# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3451 | The article deals with complex and compound terms of physics in the Tatar language formed by combining of bases with complete relations of their components. This type of word formation is very common in the terminology of physics in the Tatar language. Basically, linguists use this method to form terms with two or more components. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time it gives the information about the methods of formation of complex and compound physics terms in the Tatar language. The article gives an explanation of the concept “complete relation”, types and examples of the Tatar terms of physics formed this way. Both complex and compound terms are formed by combining the bases with complete relations of their components, but the bulk is composed of compound words that have their own word-formation models. The first components of such terms are different parts of speech, and the second component is often the noun, less often the verb. Also, most of the compound terms of physics are multicomponent words, which consist of three, four, and five components. The first components of complex or compound terms are often terminological elements or commonly used international words. The authors come to the conclusion that multicomponent terms of physics which can consist of both own words of the Tatar language and international featuring Tatar component are basically formed by combining the bases with complete relations of their components. Keywords: terms of physics, the Tatar language, combining of bases, complete relations of components, element | 1134 | |||||
3452 | Introduction. The article deals with spatial images of the German resort towns Bad-Ems and Baden-Baden in the travel notes by M. Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Za rubezhom”. This issue is still practically unresearched in literature studies and highly actual for imagology. Aim and objectives. The aim of the paper is detecting motives used by the writer for representing the towns in his work. Material and methods. The methods of the research are comparative and descriptive analysis, cultural-historical and semiotic methods. Results. The author of the research detects such characteristics of the literary space marked with Germanness as order, achronism, corruption and theatricalism of the life within the analysed loci. The special attention is paid to the core motif of the inner unfreedom by which the image of Germany unique for all kinds of German space is formed in the work. It’s also settled that the cross-cutting urbanistic image is according to the typology by V. N. Toporov the image of the ‘whore’-city influencing the images of the German resort towns and marking transformation of the erotic element in the sphere of goods/money relationships. Thus the text of the ‘fallen’ city imbued with Christian references shows throw the trivial reality of the philistine Germany in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s work and is as an intertextual base one of connecting links between images of the German resort towns and the capital Berlin. In addition the writer represents not only anthropic but also natural loci of mountain spaces forming a dimensional and simultaneously a spiritual opposition to the valley-space of the human existence earthbound in all senses. Conclusion. The results expand literary conceptualization about space images in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s works and connect German images created by the writer with the common tradition of representing Germany and Germans in the Russian literature of XIX – the early XX centuries. The article can be useful for Russian literature teachers and specialists dealing with literary imagology. Keywords: M. Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Russian literature of the XIX century, Germany, image of Alien, image of resort towns, motif, literary space, locus, satire | 1134 | |||||
3453 | . | 1133 | |||||
3454 | Tikhonova V. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 9-11 . | 1133 | |||||
3455 | Economy of different ways of mechanical processing the stocking up in modern machine building depends on the rational choice of stocking up and optimum mode of cutting. Economic accuracy of processing results from requirements to the final product and technical possibilities of equipment, which locates an enterprise, releasing given product. Than above accuracy of processing the details, that above their prime cost, so accuracy of processing it is necessary to set up economic practicability with the account of. Economic accuracy define by collations of prime cost of processes, giving required degree of accuracy. | 1133 | |||||
3456 | The article is devoted to the analysis of professio¬nal training of a future physical training teacher. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical and scien¬tific sources, and own practical experience of the work in the Pedagogical University the author reveals basic and productive means of professional training under¬lying the priority of moral and physical health under the conditions of person-oriented education. | 1133 | |||||
3457 | The article considers peculiarities of objectivation of one of universal concepts – the concept «Own/Strange» in Selkup culture in comparison with Indo-European and, particularly, Russian culture. | 1133 | |||||
