821 | The results of the infrared reflectivity measurements comparatively performed on the oxygen-chain-equal¬ized polycrystalline pair-samples of YBa2Cu30B4,x, are reported. The samples were prepared from the full/ empty oxygen-chain [Cu,OJ^/[Cu,0stoichiome-try end terms which where for a long time equilibrated under vacuum at a low temperature and were order-stabilized in the appropriate temperature-composition domain of existence of Oil and OIII superstructures. The single crystal IR-active phonon modes were ex¬tracted from the reflectivity data for the ceramic sam¬ples in the generalized effective medium approxima¬tion for the frequency-dependent dielectric permittivi¬ty. Then the fitted values of c-oriented IR-active pho¬non frequencies were interpreted within the framework of a lattice-dynamics transferable shell-model. The evidences of a phonon reconstruction related to the existence of the high-ordered oxygen-vacancy order¬ing superstructures OII and OIII in the oxygen-chain-equalized polycrystalline pair-samples of YBa2Cu306 are given. | 1160 | |||||
2822 | The subject of this article is the problem of «point of view» in Dostoevskij’s novel «Brother Karamazovs». The term «point of view» is understood according to Uspenskij-Schmid as a component of a text’s structure, which refers either to a narrator, or to different characters in the text and which finds expression on different levels such as time, space, ideology, perception and language. The author of the article suggests advancing the concept of different positions of the narrator’s perspective in the text and considers the problem of point of view in connection with the concept of «a semantic field» (Lotman). The degree of possibility for understanding of an opposition between semantic fields is defined as a degree of authoritarian viewpoint. | 1160 | |||||
2823 | In the chronic experiment on rats was showed a toxic effect of ultradispersive powder (UDP) for piezoceramics on pulmonary tissue. The complex of structural changes of pulmonary tissue that include appearances of productive inflammation with outlet to sclerosis and collection of compensatory-adaptive reactions has been found. On the whole it is confirm a presence protracted toxic exogenerative nature effect. The toxic effect is consequent of significant increase levels of Pb, Cr and in a less degree Ti (in 19, 3,7 and 3,3 once appropriately) in pulmonary tissue of rats after 4 month experiment | 1160 | |||||
2824 | The school risk factors and the analysis of their influence on growth, development and a state of health of schoolboys revealed during researches carried out within the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Open Society are considered in the article. According to it the author suggests the system of teachers’ training to health-developing activity within professional development. | 1160 | |||||
2825 | In the article the author offers short history of the legal regulations about jury work formation in France and Russia and research the peculiarities of legal regulations about jury work nowadays (by the criminal procedure codes of France and Russian Federation). | 1160 | |||||
2826 | The article is dedicated to the development of international collaboration of higher schools in Siberia with the capitalist countries at the end of the 50s – the beginning of the 90s of the XXth century. The problems of the formation and expansion of inter-school scientific relations, exchange of experience in the process of organization of joints research, taking part in the international scientific congresses, conferences, and seminars are being investigated | 1160 | |||||
2827 | Professional-orientated teaching oral communication of adult students has got its peculiarity that is defined by a number of methodological and psychological approaches. Consideration of these approaches simultaneously with multimedia technologies will let to create such a teaching-methodological medium where we can faster and more efficiently form and develop the necessary qualities of the future specialist taking into account his or her personality. Keywords: professional-orientated communication, multimedia technologies, adults, psychological | 1160 | |||||
2828 | In article the possible course of employment on which the future teachers-language and literature teachers can get the communicatively-methodical abilities necessary for preparation and use of an accompanying monologue - a genre version of polycode speech of the teacher which contains inter-pretatsiju the basic source of the information (an evident tutorial) is characterised, creates conditions for the most effective perception of semiotics differently-native phenomena, and also promotes informative activity and samostoja-telnosti pupils in development of the polycode information of a lesson. Keywords: Russian, training, a speech genre, presentation, on-likodovyj the text, a lesson, background knowledge | 1160 | |||||
2829 | The paper concerns the problem of humanitarisation of higher education. The author suggests to include special program of ancient culture, because problems of moral education can be solved by studying of ancient wisdom. Keywords: humanitarisation, higher education, ancient culture, moral education, ancient wisdom | 1160 | |||||
2830 | The history of research is considered and information on current species composition of freshwater molluscs basins Pur and Taz is provides. Keywords: freshwater molluscs, habitat, distribution | 1160 | |||||
