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5751 | A brief history of the defectology personnel training system development is given. Major stages of professional defectological education establishment in Russia are shown. Factors, influencing the development of teachersdefectologists’ professional training are listed. The interest in education of children, teenagers and grown-ups with limited health abilities is increased in educational, social and healthcare institutions. Two Federal State Educational Standards, regarding Special (defectological) education, approved during last five years, are compared. Competencies, obtained by graduate students, as a result of a new baccalaureate education program implementation are analyzed. New accents in competencies and regulations are specified. Major modern tendencies of defectologists’ professional training development in a higher education institution are defined. Keywords: higher defectological education, professional training content update, competencies, reflexive component, education and correction of individuals with limited health abilities, modern tendencies of defectological education, polyfunctional defectologist | 895 | |||||
5752 | For the first time the attention is paid to the little-known review (obozrenie) “Odyssey” (1928) by Nikolay Erdman and his co-author Vladimir Mass. This text is travesting performance of the adventures of Odysseus, the main hero of Homer’s epic poem of the same name. The review includes three monologues of the assistant director (pomoshnikrezhissera). These monologues are not directly related to the plot of modern Odysseus’s adventures. Based on the works by Y. M. Lotman the article examines these monologues as a particular case of text within a text / theater within a theater. The article reveals peculiarity of comicality in the speeches of the assistant director, nature and functions of this character which unite him not only with chorus of Ancient Greek drama, but also with performers of Russian farce (balagan). Keywords: N. Erdman, V. Mass, “Odyssey”, review, text within a text, transformation, famous plot, convention, action, chorus, farce (balagan), comicality | 895 | |||||
5753 | The article deals with theoretical study of developing research activity and scientific methods in modern education. The author offers the approach of intensification of formation of knowledge and skills of the teachers promoting an optimum choice, an effective utilization and adequate presentation of scientific methods of research. Keywords: research activity, scientific methods, professional training, intensification, typology, model, presentation | 894 | |||||
5754 | The article focuses on the analysis of the structural components of the content intended for power engineering students’ professional communication training and specifies the factors affecting the methodological organization of the lexical and grammar material. The methodological model allowing the combination of the communicativecompetence approach to the teaching and systematization of the teaching material with information technologies is also suggested in the given article. The use of the following components of information technologies such as webinar, chat and various types of forums positively affects the development of communication. The conclusion is drawn that the acquisition of the productive forms of speech is possible on the basis of coherent texts with definite thematic content. Keywords: structural components, content, professional communication training, methodological organization, lexical and grammar material, methodological model, communicative-competence approach, information technologies | 894 | |||||
5755 | The article is devoted to consideration of features of the structural organization of prefixal chains in two-prefixal nouns and verbs. Opposition of a noun and a verb is shown not only semantically and grammaticallye, not only in the sound organization of the whole words belonging to certain parts of speech, but also at a level of a phonologic structure of morphemes of one class, namely – the prefixes which are a part of words of different parts of speech. These distinctions are detected in a set of various phonological models of prefixes, in stock of used phonemes, in combinatory properties and distribution of phonemes. Keywords: prefix, prefixal chain, phonologic model, noun, verb | 894 | |||||
5756 | The article describes the main stages of development of bilingualism in Tuva, since the Manchu period before the spread of national-Russian and Russian-Tuvan bilingualism in the post-Soviet period. Analysis of the literature and the use of archival materials made it possible to identify the positive and negative aspects of the spread of bilingualism in the country in the late XX – early XXI century and its influence on the development of the school system. | 894 | |||||
5757 | The article considers the specifics of the national and European identity in the structure of the German identity. Analyzed lasting, historical problematical formation of national identity in Germany, the stages of its formation and their main features.Particular attention is paid to the analysis of foreign statistics of the European Commission (Eurobarometer), which show the complexity of the processes of formation of the double identity of the German population on a timely point in history (1990–2014). Using statistical analysis, it was found that over the 20 years since the reunification of Germany (1990), citizens of this country had to change the identity of the three times, allowing you to call the German national identity is not fully formed. The reason for this is the specificity of the historical path of Germany, a special model of the German national identity, as well as geopolitical, economic and other aspects of European integration. Keywords: national identity, European identity, the identity of the German nation, the European Union | 894 | |||||
5758 | Design of the e-learning resource is the actual problem of modern educational process. Researches confirm the success of the training system with the use of computers and multimedia. A special role in the development of design should be given to the cognitive perception of the information by the users. An integrated approach to the design of multimedia e-learning led to the emergence of three scientific theories (Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning with Media, Cognitive Load Theory). Interface design should be based on the knowledge of experiences and expectations of the user. The development and use of electronic multimedia resource on traditional artistic Tatar culture in the practice of teaching require from the developer deep analysis of the theory of cognitive filling and principles of multimedia design. Keywords: cognitive, interface, design, multimedia, electronic educational resources | 894 | |||||