3458 | The article represents a theoretical model of continuous pedagogical activity of students in the process of professional training. This model is essential for training future teachers to perform their professional work. The model contains interrelated elements (tasks and objectives, conditions, content, methods and results of work). The description of implementation results of the given model into the process of future professional training shows, that forming of professional skills to educate children is more successful when applying the above mentioned model. | 1133 | |||||
3459 | The article is devoted to the actual problem – training of professionally competent specialists for the penal system. The author discloses the specifics of activities of the leaders of the penal system, considers the issues of professional competency of the educators who train personnel for the penal system. | 1133 | |||||
3460 | The subject «Decorative ceramics» enters into a cycle of special courses for choice and assumes studying the bases of one of the most ancient kinds of art creativity – ceramics. Both for the students studying art, and for the students of primary school faculty clay becomes creative material and design tool. As the basic method of training at lessons of art ceramics the method of the projects, uniting in itself problem - research qualities and providing activation and productive creativity of students is used. Keywords: special course “Decorative ceramics”, theory and methods of teaching arts, developing creative potential, future teachers of primary school, decorative and applied arts | 1133 | |||||
3461 | The tradition of the poetic translations of the rubai by O. Khayyam is developed enough both in the European and Russian literature. In 1950th years Henry Sapgir made the translations of the poems by O. Khayyam, and created the cycle of the quatrains «The Verses for a Ring» (1981), which similar by the composition and the subjects to the classical firm form of the east poetry – rubai. Continuing the traditions of the east literature, H. Sapgir modified the canon of the form and the poetic translation of the rubai, he changed its metric figure, the rhyme, the composite structure and the semantic filling, thereby contributing to the development and the actualization of this form. Keywords: the east poetry, the canon genre form, the rubai, the tradition of the poetic translations, the verses for a ring, the form of the philosophical reflection, the «empty» rubai, the evolution of the genre form | 1133 | |||||
3462 | The article dwells upon the meaning of “informational and communicative competence”; the characteristics of information field of educational environment are considered as well. Keywords: information, communication, competence, information field, educational environment. | 1133 | |||||
3463 | In Yeniseic linguistics, there is a lack of research approaching the Ket syntax from functional and communicative perspective. Language data collected in the second half of the 20th and early 21st century offers an opportunity not only for the synchronic description of Ket syntax, but also for comparative-historical analysis of the changes underway in the syntactic structure of the Ket sentence. Keywords: кетский язык, коммуникативная структуры предложения, базовый порядок слов, двусоставные и включенно-личные предложения, инверсия дополнения относительно подлежащего, инверсия сказуемого относительно дополнения и подлежащего | 1133 | |||||
3464 | In the present study I make specifi c claims about the borrowing of structural categories and the impact of such borrowings on structural typology. I argue that certain linguistic strategies for clause combining are readily borrowed and that massive borrowing of these categories can result in structural change so extensive/signifi cant that the result is typological shift. Eurasia has long been identifi ed as a particular type of language typology. Early typological studies [1] identifi ed correlations between verb-fi nal word order, postpositions, relative clause before the noun, and, signifi cantly for the present study, subordinate clause before the main verb. Subsequent studies have shown that these correlations are statistically signifi cant only in Eurasia, suggesting that Eurasia is itself a zone for areal typology [2]. Siberia is an important part of that zone, and the indigenous languages of Siberia, are OV (namely the Mongolic, Tungusic and Turkic languages, Chukchi, Itelmen, Nivkh, and Yukaghir, as well as the Eskaleut languages). In the present paper I argue that the Siberian languages are undergoing typological shift as a result of contact with Russian, a change which began prior to language attrition which is now well underway for many if not all of the indigenous languages with small numbers of speakers. Keywords: language contact, borrowing, grammatical categories, clause-linkage, Tungusic languages, Siberia | 1133 | |||||
3465 | The article deals with the historical and theoretical problem of understanding and the birth development phenomenon of the department of general pedagogy and psychology – the titular department of the university. Keywords: education, history formation, higher education, department | 1133 | |||||
3466 | This article introduces the conditions and character of maximum and minimum runoff formations from frost mound bogs, based on the results of long-term expeditionary studies carried out by the State Hydrological Institute. Keywords: frost mound bog, snow cover, maximum runoff, minimum runoff, swamp microtopes, permafrost zone, mounds, frost mounds, intermound depressions | 1133 | |||||
