# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3501 | Due to technological progress and information technology our quality of life is improving, but at the same time the energy of person is significantly reducing. As a result, the health of younger generation is under the threat. The university system of physical activity sets the goal to prepare specialists, who are able to develop independently, based on a continual education. Creating stable motives is a necessary part for any education. Motivation for sport participation is a motor, which influences the level of activity in this area of interest, its direction and regularity. The questionnaire was used to determine the students’ motives for sport participation in the Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). The analysis of motives for sport participation provided some results. This analysis provided that an unstable motive for sports participation is manifested in students’ priority to find fun during the lesson; underestimation of health; the large attention to the weight; small quantity of motors, unformed cognitive motives; the deficiency of an optimal level of knowledge. The study revealed that the favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom; the understanding of the thirdyear respondents that they need to be enroll in physical activity; striving for improving life performance through physical activity and enjoyment by the classes are main advantages of the system of physical activity in TPU. This data collection indicates the need to rank among the top eight motives by underlying two main motives from each group to determine the motivational complex, which characterizes the efficiency of students’ physical education and its focus on the future. Keywords: motives for sports participation, students, questionnaire, university system of physical activity | 1123 | |||||
3502 | The need for developing emotional responsiveness in preschool age is dictated not only by modern normative documents in the field of education, the sensitivity of preschool age, but also by the need of society in humane responsive people. By now pedagogical literature has sufficient theoretical prerequisites for studying the phenomenon of emotional responsiveness in preschool age. Pedagogical studies turned to various means for the development of emotional responsiveness in children, such as: theatrical activity, fiction, musical activity. Music is a unique and multifaceted means of pedagogical influence. The use of music as a means of developing emotional responsiveness in preschool children rests on the essential characteristics of music itself. Responding to psycho-physiological indicators of experiencing emotions (expressive movements (facial expressions, pantomime), breathing, intonation), music by its own means can model any expressive symptoms of emotional reactions. The use of music as a means of developing emotional responsiveness of preschool children should take into account the insufficient subject experience of children’s emotional feelings. Therefore, for the organization of classes on development of emotional responsiveness of preschool children, a step-by-step mechanism is proposed that takes into account the essential characteristics of music as a means, peculiar features of the age of children, and their musical preferences. Keywords: emotional responsiveness, preschool age, preschool education, music, subject experience | 1123 | |||||
3503 | The article is devoted to the explanation of the actuality and innovation of the issues of complex linguistic study of Laowai network jargon – the language of Russian expats in China Internet communication. On the background studies of the Russian language in Eastern countries and Russian-Chinese frontier, discusses the history of the issue. The author proves the uniqueness as compared to the historically previous and compared to other contemporary bilingual (e.g. English-Russian), the situation of interaction between Russian and Chinese cultures in the discourse of virtual Russian Diaspora. The expats have no plans for assimilation in new community and the situation of a balanced linguistic partnerships between typologically radically different languages with approximately equal reputational status determine the specifics and dynamics of the reception of the Chinese language and culture. Chinese ksenonims in laowai substandart have a dual functionality. On the one hand, they, being jargon lexical substrate, perform all inherent in the jargon vocabulary of functions: identification, password, evaluative, expressive, creative. On the other hand, being other cultures lexical substrate, they are the main guides to the world of language, which has secondary cultural orientation, language, turned into the area of foreign language culture. A comprehensive analysis of the language network communication of Russian expats in China has great potential from the perspective of Internet linguistics and discourse studies, contact and comparative linguistics, cultural linguistics and intercultural communication, studies of the Russian language abroad and jargon studies. Keywords: the language of Russian expats in China, laowai network jargon, the language situation, the Russian and Chinese linguistic culture, ksenonym | 1123 | |||||
