# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2901 | Kashenov A. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 51-53 . | 1066 | |||||
2902 | Golubenko T. Ya. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 17-21 . | 1066 | |||||
2903 | The article devoted to the methods of Benars instability and Taylor's current demonstration in the course of nature study | 1066 | |||||
2904 | The calculations clearly show that the calculated by B3LYP/II and B3LYP/3-21G* 35CI frequencies correlate with the experimental values are the same. On the other hand the QCC values calculated with use of the pseudo potential for the central atoms provided much lower than the experimental ones. At the same time the QCC values of the central atoms calculated by B3LYP/3-21G* were well correlated with experimental values. The ZPE corrected complexation energies of the SbCI5L complexes do not upgrade the binding energies towards the experimental Gutmann's donor numbers. The donor-acceptor bonds for all complexes have a high degree of ionic character. The Wiberg bond order values determine of the detection of the metal-ligand bond orbitals with the exception of niobium complexes by NBO approach. The value of Wiberg bond order must be not lesser than 0.3. The donor-acceptor interactions of main-group elements such as Sb and Sn described in terms of the sp hybridization just as these interactions of transition metal elements mean sd hybridization. | 1066 | |||||
2905 | The article presents some results of the research, particularly when and why the training of history teachers was stopped in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, when and why the historical education was restored in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute. The author focuses on the process of student competitive seiecticn for a newiy opened history department, the description of the chairs teaching staff, the organization of the teaching process and scientific work. The narrative stops on the date when the History department was reorganized to the History Faculty. | 1066 | |||||
2906 | The article points to idiostyle peculiarities of Z. Gippius poetic texts in the aspect of communicative stylistics trend – the regulative theory which studies lexical means of harmonization of reader and author’s creative dialogue. One of the ways of making reader’s cognitive activity efficient and one of the types of word-figurative text structuring is associative-figurative series. Its structure includes figurative and expressive means (regulative means) which make a reader pay attention to so called «main features» of text and assist reader in adequate text interpretation. | 1066 | |||||
2907 | It is noted, that discrete automaton as a typesetting ma¬chine is capable to set the only text - code sequence coded therein. Setting is made on elements of quick and slow memory by individual bites of abstract time codes. Analogy of discrete automaton system parts and of multi-channel typesetting machinery parts is shown. | 1066 | |||||
2908 | The work relates to communicative stylistics of text and devoted to the problem of effectiveness of author and reader communication. In the article we research individual communicative “universalities” – “maxims” of B. Pasternak, which are regarded as individual (typical for the author) constructive principles of text building. The “maxims” analysis and their description are realized with the help of “testing standard” and common rules of verbal-fiction text building. | 1066 | |||||
2909 | The article touches upon the development of the foreword as a traditional form of literary thinking represented in its two basic types; the author's foreword proper («an explaining one») and the «playing» foreword, which styles «a stanger's» mind and «a stranger's* speech. The latter is Interpreted as a literary form providing ground for thought over evolution in literature. | 1066 | |||||
2910 | In article bases аctivity the approach to information culture of the teacher of mathematics are considered: the basic concepts are determined, a line of principles, among which principle of subjectivity, a principle of the account of special pedagogical abilities, a principle of high motivation of activity, a principle of reflexivity, a principle of the organization of cooperation between teachers is developed. It is shown, that development of information culture of the teacher of mathematics it is directed on formation of the person, able to be guided and make the proved decisions in conditions of the modern information environment owning receptions of creative activity and capable not only to train in mathematical knowledge on the basis of available techniques, but also to create new | 1066 | |||||
2911 | The work is devoted to fhe problem of disadaptation of pupils at school. Psjchologieal aud pedagogical investigafions at the moden stage of the developwent of knowledge show the disadaptation of pupils at school. In the work, there are analjsed the purposes of school disadaptation, the content of the meanings “school adaptation” and “school disadaptation ”. The author of the investigation suggests the methodical complete set, with the help of which teacher can ouereowe school disadaptation of pupils | 1066 | |||||
