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# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4051 | The article deals with one of the most vexed problems in modern Germanic studies – the problem of the Konjunktiv of indirect speech. The attention is focused on the status of the Konjunktive of indirect speech and the peculiarities of its functioning in the system of the morphological and the syntactic category of speech type of Modern German. | 981 | |||||
4052 | Photosynthesising surface extension tendency is characteristic for the most of plants that determinates high rate of growth and space expansion. Such plants can be called «occupants», and their life forms considered as «open». At extreme environment conditions (deserts, high-mountains, polar biomes), not space occupation but homeostasis maintenance by the surface area restriction due to spherical, compact life forms development, became the priority strategy (cushion plants, cactuses, etc.). These plants are «limiters», and their life forms are «closed» | 981 | |||||
4053 | N.V. Barkovskaya studies Andrei Belij's theoretical concep¬tion in 1920s in terms of his semantic interpretation of the exter¬nal sound and rhythm form of the language in poetry. | 981 | |||||
4054 | The article, upon example of such conceptual dominants of the modern media discourse as crisis, glamour, oil, analyzes the role of verbal and cultural prototypes in the stylistic and discursive formation and development of media concepts. It is proved that force of world modeling potential of the media concept is caused by power of the information-interpretative impulses, broadcast its verbal and mental prototypes. Keywords: media concept, cultural and verbal prototypes, life cycle, world modeling potential | 981 | |||||
4055 | The paper addresses morphosyntactic and semantic properties of a rather nontrivial construction used to encode holistic quantifi cation (“whole”) in Adyghe. We claim that the said construction has developed from adverbial clause with temporal meaning. Adyghe is notable for using morphosyntactic means to express the meaning that crosslinguistically strongly prefers lexical encoding, as well as for rather atypical and previously unattested diachronic path for development of universal quantifi ers. Keywords: Adyghe, syntax, semantics, grammaticalization, holistic quantifi cation, adverbial clauses, subordination | 981 | |||||
4056 | This article discusses the features of the discourse generated by the students of the 5th year, studying “Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures”, generated in the implementation of the two types of speech acti vity: consecutive interpreting of a technical text, and introducing new grammar material in an English class. The research shows the existence of a connection between the discourse of one and the same respondent in both communicative situations, expressed in his/her use of a communication strategy – presentation, manipulation and convention, which is explained by the level of development of the secondary language identity of the respondent – a student of linguistics. Keywords: communication strategy, communicative situation, discourse, consecutive interpreting, secondary language identity, personal thesaurus | 981 | |||||
4057 | The article deals with one of the areas of pedagogical science of physical training, which will improve the adaptive capacity of the organism to the influence of environmental factors by means of physical training. There is new teaching technology and teaching methods in physical education to meet professional requirements of their chosen specialty. Keywords: technology, adaptation, students, exercise, professional and graphic approach, professionally-applied physical training | 981 | |||||
4058 | 1. Цапенко И. П. Роль иммиграции в экономике развитых стран. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2005/0207/analit01.php 2. Малахов В. С. Зачем России мультикультурализм? URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2004/0151/analit04.php 3. Мигранты: социальная адаптация и конфликты: мат-лы междунар. круглого стола (Ин-т Европы РАН, 27 апр. 2007 г.) / [отв. ред. М. В. Каргалова]. М.: Ин-т Европы РАН: Рус. Сувенир, 2007. 118 с. 4. Малахов В. С. Национальные государства перед лицом культурного плюрализма // Логос: философско-литературный журнал. 2006. № 2 (53). С. 84–93. 5. Иноземцев В. Л. Иммиграция: новая проблема нового столетия. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/polemika-antropotok/inozemsev-novata-problema/?Version=forprint 6. Ким В. В. Социальные противоречия в «зеркале» миграции как фактор возникновения фанатизма // Вестн. Томского гос. пед. ун-та (Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin). 2013. Вып. 5 (133). С. 122–128. 7. Уткин А. И. Глобализация: процесс и осмысление. М.: Логос, 2002. 254 с. 8. Нарочницкая Е. А. Национальный фактор в эпоху глобализации. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/srez/etnos/nacionalnyj_faktor_v_epohu_globalizacii_chast_1_diskussii_o_budushhem_nacij_i_globalizacii_nekotoryje_metodologicheskije_voprosy_2010-01-05.htm 9. Гринин Л. Е. Глобализация и национальный суверенитет // История и современность. 2005. № 13. С. 6–31. 