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4351 | In this article we deal with the problems of creation of favourable socio-pedagogical conditions to disclose the leader’s potential of the person. We justify the research topics of the educational space in which the formation of socially important areas of young leaders and the development of his/her personal inclinations. Keywords: educational space, a leader, leadership, youth pedagogy. | 1094 | |||||
4352 | Different approaches to definition of the concept are considered in the article. Various classifications of the scientific information are also given. The requirements to scientific information are characterized. The basic stages of transformation of the scientific information in educational are considered. Keywords: information, educational information, requirements to the scientific information, and preparation of the scientific information for educational process. | 1094 | |||||
4353 | The article deals with scientific and methodological foundations of development and technology complex examination of pedagogical tests for monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching in rural schools. The authors show features of application testing technology in the learning process. The authors offer approaches to improve the quality of educational tests. Keywords: educational testing, testing technology, criteria for the quality of teacher testing, complex examination of the quality of the test, taxonomy of educational objectives | 1094 | |||||
4354 | The article deals with the problem of semantic distribution in the functional grouping of actant attributes in Finnish and Selkup languages. The analysis is based on the principals of “the word-form grammar”, which is being developed by A. P. Volodin. In spite of the genetic relationship of the above-mentioned languages, they reveal basic distinctions in the investigated question. Keywords: “word-form grammar”, actant attributes, functional distinctness, semantic selectiveness, Uralic languages | 1094 | |||||
4355 | The article deals with the indirect method of nomination of plants in the selkup language, which is based on the specifi c thinking of selkup people. The analysis of some words denoting plants, which formed with the help of metfor, is examined in this article. Keywords: Selkup language, nomination of plants, method of nomination, metaphor | 1094 | |||||
4356 | The basic forms of presentation of chemical information were considered in this paper: the specification of educational elements, the count, frame, reference notes, structural and logic scheme. The characteristics of each form, examples and tips on using these forms in the learning process were given. Keywords: specification of educational elements, the count, frame, reference notes, structural and logic scheme | 1094 | |||||
4357 | This article deals with the structural character of “Man” concept organization, which is a part of a hyper concept “Human” represented by a system of three main levels: higher, basic, lower. The suggested organizational structure of “Human” concept enables to build links between all elements of all three levels, thus making possible to evaluate the degree of masculinity presence expressed by the lexical unit used in regard to any male sex subject. We also study the problem of inconsistency of rigid classification of lexical means of expression of masculinity that consists in unstable borders within masculine behaviour scoring system and constant development of society. Keywords: masculinity, structural organization, concept, hyper concept, hierarchy, problem of evaluation stability | 1094 | |||||
4358 | The article explains the organization of exercises designed to master communication skills in the process of studying “computers and banking”. Keywords: exercise sets, communicative competence, practical skills development | 1094 | |||||
4359 | The paper presents the analysis of the dynamics of the constancy of the major pharmacopoeia drug of Trans-Ural steppe communities in the Republic of Bashkortostan grazing pressure gradient. Keywords: Мedicinal plants, steppe vegetation, Trans-Urals, syntaxonomy, constancy | 1094 | |||||
4360 | The article deals with the semantics of preterite-present verbs in Gothic; the text’s frequency is calculated, the analysis of the contexts promoting the development of new values is carried out, mechanisms of the semantic changes happening in the development of preterite-present verbs into the modal verbs are defined. Keywords: preterite-present verbs, text’s frequency, context-induced reinterpretation, bridging context, switch context | 1094 | |||||
4361 | The article explores contradictions in bioethics and biomedicine in respect of trial subjects on the eample of animals and artificially created beings (genetically modified animals, interspecific hybrids, chimeras). The importance of rethinking the problem of standing and status of the discussed beings as philosophical and anthropological, as well as in ethical and legal dimensions of contemporary culture is actualised. Investigations were carried out with the support of RFH grant № 12-03-00198. Keywords: bioethics, biomedicine, animagl, hybrides, chimeras, trial subject protection, principles of bioethics, animals in experiment | 1094 | |||||
4362 | In the article we consider the Russian customers’ types with the specific features, peculiar to every type. General peculiarities, which represent modern Russian mentality and can be used to distinguish Russian customers from those of Europe and the USA, are considered too. These are, first of all, priority of material wellbeing and the trust to advertising. We also analyze the marketing-mixes’ instruments, which have been distinguished by different marketing researchers. As the result, we distinguish a set of marketing-instruments, which are most urgent in the Russian environment. The worked out marketing-mix is based on the 4Ps with the following additional instruments: service, publicity, package, process, physical evidence and purchase. The potential of such instruments as personnel, people and sampling is not fully revealed because of insufficient development of human resources in Russian organizations. Keywords: marketing-mix, customer, service, personnel, publiсity, package, physical evidence, purchase, sampling | 1094 | |||||