3504 | The main traditional and modern approaches to the research of a simple sentence structure are considered. In traditional linguistics the simple sentence is studied from positions of the logical, psychological, structural and functional approaches. The logical approach having come from Aristotle’s works operates with terms of logic: a subject, a predicate which are considered as components of a thought structure. The psychological approach goes back to works of neogrammarians. In the psychological approach a sentence is considered as linguistic expression of combination of psychological concepts in perception of a speaker and as the instrument of generation of these concepts and their binding in perception of a listener. The structural and functional approach includes the theory of actual division of the sentence, the theory of communicative dynamism and the theory of informative structure of a sentence. The actual division means division of the sentence into the starting point (basis) of a statement and the core of a statement. According to the adherents of the second theory, there is communicative dynamism in each element of the sentence and the degree of communicative dynamism is directly connected with the status of this element in the theme and rheme structure of a sentence. According to the third theory, informative structure of a statement and thematic structure are different, though they are interconnected by the levels of communicative and semantic structure of a statement. The researches on syntax in cognitive and functional aspects as well as study of the sentence structure from positions of generative grammar are widely spread in modern linguistics. Keywords: simple sentence, structure, communicative division of a sentence actual division of a sentence, informatiove structure of a sentence, argument structure | 1123 | |||||
3505 | Introduction. The article deals with spatial images of the German resort towns Bad-Ems and Baden-Baden in the travel notes by M. Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Za rubezhom”. This issue is still practically unresearched in literature studies and highly actual for imagology. Aim and objectives. The aim of the paper is detecting motives used by the writer for representing the towns in his work. Material and methods. The methods of the research are comparative and descriptive analysis, cultural-historical and semiotic methods. Results. The author of the research detects such characteristics of the literary space marked with Germanness as order, achronism, corruption and theatricalism of the life within the analysed loci. The special attention is paid to the core motif of the inner unfreedom by which the image of Germany unique for all kinds of German space is formed in the work. It’s also settled that the cross-cutting urbanistic image is according to the typology by V. N. Toporov the image of the ‘whore’-city influencing the images of the German resort towns and marking transformation of the erotic element in the sphere of goods/money relationships. Thus the text of the ‘fallen’ city imbued with Christian references shows throw the trivial reality of the philistine Germany in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s work and is as an intertextual base one of connecting links between images of the German resort towns and the capital Berlin. In addition the writer represents not only anthropic but also natural loci of mountain spaces forming a dimensional and simultaneously a spiritual opposition to the valley-space of the human existence earthbound in all senses. Conclusion. The results expand literary conceptualization about space images in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s works and connect German images created by the writer with the common tradition of representing Germany and Germans in the Russian literature of XIX – the early XX centuries. The article can be useful for Russian literature teachers and specialists dealing with literary imagology. Keywords: M. Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Russian literature of the XIX century, Germany, image of Alien, image of resort towns, motif, literary space, locus, satire | 1123 | |||||
3506 | Oganisyan M. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 33-37 . | 1122 | |||||
3507 | The set of devices for treatment of air against and for various characteristics of its content are designed (purification, moisturing, ionization, filling with medicines, aromatizing fumes, etc). A historical outline of development of biological and technical findings in this field. This information was used for formulating unsolved problems in air purification field | 1122 | |||||
3508 | In the article labour relations are viewed as content of the basic category of the theory of world economy which determines the logic of constructing of a whole system of geoplanetary economic relations. | 1122 | |||||
3509 | . | 1122 | |||||
3510 | The paper is dedicated to the investigation of linguistic mechanisms of forming trends of association in Mandel’shtam’s lyric poetry. The analysis of means of forming associations in the texts allowed to find important peculiarities of the poetic ideostyle. | 1122 | |||||
3511 | The article considers peculiarities of objectivation of one of universal concepts – the concept «Own/Strange» in Selkup culture in comparison with Indo-European and, particularly, Russian culture. | 1122 | |||||
3512 | - | 1122 | |||||
3513 | The article is devoted to the problems of formation of a director’s profession on the home scene and screen. The author analyses the development of direction’s traditions in theatre and cinema at the turn of ХIХ and ХХ centuries, considers the conformity of the truth of historical actions with the ways of its reflection by art means on the material of screen arts; analyzes the basic theoretical and practical problems of director’s art. Keywords: system of graphic means, the director, montage, decorative space | 1122 | |||||
3514 | . | 1122 | |||||
3515 | The article concerns the method based on the use of computer tutors in classroom instruction, namely webvisualizers (which are web applications demonstrating the way algorithms work). We suggest programming principles, specifically cyclic design using the method of problematical searching. Keywords: programming, web-visualizers, computer tutors, methods of teaching, problematical searching | 1122 | |||||