10. Лопухина Т. В. Европейский дом: добро пожаловать – вход закрыт. URL: http://www.archipelag.ru/agenda/povestka/povestka-immigration/europa-dis/europa_dom/ 11. Молодикова И. Н. Без иммиграции Европе не обойтись. URL: http://www.polit.ru/article/2006/04/28/demoscope243/ 12. Молодикова И. Н. Основные этапы и методы управления трудовой миграцией в западноевропейских странах. URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/center/fmcenter/tr_mol.html 13. Захаров С. В., Сурков С. В. Миграция и рождаемость. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=43570 14. Понамарева А. М. Мусульмане Европы: прогрессирующий фактор страха // Индекс безопасности. 2007. № 3. С. 61–79. 15. Лебедева Н. М. Теоретические подходы к исследованию взаимных установок и стратегий межкультурного взаимодействия мигрантов и населения России. URL: http://www.hse.ru/data/2010/03/27/1217654121/Lebedeva_PerspAnalyzeAttit&InteractStrat.pdf 16. Щербакова Е. М. Международная миграция: тенденции и перспективы. URL: http://www.perspektivy.info/srez/val/mezhdunarodnaja_migracija_tendencii_i_perspektivy_2009-12-04.htm 17. Цапенко И. П. Движущие силы международной миграции населения. URL: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2008/0315/analit02.php 18. Варюхина Н. Н. Управление иммиграционными процессами в Европейском союзе: опыт Германии. URL: http://www.mgimo.ru/fi leserver/books/rami4konvent/t9-varyukhina.pdf 19. Глухова А. В. Социокультурный конфликт как фактор современного политического процесса // Логос. 2005. № 4 (49). С. 201–215. 20. Наумкин В. В. Мусульманская диаспора на Западе: дифференциация, конвергенция, гибридизация? URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=86098 21. Кондратьева Т. С. Диаспоры в современном мире: эволюция явления и понятия. URL: http://www.perspectivy.info/print.php?ID=48886 Keywords: the historiography of our country, Western Europe, modern immigration processes, globalization | 981 | |||||
4059 | The paper shows that the formation of bioethical culture, the emergence of bioethics, its evolution from practice to theory can be viewed as a mechanism for the implementation of the principle of humanistic paradigm of expertise in the practice-oriented humanism. Keywords: bioethics, bioethical culture, practice-oriented humanism, humanist examination | 981 | |||||
4060 | The article considers religious-cult topolexemes of the Selkup language. Cult lexemes as componential parts of toponyms are analyzed. The paper reveals possible reason for making a place sacred. The author researches mythological concepts of the Selkups. The fragment of the linguistic worldview is reconstructed. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, Selkup ethnos, the Selkup language, topolexemes, hydronyms, religious-cult lexis, mythology, worldview | 981 | |||||
4061 | The article presents the author's view of the goal as an important factor of the higher education quality, which reflects the tendencies of development of educational needs of the individual, society and state. The goal defines the development strategy of educational institutions in the future years, as well as it is directed on achievement of personal, meta-subject and object education results. Keywords: quality of education, goal, educational needs, professional activity, characteristics of the goal | 981 | |||||
4062 | The article deals with the forming conditions of discursive and projective competence of future teachers. It shows the actuality and importance of formation of such professional quality as discursive and projective competence. Pedagogical conditions under which the formation of discursive-projective competence will be most effective are identified and described. Keywords: discursive and projective competence, pedagogical conditions, humanitarian educational environment, reflection, interactive | 981 | |||||
4063 | This article describes the background of spiritual and moral personal enhancement, the basic spiritual and moral preservation conditions are raised. Keywords: education, spirituality, the spiritual and moral health, moral consciousness | 981 | |||||
4064 | The article considers the formation of “professional competence” term. Corresponding psychological and pedagogical literature was reviewed, correlative terms were analyzed. On the basis of information received the correlation between terms “professionalism”, “professional readiness” and “professional competency” was revealed and presented. Also, scheme presenting correlation of above mentioned terms was introduced. Specific features of professional competency of teachers working with disabled children were considered and analyzed. The structure of professional competency of such teachers was determined and presented in tabular form. Major components of professional competency revealing through three aspects: cognitive, practical and personal were identified and presented. Relation of these components formation ensures professional readiness of a teacher who works with disabled children. Keywords: professionalism, pedagogical excellence, professional readiness, professional competency, children with disabilities | 981 | |||||