4363 | This article covers and discusses one of the types of corporality discourses related to the body – that of cosmetological discourse which has not been considered before. Comparison of cosmetological, medical and advertising discourses helped to formulate the basic criteria for identifying cosmetological discourse as an independent phenomenon. In this article, we try to discover and analyze the characteristics of cosmetological discourse and the key concepts of this discourse: beauty, youth and health. This research helps to model the fragment of the discursive worldimage, in the descriptive and value aspects. This discourse was formulated in the cosmetological field of humans’ activities. Keywords: corporality discourse, cosmetological discourse, medical discourse, advertising discourse | 1094 | |||||
4364 | The article discusses the main tasks of the teacher of a foreign language in the system of higher education. It assumes the need to overcome the traditional process in the organization of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities that train specialists in different spheres of production. The focus is on teacher training that concentrates on the ability of students of non-linguistic educational institutions, their way of thinking. The possibility of using the system of knowledge of neuropsychology for the organization of a foreign language learning process for students of technical specialties is justified. It is noted that the transition from a traditional to a competence-based approach requires a complex change of their own personal position and the role of the teacher in the systematic management of linguo-educational process. The process requires the willingness and ability of the teacher to model linguo-educational process in a technical university with reference to the technological stages of training future specialists. The article suggests ways of linguo-didactic preparation of the teacher of a foreign language for non-linguistic universities in the two-level system of training. Keywords: professional training, linguo-educational process, modeling, abilities, mindset | 1094 | |||||
4365 | The article represents the analysis of the nominations of the top and back of a head in the Selkup dialects. The research objective is to reveal the inner meanings of the studied lexemes and find out cultural value of the parts of the body that they denote. The object of the investigation is the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting top and back of a head in the Selkup language.The author has collected and classified the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting the considered parts of the head in the Selkup language. The paper gives the etymological review of the somonyms ket. sumba ‘top of a head’, ‘back of a head’ and ket. nukku ‘back of a head’, whereas the somonym taz. par ‘back of a head’ was considered from semantic point of view. Linguistic analysis of ket. sumba and ket. nukku which both denote ‘back of a head’ revealed that they refer to different parts of the back of a head. Also the mythological materials describing the studied parts of the head were analyzed. The results show that the somonyms ket. sumba, ket. nukku and taz. par have different cultural meanings and value. The nomination taz. par integrates the idea of interconnection of physical and spiritual worlds, the terms ket. sumba and ket. nukku comprise information about the Selkups’ apprehension of the Universe. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, nominations of the top of the head, nominations of the back of the head, linguocultural analysis | 1094 | |||||
4366 | The article examines the feasibility of applying the project method in institutions of the municipal social services, based on the characteristics of the various population groups in need of social services, analyzes the problems of organizational, personnel, methodological and material support of project activities, presents the positive aspects of using the project method in the work of institutions of social service of the population with individuals and families in difficult life situations. Describes the work of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service with children and families to solve their socialization problems, which is carried out through socio-pedagogical support of concerned citizens and providing them with socio-educational services. Presents the definition of municipal social services, which is understood as the network of state and municipal institutions located in the territory of the municipality and are engaged in social service of citizens in accordance with applicable law. Presents characteristics of socialpedagogical activity of the specialists of municipal institutions of social service as one of the main tools of interaction with minors and families in difficult life situations. Specifies the main contradiction of using this tool in practice: elimination of the institute of social pedagogues in institutions of social protection in accordance with applicable legislation on social services for citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as the lack of normative embodied technologies of socio-pedagogical work in the area. Shows the expediency of the use of the method of sociopedagogical design in solving problems of socially vulnerable layers of the population. The main object of this work is the development and implementation of preventive work in the sphere of ill-treatment of children and violations of their rights, all forms of violence against the person, bad habits and socially dangerous diseases and the development of the overall outlook, the organization of leisure and health activities that will lead to a significant increase in the number of professional ideas and public initiatives to improve the activities of municipal institutions of social service to provide social services to the interested persons. Keywords: city social network; municipal social services; project; design; project activities; prevention; sociopedagogical technology; socio-pedagogical design; institutions of social protection of the population | 1094 | |||||