3467 | The article considers the role of education for a person, shows the relationship between individuals and the interests of the state in educational sphere. The orientation of new knowledge, forming and values of human influence through the prism of the economic system is revealed and the matter of education in the process of the individual’s inclusion in the structure of economic relations is defined. Keywords: knowledge-based economy, personality, education, homo economicus, economic interests | 1133 | |||||
3468 | The article deals with items of munition of horse early Scythian time from Tomsk territory near the Ob. As a result of their analysis the author concluded that the horse munition in Tomsk territory near the Ob was similarly spread in the Asian part of the Scythian world. Keywords: bronze details of horse munition, vorvorki, jewelry of draft, bronze parts of thong | 1133 | |||||
3469 | The article deals with training students of non-linguistic institution to academic norms of abstracting professionally oriented texts with the use of project method and e-learning. It is considered academic norms in abstracting in terms of author’s rights. It is described practical guidelines for abstracting skills development with help of project work. The article is also concerned with the use of electronic educational platform for project work organization as effective instrument to increase students’ motivation. Keywords: project work, abstracting, e-learning, foreign professionally-oriented texts, academic norms of writing | 1133 | |||||
3470 | The article deals with the ritual meaning of calendar holidays of the Altaians closely related to their view of the world and perception of the surrounding nature. It presents the description of folk festivals and rituals of the Altaians related mainly to the transition states of nature. The author analyses their functions and peculiar features of their carrying out. Keywords: ritual, calendar holidays, sphere of concepts, picture of the world | 1133 | |||||
3471 | The paper shows that the formation of bioethical culture, the emergence of bioethics, its evolution from practice to theory can be viewed as a mechanism for the implementation of the principle of humanistic paradigm of expertise in the practice-oriented humanism. Keywords: bioethics, bioethical culture, practice-oriented humanism, humanist examination | 1133 | |||||
3472 | This article is based on the theoretic ideas of Kazan linguistic school about syntagmatic relations and describes the syntagmatic relationships of the lexemes meaning “morality” contained in the novels of one of the most shocking and replicable modern writers Sergei Minaev. The main result is that the analysis of syntagmatic relations of words with moral content in the works of this author suggests the emergence of alternative ethical system in the consciousness of a native Russian speaker. In the framework of this system becomes a frequent characteristic to change positive connotation value involved in the correlation of lexemes to a negative one. In addition, under the influence of the text environment occasional syntagmatic relation of lexemes with moral value can cause the formation of new lexical meaning of the words-representatives of category “morality”. Keywords: morality, Kazan linguistic school, vocabulary, lexeme, syntagmatic relations, meaning, connotation, context, semantic shift | 1133 | |||||
3473 | This article reveals the meaning and the intercommunication of the personal oriented and the competence approaches to the speech creation forming of the preschool age children taking into account the features of their development. According to the researches, the psycholinguistic, psychological and psycho physiological features of the child development are the base of the speech creation mastering of the preschool age children. The preschool educational organization is the social institute for the each child individuality opening, that’s why the teachers have to adapt the competitions of the education for the children. The term “adaptability” of the educational process opens this position. For the first time the term “adaptability of the educational system” appeared in the Law of the Russian Federation “About the education” as the principle of the state politics in the educational area and it means the adaptation of the educational system for the training level and the development features of the children. As the result, the necessity of the realization of the adaptive educational activity for the speech creation forming of the preschool age children taken into account their development features appears. And the personal oriented and the competence approaches to its realization suppose the adherence to the requirements to the educational activity in the kindergarten. The results of the established stage of the research are adduced. The goal, tasks and the hypothesis of the forming stage of the research are indicated. Keywords: adaptive educational activity, base of the speech creation, development features of the preschool age children, personal oriented approach, competence approach, technology, research stages | 1133 | |||||