4065 | In conditions of modern civilization with its characteristic trends towards globalization and informatization the sufficient level of native, non-native and foreign languages is required for the implementation of the important tasks of life (educational, professional, etc.). It is obvious that the media should be ready for appropriate and effective use of the resources of natural language, taking into account its linguocultural specificity. The solution of this task is subject to language training – carried out in the education system set of measures aimed at the development and improvement of language competence as a component of communicative competence of students, representing the level of development of their cognitive abilities and cultural content of the thesaurus. Language training usually begins with studying the development of norms, rules, grammatical structure of the native language, the formation of the skill of expression by means of oral and written language code, the ability to work with the text. Along with the improvement of linguistic competence in the use of the native language, further language training can be focused on the development of one or more foreign languages. The latter need to explain the requirements of the time, including the expansion of the social, economic and cultural contacts between the two countries, the inclusion of carriers in the global Internet communications. The article deals with the modern teaching technologies used in the practice of language training in order to increase the efficiency of formation and improvement of linguistic competence of both the Russian native speakers, and the inofons. The article presents the systematization and generalization of experience of professional activity of specialists – teachers, trainers and teachers of secondary and higher education, engaged in the teaching of the Russian language as a native, non-native and foreign language, as well as foreign languages in the regional educational institutions. As the material for the analysis mainly served the articles of the specified number of persons, published in the journal “Pedagogical Review” in 2013–2016. Keywords: language training, language competence, pedagogical technology, the technological aspect of the methods of teaching, methods of teaching Russian as a native language, second language and foreign language, methods of teaching a foreign language | 981 | |||||
4066 | The article deals with the question of communicative difficulties arising while a foreign language training of primary schoolers with special needs. One of the main objectives of foreign language learning is communicative skills training and development. In consequence of cognitive disorder children with disabilities encounter serious obstacles in communicative and play activities. The article describes communicative difficulties as barriers that destroy effective and comfortable socialization and interaction between interlocutors in foreign language. It indicates the groups of communicative problems and characterizes physiological and psychological reasons of communicative obstacles. The research shows, that children with disabilities are under constant stress. The article presents recommendations on how to overcome the given problems. Therefore, the authors emphasize the necessity of lessening the influence of psychophysical disorders, the significance of motivational aspect, and demonstrate possible activities, tasks that encourage pupils in studying a foreign language. The article defines a foreign language learning at the initial stage as a tool for children development, and offers to integrate natural inherent process of a pupil with the learning one. The described in the article results of the research can be used during the educational process by teachers of foreign languages, education psychologists, counselors, class teachers. Particularly the results may help teachers to develop individual educational course of foreign language learning. Keywords: foreign language learning, primary school age students, special needs, communicative difficulties, mainstreaming | 981 | |||||
4067 | The article describes and analyses the Russian educational paradigms in the context of their historical shifts in relation to the objectives, content of education, representatives of major educational concepts and pedagogical technologies. Two historically developed in Russia educational paradigms are considered: traditional and humanistic. Analyzed traditional pedagogical concepts and pedagogical models of contemporary humanistic paradigm of Russian education: student-oriented, competence-based, subjective-personal, personal-oriented network and sense-activity. Presented the goals, objectives, content, benefits and drawbacks of the existing and further developed by the Russian scientists pedagogical concepts of the XX–XXI centuries. Traced and justified the historical transition from traditional to humanistic educational paradigm. The necessity of the consideration and integration of traditional methods and technologies of Russian education that have proven efficiency in the formation of conceptual-cognitive thinking necessary for student-centered development, education and training of the individual is shown. As a result of the the content-historical analysis, the article presents positive aspects and shortcomings of traditional knowledge-centered paradigm and outlines the main difficulties of the implementation of modern humanistic educational paradigm within the framework of existing educational models. The authors came to the conclusion about the necessity of harmonization of technologies, concepts, and assessment of results according to the tenets of the two main (traditional and humanistic) historical Russian educational paradigms. Keywords: education, educational paradigms, Russian education, pedagogical technologies | 981 | |||||