5759 | The article is devoted to the A. Chekhov’s works’ titles analysis as the unified system, and to the discovery of the correlations of the poetic particularity with the peculiarities of his artistic world. The analysis is made in two different aspects, both in the isolated context of the author’s works and also from the point of view of inclusion of Chekhov’s art in the continuous literary process. The author attempts to compare the regularities in the choice of the titles related to the artistic works of the wrighter’s closest contemporaries – I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Bunin, who as well as Chekhov composed flash fiction. Keywords: Chekhov, name, heading, title, poetics | 894 | |||||
5760 | The difficulties, which first-year students of secondary specialized schools meet at the initial stage of education, can decrease their educational motivation. So, it is necessary to carry out pedagogical work to help the students to overcome current difficulties and to prepare them to face the challenges of the next stage of education. The objective of this pedagogical work is to create favorable conditions for the gradual transition from the typical for the majority of the first-year students indifferent attitude to the future profession and predominance of motivation to avoid failure to the correct vision of the future professional activities and positive attitude to the education in the secondary specialized school. The achievement of this objective is provided by the performance of the following pedagogical tasks: creating conditions for gaining experience of successful learning activity; assistance in adaptation to the environment of a new educational institution; teambuilding; formation of the correct vision of the future professional activities; development of independent learning skills. Keywords: initial stage of education, educational motivation, development of educational motivation, vision of the future profession, system of pedagogical measures | 894 | |||||
5761 | The paper is devoted to the personage classification analysis in literary criticism, its adaptation to the personage system of Scottish emigrational poetry and investigation of image characteristics of «old» and «new» Motherland. Prof. M.A. Novikova’s classification of artistic space is taken into account. It includes the opposition of own place and other place, space of center and periphery, space of border and contact. There are different classifications based on diverse approaches: 1) unipatrides, expatriants, apatrides; 2) religious persons (St. Andrew), historical persons (Robert I the Bruce, 1274-1329), Sir William Wallace, c. 1270-1305), Robert Burns, 1759-1796)), dwellers of Scotland’s regions (Highlanders) / the USA regions, family and home personages (husband, wife, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, friends), natural actuals of Scotland/the USA (Grampian Hills, Wood of Clova, Noran Water). The contrastive analysis of the personage system of Scotland’s poets (who didn’t emigrate) with the personage system of the USA’s Scottish emigrational poets is made. In the poetry of Scotland’s poets such additional personages are found: Fergus I (ab. 434 – 501), Kenneth MacAlpin (810-858), Duncan I (1001-1040), Malcolm IV (1141-1165), John Knox (1513-1572), Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), James Melville (1556-1614). Contrastive analysis of patriotic images and motives proves that emigrational literature can be treated as diasporic literature in case emigrational literature appeals to the historical and cultural traditions of the Motherland country (Scotland). Keywords: Motherland, Scotland, the USA, emigration, personage, poetry | 894 | |||||
5762 | The article is executed from the positions of the communicative stylistics of the text. It is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the connection in the poetic (and wider – artistic) text of regulativity and reflectivity. The review of the works of recent years devoted to the study of textual qualities and categories on the material of various discursive practices is presented. The essence of regulativity, reflection, including its types, as well as reflectivity is considered in detail. Regulativity is a systemic textual quality that provides management of the cognitive activity of the addressee. Reflection is interpreted as a universal sign of human thought activity. Reflectivity is a person’s ability to reflection. The reflectivity is closely connected with images of the author and addressee which are realized in the textual categories of subjectivity and addressing. The author relies on the researches of linguists, literary critics, also observations of masters of the artistic word for establishing the connection between the regulativity of the poetic text and the reflectivity. It is found out that from the positions of the communicative-activity approach to the text, the basis of regulativity as a systemic textual quality is reflectivity. Prospects for further research are outlined. Keywords: categories and qualities of the text, regulativity, reflectivity, poetic text | 894 | |||||
5763 | The article reflects the problems of engineering education, which manifest themselves at present in school and at university. These include: low starting capabilities of the entrants, i.e. weak fundamental knowledge, insufficient independence, lack of motivation to educational and future professional activity, reduction of interest in technical education. The study revealed low motivation of pupils and students to study the subject. The author analyzes methods to solve the problem of orientation of students to the engineering profession, currently used and proposes his solution to the problem – the introduction of a propaedeutic courses with a practical orientation for students in grades 5–6. Teaching the course is built on the basis of a joint discussion of the new knowledge, knowledge acquisition of the students about the scientists and their discoveries, the organization of the observations and performing simple model experiments, designing the simplest devices. As a result, the students acquire some practical, technological, and informational skills. The article shows the positive results of the development of practical skills of students, have the appearance of a motivation to study physics and development of cognitive interest. The article describes a course for the 6th grade, where the pupils get acquainted with the great discoveries and their engineering and home incarnations, and the results reflect the importance of the course. Keywords: problems of engineering education, reduction of interest in technical education, the development of motivation to study physics, elective course of practical orientation for students of grades 5–6 | 894 | |||||