2912 | The article deals with the results of experimental research of optimally dosed differently oriented sanitary study during the academic year or the results of the period of influence of the climate-meteorological factors. Keywords: .physical education, tuberculosis infected children, a sanatorium-forest school, sanitary study, the climate-meteorological factors | 1066 | |||||
2913 | The technique of modelling of transients in cardiovascular system in experiments on laboratory animals is described. Keywords: physiological experiment, cardiovascular system, transients | 1066 | |||||
2914 | In this article «A Writer's Dairy» is analyzed as the unique example of representation of F. M. Dostoevsky's existential experience. The events of author's private life, comprehension of vast layers of human being experience and its social, psychological features acquire universal character and become the part of an extra personal whole. The content of «A Writer's Dairy» by Dostoevsky is focused on the basic concept «victim», which enables the victimological discourse of the text. The legitimacy of victimological discourse distinguishing is confirmed by the analysis of genre features (synthesis of dairy, confessionary and publicistic principles, «genre of public confession», «publicistic cycle»), macrostructure of the text (dividing on chapters, use of insert texts), aspect consideration each chapter unity (thematic, referential, eventual, timely). Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, discourse, reflection, existential consciousness, «frontier situation», genre, «A Writer's Dairy» | 1066 | |||||
2915 | The sociocultural context of the origin of sex question for children in the Russian pedagogics is considered in the article. The author reveals educational and social tendencies which have influenced on the origin of sexual pedagogics and analyses the actualization of sex question in the pedagogues’ works of the beginning of the XX century. Keywords: sex question in school, sex education, sexual pedagogics | 1066 | |||||
2916 | The article analyses general historical and pedagogical tendencies of development of municipal educational systems in Russia, rural educational systems specific character, tendencies in realization of accessibility ideas, quality and efficiency in the process of structural complex changes in 2002–2009, tendencies in the process of forming of educational establishments’ nets inside the complex project of education modernization (Tomsk region). Keywords: general historical and pedagogical tendencies of municipal educational systems’ development in Russia, rural educational systems’ specific character, tendencies of realization of ideas of modernization. | 1066 | |||||
2917 | This article is devoted to the devices for creating humour in Chekhov’s prose. The examined devices have been chosen regarding to the problem of quotations and of a “borrowed” word in Chekhov’s works. The quotations for this analysis have been chosen from the works by Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov and Gogol. Keywords: Chekhov, “borrowed” word, quotation, Shakespeare, Krylov, Griboedov, Gogol, humorous | 1066 | |||||
2918 | The paper analyses characteristics of upbringing children left without parental care in a rural orphanage. The author demonstrates specific organization of the educational process of children groups of different ages. Keywords: mixed-age group, peculiarities of the upbringing of orphans, rural orphanage | 1066 | |||||
2919 | The article under consideration is the result of the research in the field of English numeral word-forming processes taking place in modern English grammar concerning their morphological status, whether the numerals should be referred to the nominative or functional parts of speech. The ground for this research is the fact that they are treated in quite contradictory ways by the native English-speaking linguists headed by Sir Randolph Quirk and Russian Anglicists. Keywords: word-building or word-forming processes, word-forming model, the English numeral morphological status, nominal and functional parts of speech, open-class and close-class words, determiner | 1066 | |||||
2920 | In the article the basic linguistic and style problems of the Azerbaijan nursery poetry written within last years have been investigated, basic results have been shown. The results show that in the new time Azerbaijan nursery poetry which has become rich as from subject – ideological point of view, from linguistic and style point of view has attained semantic shades. A number of features have been defined on the basic of creative work of the prominent nursery poets of Azerbaijan ( I. Tapdig, T. Elchin, M. Aslan and others). Keywords: nursery poetry, linguistic and style problems, subject-ideological point of view, semantic shades, creative work | 1066 | |||||
2921 | The article is devoted to the model of sports blow, taking account the influence of muscular efforts, concerning the values of dynamic characteristics of the blow. All the characteristics of the blow, regarded in the model, are defined by the suggested measuring and programmed complex. The results of approbation of the model under the conditions of the training process have been cited. Keywords: sports blow, muscular efforts, characteristics of collision, characteristics of percussive motion, perfection of percussive motion, calculated values and experimental data | 1066 | |||||