4068 | There isn’t an aspect of social policy or experience that isn’t deeply caught up in disability issues. Disability is one of the great issues, like race, class and gender. Attitudes, beliefs, and misconceptions of society constitute a major barrier for people with disabilities. Attitude change can follow on heightened awareness, increased contact, and increased meaningful communication between disabled and non-disabled people. Although personal interaction is the most effective medium for conveying the personal experience of disability, the mass media can be an effective vehicle for bringing about greater understanding, and a consequent gradual change in public perceptions of people with disabilities. Language reflects the world around us and also constitutes the ways we understand and experience it. One aspect of the study on disability involves examining the words we use and the ways in which language represents persons and beliefs about them. The language used to talk about disability and disabled persons has changed over time. History, theory, advocacy, politics, and culture influence how disability is expressed and represented. The emergence of new paradigms of disability, the disability rights movement and disability studies, and other changes in culture bring attention to the ways that we talk about and depict disability. Examining varied perspectives on disability reveals considerable variation in language related to disability and how it is regarded. The article is devoted to the cognitive and discursive, contextual analysis of the disability terms based on the Internet articles of the Russian and American magazines, journals and newspapers: AiF, Rossiyskaya gazeta, Moskovskiy Komsomolets, lenta.ru; New York Times, National Geographic, Time, People, Scientific American, Fortune. Keywords: social model, disability, disabled, disability discourse, disability terms | 981 | |||||
4069 | The faculty of Culture and Arts of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in the professional training of bachelor in the direction of “pedagogical education” with two profiles of preparation as “Visual art” and “World art culture” presented the innovative educational project. The project is designed for the whole five-year course and is called to raise the professional education of future teachers in the visual arts to a qualitatively new level on the basis of a competence approach. The innovativeness of the project consists in output on a meta-subject level - a necessary requirement for new education standards, and also in covering by it the whole student course in the University and the integration of theoretical and practical training. The stages and content of the project are consistently disclosed, as well as its profound content aspects related to the activities of the student in the process of working on an artwork (with the help of its art criticism analysis and copying). The main result of the project is to master the competencies of the future teacher on the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge, got by a student in the process of mastering disciplines of culturological, pedagogical and artistic-creative directions that eventually must be demonstrated in final qualifying work. The student’s attitude to the work in progress, his abilities, knowledge level are monitored during the implementation of the project, that helps a teacher to adjust the work - either to complicate the research or creative task, or to give more difficult, but feasible tasks. Thus, during the educational process the student is developing and improving, personally disclosing under the supervision of teachers. Thereby, the project is actual for modern higher education associated with learning in creative directions. Keywords: educational project, professional competence, pedagogical support, visual art, analysis of art criticism, copying works of art, final qualifying work | 981 | |||||
4070 | The main idea of the article is a statement that mastering the basics of conceptual analysis by high-school students enables them to acquire textual competence. Nowadays, there is no standard definition of the term ‘concept’; there are several methods of conceptual analysis. A concept is something versatile. In various fields of studies, researchers draw special attention to one or another aspect of the concept. The article presents a review of some methods of carrying-out a conceptual analysis of a text and of a word generally accepted both in cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics and in the Russian language teaching methods. The author proposes an improved version of conceptual analysis worked out in accordance with communicative stylistics of the text. This version is adapted to the practical issues of shaping text competences of students at school. This method is illustrated by the example of the concept ‘death’ verbalized in the poem of O. E. Mandelstam. Such kind of work should be given as part of an elective course taking into account that this kind of activity is not included in the curriculum. The course of work is controlled by the teacher because the students need a teacher to explain scientific terms to them, as well as to help them with step-by-step performance of the exercise. It is important to use diverse dictionaries (definition dictionaries, etymological dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, of antonyms and others). The goal at this stage is to find necessary dictionary entries and to analyze them to discover coincidences / distinctions in semantics and actual meaning of the key units that actualize the principal attributes of the concept and are reflected in the vocabulary and in the poem of the poet. Equally important is the final stage of the work which is to generalize and to formulate the author’s own opinion on the content of the concept. The article may be interesting for the students of pedagogical universities and the Russian language teachers. Keywords: concept, method of conceptual analysis, textual competence | 981 | |||||