5764 | The article investigates the models of organization of the educational process in rural schools as a perfect representation of administrative activity in the field of didactic and educational systems, resource provision and educational quality management. The analysis of the historical context of development of education in rural areas was carried out, the main stages of development of organization of educational process within formation of rural educational institutions in Russia in the XIXth – Xxth centuries and models corresponding to them are revealed. The author presents historical and pedagogical stages of formation of models of the organization of educational process at rural schools of Russia: 1) Pre-revolutionary stage (ending of the XVIIIth – beginning of the XXth centuries) – the period of origin, formation and development of rural education; 2) Soviet stage (1917–1991) – the period of unification of models of the organization of educational process at rural schools; 3) Russian stage (1991 – to the present) – the period of formation of the diversity of the type and sort of rural educational institutions. Within selected historical and pedagogical stages the context of development of rural pre-revolutionary schools of Russia was revealed, (which was the basis of the author’s pedagogical concepts promoting formation of various historical models of the organization of educational process: the idea of nationality (K. D. Ushinsky), free upbringing (L. N. Tolstoy), autonomy of pedagogical process (P. F. Kapterev), lack of social estates, continuity of educational process (N. I. Pirogov); functioning of modern rural educational institutions. It allowed to reveal and characterize variable models of the organization of educational process in the village: invariant model (XIXth century), unification model (XXth century); specifics of variable models of the organization of educational process and their evolution within historical stages of formation of education in the village in Russia in the XIX–XXth centuries. Keywords: model of organization, educational process, rural school, historical stages, social and cultural context, invariant components | 893 | |||||
5765 | Advertising influence is seen as manifestation of discourse social power, which is realized in different linguistically encoded forms of mental control over the target audience. It is analyzed in terms of representational structures – text worlds (mental representations) created in advertising discourse to establish relations between participants of communication. PRODUCER, PRODUCT and ADDRESSEE are the core elements in the structure of text worlds created in separate communicative acts. Text world is considered a generic term encompassing the notion of basic text world and sub-worlds, which are either participant-accessible or character-accessible. Sub-worlds projected in British advertising discourse are stated to differ depending upon the pragmatic perspective. The former have the effect of providing greater significance to the rational element of promoting the product, while the latter focus on entertaining aspects of advertising often associated with fiction. Keywords: representational structures, discourse, text world, initial text world, sub-worlds, advertising influence | 893 | |||||
5766 | Introduction. Gifted people, especially children and adolescents, need individualized learner-centered methods of education, support and guidance. This article addresses the potential of mentoring in gifted education. The purpose of the research is to analyze theoretical and methodological perspectives of giftedness and specify the role of mentoring in the development of gifted individuals. Materials and methods. The author reviews and conducts a theoretical analysis of Russian and international scholarly literature on giftedness and mentoring; outlines Russian and international practices of mentoring the gifted; describes the main characteristic features of gifted individuals; summarizes the obtained data. Results and discussion. The author considers giftedness as a complex system and describes its main components which determine successful or problem development of gifted children and adolescents. Consequently, gifted children and adolescents need more individualized interventions and informal relationships. The article reviews retrospectively the most prominent international research investigations which revealed positive correlations between the experience of mentoring relationships and success and high achievements of their participants. Formal programmes of mentoring are designed in order to achieve positive outcomes of informal mentoring relationships. The majority of such programmes follow theoretical models of giftedness. The author describes R. Subotnik’s Talent-Development Mega- Model and clarifies the stages of domain trajectories when mentoring is mostly required. Conclusion. The author summarizes theoretical and methodological perspectives of giftedness. They include the following: 1. giftedness is a complex system of personal attributes and qualities which determine a possibility of high achievements in one or more domains and is considered as a result of whole personal development of the gifted individual; 2. gifted people have special needs for individualized support, guidance and special attention within an enriched facilitating learning environment which are determined by the heterogeneous nature of this group of learners; 3. essential characteristics of mentoring make it an appropriate method for meeting educational needs of gifted and talented learners. The role of mentoring in the development of gifted individuals is specified. Keywords: mentoring, giftedness, mentoring the gifted, a generalized portrait of the gifted child, development of gifted individuals, support, guidance, mentoring programmes for the gifted | 893 | |||||
5767 | The article reviews the practical work organization in the general chemistry field based on the three levels of student’s autonomy in the five practical course thematic areas. Methodically we stated the use of individual and group educational forms, practical work in pairs or in small groups and defining for each student his\her plot of study, for which he\she is personally liable. Attention is paid to teacher guidance during the practical course and when the need arises, teacher gives the appropriate assistance to students, while not reducing their autonomy level. There were identified various student’s skill levels: Initial – reproducing (reproductive), which characterizes the student’s ability to reproduce already running in one way or another work earlier; average level of autonomy manifestation – a dependent (non-productive), which characterizes the student’s ability in the narrow knowledge transfer implementation, actions by analogy implementation; top – an independent, creative (productive) level when students can perform complex tasks. There is attributed a relevant subject experimental work of the practical course to each of its levels. A teacher is proposed to use the developed practical course kit in various educational situations. The attention is focused on the preliminary student’s preparations in order to carry out experimental and practical works. It is advisable to summarize the student’s research results of the practical course in the discussion form at seminars, final conferences. There were outlined the features of the practical course thematic areas: theoretical studies – theoretical positions experimental verification, their application in practice; preparative papers – for example, training features; analytical work – research skills synthesis and development; works in chemical engineering subjects – for example, to present to the students chemical plants characteristic features; in ecological-valeological studies – to obtain reliable information about the environment. There is stated the application of different approaches to the process charts compilation, depending on the activity specific to practical course different thematic areas. Also there is made a case for carrying out an experiment on the basis of the research methods of the qualitative analysis (for example, the substances «quality» definition, the detection of separate elements included in the tested compounds). This will provide an opportunity to show the value of substances information in various professional fields. Keywords: Independent work, workshop, problematic approach, card-instruction | 892 | |||||