2922 | This article presents a list of special competencies Master Teacher Education, the profile “Computer scienc ” in the field of information systems and the content of teaching computer science master’s sections relating to the design and development of information systems. Keywords: information system, life cycle of information system, special competencies, learning content | 1066 | |||||
2923 | The article analyzes results of the network project of the Moscow Department of Education and UNESCO “Moscow Education: from infancy to school”. The aim is related to the modernization of preschool education, development and testing of new forms and methods of work, including new versions of the effective interaction of preschool, replicating innovation of preschool education in Russia and abroad. Keywords: network design, modernization of preschool education | 1066 | |||||
2924 | The article presents the analysis of the poetic texts' titles by N. S. Gumilev, A. A. Akhmatova and O. E. Mandelstam. Both general tendencies in entitling the lyrical poems of the poets-acmeists and idiostylistic peculiarities are revealed. Keywords: poetic discourse, acmeism, theory of regulativity, types and forms of titles | 1066 | |||||
2925 | A distinctive feature of contemporary linguistic research is its engagement with language actualization processes. This point finds its foundation in F. de Saussure’s conception distinguishing language, speech and speech activity which has given rise to various new trends with the purpose of exposing and examining the sense generating mechanisms of language in work. Analytical perspectives comprise a diversity of problems including the psychology of perception, interpretation and assessment of various phenomena, conventions of societal structures and communication modi. This originates a new interdisciplinary problem-solving plane with a new subject termed “discourse”. The phenomenon complexity and, consequently, the multiplicity of qualification and classification criteria bring forth a discord in the term (as well as the phenomenon) interpretation. There springs up a necessity to define its (the term and the phenomenon) status, correlations with other objects of linguistic analysis, such as text, genre, register. All these points, as well as the problem of term coinage and usage are in the focus of the article. Keywords: discourse, text, genre, style, register | 1066 | |||||
2926 | Kalinin I. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 37-38 . | 1065 | |||||
2927 | . | 1065 | |||||
2928 | Technology of water de-ironing is presented, based on filtering water trough fiberous sorbents made by the formation fiberes of melted polypropilen, type 21030-6, spilled from rotating disc. In is established that degree of water de-ironing and the working ability of the filter greatly depend on filter staffing density and on thickness of iron hidroxide layer over the fiber. The ultimate concentration of iron in water after the filtering is less than 0,3 mg/1 under initial concentration about 10 mg/1, if the staffing density is 140 through 200 kg/ m cub. and height of filtering layer is 200 mm. | 1065 | |||||
2929 | The author of the article is reviewing K.A. Barsht's monograph «The Poetics of Andrej Platonov's prose». The book is evaluated against the background of multi¬ple investigations dealing with different pieces and as¬pects of the creative work of the writer. The author of the article points out that K.A. Barsht has investigated the whole of Platonov's prose as a poetical system, he has discovered and described very convincingly the basic images - signs of Platonov's prose and their semantic chains recreating the original ontology and cosmology of the writer. | 1065 | |||||
2930 | The optimization of advertising expenses of an in¬surance company described by classical model is in¬vestigated. | 1065 | |||||
2931 | Managers’ professional skills providing effectiveness and success of their work are described in the article. Peculiarities of the adaptive method, modular and problem teaching methods which provide effective development of professional skills of the students are described. | 1065 | |||||
2932 | It is shown that in broadband transistor amplifiers with minimum-phase two-port compensation networks, a non-minimum-phase shift of transistor does not signifi¬cantly influences phase and transient responses. Thus, the design of amplifiers with desired phase and transient responses can be reduced to providing a suitable ampli¬tude-frequency characteristic, as in the case of mini¬mum-phase circuits. The design examples of ultra-wideband amplifiers with prescribed phase and transient responses are presented. | 1065 | |||||
2933 | The author deals with the problem of homelessness and criminality. In the given article the specifity of using of the criminological methods in studying the problems of interrelationship between homelessness and criminality is being described. | 1065 | |||||