4071 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of the lack of textual solutions that meet the emotional needs of modern students in school visual space. Texts in the educational space of schools are a flexible, multifunctional tool with which one can not only make the school more attractive, but also is able to conduct dialogue with students and their families. This dialogue is aimed to form loyalty to the rules of interaction between the individual and society, norms of environmental behavior and disposition of their resources, respect for other people; subjective position in educational activity. Materials and methods. The materials of the study were photos and videos of visual environment elements of modern Russian schools. The main method used in the process of researching text-based solutions in the space of educational institutions is qualitative and quantitative analysis. In some cases, the subject of analysis was not only images, but also texts. The article proposes a classification of visual solutions used in the school space (8 types of texts) and describes the method of group interviews as a tool for studying school visual solutions. Fixation and attribution of school texts was carried out in collaboration with students - teenagers. Results and discussion. The study reveals the content, style and authorship of interior design elements in modern Russian school. The article substantiates the possibility of using the process of creating “school texts” for the development of “flexible skills” of students. The modern visual environment of the Russian school is largely focused on the “preservation” of the traditional school structure, which provides a formalized perception of the school as a place where “educational activities are organized”, and the life and development of a person’s personality does not occur. Conclusion. To develop and implement these solutions, it makes sense to combine the efforts of specialists in the field of design, pedagogy, ergonomic psychology, philology and linguistics. The results of the study indicate a shortage of professional solutions in the design of modern school space. The article suggests ways to overcome these deficits in the framework of interaction between participants in the educational process. Keywords: visual text solutions, text design, school space design, educational environment | 981 | |||||
4072 | . | 980 | |||||
4073 | . | 980 | |||||
4074 | Gorshteyn A. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 25-25 . | 980 | |||||
4075 | The author of the article offers the interpretation of one of L.N. Andreev’s most scandalous and inconsistent works – the story «Darkness». In the article there are analyzed responses and reviews of contemporaries of the story. The subject circuit of the story is considered in the context of foolish traditions – a special kind of Christian self-sacrifice, and the behavior of characters is read with the help of «the foolish code». | 980 | |||||
4076 | Searching arrangement that afford to solve on the regional problems are doomed. Another approach is necessary - rising competitiveness every region as a single condition of the creation the high level of profit and quality of the life for its settlement. | 980 | |||||
4077 | The method of rank of correlation for modeling the priority of the tasks in economy is considered. | 980 | |||||
4078 | The article touches upon the problem of the Russian litera¬ture individuality, and one of its essential parts - Russian phi¬losophical prose of the first half of the 19th century — in particular. It discloses the peculiarities of the Russian philosophical thinking. | 980 | |||||
4079 | In article given the problem of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of mathematical abilities of pupils in a context of its formation in conditions of in qualification improvement system of professional skills is considered, the tasks of course preparation within the limits of which the teacher creatively realizes the potential and solves problems of professional development are defined. The basic directions and the factors influencing on the condition of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of pupils abilities are analyzed and the structurization of system of readiness elements is offered | 980 | |||||
4080 | Modelling of pedagogical systems is the integral unit and the working tool of scientific researches. Calibration of various models of designing of an intelligence system of high school has led to the following tool implementation. Keywords: information technology, handle, modelling, system, indicators | 980 | |||||