5768 | We discuss a possibility to extend a Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism of constructing consistent cubic interaction vertices to the cases where vertex contains massive and/or massless higher spin fields. As an illustration we provide application of this formalism to the gravitational interactions of massless and partially massless spin-5/2 fields. Keywords: higher spins, frame-like description, Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism | 892 | |||||
5769 | The article identifies the group composition of the organic substance of peat in several geographical provinces of the Altai mountain range. Gives a comparative analysis of quantity indicators of organic components of the mountain peat under study with the West Siberian peat and the peat of the European terrain of Russia. Reveals the resemblances and distinctions in a quantitative proportion of separate groups of the organic substance of peat of a various genesis in conditions of humic and arid climate of Northeast, East and Southeast Altai provinces. Marks some features defined by specific conditions of mountain peat formation in a group composition of organic matter of regional peat. Keywords: peat, Gorny Altai, organic substance, bitumen, easily hydrolyzable materials, humic acids, nonhydrolyzed residue | 892 | |||||
5770 | The article provides reasons for the urgent need of the search for the new content of the pro-active approach to life. This notion was widely used as an educational objective in the soviet period. The modern social and political environment has changed the context of the notion use. However, there is no single valued understanding of the notion concept. The article analyses different definitions of the notion “pro-active approach to life” presented by soviet and present-day researchers. The analysis presented in the article enables the author to specify the notion “pro-active approach to life”. The world outlook of a person directed at self-development and creation is defined as the basis for formation of the “pro-active approach to life”. The key element for formation of the “pro-active approach to life” is being responsible for what you do. Keywords: notion, content, pro-active approach to life, activity of personality, world outlook, responsibility, society | 892 | |||||
5771 | The article dwells upon the range of theoretical issues related to the definition of the concept of “star” interview. The article is focused on structural and compositional characteristics of “star” interview’s texts as a form of massmedia discourse. The author analyzes constitutive components and reveals distinct characteristics of “star” interview. The emphasis of “star” interview is placed on person’s eccentricity. This interview is aimed to create a bright emotional-psychological portrait. The key goal of “star” interview is to attract attention and maintain interest of the mass audience. There are a lot of personal questions in “star” interview. This explains the fact that “star” interview is less informative in social and political terms. Keywords: mass-media discourse, “star” interview, journalist, respondent, mass audience, dialogical text, dialogical unity | 892 | |||||
5772 | At the present time an urgent task is to develop innovative means of knowledge control. These means of control would allow to evaluate the subject results (knowledge, skills, attainments) as well as the metasubject results (maturity of universal educational actions). The developing character of control means is of particular importance. The paper deals with the modern methods of knowledge diagnostics which offer the approach to the creation of developmental math tests allowing to evaluate the maturity of universal educational actions. It is expected that according to this technique the software package will be developed. The requirements for this package will be reflected in its specification. Keywords: knowledge control, developmental tests, universal educational actions, metasubject results, software package | 892 | |||||
5773 | The article presents a methodology of working with post-modernist text, while teaching Russian as a foreign language. During the analysis, it is necessary to take into account specific characteristics such as the ‘out of the text’ information, implicitness and multiple meanings, deconstruction, and irony. The proposed methodology includes three steps: working with the cultural and historic context before taking up the text, interpreting the meaning of the fiction text and language based exercises, with special attention paid to them. The post-modernist text is considered an original fiction text and at the same time as didactic material. The case study of the short story by V. Pelevin illustrates basic characteristics of the post-modernist text and presents examples of language based exercises which can be used in audience speaking another language. Keywords: post-modernist text, philological analysis, interpretation, Russian as a foreign language | 892 | |||||
5774 | The article reflects axiological aspects of the organization of educational process in the university. Gives the author’s definition of students’ value-semantic attitude, suggesting the union of the cognitive and emotional components of the inner world of the individual. Indicates value activities in the formation of a variety of valuesemantic relations of the subject with the world. Substantiates the role of interactive forms of training of students in the system of various forms of educational work in modern conditions of social and cultural space of the university. Reveals didactic resource of interactive learning in the process of its implementation in the authors’ own experience of work with students. Provides the concrete examples of the use of various forms of interaction between the teacher and students in the process of contact and separate kinds of work in higher education system. Discloses methodical and personal importance of training based on a combination of traditional and innovative methods of work. Presents interpretation of the use of certain interactive forms that provides a practice-oriented nature of the content of this article. The role of interactive learning for the formation of common cultural competence of students lies in the development of their intelligence and skills to establish the relationship of theory and practice, in the development of the ability to analyze and identify causal relationships. Keywords: values, value-semantic attitude, form of training, online training, general cultural competence | 892 | |||||