3474 | Due to technological progress and information technology our quality of life is improving, but at the same time the energy of person is significantly reducing. As a result, the health of younger generation is under the threat. The university system of physical activity sets the goal to prepare specialists, who are able to develop independently, based on a continual education. Creating stable motives is a necessary part for any education. Motivation for sport participation is a motor, which influences the level of activity in this area of interest, its direction and regularity. The questionnaire was used to determine the students’ motives for sport participation in the Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). The analysis of motives for sport participation provided some results. This analysis provided that an unstable motive for sports participation is manifested in students’ priority to find fun during the lesson; underestimation of health; the large attention to the weight; small quantity of motors, unformed cognitive motives; the deficiency of an optimal level of knowledge. The study revealed that the favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom; the understanding of the thirdyear respondents that they need to be enroll in physical activity; striving for improving life performance through physical activity and enjoyment by the classes are main advantages of the system of physical activity in TPU. This data collection indicates the need to rank among the top eight motives by underlying two main motives from each group to determine the motivational complex, which characterizes the efficiency of students’ physical education and its focus on the future. Keywords: motives for sports participation, students, questionnaire, university system of physical activity | 1133 | |||||
3475 | The relevance of the proposed project follows both from the importance and the role of the railways, which largely have decided the fate of the confrontation between the reds and the whites during the Civil War, and from extremely weak, often unilateral coverage in historical literature of the role of commissars in this confrontation. The paper deals with the formation and structure of system of railways management through commissars, with the role and importance of commissars activities in ensuring stable operation of the railways. The article discloses the activity of commissars to inform the centre on state of affairs on railways, to organize agitation-and-propaganda and cultural work on the railroads, to improve the living conditions of railwaymen and to strengthen their labour discipline. Considers the difficulties of commissars’ work, which are a result of both their insufficient educational and vocational level, and a fuzzy definition of their goals and functional duties by the Center. It is alleged that as a result of formation of commissar structure and its activity, the Soviet state was able to achieve stable operation of the railways in the difficult years of the Civil War, which was one of the main factors contributing to the victory of the reds. Keywords: civil war, railway transportation, National commissariat of railway transportation, bolshevists, commissars, railwaymen, sociocultural aspect, labour discipline, rallies, meetings | 1133 | |||||
3476 | The article is devoted to precedent statements and peculiarities of their semantics and functioning in glossy press. The author gives the following definition of precedent statements: units of language known to the most members of a definite lingvocultural community. The following source domains of precedent statements are analyzed: cinema, literature, folklore, art, music, phraseology, proverbs and set expressions. Popular women glossy magazines such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Glamour proved to be a valuable language material. Precedent statements can occur in different sections of magazines: fashion, beauty, design, relations between men and women, travelling, health. The thorough analysis shows that cinema and literature are the most important and frequent source domains for precedent phenomena. Precedent statements could be transformed, especially in the headlines of the articles. The author distinguishes the following types of transformation peculiar to precedent units in glossy press: modification and addition of the component. The phenomenon of precedent sign is analyzed. Due to huge expansion of the Internet different computer, mathematical, graphic and commercial signs can function in precedent texts. Readers know such signs and recognize them easily. The comparative study of English and Russian precedent phenomena gives reliable linguistic data. The author concludes that understanding of precedent statements is extremely important for deciphering of the information contained in journalistic texts. Keywords: precedence, precedent statement, precedent sign, semantics, text, meaning, glossy press, source domain | 1133 | |||||
3477 | This article is devoted to the role, goals of the institution of curatorship in modern higher professional education. The goals of the institution of curatorship are coordinated with the tasks of modern higher professional education. The Institute of Curators, being one of the forms of educational work in the university, is characterized by the presence of structural and functional components, united by a common goal. An important factor is that the institution of curatorship promotes the development of competencies among students and promotes the all-round development of the student’s personality. A modern understanding of the institution of curators is defined. The article considers the principles on which the institute of curators’ activity is based. Problems are given and tasks of the modern institute of curatorship in the Russian system of higher professional education are singled out. It was noted that the institute needs modernization. Directions for increasing the institution of curator’s efficiency are given. The conclusion about the importance of the institution of curatorship for modern professional education and the prospects for its existence are made. The main provisions on the significant role of the institution of curatorship in modern vocational education are generalized. The need to modernize the institute of curators is highlighted, taking into account the experience and tendencies of the European and world development. Keywords: higher professional education, institute of curatorship, curator, curator’s activity, the role of contemporary professional education | 1133 | |||||