2934 | In article the possible course of employment on which the future teachers-language and literature teachers can get the communicatively-methodical abilities necessary for preparation and use of an accompanying monologue - a genre version of polycode speech of the teacher which contains inter-pretatsiju the basic source of the information (an evident tutorial) is characterised, creates conditions for the most effective perception of semiotics differently-native phenomena, and also promotes informative activity and samostoja-telnosti pupils in development of the polycode information of a lesson. Keywords: Russian, training, a speech genre, presentation, on-likodovyj the text, a lesson, background knowledge | 1065 | |||||
2935 | This article is a prolongation of a complex research of the notional category of abstractedness/concreteness on the materials of the Selkup language. The article deals with the questions of the semantic structure of nouns in connection with typology of derivative meanings. Keywords: word of wide meaning, word of combined meaning, participation, digitization | 1065 | |||||
2936 | The article is devoted to analysis of antiwar activity of British Independent Labour party in the period of AngloBoer War. It shows the evolution of party’s antiwar platform and deals with main IWP’s main political methods, such as resolutions, strikes, and actions of civil insubordination. Article also gives attention to common problems of antiwar movement in Great Britain, its specific features and social success. Keywords: Independent labour party, antiwar movement, The Boer war | 1065 | |||||
2937 | In the article the author presents the analysis of the educational crisis in 1980–1990 years and the conception of modernization of it in the XXIst century. The role of the state is great in educational policy. Special attention is paid to distance and Internet education as well as to teachers training. Keywords: potential, crisis, reform, distance education, internet, ecological education | 1065 | |||||
2938 | In specialist training the diagnostics is considered to be an immanent component. The rapid diagnostics in the training of specialists provides feed-back between the faculty and students. The diagnostics quality largely determines the effectiveness of the educational process. The level of diagnostic component depends on the data, criteria, methods and tools used and also on specialists’ qualifications. The level of a diagnostic component is in dependence from used parameters and criteria, methods, toolkit, qualification of experts. | 1065 | |||||
2939 | This article is devoted to description of one of the key concepts in the German folk linguistic culture – the concept “house”. The investigation results of the individual’s oral discourse – the representative of the Russian Germans of Tomsk region are expounded. Lexical objectification of the main features within the mentioned concept is detected. Keywords: dialect linguistic personality, German dialect, linguistic culture, concept and its features | 1065 | |||||
2940 | The solution to the problem of child abandonment in Russia is possible in the development of the institution substitute parenting. The question of assessing the effectiveness of the replacement of the family is not enough developed. This article include analysis of Institutional and socio-psychological characteristics of foster families and indicators of efficiency of substitute parenting. Keywords: social orphanhood, professional replacement family, SOS Children’s Village, social and psychological criteria of efficiency of replacement of the family, psychological security, social adaptation | 1065 | |||||
2941 | The paper concerns general criteria of education quality and specifi c criteria for postgraduate pedagogical education. The real system of postgraduate pedagogical education in St. Petersburg is analyzed according to the chosen criteria. Perspective directions of increase of the postgraduate pedagogical education quality are proposed. Keywords: quality of education, postgraduate pedagogical education, andragogic principles, teacher's methodological culture. | 1065 | |||||
2942 | This article presents a model of social development of younger schoolboys by means of adaptive pedagogy. Adaptive pedagogy is actual and modern trend in training and education of children. We offer methodical means and receptions which have been realized in the course of physical training. However, they can be applied in other subjects or out-of-class activities. Keywords: social development of the person, primary school students, comprehensive school, adaptive pedagogy, adaptive school, model of adaptive educational process, model of social development, physical training | 1065 | |||||
2943 | The article considers the aspects of interaction between translation science and linguistics. Primarily, such notions as the original foreign text, the denotative contents and the essence of interpreter’s work in terms of linguistics are specified. Further, difficulties in transmission of denotative contents of original foreign texts, which are dependent on the correlation types among the elements of the original and the translating language in the context of comparative vocabulary analysis, are reviewed. Keywords: original foreign texts, denotative contents, translation, linguistic sign, frame | 1065 | |||||