4081 | The article contains the theoretical and methodological approaches to the bases of a humanitarian competence development in the educational process of a future specialist’s professional training. The stages of the humanitarian competence development of a future specialist in the educational process are given in this article. Keywords: humanitarian competence, interactive training methods, media sphere of self education, psychologicalpedagogical training | 980 | |||||
4082 | In article questions of the organization of independent work of the pupils receiving trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation are considered. Considering psycho-physiological features of the given pupils, are offered principles of selection of kinds and contents of independent work at their training to the physics. Keywords: trades of a socially-humanitarian orientation, independent work, kinds of independent work, motivation. | 980 | |||||
4083 | The article deals with the basic conceptual items designing a new educational system in the professional training of teachers of psychology, its innovative signs and the place among the pedagogical techniques. The integrative model of scientific and practical activities is provided. Keywords: scientific and practical activities, the innovative pedagogical system, pedagogical support | 980 | |||||
4084 | This article deals with the peculiarities of the concept «space» expression from a position of a human being’s commonplace sense and existing everyday practice. The methods of «inaccurate» vertical measurement of the space with the help of the parts of the human body have been analyzed (data of English). Keywords: space, «inaccurate» measurement, vertical, anthropocentrism, scalar and vector observations, everyday practice | 980 | |||||
4085 | Recreational resources of mountain landscapes of the Northwest Altai physical-geographical (natural region) province are characterized by the example of the territory of the river Bashchelak basin. The availability of the basin approach in recreational utilization of nature is substantiated. Keywords: basin approach, nature, landscape analysis, ecological tourism, landscape and aesthetic properties of the landscape, recreational zoning | 980 | |||||
4086 | The article outlines the notion of methodology of integration in educational process and argues for necessity of application of the integrated approach to teaching a second foreign language in a linguistic university. Keywords: methodology, integrated approach, second foreign language, linguistic university, linguist-teacher. | 980 | |||||
4087 | Methodological questions of thermokarst lakes landscape dynamics in West Siberian permafrost territory based on remote sensing data and GIS-tools are considered. The data about relative change of thermokarst lake total area are given for 35-year period in different landscape zones and subzones. Possible factors of thermokarst lake areas change are discussed. Keywords: Changes climatic, permafrost, thermokarst lake landscapes, space shots | 980 | |||||
4088 | This article discusses the theoretical and methodological tools for implementation of network software professionals in social, cultural and tourism services. The author defi nes the concept: education strategies of network teaching interaction, distance learning, knowledge-networking products, professional sphere of personal, educational communication as a system that distinguishes its structural, functional and integrative aspects. Keywords: teaching communication, level of competence, functional competence, corporate competence, knowledge- technology and business culture | 980 | |||||
4089 | The establishment of an information society led to the massive use of modern gadgets and led to the fact that children have difficulty in direct communication, adaptation, especially in an unfamiliar environment, as well as contributes to the deterioration of children’s health, due to sedentary lifestyles. The leading role in the process of formation of the valuable relation to the world, to himself and to other people belongs to a secondary school. In the modern educational space to solve these problems optimally is possible not separately within the institution, but in the form of networking. Stakeholders create social and educational environment for a more successful social adaptation of the individual student. One of the effective means that children get from tourism and regional studies is the socialization and preservation of health. The authors present the mechanism of leading educational institutions’ networking: Municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school number 28 in Tomsk and municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of childhood and youth house “Our harbor” Tomsk. As part of the networking was created an innovative platform of municipal tourist and regional studies, which is being implemented under the conditions of socio-pedagogical project “Formation of socially-adapted person taught with the help of the tourist and local lore activity in conditions of an integrated socio-educational developing environment of general and supplementary education”. We present two authors’ models: the model of socio-educational developing environment for the formation of socially-adapted person enrolled in the secondary school № 28 and childhood and youth house “Our Harbour” and the model of formation of socially-adapted person in the conditions of socio-educational developing environment. The article also puts forward a system of monitoring research. Keywords: networking, socio-pedagogical project, extracurricular activities, tourist and regional studies, integrated developing environment, model of educational environment, model of social adaptation of personality | 980 | |||||