5775 | Discusses the allegorical expression of the lingvocultural concept ‘relation’ in Kalmyk, Russian and British paroemia. Allegory is a figure of speech in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of characters, figures and events. Allegory has been used widely throughout history in all forms of art, largely because it can readily illustrate complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible or striking to its viewers, readers, or listeners. Writers or speakers typically use allegories as literary devices or as rhetorical devices that convey hidden meanings through symbolic figures, actions, imagery and events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wishes to convey. For example, in fables a fox character embodies the human characteristics of cunning and cleverness, a wolf and a bear symbolize greed and fraud, etc. Allegory can be easily represented in proverbs and sayings. The peculiarity of allegorical meaning is expressed in typical images. These images are related to various realia of the surrounding environment that belong to everyday life, work, religion, folklore of a culture. The concept “relation” is one of the major national cultural concepts in the Kalmyk, Russian and English lingvocultures and consists of various evaluative, figurative and conceptual components. The most frequent realia in the nomination of the concept “relation” in paroemia are onomastic and natural realia. Keywords: allegory, relation, concept, paremia, lingvoculture, image, realia | 892 | |||||
5776 | The article considers a methodical study of the distance learning process of a large number of gifted schoolchildren for additional general developmental programs. The author has analyzed the relevance of distance learning, the issues of systematic work with gifted schoolchildren, the supplementary education problems and the most perspective forms of work with children interested in natural science disciplines. The article presents the description of the profile supplementary educational environment for high school students, created and implemented by the Correspondence Physics and Technology School (ZFTSH), contributing to the development of their intellectual potential and their need to continue self-education, and the format of working with teachers. The author has determined the advantages of working on the online platform. The article contains the formulation of the additional educational ZFTSH programs implementation results. The methodological recommendations on the organization of distance learning for students on additional general development programs of natural sciences consist of three part: (1) high-quality educational and methodical materials; (2) the chain of close interaction: child - teacher - methodologist - parent; (3) convenience, efficiency, scalability, manufacturability of the online platform. ZFTSH represents the general federal system of selection and training of talented youth at the stage of pre-university supplementary education and, in essence, activities have been established to improve the skills of teachers of physics and mathematics through the work of the ZFTSH curriculum and the system of continuing education courses held annually at MIPT. Keywords: distance learning, additional general development programs, correspondence school, online education, gifted children | 892 | |||||
5777 | Introduction. Functional approach in linguistics of 21 century conditions scientists’ attention to a problem of internal form of a word detection in synchrony and diachrony. The opportunity to study the vocabulary of different languages in the dynamic aspect, with the attraction of a new source – the testimony of the metalinguistic consciousness of the speakers – fits into the range of problems of modern linguistics and comparativistics. The aim of the article is to define the group of remotivated and demotivated bird names in Russian, English and Czech, to find out the reasons of remotivation and demotivation, as well as the extent and boundaries of these lexical processes. Research methodology involves the use of a psycholinguistic experiment with carriers of delivered languages, motivational-comparative and synchronic-diachronic analysis. Results and discussion. It has been established that the ornithological vocabulary of the languages being compared is equally exposed to the remotivation process. We detected that remotivated lexical units are such as have the motivating attribute, which is represented by a proper name and the connection with them was lost with time and is not recognized by modern native speakers. That is the reason for ornithonym’s motivation by another sign, which is connected with bird’s appearance in Russian, bird’s color and behavior in English (no similar ornithonyms were found on the material of the Czech language). Demotivation concerns lexical units with reasoning sign related to way of life and bird’s behavior in all the languages being compared. This is due to medium degree of demotivation in Russian birds’ names and to borrowing major part of English words from Latin, Greek and other languages. Demotivated Russian ornithonims lose their connection with reasoning sign related to bird’s voice. Herewith informants do not realize onomatopoeic character of a word. Demotivation concerns lexical units with reasoning sign related to way of life and bird’s behavior in all comparative languages. Conclusion. The results of analysis of remotivated and demotivated bird names in Russian, English and Czech indicate 1) complication of demotivation and its connection with borderline processes of internal word form’s remotivation and lexicalization; 2) vitality of these processes and their dynamic characteristics; 3) openness of its behavior, because in most cases the examined words have passed an intermediate stage of demotivation and remotivation and are passing the stage of polymotivation now. Keywords: remotivation, demotivation, internal form of a word, motivation of a language sign, psycholinguistic experiment, metatextual statements | 892 | |||||
5778 | Introduction. This article is devoted to the problem of the formation of existential thought in the late works of Tolstoy. The object of the research is one of the most significant categories in the philosophy of existentialism – the category of fear. The research material is based on the novels The Kreutzer Sonata and The Devil; a comparative comparative method and a structural analysis method are used. The purpose of this study is to try to examine the writer’s appeal to the category of existential fear and to determine its functions in the late works of Tolstoy. This goal determined the following tasks: to determine the context for the formation of existential thought in the novels The Kreutzer Sonata and The Devil, to consider the category of existential fear in these works, and also to explain how using this category Tolstoy carries out a dialogue with the reader. The comparative method and the method of structural analysis were used in the work. Results and discussion. In the late period of creativity in the philosophical thought of Tolstoy there is an appeal to existential problematics. At the ideological level, the writer focuses on social conflicts and seeks the origins of social contradictions. In the conflict of relations between the sexes, the origins of the existential