4367 | The following article studies phonetic and prosodic changes in mother’s speech. We consider that the situation of awaking a child preconditions these changes. We propose the role of a mother as socially relevant. Mother’s speech is an informational key to the system of a native language. Basing on Russian and the French language, we analyze qualitative and quantitative changes in consonants and vowels in lexical units of different parts of speech, as well as changes in tone and rate of mother’s utterances. We take into account such phonetic phenomena as longitude of a sound, palatalization of consonants, changes of values in tone. The changes of values in tone are illustrated by graphs. The material for analysis includes audio and video of recorded talk between mothers and their children (age from 0 to 10 months). The participants were divided into two groups: 1) Russian-speaking dyad “mother-child” (5 participants); 2) French-speaking dyad “mother-child” (4 participants). To undertake the analysis we applied computer software package for the scientific analysis of speech in phonetics called PRAAT. Resulting in setting minimal and maximal values in tone of analyzed utterances, correlation of longitude of a sound with tone and pragmatic meaning we conclude that these features of mother’s speech are universal for the situation of awaking a child. Keywords: frequency of the basic tone, mother’s communication, socially relevant role of a mother, speech portrait, phonetic portrait | 1094 | |||||
4368 | The article deals with the semantic features of onomatopoeic words in German and Tatar languages in comparative terms. The aim of the research was to identify the similarities, differences and features in the words under analysis. In each language there are certain features in the perception of sounds. In both languages there are not only onomatopoeia but also the onomatopoeic nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which are an onomatopoetic vocabulary of each language. It is a universal vocabulary that has much in common even in unrelated languages. Separately is analyzed a group of onomatopoeic nouns, which represent the names of insects, birds and animals in both languages and the principles of their nomination in the Tatar language. In German, these words are non-productive while in Tatar it is the result of word-formation processes. The classification of verbs of sound according to their denotative content takes into account the peculiarities of both languages. Many onomatopoeic verbs are multivalued and can be assigned to several groups at once. Functional possibilities of onomatopoetic lexicon of both languages are considered as well – children’s language, proverbs and set phrases – characteristic of all languages and most vividly reflecting the national identity of the language. Knowledge of these functions is necessary to exclude communicative failures. Keywords: onomatopoeia, an imitative origin of the word, lexical expressive means, semantics, verbs of sound | 1094 | |||||
4369 | The problem of the Russian economy‘s withdrawal to the trajectory of sustainable growth is considered by the author in connection with the solution of the problem of employment and the rational distribution of an able-bodied human resource in the labor market. In accordance with the civilizational challenges and the need for Russia‘s adaptation to new socio-economic conditions, the expediency of training qualified personnel for the developing service industries of the economy is justified. Training of such specialists is impossible without professional training of teachers who would have professional competence in accordance with the direction (profile) of professional activity. The subject of consideration is the content of modern design activities and the identification of the component composition of the relevant competencies that make up professional competence of a teacher of professional training in the field of arts and crafts and design. The problem of formation of professional competence of a future teacher of vocational training for training of qualified specialists in the sphere of services with the purpose of satisfying the existing consumer demand for services in the field of modern design is considered. Presented are the results of the study of the component composition of the model for the formation of professional competence of a future teacher of vocational training in accordance with the direction (profile) of training: arts and crafts and design. The structure and component composition of pedagogical, design competences, as well as competencies in working with computer graphics are revealed. Schemes for the formation of professional competencies are presented, containing the composition and structural interrelationships of the individual elements of the relevant competencies. The expediency of using the proposed logic and the hierarchical structure of the process of forming professional competencies for measuring their level of formation, as well as fixing the dynamics of their development in the process of vocational training, is grounded. Keywords: professional competence, pedagogical competence, professional competence, design competences, component composition of competencies | 1094 | |||||
4370 | . | 1093 | |||||
4371 | Mikhaleva L. Z. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 28-30 . | 1093 | |||||
4372 | . | 1093 | |||||