3516 | The article is devoted to the problem of formation of scientific and methodological competencies in students of pedagogical universities when studying natural sciences. The article defines the essence of the concepts of «competence» and «competence», reviewed the structure of the teacher competence model, stages of formation of scientific and methodological competencies of future teachers, as well as the analysis of self-formation of scientific and methodological skills in students of pedagogical universities. Keywords: scientific and methodical, research, competence, competence, students of pedagogical universities. | 1122 | |||||
3517 | The dialog of Russian and native cultures is one of the most effective approaches in studying of the writing creation of the Russian and native literatures by the pupils of the national schools. Full value entering in a perfect type of culture, taking part in dialog at the lessons of Literature can take place under condition of understanding of different types of cultures by the pupils, which determinates by national world outlook, geographical landscape, national peculiarities of consciousness and psychology. The dialog of Russian and native cultures perfects the perception and understanding books of Russian Literature and native Literature. Keywords: dialog, culture, perception, national, methodology, principles, worldview. | 1122 | |||||
3518 | The paper considers the names of perching birds in the Selkup language. The ornithonyms are systematized and their morphemic divisions let us defi ne their possible initial meaning for the Selkup nation. The aim of the paper is developing nomination characteristics of the considered ornithonyms. Keywords: Selkup language, names of birds (ornithonyms), nomination characteristics | 1122 | |||||
3519 | The article describes the characteristics of multimedia technology in e-learning resources (ELR), Webcams in the study of language courses; examples of practical experience with the ELR. The author shows the advantage of multimedia technologies to improve the efficiency of the learning process. Keywords: multimedia technology, e-learning resources, Webcam, language courses | 1122 | |||||
3520 | The article considers the aspects of interaction between translation science and linguistics. Primarily, such notions as the original foreign text, the denotative contents and the essence of interpreter’s work in terms of linguistics are specified. Further, difficulties in transmission of denotative contents of original foreign texts, which are dependent on the correlation types among the elements of the original and the translating language in the context of comparative vocabulary analysis, are reviewed. Keywords: original foreign texts, denotative contents, translation, linguistic sign, frame | 1122 | |||||
3521 | The article defines the reading type that lies in the foundation of teaching senior secondary school students to read original German texts containing linguocultural, sociocultural, cultural and linguistic information. The author analyses the views of researchers considering the reading process from the perspective of psychology, linguistics and methodology. Special attention is given to reviewing the types of reading. This issue is one of the most theoretically developed, but not yet terminologically stable. The characteristics of “mature” and “immature” reading in the native and foreign languages are identified and described. As a result, on the basis of the conducted research, the type of reading most suitable for teaching to read the original texts is proposed, its characterization is given. Keywords: reading, types of reading, original texts, “mature” reading, “immature” reading, reading with full understanding | 1122 | |||||
3522 | In the article on the material of poetic discourse of I. Severianin, represented by a collection of poems “Gromokipyaschy Cup” (1913), the author describes types and kinds of lexical regulatory structures based on the stylistic devices of syntactic parallelism. General tendencies and idiostylistic peculiarities, which are used by the founder of egofuturism are observed. These regulative structures do not only provide connectivity of the text and its fragments but also are important for understanding of the meaning at these levels. Keywords: poetic text, egofuturism, regulativity, lexical regulative structures based on the stylistic device of syntactical parallelism | 1122 | |||||
3523 | The article deals with the condition for individual potential development in supplementary professional education system. Authors provide comparative analyses of educational environment approaches in domestic and foreign andragogy. Keywords: labour potential, supplementary education, supplementary professional education system, andragogy | 1122 | |||||
3524 | The consistent tendencies towards the standardization of education result in the implementation of language standards in different countries and regions of the world. The conditions of their emergence and functioning define the language conventions specified in the standards as the basis of foreign language learners’ linguistic competence. The language of coursebooks of English is considered to be the source for their linguistic experts’ evaluation. The language standards being used to evaluate the coursebooks lead on to developing a set of criteria for such an evaluation including the area of cross-cultural communication and communication strategies in general as well as the acquisition of concrete lexical, grammatical and functional units of language. Keywords: language standards, competence, competency, competency-based approach, the language of coursebooks of English, linguistic analysis of coursebooks, expert evaluation of coursebooks | 1122 | |||||