3478 | Introduction. Various educational organizations create a characteristic educational environment that ensures the specificity of the educational impact on students. The key task of high school is the education and upbringing of a citizen, in connection with which it is advisable to talk about the formation of values that ensure the prosocial orientation of the individual, which in turn finds expression in the creation and preservation of the world and oneself in the world. The impact of the educational environment on the personality of the student is carried out simultaneously with a number of other translators of values: family, friends, the media, etc., which entails the formation of a hierarchy of values of the adolescent in the process of their mutual integration and determines his life perspective. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between the formation of the value-semantic sphere of high school students with the current educational environment of educational organizations. Materials and methods. We have used empirical analysis and questionnaire methods. The study of the educational environment was carried out by analyzing the documents presented on the official websites of three educational organizations in the city of Irkutsk (Lyceum No. 2, secondary school No. 45, Women’s Orthodox Gymnasium). The questionnaire of students included the methodology “Emotional orientation of the personality” (by B. I. Dodonov) and “Meaningful life orientations” (by D. A. Leontyev). Results and discussion. The study showed a difference in the development of the emotional and value sphere, which in some aspects differs from the pupils of the Orthodox gymnasium, lyceum and secondary school. Most high school students of all the examined groups purposefully plan their activities, strive to achieve high results, demonstrating socially significant values. Conclusion. The methods used in the study confirmed the differences in the value-semantic sphere of students of three institutions that are different in the characteristics of the organization of the educational environment. It was determined that the glorical emotions associated with the need for self-affirmation are most pronounced among the gymnasium students of the Orthodox gymnasium, the practical emotions caused by the activity, its success – among the lyceum students, communicative – among the students of the secondary school. Keywords: values, value orientations, life-meaning orientations, educational environment, emotional orientation | 1133 | |||||
3479 | Introduction. Taking into account the updating goals and methods of modern education, the relevance of revealing the potential of the digital environment for the implementation of personality-oriented learning is justified. The search for effective methods of pedagogical support of an individualized student’s work in new information conditions is substantiated. Material and methods. The implementation of the objective approach to the organization of students’ independent work in a digital environment is proposed and methodologically justified. As a prerequisite is considered the “culturecongruent” of this approach, i.e. compliance with the level of modern information culture and the educational results demanded by society. The key features of the learning task in the digital space are identified in terms of goal setting, content management, the development of digital tools, interaction with other subjects, taking into account the individual student’s needs and requests, manifested in their information behavior. The concept of “digital microenvironment of the learning task” is introduced and disclosed, embodying the specifics of setting educational tasks and creating situations for their solution in the digital education space. Results and discussion. The results of surveys of university students and teachers are presented and analyzed, which made it possible to identify the real features of pedagogical activity in the digital education space and correlate them with the students’ attitude to the use of various methods of interaction with resources and persons in the digital educational environment. The data confirmed that the majority of teachers do not fully realize the potential of the digital educational environment in the context of modern education priorities and are not sufficiently oriented to students’ information and communication requests. Conclusion. The learning task is considered as a unit, according to which an independent learning and cognitive activity is organized in the digital environment. The design of the “learning tasks of digital microenvironments” provides a wide range of opportunities for organizing a productive, personality-oriented independent student work. The nature of the educational activity in the “digital microenvironment” depends both on the pedagogical methodology and on the educational position and characteristics of the student’s informational behavior. Keywords: digital educational environment, personality-oriented learning, learning task, independent work | 1133 | |||||
3480 | . | 1132 | |||||
3481 | This article represents by itself the historical survey of the Russian liberal phenomenon. The main author's thought is contained in that during all the times of the lib¬eral ideas existence in Russia, they penetrated in a kind of philosophic and religion discourse of intellectuals only. Thus the liberal traditions appeared in the narrow layer of Russian society. | 1132 | |||||