2831 | The article is devoted to the educational adaptive environment of the educational process, its principles of development, key approach to its forming. Keywords: healthy culture, stresses, food organizations, educational overload, overstrain, hypodynamia, physical overstrain, harmful habits | 1160 | |||||
2832 | In two regions of Siberia (Buryat Republic and Tomsk Region) 268 schoolchildren in special schools – children with disabilities have been examined. Mental disorders (disturbance of psychological development, speech disturbance, mental deficiency and others) were detected in 90.7 % of children in special schools. The authors show characteristics of parental attitudes to a child with disabilities (denial of defect, guilt feeling, hyper- or hypo-care, and rented installations). Reference directions of programs of psycho educational and medical-social support are presented. Keywords: children with disabilities, mental health, medical and psycho educational support, parental interaction with a child with disabilities | 1160 | |||||
2833 | The article considers the role of knowledge in the competence approach. A method of knowledge assessment, which is productive in the present period, when the transition to competence, methods of teaching. It is considered an example of the use of teaching tasks in the formation of methodological knowledge undergraduate students of physics education. Keywords: formation and evaluation of knowledge, methods of teaching, methodical tasks | 1160 | |||||
2834 | The article analyzes the concepts of scientific and technical work to identify them in the metaphors of divine creativity. The author argues that the high moral evaluation in the public consciousness of the process of scientific and technical creativity is due to his involvement in the everyday and theoretical thinking to the world’s sacred creation of God. The emphasis on creating incentives for the development of scientific and technical creativity stems from the specificity of creativity as a creation out of nothing. Keywords: creativity, creativity, creative personality, the Philosophy of Culture | 1160 | |||||
2835 | The article is devoted to the problem of interrelations of people who are the representatives of different nationalities and religions on the territory of the old Commonwealth in the 16th – 18th centuries. As a result of emerged situation during almost five centuries of the old Polish-Lithuanian state history no one nation of the Commonwealth has lost its historical and national consciousness besides the polonisation of many representatives of these nations. Keywords: commonwealth, interrelations, national minority, confessional minority, settled nations, scattered nations | 1160 | |||||
2836 | In the article we make the detailed analysis of processes of transforming the innovatory information and forming the production line of innovations in macroeconomic systems. We worked out mathematical expressions, describing these processes. Analyzing those, we can define the structure of cumulative costs and also classify the sources of their occurrence. It gives us the opportunity to optimize the costs in order to minimize them. Keywords: economic systems, logistics, logistic analysis, flow of useful resources, production line of innovations, logistic operations, cumulative costs | 1160 | |||||
2837 | The article deals with the problem of the adequacy of the concept of the Manichean civilization, developed by philosophers in order to explain the socio-cultural specifics of Russia. Keywords: epistemological tradition, Russian civilization, dual opposition, Manichaeism, Manichean civilization, palliative | 1160 | |||||
2838 | The article deals with the present situation, problems and way-outs of educational system of special children in Tomsk region in the variety of its components: special, integrative and inclusive types of education are explored. Special attention is paid to distance learning as an important form of education being realized in different types of educational institutes. Keywords: children with special needs, handicapped children, special education, integrative education, inclusive education, distance learning, Tomsk region | 1160 | |||||
2839 | The article is relevant for planning the Museum of science and technology in Tomsk. It is being created by Tomsk scientific community – higher education institutions, academic institutes, research-and-production enterprises and the museum staff. The existing in Russia network of museums of the space profile is characterized by the insufficiency of authentic samples of space technology, low visitors' activity, lack of an interactive space. This article proposes a new classification of museums of the space profile in Russia, based on the criteria of historicism, objectivity and memoriality: 1) astronautics Museum; 2 museums of the special space objects, such as space launch sites and courts of space communications; 3) museums of space industry enterprises; 4) museums of higher education institutions conducting space scientific research and training of future cosmonauts; 5) memorial museums. To improve the efficiency of the work of the Russian museums of space profile if requires architectural improvements and modernization, as well as interactive acquisition for authentic examples of space technology. Keywords: classification, museum space profile, historicism, objectivity, memorial, interactivity | 1160 | |||||