3525 | The article is devoted to the formation of new words in the Russian language of the eastern emigration of the 20–40s of the XX century. The object of analysis is the new words which appeared in the Russian language of the Eastern abroad as a result of word-formation. First of all different morphological means of word-formation, variety of suffixal and affixal methods and compressive word-formation are under examination more often. Word-formation models and their activity in the Russian language of Eastern abroad are investigated on the material of the Harbin journal “Rubezh” which has been published in Harbin since 1926 till 1945 years, memorial sources by I. Dyakov, E. Taskina, E. Shirinskaya and others, and works of art of Russian Eastern countries. Conditions for the functioning of the Russian language in Harbin of the first half of the twentieth century are seen as unique, contributing not only to preservation but also to the full functioning of the Russian language in Manchuria. The article analyzes 45 new lexical items created in the language of the eastern countries: Nouns (77.8 per cent of appellation of total new words), Pronouns (17.8 per cent), Verbs (it is only one word in our work), Adverbs (it is only one word in our work too). Keywords: Russian language of Eastern abroad, Harbin, word formation, word-formative model, affixation | 1122 | |||||
3526 | This work develops the statements of works [1–3]. Author’s experience of teaching disciplines for the students studying in the direction of training «Applied informatics» is generalized. Some questions of techniques of teaching discipline «Document science and documentary ensuring management» are considered. The main directions of further research are considered. They consist in highlighting the activation of interdisciplinary links between disciplines aimed at forming the professional competencies of students. It is planned to continue modernization of the developed materials of the electronic courses intended for support of independent work of students in the study of disciplines. It is important to develop tasks for independent work which would promote increase in interest of students in studying of materials of the discipline. In addition, we are developing the funds of evaluation tools in the form of test questions, questions for credit. It is concluded that the use of e-course materials contributes to the formation of professional competence of future graduates. Further goals on educational system development are also discussed. We are going to continue developing electronic educational materials, reference books and seminars. These materials will be used for the formation of professional competence of students who are training in the direction of «Applied Informatics». The article presents the results of using the developed methodological materials. Besides, the results of testing of students in the section «Document and System of Documentation» are analized. Keywords: field of professional activity, office-work, document, electronic document management systems, DIRECTUM | 1122 | |||||
3527 | The article is devoted to precedent statements and peculiarities of their semantics and functioning in glossy press. The author gives the following definition of precedent statements: units of language known to the most members of a definite lingvocultural community. The following source domains of precedent statements are analyzed: cinema, literature, folklore, art, music, phraseology, proverbs and set expressions. Popular women glossy magazines such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Glamour proved to be a valuable language material. Precedent statements can occur in different sections of magazines: fashion, beauty, design, relations between men and women, travelling, health. The thorough analysis shows that cinema and literature are the most important and frequent source domains for precedent phenomena. Precedent statements could be transformed, especially in the headlines of the articles. The author distinguishes the following types of transformation peculiar to precedent units in glossy press: modification and addition of the component. The phenomenon of precedent sign is analyzed. Due to huge expansion of the Internet different computer, mathematical, graphic and commercial signs can function in precedent texts. Readers know such signs and recognize them easily. The comparative study of English and Russian precedent phenomena gives reliable linguistic data. The author concludes that understanding of precedent statements is extremely important for deciphering of the information contained in journalistic texts. Keywords: precedence, precedent statement, precedent sign, semantics, text, meaning, glossy press, source domain | 1122 | |||||
3528 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 9-13 . | 1121 | |||||
3529 | . | 1121 | |||||
3530 | Within the framework of the development of the ultradispersed piezoceramic powder safety level, the research of the quantity of the peripheral blood was carried out both experimentally and in the conditions of the working area. In addition workers and employees involved in the production underwent ECG-test-ing, the results showing the dynamics of the twoyears' observations. The discovered derangements have revesible character and testify to inessential morpho-functional shifts in the explored organs and systems. | 1121 | |||||
3531 | This research work is devoted to the problems of the prophylactic of the antisocial teens turning aside behavior. In this research work the condition and reason of teens’ disruptive behavior are under analysis. The foreign and native experience of the prophylactic of teens’ disruptive behavior is considered. The contemporary situation with teenagers is considered to take into consideration the essential changes of criminal arranging in the country and state-political conditions and social-economic reorganization in the last period. The matching of the resource and methods pedagogical modification of antisocial teens’ disruptive behavior was realized on the basis of leading up pedagogical investigations | 1121 | |||||