2944 | The problems of goals setting in a variety of studies devoted to the teachers training in the system of on-going pedagogic education, as well as the phased goal system planning of ethno regional training, are examined in the article. The succession and continuity in setting goals of pre-specialized, specialized, professional and postgraduate stages of training are shown. The justification of the necessity to focus on one target training results for schoolchildren, students and teachers in accordance with their individual needs, abilities, considering ethno regional peculiarities, is carried out. Keywords: ethno regional training, goal, system of continuous pedagogical training, the purpose of training teachers in ethno regional system of continuous teacher education | 1065 | |||||
2945 | The article describes the structure and semantics of the female images in the early stories by B. K. Zaitsev. During the analysis we singled out typological features, stylistic means of expression, evolution of the writer from 1906 to 1911. Keywords: russian literature in the beginning of the 20th century, B. K. Zaitsev’s prose, female images, philosophy by V. S. Solowiev | 1065 | |||||
2946 | The paper reviews the projects on studies of the Ob-Yenissei language area in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The problem of the research project “Typology of Simple Sentence in the Languages of the Ob-Yenisei area: Information and Argument Structure” sponsored by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) has been described in detail: a review of literature on structural and communicative syntax has been made, also the degree of the project topic study in the languages under investigation has been analyzed. The languages of the project do not give a detailed description of the subject-matter. The Praat linguistic program, which allows to divide the sound stream, will be used to the results of the study. The result is to form an understanding of the typological picture of the Ob-Yenisei language area with respect to the word order and communicative structure of the sentence. The article is finished with a brief review of prospective directions of the researches which are to be fulfilled on the materials of underdescribed and highly endangered languages. The indigenous population of Siberia has faced difficulties in describing the language picture of the world on the material and spiritual culture of ethnic minorities. The Ob-Yenisei language area has not been described on individual grammatical categories in the functional and typological perspective, and the problem with the lexical typology, and syntax, does not contain an investigation in the areal aspect. Thus, it is necessary to elaborate studies on small languages Keywords: Ket, Selkup, Teleut, Khanty, Chulym Turkic, areal linguistics, typology, basic word order, information structure of simple the sentence | 1065 | |||||
2947 | Milevskiy O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 70-74 . | 1064 | |||||
2948 | Cheremisina M. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 28-28 . | 1064 | |||||
2949 | In given paper are considered elements of computer systems of practical educating of weakly formalised discipline, prototyping ambience elements of waking specialist activity in the mode quasi reality. Noted that main difficulty in the similar system development is connected with that that mathematical models, showing main instrument of cognition and forming main volume of knowledge's in the majority of naturally scientific discipline, in biological and medical application domain of behoving development did not get. Besides, in given areas a majority of developing methodical approaches aside from different value possess an essential defect - an absence of dynamically interaction illustrative practical occupation material. In reporting presented examples of dynamic educating system development, answering practical directivity of education. The first example is presented methodical allowance on the dynamic evaluation of areas of contamination Tomsk city surges, including and emergency, which source are city services and enterprises. The second allowance presents itself an emulator of cardio - surgeon ambience on the base of full-scale writing information of real operations of patients of different diseases. The presented methodical material created on the base modern scientific mathematical and information technologies, called to raise efficiency of practical formation elements in weakly formalised branches of knowledge's. | 1064 | |||||
2950 | A short analysis of correlation in market and ethic relations in the history of society is given in the article. Particular attention is given to peculiarities mutual relations of morals and market in our country under present conditions. Development of social nature of moral and religious relations as before is able to stimulate the civilized way of market development in Russia. Such a thought is stressed in this paper. | 1064 |