4373 | In the paper comparative analysis of forms of the state interfering into economy under the position of the basic economic theories of the 20" Century is presented. A special attention is given to the theory of institutional state regulation. | 1093 | |||||
4374 | 962 male and female students of Tomsk State University, aged between 17 and 21, of various physical aptitude and health levels, were interviewed and underwent a psychological survey. The conducted research revealed the role of the conditions of gender socialization in forming professional expectations of the interviewees. St was proved that physical aptitude and health for forming a lifestyle and professional self-determination were more important for male students than for female ones. The conditions of socialization provided by the parents' family and the process of physical education, in which the role of the father is indispensable, play the principal role in forming the physical culture of a personality. | 1093 | |||||
4375 | The article discusses the causes and regularities of the personality spiritual crisis development. The problem is extremely important for modern psychology. The paper analyses the structure of a personality in which, from the point of view of the author, it is possible to single out three levels: the material «Ego», the social «Ego», and the spiritual «Ego». The author considers the spiritual «Ego» to be the most integrated part of a personality, which at the age of maturity regulates the entire activity of a personality on a global scale. The formation of this personal structure occurs in the process of overcoming spiritual crises that force the personality to rethink the contents of the meaning of life constantly and reconsider the answer to question «Why do I live?». The author examines the main trends in the spiritual «Ego» - the effusive, transformational and conservative ones, which in most cases define the direction of the development of a spiritual crisis. However, it is the level of vitality that is considered as the base of a personality's spiritual growth. It depends little on a personality and is more likely of a biological origin. In the second part of the article different factors, which can promote or prevent personal spiritual crises, are considered. The classification of these factors is linked by the author with the three main trends presented in the spiritual «Ego» of a personality and with the level of vitality. | 1093 | |||||
4376 | The paper presents the results on studying the processes during the first stage of electrical forming of thin-film metal-dielectric-metal systems. Nature of a hydrogen-containing substance, liberated in the anode region, has been investigated. The most probable hydrogen-containing substance is atomic or molecular hydrogen. It has been shown that the growth of current though metal-dielectric-meta! system can be limited by a diffusion process. | 1093 | |||||
4377 | A.P. Chekhov’s last play is analyzed in comparison to his previous dramas and in a context of his late creativity. The comedy essence of «the Cherry garden» is connected with the refusal from the human principle of the outlook. The play is treated as a model of optimistic alternative of the tragical concept of the history. | 1093 | |||||
4378 | Issues of AND-OR trees, used to build enumeration algorithms and objects generation, are considered within the article. Properties and algorithms of AND-OR trees listed are described in detail. Analysis is conducted to view the possibilities to apply AND-OR trees for context-restricted grammar(s). A method is offered to refer to build the algorithms of context-restricted grammar(s) enumeration. An example is examined to build enumeration algorithm as applied to arithmetic expressions | 1093 | |||||
4379 | The article analyses the problem of forming the new type of a teacher and sets the task of forming that type of a worker for few complement schools of Tomsk region Keywords: the staff resource, modernization offew complement schools, analysis of the staff in few complement schools | 1093 | |||||
4380 | The article characterizes the state of public education in Russia in the middle of 19th century. It shows the attitude of government and society to the problem of teachers’ training for public schools. It reflects the process of forming the main normative documents regulating the activities of government teachers’ seminaries in the period of 60–80ies years of the 19th century. Keywords: West-Siberian educational district, Teachers’ Seminary, pedagogical education | 1093 | |||||
4381 | Recreational resources of mountain landscapes of the Northwest Altai physical-geographical (natural region) province are characterized by the example of the territory of the river Bashchelak basin. The availability of the basin approach in recreational utilization of nature is substantiated. Keywords: basin approach, nature, landscape analysis, ecological tourism, landscape and aesthetic properties of the landscape, recreational zoning | 1093 | |||||
4382 | The author offers methodical instructions to work on the professional focused development of radio engineering creativity in a comprehensive school. The methodical operational experience of com-prehensive schools teachers of Yakutsk is described in the article. Keywords: vocational guidance, radio engineering creativity, magazine the register book, a development diary, a pupil portfolio. | 1093 | |||||
4383 | The article investigates the types of characters of Russian and European political history in terms of their private life in Aldanov’s essays. The investigated aspect is semantics of parental home, family and other types of interpersonal relations. The article deals with three Aldanov’s essays – “Uritsky’s Murder”, “Azef” and “Number 14”. Keywords: Aldanov, Kannegisser, Azef, Mussolini, essay, poetics, family, home, politics | 1093 | |||||