3532 | The article describes organizational and educational conditions of Russian and foreign (Mongolian) students social and psychological adaptation at the Pedagogical University based on the experimental work. The article also represents the peculiarities and the content of activity at the international students’ science and education laboratory of cognitive and adaptive educational psychology technologies. The fundamental problem is to setup the educational process psychologically and didactically using physical, psychological, ethnic individual students’ peculiarities in order to obtain higher education. Keywords: social and psychological adaptation, Russian students, Mongolian students, inter-group, science and education activity ISSEL CAEPT | 1121 | |||||
3533 | The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical bases of complex structural changes in education of the Russian Federation: the emergence of theories of post-industrial society, modernization, education philosophy, management of educational systems, teaching in rural schools. Keywords: common historical and pedagogical trends in the municipal education systems in Russia, the rural educational system specifics, tendencies of realization of ideas of modernization. | 1121 | |||||
3534 | In the article studying the zooplankton of the pool of the river of Chulym are summed up and it is underlined that for the first time for this region there are 129 kinds and 29 subspecies from which 52 kinds and 10 subspecies are specified for the first time for Western Siberia and 4 kinds – for Russia. Zooplanktonic complexes of sites of the pool bottom, average both headwaters and distribution of characteristic kinds of a zooplankton on these sites are considered. Keywords: zooplankton, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda, zooplanktonic complex, distribution, specific variety | 1121 | |||||
3535 | The article tells about educational adaptively-developmental environment, which contains the process of student development and there defined the concept of the environment, principles of its development and key approaches for its formation. The article examines the modern Western psychological and educational literature on this issue, it studies the effect of the educational climate on psychological and educational characteristics of students, the article examines the educational climate in terms of students, teachers and parents. The analysis suggests that the organization of educational, adaptive-developing environment includes a variety of forms and activities. Keywords: adaptive-developmental environment, levels of the environment’s formation, criteria and indicators for its formation | 1121 | |||||
3536 | The article deals with the historical and theoretical problem of understanding and the birth development phenomenon of the department of general pedagogy and psychology – the titular department of the university. Keywords: education, history formation, higher education, department | 1121 | |||||
3537 | The article deals with oikonyms of Turkic origin on the territory of Azerbaijan that are analysed on the basis of scientific-theoretical and factual material. Historical excursus makes it possible to trace formation and development of the Azerbaijani language. The toponyms mentioned in the ancient sources, works are studied. It is emphasized that there are quite a lot of elements among the paleotoponyms functioning in the modern system of Azerbaijani toponyms and such elements are related to the different layers of the languages of the ancient Turkic clans and tribes. Is given etymological and structural-semantic analysis of the most interesting oikonyms. Keywords: toponyms, oikonyms, elements, layer, tribes, origin, ancient Turkic | 1121 | |||||
3538 | The paper shows that the formation of bioethical culture, the emergence of bioethics, its evolution from practice to theory can be viewed as a mechanism for the implementation of the principle of humanistic paradigm of expertise in the practice-oriented humanism. Keywords: bioethics, bioethical culture, practice-oriented humanism, humanist examination | 1121 | |||||
3539 | The article considers the institutional design of social responsibility mechanism through the relationship between the institution and formal rules, as well as culture, traditions and values. It is ascertained that the institutional design “with the foundation” is the preferred strategy, because it allows using the evolutionary process of human and social development. Keywords: social responsibility, institution, institutional design | 1121 | |||||
3540 | The article deals with complex and compound terms of physics in the Tatar language formed by combining of bases with complete relations of their components. This type of word formation is very common in the terminology of physics in the Tatar language. Basically, linguists use this method to form terms with two or more components. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time it gives the information about the methods of formation of complex and compound physics terms in the Tatar language. The article gives an explanation of the concept “complete relation”, types and examples of the Tatar terms of physics formed this way. Both complex and compound terms are formed by combining the bases with complete relations of their components, but the bulk is composed of compound words that have their own word-formation models. The first components of such terms are different parts of speech, and the second component is often the noun, less often the verb. Also, most of the compound terms of physics are multicomponent words, which consist of three, four, and five components. The first components of complex or compound terms are often terminological elements or commonly used international words. The authors come to the conclusion that multicomponent terms of physics which can consist of both own words of the Tatar language and international featuring Tatar component are basically formed by combining the bases with complete relations of their components. Keywords: terms of physics, the Tatar language, combining of bases, complete relations of components, element | 1121 | |||||