crisis of man and society as a whole. It is this period of the Russian classic that can be described as a period of artistic experiments. For example, in the late works of Tolstoy, the category of the reader is formed, and new content takes on new forms. It was during this period that the writer increasingly turned to small epic and dramatic genres. The relevance of the article is determined by the study of the existential problems of the late works of L. N. Tolstoy, separate aspects of the transformation of the creative method of the writer. The novelty lies in the fact that the category of existential fear is regarded as the key to the moral resurrection of the heroes of these stories. Conclusion. The preliminary conclusions are made that the existential category of fear is formed in connection with the social problems of the works, it becomes a way to overcome the moral death of the hero, and also acts as a link between the author and the reader. Keywords: L. N. Tolstoy, Russian literature, existentialism, existential fear, gender, story, The Kreutzer Sonata, The Devil, poetics, author, hero, dialogue, reader | 892 | |||||
5779 | . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 20-22 . | 891 | |||||
5780 | The paper reviews postpositions of two endangered indigenous Uralic languages of Western Siberia: Southern Selkup and Eastern Khanty. These languages have remote genetic affiliation and an extended cultural and linguistic contact, co-inhabiting the area of middle Ob river flows of Tomsk region. The main focus of the discussion is the comparative analysis of postpositions of these two languages on the basis of existing grammars. Postpositions are usually used to express spatial temporal notions. They typically represent a model of space-time metaphor. Selkup postpositions are divided into serial and non-serial. Khanty postpositions are divided into etymologically nontransparent postpositions proper and postpositional use of nouns. Keywords: postposition, selkup, khanty, case, space, time | 891 | |||||
5781 | The Dirac operator with an external Yang–Mills gauge field is considered on de Sitter space in terms of a noncommutative integration method related to the orbit method in the Lie group theory. A Yang–Mills field is presented for which the de Sitter group serves as the symmetry group of the Dirac operator. A spectrum of the Dirac operator with the Yang–Mills field is calculated in explicit form. Keywords: the Dirac equation, noncommutative integration, de Sitter space | 891 | |||||
5782 | The paper is devoted to studying speech acts in the situation of parting in the German culture. The subject of the scientific analysis is a communicative pragmatic situation of realization of the acts represented in dialogic fragments of literary works of art of Germany. The objects of the research are verbal means of formation of speech acts and expressions of pragmatic components of the communicative situation ABSCHIED in German language. The aim of the paper is to reveal illocutionary goals of the communicative situation ABSCHIED. The author finds out that situation of parting is related to the concept of etiquette and includes various illocutionary goals. Speech acts of parting assume the interaction of at least two subjects – the sender and the recipient. Farewell speech formulas can serve either for creating distance or for the rapprochement of interlocutors. For successful communication, native German speakers use a variety of communication moves. Keywords: parting, German culture, theory of speech acts, communicative situation, illocutionary goals, speech formulas, communication moves | 891 | |||||
5783 | The article describes the main cognitive features of the mental scenario “Mockery” in the Russian language picture of the world in comparison with English. The author summarizes the results of researchers on the problem of modeling the scenario “Mockery”. There are basic components of mental scenario “Mockery” in both language pictures of the world: subject, predicate, object, causator, intention of action, estimated and emotional components, the basis of the evaluation and the relationship between subject and object. The author describes the mental scenario “Mockery” in correlation with other elements of cognitive space “Laughter”: ridicule, derision, joke, smile, banter etc. There are two types of mockery in the English and Russian language pictures of the world. The differences between them are described in the article. Keywords: language map of the world, mental structure, concept, concept-image, concept-scenario, lexeme, the definition analysis | 891 | |||||
5784 | The article deals with consideration of argued and polemic media discourse in regulative aspect. Different regulative means and structures are explored, regulative dominants and ways of regulativity in media discourse of informational and media language personalities are revealed on the material of analytic and polemic articles of 2015–2016 by writer Y. Polyakov and journalist A. Kolesnikov. Dependence of regulative means which are used by language personalities on author’s intentions and subjective assessment of different social reality is determined. Some typical and individually personal peculiarities of their argued and polemic discourse are revealed. Keywords: regulative means, regulative structures, dominant of regulativity, argued and polemic media discourse, of analytic and polemic article, informational and media language personality | 891 | |||||
5785 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the etiquette of the speech genre «bow» in the epistolary discourse of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Substantiates the validity of allocation of etiquette speech genre “bow,” which is widely used in the Chekhov’s letters. The description of etiquette speech genre is held with regard to its main constitutive parameters of speech genres (following the T.V.Shmeleva’s Model of speech genre): the communicative purpose, the image of the addresser, the image of the addressee, the factor of the eventful past, the factor of the eventful future, structural and linguistic peculiarities. The “bow” in Chekhov’s letters is a method of transmitting an indirect recipient (recipients of the bow) through the direct recipient of letters. The communicative purpose of the speech genre “bow” is an expression of a respectful and kind attitude of the addresser to his addressees. With this speech genre, the author shows himself as a person who knows the conventional speech etiquette (including correspondence etiquette) and simultaneously supports, maintains contacts and good relations with people, regardless of temporal and spatial factors. Speech genre “bow” as one of the most consumed etiquette genres in Chekhov’s letters, written during the period 1892-1894 years, generally performs the phatic function. The features of Chekhov’s linguistic expression in the speech genre “bow” give his epistolary communication emotions that determine the overall positive communication background. Keywords: etiquette, etiquette speech genre, genre “bow”, constitutive features, direct recipients, indirect recipients, phatic communication | 891 | |||||