4384 | There have been analysed the main activity issues of professional learning communities as a strategy of teacher professional learning in the USA. The peculiarities, aims and tasks of professional learning communities have been defined. There have been substantiated the challenges of creating professional learning communities and their solutions. Keywords: professional learning communities, strategy of teacher professional learning | 1093 | |||||
4385 | Productivity of Lactuca sativa L. Lolla Rossa in the conditions of protected cultivation under fluorescent polyethylene film and polyethylene terephthalate films (lavsan) was studied in the article. The change in the conditions of plants, growing with the use of modified polymer films, contributes to accelerated growth, development and productivity of L. sativa in relation to plants grown under unmodified polyethylene film. Increase of L. sativa productivity was attended with growth of ascorbic acid (AA) level and change in catalase activity in plant leaves. Keywords: unmodified polyethylene film, fluorescent film, lavsan, Lactuca sativa L., productivity, ascorbic acid, catalase | 1093 | |||||
4386 | The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of the phenomenon of «professional perspective». The approaches to the study of professional perspectives are analysed; its structure is characterized; its structural components are marked. The authors give the analysis of the results of empirical research, which qualitatively and quantitatively describe the severity of the components of professional perspectives of students in traditional schooling. Keywords: modernization of HPE, practice-oriented focus of the educational process, temporal perspective, professional perspective, the structure of the professional perspective, value-semantic field, professional identity | 1093 | |||||
4387 | The article investigates the impact of non-traditional forms of teaching with the use of a psychological portrait of the student. The features of traditional and non-traditional forms of education are identified. The model of the business game as a non-traditional form of teaching that contributes to the development of creative abilities is suggested. The analysis of the division on the bases of the temperament type in the group is cariied out. The types of interaction in small groups, based on the types of temperament are considered. The analysis of the business game points that nontraditional classes can increase motivation to study and encourage the development of creative abilities. Keywords: form of classes, creative abilities, temperament | 1093 | |||||
4388 | The article considers the results of the Round Table “The development of Russian national world-making in the space of intercultural dialogue: Russia and Germany”, held on December 2, 2013 in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. A brief review of the reports delivered, their relevance and scientific innovation are marked. Keywords: literary comparative studies, Russian-German literary and cultural interaction, national worldmaking, dialogue of cultures, gender identity, critical reception, author, imagology, translation studies, contact connections | 1093 | |||||
4389 | This article discusses the process of training future teachers, aimed at the formation of professional knowledge and skills and is the system of relationship of the academic disciplines within the different cycles (general humanitarian, socio-economic, scientific, general professional and special disciplines and specializations) that address issues of communication and form the communication skills of the students. Substantiates the assumption that these disciplines are not able to form communication skills among future teachers, that is why it is advisable to introduce a special discipline “Practical course of business communication for teacher”. Keywords: communicative competence, psychological disciplines, students – future teachers, teaching activities | 1093 | |||||
4390 | The article deals with the problem of socialization and creative self-development of students in the conditions of children’s associations and movements. Attention is drawn to the fact that children’s associations and movements are an important factor of personality, on the one hand, creating the conditions to meet the needs, interests, goals, children of different ages and formation of new aspirations; On the other hand, determining the selection of the internal capacity of the individual and collective self-restraint by the choice of adjusting to social norms, values, and social programs. The factors, conditions and methods of educational activities that promote self-knowledge and create conditions for free creative self-development and socialization of students in children’s associations and movements. Children’s organizations and movements in Russia are becoming a significant factor in the positive education of the younger generation, education for democratic culture, complementing a focused educational process of the school. Keywords: children’s pool, children’s movement, students self-development, socialization, humanization of education, educational space | 1093 | |||||
4391 | The paper presents the well-reasoned viewpoint on the modern strategy and resources for developing career guidance practice in Tomsk Region for pupils with pedagogical abilities and motivation for teaching activity. The authors specify the historical and pedagogical preconditions of the career guidance system development in commitment to teaching profession. The project initiative of Tomsk State Pedagogical University which reflects the organisational and methodical mechanisms of the suggested strategy realisation is described. The authors indicate the experience and prospects for the project implementation. Keywords: human resources of the regional education system, teaching profession, career guidance for pupils motivated for teaching activity | 1093 | |||||