3482 | Within the framework of the development of the ultradispersed piezoceramic powder safety level, the research of the quantity of the peripheral blood was carried out both experimentally and in the conditions of the working area. In addition workers and employees involved in the production underwent ECG-test-ing, the results showing the dynamics of the twoyears' observations. The discovered derangements have revesible character and testify to inessential morpho-functional shifts in the explored organs and systems. | 1132 | |||||
3483 | The authors of the article, basing on the expe¬rience of Polish educators (basic professional schools, lyceums, post-lyceum education) suggest the concrete recommendations to the solution of the problem of employment taking into consideration the modern de-mographical and socio-cuitural situation. | 1132 | |||||
3484 | In the work the results of studying of individually-typological peculiarities of teachers of Tomsk region are presented. In the research the teachers participated, learnt according to the program of increase of qualification of Federation of internet education in Tomsk regional center. Acquired results make a question about the necessity of studying, elaboration and inculcation of complex of measures for recovery and maintenance of psychological health of a teacher, and also of essential conditions for the increase of professionalism | 1132 | |||||
3485 | S.G. Komagina in N. Ostrovky's novel discovers the signs of the archaic serpent fighting motive represented on the level of plot collisions, character sketches and writer's narration, which enables the author to give additional explanation of the reasons become of which the novel "How the steel was tempered" influences the reader. | 1132 | |||||
3486 | The technological education of the junior schoolchildren with the speech pathology is analyzed in the article. The theoretical statements and the results of the research confirm the influence of the technological education on the development of the functional abilities of the children. The research reveals the essence of the concept «compensation», its kinds and the necessity of the programme «Technology» for the junior schoolchildren with the speech defects. | 1132 | |||||
3487 | The article is devoted to personal peculiarities of senior students having deviations in their educational activity and behaviour. Intellectual education is often more valuable for them than physical exercises and sports activity as their involving in physical training and sports is low | 1132 | |||||
3488 | The article characterizes the condition of West Siberian Teachers’ Institutes during the First World War. It shows the influence of The war on the inner life and order of these institutions and describes the process of crisis phenomenon intensification in the field of pedagogical education against the background of social and economic problems in wartime. Keywords: West Siberian Teachers Institutes, the First World War, pedagogical education | 1132 | |||||
3489 | The article considers the questions of technology of creation of multimedia electronic textbooks. The concept of a created educational portal for accommodation of electronic textbooks with systems of registration, testing is submitted. The technology of created textbooks on computer science and some sections of mathematics for high school is described. Keywords: electronic textbooks, an educational Internet - portal, systems of testing, computer science, mathematics | 1132 | |||||
3490 | In the article we consider questions which arise in organization of level preprofile training of schoolchildren. This training is necessary for providing children with self-determination process which helps them find their own trajectories of education. Three levels of trial are described here: trial actions, profile trial and profession trial. We define the concept of «profile trial», study organisational and pedagogical requirements for implementing profile trial of schoolchildren in the process of secondary school and higher school interaction. Keywords: levels of preprofile training, trial actions, profile trial, profession trial; meaning of trial: trialexperience, trial-experiment, trial-test; secondary school-higher school, educational field. | 1132 | |||||
3491 | Results of researches have shown that the presowing treatment of seeds with selenium ions (selenite and selenate ions) has a stimulating effect on elongation of the shoot structural elements of the plants Lactuca sativa L. as well as on the content of the chlorophylls sum. Specificity of the influence of different selenium ions consists in regulating the synthesis of biologically active substances and a dry biomass. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, selenium, morphogenesis, chlorophylls, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, anthocyans. | 1132 | |||||
3492 | The article considers the valuable representations about the art expressed in the essays by V. Astafiev and S. Zalygin. It is shown, that the aesthetics of both writers is determined by ethics – the ethics determines the representations about the nature of creativity and about mission of the writer. It is found out, that the essays of two writers comprises understanding of the literature as a tool of life and man’s cognition, that is as phenomenon of an aesthetic character; the idea of life cognoscibility determines the realistic principles of V. Astafiev and S. Zalygin’s V.P. Astafiev, S.P. Zalygin, publicism, aesthetics, ethicsaesthetic thinking. Keywords: V.P. Astafiev, S.P. Zalygin, publicism, aesthetics, ethics | 1132 | |||||