5786 | Intellectual, emotional-psychological and behavioral-communicative components of the legal culture have been analyzed and a contradiction between the need to form these components since the school age and the lack of appropriate social and educational programs in the education system have been determined. The conclusions are drawn that additional education has certain peculiarities in comparison with other types of formal education and it is determined that it is the system of additional education of children that is the space providing effective formation of schoolchildren as subjects of life activity and contributing to the successful implementation of programs aimed at shaping the legal culture of schoolchildren. The relationship between the high level of legal culture, civil legal relations and their manifestation in the tourist activity is defined. The contradiction between the requirement for a high level of legal culture among participants of legal relations in the sphere of tourist activity and the lack of the system of work aimed at satisfying this requirement and the contradiction between the need to form the components of a legal culture, starting from school age, and the lack of appropriate social and educational programs in the educational system. The main provisions of the supplementary education program “Legal foundations of tourist activities” developed by the Center for Children and Youth Tourism of the TSPU are described. Keywords: legal culture, intellectual, emotional-psychological and behavioral-communicative components of legal culture, formation of legal culture, legal relations, tourist activity, tourism, additional education | 891 | |||||
5787 | The paper deals with the issue of the professional communicative competence that is essential for the engineering specialists and academics to participate in the international scientific conferences. This is important, as the inadequate level of the English language, specifically, with regard to the academic writing and academic communication skills is considered one of the factors hindering the transition of Russian universities into the global research and education community. The focus of attention is the rapidly developing field of composite materials and technologies. The author proposes using a multi-level approach to forming the professional English communicative skills in the engineering university, which includes an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course for academics. The specifics of the approach are illustrated by a case of Russia-UK conferences in the field of advanced materials. The paper presents the analysis of the international scientific collaboration and the excerpts from the survey of the prospective learners at the “Spacerocket composite structures” department at Bauman Moscow State Technological University. The data served as the basis for the needs assessment procedure, which, in turn, was used to formulate the goals and objectives and select the linguistic and functional content for the course. The ESP course had a positive impact on the international research activity of the department, in particular, the increase in the number of post-graduate students participating in the international conferences. Keywords: professional communicative competence in English, English for Specific Purposes, multi-level training system, composite materials, scientific conferences | 891 | |||||
5788 | The content of the information cycle disciplines should correspond to the modern trends in the development of computer and information and communication technologies. Implementation of this requirement is possible with the use of cloud technologies that solve the problem associated with the installation, updating, support for the operation of software and hardware by providing remote access to various cloud services. When studying the disciplines of the information cycle, we focus on cloud services that support the SaaS model (the provision of various software) and STaaS (storage of information as a service). The analysis of the results of questioning of “Clinical Psychology” students showed that they are familiar only with the notion of cloud technologies and in practice they only use services for storing information, creating text documents, presentations and spreadsheets. Therefore, it is important in the process of studying the disciplines of the information cycle to introduce the students to a wide range of cloud technologies that will be in demand in future professional activities. At the training sessions, learners are introduced to the capabilities of the cloud tool o-cheloveke.ru, which allows you to diagnose characteristics of a person. Next, explore the features of the online Google calendar, in which they create events, translate the texts in Google Translate; create diagrams or charts in Google Drawings; work in a social network Google+, where they create circles, communities of interest; exchange messages, calls and video meetings on Google Hangouts. With the help of the cloud service Google Drive students individually or collectively create and store information objects in the cloud. Keywords: cloud technologies, information and communication technologies, information cycle disciplines, informatics, Internet innovations | 891 | |||||
5789 | The article explores the content, structure, conceptual field of rational organization of life activity of students of junior courses at a pedagogical university. The author uses the resources of personal-social and personality-activity approaches to substantiate the need for rational organization of life activities of students, in order to help them coordinate educational and extracurricular activities, by reducing the amount of time spent on non-specific activities (self-service, cleaning the dorm room, cooking, talking on the phone, etc.). Due to the use of methods of selforganization, self-management (goal-setting, accounting for time spent, planning of the working day and weeks, monitoring, timing, reflection), students develop such skills as designing a long-term plan for their own life in a pedagogical university; Adoption of adequate solutions that facilitate the organization of life; The vision of one’s own life perspective and the identification of obstacles, on the way to its realization; Finding optimal methods for solving identified problems. The criterion for the effectiveness of the pedagogical design of the rational organization of life activity of undergraduate students at a pedagogical university is their ability to master the social and educational environment of the university (mastering the social role of the student, knowledge of norms, social rules governing the activity of the educational organization, development of independence); ability to implement educational and professional activities in the conditions of the university (level of cognitive activity, academic performance); ability to physical development in the process of life activity (health, working capacity, healthy lifestyle). As a result of experimental work, we found that collective, personally and socially significant activities in the course of the implementation of pedagogical design promoted the development of interpersonal relations between its participants, motivation for further education and self-education in its various forms and increasing academic achievement of students; manifestation and further development of the creativity of junior students. Keywords: vital activity; self-management; students of junior courses of pedagogical university; time spent on nonspecific activities of students, timekeeping | 891 | |||||