4090 | Nowadays language education is undergoing serious anthropocentric transformations. Teachers, who creatively process foreign experience, conduct a deep search for activity-oriented methodologies, including a maximum of interactive forms of instruction in the lesson. One of the most effective among them is theatricality. We view theatricality as a highly effective pedagogical resource that generates the communicative and discursive multicompetences, motivating students, fomenting their socialization and increasing the attractiveness for them of a foreign language lesson. Dramatizing practice implements pedagogical activity approach. Theatrical episode is a kind of public speaking, which develops various subspecies of human intellect. In theatre plays, everything is important: words, voice, speech tempo, timbre, pause, glance, gesture, movement, body language. It is very important working with gestures, obligatory in theatre situation, because traditional lesson blocks gestures’ aspect. The student learns to impress play-partners and feel this impact as some kind of a psychological victory over oneself. A specific contact with others on professional subjects occurs. Students see themselves forced to develop certain proper tactics contacting and influencing the others. It is very necessary in life and profession. Students learn to control mood and attitude among classmates, overcoming their fears; train spontaneity and ease in speech; acquire skill of public speaking and critical skills verbal interaction. Keywords: competence approach, theatricality, dramatization, personal formation, pedagogical interaction, socialization, professional communication | 980 | |||||
4091 | The article examines the feasibility of applying the project method in institutions of the municipal social services, based on the characteristics of the various population groups in need of social services, analyzes the problems of organizational, personnel, methodological and material support of project activities, presents the positive aspects of using the project method in the work of institutions of social service of the population with individuals and families in difficult life situations. Describes the work of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service with children and families to solve their socialization problems, which is carried out through socio-pedagogical support of concerned citizens and providing them with socio-educational services. Presents the definition of municipal social services, which is understood as the network of state and municipal institutions located in the territory of the municipality and are engaged in social service of citizens in accordance with applicable law. Presents characteristics of socialpedagogical activity of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service as one of the main tools of interaction with minors and families in difficult life situations. Specifies the main contradiction of using this tool in practice: elimination of the institute of social pedagogues in institutions of social protection in accordance with applicable legislation on social services for citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as the lack of normative embodied technologies of socio-pedagogical work in the area. Shows the expediency of the use of the method of sociopedagogical design in solving problems of socially vulnerable layers of the population. The main object of this work is the development and implementation of preventive work in the sphere of ill-treatment of children and violations of their rights, all forms of violence against the person, bad habits and socially dangerous diseases and the development of the overall outlook, the organization of leisure and health activities that will lead to a significant increase in the number of professional ideas and public initiatives to improve the activities of municipal institutions of social service to provide social services to the interested persons. Keywords: city social network; municipal social services; project; design; project activities; prevention; sociopedagogical technology; socio-pedagogical design; institutions of social protection of the population | 980 | |||||
4092 | The relevance of the study is determined by several areas. First, the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia belong to the category of endangered languages lacking an ancient written tradition, thus enhancing the value of the folklore of these peoples as a primary resource allowing us to obtain important linguistic data, as well as to draw significant conclusions regarding the specific features of the genesis of the linguistic and cultural processes of the respective ethnic groups. Secondly, there has emerged a recent particular increase in the interest of researchers in the study of lexical systems of aboriginal languages of Siberia in connection with typological problems. However, up to the present time, no attempts have been made to separately study the system of color markings of the Selkup language. On the material of prosaic folklore texts, as well as lexicographical works on the Taz dialect, an attempt was made to describe the semantic zone “white”. With the aim of studying folklore and lexicographic materials from the point of view of the semantic features of color markings in the context of modern priorities of linguistic research, a set of lexemes with the value of “white” in a corresponding dialect is defined as a result of the work. Their semantic structure is described. A strategy for their representation in lexicographic material is proposed. In addition, symbolic patterns in “white” are observed in Selkup beliefs and shamanic practices. Keywords: color terms, the Selkup language, lexicon, semantics, Taz dialect | 980 | |||||