3493 | The use of IT and multimedia in education can fundamentally change the present system of the foreign language learning. Unique possibilities of the IT can let us faster and more intensely develop skills of much more proficient foreign l-ge level of communication, which includes the ability to reflection, comparison, synthesis and analyses, find connections between phenomenon and any possible ways of solving complex problems, including planning and intergroup interaction. The role of a tutor is gradually changing: this person is no more the only source of knowledge; he or she becomes an advisor or helper in the process of education. There appear to be a real possibility for the learners to get any necessary knowledge by themselves in self-study, in our rapidly changing world, the need of more individualized educational strategies which could let them be the active member of the educational process. Keywords: IT, multimedia, self-study, learners, foreign l-ge, education, data, WebCT | 1132 | |||||
3494 | The poetics of an image of the woman and functioning of it in narration is considered in the article. For understanding of the nature of the image in the article the wide cultural-historical context of the theme is given, the review of some key texts designing the image of the woman in a same key with V. Grossman is resulted. The chosen story is representative for early creativity of the writer; the analysis of a key image of the given product gives the fullest representation about author’s outlook of this period. Keywords: Vasily Grossman, the female commissioner, the house, a family, revolution | 1132 | |||||
3495 | The article deals with the characteristics of syntactic words. It describes peculiarities of conjunctions as a means of expressing causality. As an example, English conjunction “because” and the French one “parce que” are examined. The using of these conjunctions in sentences with causality is compared. The specifi c of the given conjunctions is expressed. Keywords: causation, composite sentence, syntactic word, conjunction, effect | 1132 | |||||
3496 | In the article the rendering of the possible way of pronominal system formation in the Selkup language is offered. Interrogative pronouns were historically the names of mythical ancestors. Tabooing of the names caused the use of allegories in form of interrogative, indefi nite, negative pronouns. The substitutes of the names became the key elements of word formation: kaj “duck” (totem); kaj “who”, “what”, “what”; kajdo “why”, “what for”; kajne “nothing”. Keywords: Selkup language, pronoun, euphemism, spiritual culture | 1132 | |||||
3497 | The structure of readiness for training at higher school is shown. There is an example of complex research during enrolment to military higher school. Keywords: readiness, readiness for the activity, professional psychological selection, educational standards, the two-bin system of instruction | 1132 | |||||
3498 | The article tells about the possibilities of using competence approach at the lessons of literature. It gives the structure of professional competence of the teacher of literature and key competences of the student to be formed in literature class. The education competence is considered from personality-oriented and activity points of view. Keywords: Competence, approach, modernization, terminology, structure | 1132 | |||||
3499 | Considered below quality and efficiency criteria system for e-learning programs has been developed by the author of the article with evaluation purpose of university continuing education. The proposed system is based on the data analysis and synthesis, both foreign and domestic experience and can be used in the practice of e-learning of any educational institution. Keywords: E-learning, quality, criteria development, management in education, lifelong learning, higher educational establishments | 1132 | |||||
3500 | The problem of improvement of forms of diagnostics and control of knowledge, abilities, skills, practical experience of the students of specialised secondary educational institutions under the introduction of federal state educational standards in educational practice is considered. The propaedeutic flow chart developed by authors allows to carry out stage-by-stage tracking of the concrete achievements which are trained and to determine the level of formation of common cultural and professional competences of students on all the way of development of the maintenance of a subject. Schematically this technology represents a set of four stages of didactic process from initial perception of theoretical knowledge and before their practical application. Each stage is estimated on a mark scale. The maximum number of points which the student can get on the sum of all stages makes hundred. The peculiarity of the offered development work is that it contains the level and criteria monitoring system: in a projection to the component structure of professional competences revealed by authors (cognitive, activity, motivational and valuable, communicative) to each level (from the 1st to the 3rd) achievements of results of training there corresponds the developed parameter of estimation of structure and quality of the carried-out operations, their sensibleness, completeness and curtness. Thus, the process of step formation of professional competences of students from simple to the difficult – assumes improvement of quality of educational experience. Keywords: professional education, technological card, results of training, diagnostic tools | 1132 |