3541 | Introduction. Taking into account the updating goals and methods of modern education, the relevance of revealing the potential of the digital environment for the implementation of personality-oriented learning is justified. The search for effective methods of pedagogical support of an individualized student’s work in new information conditions is substantiated. Material and methods. The implementation of the objective approach to the organization of students’ independent work in a digital environment is proposed and methodologically justified. As a prerequisite is considered the “culturecongruent” of this approach, i.e. compliance with the level of modern information culture and the educational results demanded by society. The key features of the learning task in the digital space are identified in terms of goal setting, content management, the development of digital tools, interaction with other subjects, taking into account the individual student’s needs and requests, manifested in their information behavior. The concept of “digital microenvironment of the learning task” is introduced and disclosed, embodying the specifics of setting educational tasks and creating situations for their solution in the digital education space. Results and discussion. The results of surveys of university students and teachers are presented and analyzed, which made it possible to identify the real features of pedagogical activity in the digital education space and correlate them with the students’ attitude to the use of various methods of interaction with resources and persons in the digital educational environment. The data confirmed that the majority of teachers do not fully realize the potential of the digital educational environment in the context of modern education priorities and are not sufficiently oriented to students’ information and communication requests. Conclusion. The learning task is considered as a unit, according to which an independent learning and cognitive activity is organized in the digital environment. The design of the “learning tasks of digital microenvironments” provides a wide range of opportunities for organizing a productive, personality-oriented independent student work. The nature of the educational activity in the “digital microenvironment” depends both on the pedagogical methodology and on the educational position and characteristics of the student’s informational behavior. Keywords: digital educational environment, personality-oriented learning, learning task, independent work | 1121 | |||||
3542 | Chumakova L. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 6-9 . | 1120 | |||||
3543 | . | 1120 | |||||
3544 | The role of the problem as a means of development of creative thinking is considered. The conditions in which the elements of the educational environment become the task for a student are analized. The dependence of the result of solving the problem on motivation and corre¬sponding change of functional state of students organism is shown. The ways os development of the nud for crea¬tive activity are grounded. | 1120 | |||||
3545 | The modern requirements to the professional from the side of society and new technologies are considered in the article. The necessity of simple and accessible technologies which based on the methodology of creation is settled in the article. The criteria of creation and reproduction in the pedagogical process are suggested and its organization in the creative educational technology is based. | 1120 | |||||
3546 | The authors of the article, basing on the expe¬rience of Polish educators (basic professional schools, lyceums, post-lyceum education) suggest the concrete recommendations to the solution of the problem of employment taking into consideration the modern de-mographical and socio-cuitural situation. | 1120 | |||||
3547 | This work offers the mathematical model of a number of insured people of a pension fund in a form of the infinite two-faced non-markovian system of queue systems. The research work in stationary re¬gime of queue system showed that distribution is two-measurement Poisson distribution with impendent components. | 1120 | |||||
3548 | When analyzing various levels of I. Brodsky’s poem the codes of translation of the reality in the text and principles of creation of the art reality come to light. Representation about the architectonics of the art thinking of the poet is proved in the article. | 1120 | |||||
3549 | Diagrams of heneycosan-palmitin acid and heneycosan-stearin acid systems are investigated using differential scanning calorymetry. Phase equilibrium diagrams are discussed | 1120 | |||||
3550 | The author considers the problem training as the most important in the system of school ecological training and emphasizes its essential components: problem situations, cognitive objectives, game situations, plays. The problems, which appear and prompt to cognitive action, are not only the methods to stir up thinking, but often define the development of person’s inclinations and abilities. Ecological objectives and plays provoke huge interests, make auspicious emotional conditions, and promote stirring up of schoolchildren thinking, develop logic and cognitive self-dependence. | 1120 |