4392 | The article presents some results of the research of the problem of development of professional competence of teachers in the field of education in the process of their professional activity in the conditions of general education organization. The urgency of the problem is justified by the strategic priorities of the development of upbringing in the modern state policy formulated in such leading policy documents as the Strategy of development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, the professional standard «Specialist in Education». Based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the competence approach, professional competence is considered as an integral characteristic of a teacher who has the ability to implement modern programs and technologies, to manifest creativity, to find the right solutions, to act in ordinary and unusual situations. The features of professional competence of teachers in the field of education are studied. The approaches to the identification of the components of the professional competence of teachers in the field of upbringing are indicated. The main characteristics of the developed model of the development of professional competence of teachers in the field of education in the process of pedagogical activity, its axiological, projective-empirical, technological, information-methodical, reflexive diagnostic modules, self-education and social partnership modules are presented. Presented are the forms of work that contribute to the development of professional competence of teachers in the course of their professional activities (pedagogical council, seminars and workshops, business games, discussions, generalization of educational experience, scientific and methodological support for the selfeducation of teachers, etc.). Approbation of forms and methods of increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of education in the process of professional activity was carried out during the experimental work in the general education organizations of Novomoskovsk and Troitsky administrative districts of Moscow. Keywords: education, socialization, professional competence, professional activity | 1093 | |||||
4393 | The relevance of the article is determined by the need to develop environmental education and coordinate its various directions through creating the regional systems of continuous environmental education. Nowadays, despite a large number of works of such authors as A. N. Zakhlebny, E. N. Dzyatkovskaya, S. V. Alekseev, N. M. Mamedov and others devoted to the subject under study, an integral system of continuous environmental education has not yet been developed. The aim of our work is to specify this problem within the framework of environmental and chemical education and to single out its goals and objectives for various educational levels (school – institutions of additional education – technical college – advanced training courses). Certain elements of the continuous regional system of environmental and chemical education were first realized in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In particular, the ecological character of the school course of Chemistry within the regional component of education was obtained, the continuity of the Bachelor and Master degree programs in the technical university was achieved, the students’ project activities on various levels of environmental and chemical education were effectively integrated. It is shown that the interaction of higher educational institutions, schools and institutions of additional education for children, all in all make the objective results of schoolchildren better and contribute to their early professional orientation. The directions of the activities for school teachers’ refresher courses in the sphere of ecological and chemical education were determined; the functions of the scientific and educational ecological center that coordinates the environmental education in the Republic of Bashkortostan, were defined. Keywords: ecological and chemical education, regional system of continuous ecological and chemical education, problems of ecological and chemical education on different levels, ecological orientation of the school course of Chemistry, continuity of the programs of | 1093 | |||||
4394 | Suprygina G. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 23-29 . | 1092 | |||||
4395 | Eremin L. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 7 (16). P. 59-61 . | 1092 | |||||
4396 | A model of a non-classic set theory is constructed and investigated In the framework of non-standard analysis. The theory of the model is similar to the Vopenka's Alternative Set Theory | 1092 | |||||
4397 | . | 1092 | |||||
4398 | Seredenko I. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 28-30 . | 1092 | |||||
4399 | The article treats positive and negative sides of the traditional view on the problem of the origin of the psychic. The author emphasizes the indisputable fact that the enormous amount of data accumulated in the arsenal of the sciences related to a human being, are impossible to explain from the standpoint of the officially recognized materialistic paradigm. He also points out the existence of extensive scientific research, the results of which obviously disagree with the evolutional theory of the psychic development of the person. The author presents arguments in favour of the alternative opinion, supported by the research based on the humanistic, existential and transpersonal concepts. He supposes that the alternative humanistic approach to solving urgent problems in psychology and psychiatry will be able to fill the void that appeared between the traditional Western thought and the philosophical system of the Ancient East. | 1092 | |||||
4400 | The methodological bases of technologies for innovative designing (the system approach, a dialectic method of knowledge, the objective law of systems development, TSIT – the theory for solution of inventive tasks, VA – value engineering) are considered in the article. The author presumes that implementation of it within the educational process provides training of the future engineers for creative activity. | 1092 |