4093 | The article deals with the activities of the Imperial Mineralogical Society (IMO) since its inception in 1817 until the separation of the state structure – the Geological Committee in 1882; рeriodization of the stages of the company’s activity is given, experience of cooperation with the state is shown. The main sources of research are the materials of the St. Petersburg branch of the RAS archive, where the IMO foundation was postponed. The prerequisites for the interaction of the scientific society (IMO) and the state structure (Geological Committee) in the field of geological research are considered in the article. Mechanisms of interaction of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee in the field of mineralogy and geology in the last quarter of the 19th century were prepared by the already established model of IMO’s relationship with the state; in the article channels, forms and results of this interaction are analyzed. Financial support by the state of the Imperial Mineralogical Society was based on the personal connections of its leaders, the article points out specific merits in this direction. The article presents quantitative results of various areas of joint research (members of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee). The results of this study make it possible to identify the directions of the IMO and the Geological Committee, understand the prerequisites and mechanisms for productive cooperation, and make proposals for improving the interaction of the state and the scientific community. Keywords: Geology, Imperial Mineralogical Society, mineralogy, science, scientific societies, state, society, management, geological committee, civil society | 980 | |||||
4094 | Petrova V. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 4 (7). P. 72-75 . | 979 | |||||
4095 | A combined model where the vertical impurity dis¬persal was calculated by means of a set of differential equations, such as equations of motion, turbulent dif¬fusion and heat conduction, while the horizontal dis¬persal was computed by a Gaussian model was used. The proposed model is complemented with as¬signed semi-empirical dependences for altitude varia¬tions of wind velocity, turbulent exchange coefficient, atmospheric temperature and turbulence statistics. The calculations done allowed us to estimate the pollution level for different meteorological conditions and pollu¬tion sources and provide recommendations as to how to reduce its disastrous effect on the environment. | 979 | |||||
4096 | In the given work the method of calculation for equili-brum sub-transsonic flows is offered and the results of its application are given. It is based on the method of approached factorization for the solution of the complete speed potential equation, which has been written down in the conservative form on orthogonal grid, connected with a contour of a nozzle. This method allows calculating flows in nozzles, having the complex form of combustion chamber, particularly the flush-mounted nozzle. The method gives the best correlation with the experiment in comparison with a usual approached factorization method. Such results are explained by using of an orthogonal grid, which improves the approximation of the initial differential equation. | 979 | |||||
4097 | A problem of introduction of ecological knowledge in modern educational process of Pedagogic University is being researched in this article. The author has designed a principle of translation of ecological knowledge with a point of view of social and cultural aspects and submitted certain forms, technologies and educational projects directed to the model to be realized. | 979 | |||||
4098 | Searching of the problems of developing investment process, particularly on the regional level, takes today the priority significance. But special attention is attracted to developing of evaluation mechanism, as an instrument, which gives the possibility for more adequate evaluation of the condition of the most important economic trend and the perspectives of the region on purpose to make suitable decisions. Therefore, the methodology approach to evaluation of the effectiveness of the investment action in the region is given in the article | 979 | |||||
4099 | The author of the article presents experimental results which show that activation and maintenance of the condition with heightened interhemispheric interaction in brain enriches intellectual capacities of a person. Keywords: activation, brain, interhemispherical communication, intellectual capacities | 979 | |||||
4100 | The author analyses the criteria of assesment of interactive competence skills which show how the students specializing in economics can act as «the author», «the listener» and «the expert». Keywords: interactive competence, integral subjective personal quality, reflexion and self-reflexion. | 979 |