2840 | Shirokova M. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 7 (16). P. 85-88 . | 1159 | |||||
2841 | The article treats the economic nature of demands in education, the structure, specificity and role of the state sector in their realization. | 1159 | |||||
2842 | The article considered contents of notion «economic culture», revealled mechanisms of influence of economic culture at the social-economic life of society. There are chosen functions of the economic culture. Specific lines of teacher economic culture are shown. Criterions and factors for the evaluation of economic culture condition formation are designed. | 1159 | |||||
2843 | The author of the paper enters into polemics with the opinion which has become basic in studying Piatonov's creative work that A. Platonov in his novel «Chevengur» as well as in other works is critisizing socialism and collective farming. As a result of scrupulous analysis of the writer's texts, the author comes to the conclusion, that his artistic thought of the mature period is correlated with the idea of the noosphere according to academician Vernnadsky. | 1159 | |||||
2844 | The article reviews the main conceptual items of national education development doctrine. It supposed to supply consolidation of advanced forces around education - circles of politicians, governers, teachers and scientists. Education in this case will be means of regional social system development. The doctrine includes economical, political, ethnoidentificational, social and governmental aspects and mechanisms of educational system development. | 1159 | |||||
2845 | The structure and possibilities of a program complex are submitted. The mathematical model and a calculation technique of parameters of spatial currents on parallel computing systems in areas with irregular geometry are offered. The physical pictures of currents about the closed curvilinear surfaces, burning granules of fuel are submitted. The questions of modeling of air movement in territory of city building and admixture distribution from sources of pollution in a ground layer of an atmosphere are considered. | 1159 | |||||
2846 | Nonequilibrium dissociated air flow problem at stagnation region for the aerodynamic reentry trajectory. The hypersonic viscous shock layer theory (TVSL) including nonequilibrium chemical reactions, multicomponent diffusion is used as initial mathematical model. On the body surface the nonstationary conjugate heat transfer is taken into the account. High order numerical approach is suggested. Some numerical results are presented | 1159 | |||||
2847 | Basic properties of even (odd) supermanifoids endowed with a connection respecting a given symplectic structure are studied. Such supermanifoids can be considered as generalization of Fedosov manifolds to the supersymmetric case. | 1159 | |||||
2848 | The article is devoted to the concept of intelligence in the linguistic space of the Selkup language within the linguistic theory of field. The structure of the field includes the nuclear, the close periphery, the periphery and the far periphery. The criterion of elements’ selection into the field is the general differentiating semantic indication. The position of this one in the structure of word’s meaning defines the place of the element in the field. The fields have no clear lines and cross each other in different flats. | 1159 | |||||
2849 | The tendency of decrease(reduction) was outlined in the maximum(supreme) pedagogical formation(education) аудиторной loadings on disciplines of a physical and mathematical structure. It demands development of new approaches to practice of training of students of pedagogical high school to carrying out of physical experiment. By application of traditional techniques of training this problem to solve it is impossible, therefore there was a necessity of development of new techniques of training to physical experiment which would allow to carry out within the framework of available fund of time educational activity of students in conditions of an optimum parity(ratio) of virtual and natural didactic means of training and to receive planned educational result. By the example of statement of physical experiment on research of discharge plasma it is shown, that the purpose of performance of a laboratory practical work will consist not only in purchase by students of skills of experimental studying, for example, properties of plasma and methods of its(her) diagnostics, but also in development of skills of the analysis of the received results on the basis of modern theoretical representations. The student should receive a subject lesson of application of the theory not only for an explanation, but also forecasting new (for trained) the phenomena, including plasma technologies specifying functionalities. The theory and experiment by a part physical and mathematical modelling, composite consideration of a problem is binding | 1159 | |||||
2850 | The core of the article is a problem of integration of knowledge about social communication. The author discusses his own theoretical view based on original conception of transgression. The transgression considers a person not as an industrious creator of new symbols or a closed system of consciousness. It considers a person as an individual who takes transgress actions in the risky and dynamic world. These actions cause adventures and tragedies | 1159 |