5790 | The author attempts to analyze the texts associated with travel to France in order to identify semantic nodes, that form conceptual model of such travel. Also the interrelation of this model with conception of France and West Europe in general in Russian culture of 18th century is considered. Keywords: France, travel, space, culture, image, plot | 890 | |||||
5791 | We consider collision of a point particle with an infinitely thin planar domain wall within the linear and post-linear approximations of Einstein classical gravity in Minkowski space-time of arbitrary dimension. Both colliding objects are treated dynamically and the branon excitation of the domain wall is taken into account. The energy balance in this process is non-trivial since the interaction force does not fall with distance and the particle and the domain wall are never free. We show that contribution of the gravitational stresses effectively localizes on the particle and the wall world-volumes and gives rise to the relativistic potential energies of each object in the gravitational field of the partner. The contribution of the branons to the energy of the domain wall in the lowest order in gravitational constant is shown to be zero. Keywords: gravitation, branes, domain walls, conservation laws | 890 | |||||
5792 | 890 | ||||||
5793 | In this article the author makes an attempt to escape primitive subdivision of trade forms into inferior (archaic) and superior. Comparative analysis of dynamics of fair network of the cusp of XIX–XX centuries with the middle of XIX century is carried out at the national and regional (Western Siberian) levels – (Tobolsk and Tomsk guberniyas); stationary and recurrent trade. The article gives a characteristic of reorganization of fair stations, tendencies and innovations of their development. It is proved that the variety of trade organization forms was a part of modernization processes of Russian economy. Besides that spatial (regional) 'measuring' of structure and distribution of trade network adjusts the discussion about time and ways of modernization of Russia. Keywords: fair network, number of fairs, trade volume, location of fairs, rural and urban fairs, wholesale and retail trade | 890 | |||||
5794 | Formation of primary schoolchildren’s citizenship allows to build common spiritual and moral values, primary value orientations and civil ideology. Civil education is considered as the direction of the educational activities associated with the formation of the social role of personality, its public face. Creation of the student’s experience of the social group and individual behavior of the civil nature goes through a joint analysis, solution of the group social problems, joint social action in the framework of non-recurrent separate social actions as well as long-term projects. Concept and methods of implementing social actions and projects arise and are discussed in the student community and implemented with the support and supervision of parents, class teacher, and public organizations. Preparatory work for inclusion in social planning is done with students by means of educational and extracurricular activities, educational work with parents – through thematic parent-teacher meetings, collective creative works. The results are stability of citizenship, including cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the evaluation, the constancy of socially approved behavior patterns with a strong civil position of primary school children, the positive experience of their civil action. Keywords: primary school, civil education, cognitive, emotional evaluation, behavioral components of citizenship, experience of civil action, children-invalids, children with disabilities, parents, family, joint social action | 890 | |||||
5795 | The paper focuses on the images of Anglo-Saxon queens in the works of biographers and church writers of the 8th – 9th century England. Based on Asser’s Life of King Alfred, Life of St Wilfred of York and Ecclesiastical history of the English people it is shown that historical portraits of Anglo-Saxon rulers’ wives have their specificity depending on the genre, the author’s objectives and attitudes to women in power. Early Anglo-Saxon queens enjoyed high social status, participated in worldly and church affairs. Precedents of rivalry between queens and people within the king’s circle are discussed. Tradition and personal support of the king are identified as the sources of queen’s power. Queens influenced the rulers’ policy by means of their council, that Christian writers associated with the Fall. Not coincidentally, in the early Anglo-Saxon narrative evil queens always use their husbands, intriguing against nobles and hierarchs. Nevertheless, both secular and clerical attitudes to queens’ power were rather complex. On the one hand, their political activity caused concern. On the other, queens patronizing the Church were held in high esteem by ecclesiastical authors. Downgrading of the king’s wife’s position in the 9th century Wessex should be considered a matter of historical accident rather than conformity to historical patterns. Keywords: the Anglo-Saxons, status of early Medieval queens, Asser, Eadburh of Mercia, Queen Iurminburg, Queen Eanflaed, Life of St Wilfred, Ecclesiastical History of the English People | 890 | |||||
5796 | The article considers methodological potential of non-classic methodologies, in particular the concepts contained in the schemes of French sophists M. Foucault and G. Bachelard in reference to the East Slavic mythological tradition analysis. The notion of cultural imposition and discontinuity; the notion of self-determination discourse continuity by Foucault, the concepts of feedback and echoes by Bachelard open the potential for specialized analysis of mythological materials. Keywords: East Slavic mythological tradition, non-classic methodologies, M. Foucault, G. Bachelard, cultural impositions and discontinuities, notion of self-determination discourse continuity, concepts of feedback and echoes | 889 | |||||
5797 | In this paper we consider massive spin 3/2 field and study its gravitational interaction. We use frame-like formulation for higher spin fields (s ≥ 3/2) in terms of gauge invariant field strengths. It is shown that as for massless higher spin field the gravitational interaction for massive spin 3/2 field can be constructed as strength deformation procedure. Keywords: frame-like formalism, higher spins, gauge symmetries | 889 | |||||
5798 | 1. Сафонов М. А. Структура сообществ ксилотрофных грибов. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН, 2003. 269 с. 2. Гордиенко П. В. Особенности расселения некоторых видов ксилотрофов на субстрате с различными параметрами // Микология и фитопатология. 1986. Т. 20. Вып. 2. С. 185–186. 3. Мухин В. А. Биота ксилотрофных базидиомицетов Западно-Сибирской равнины. Екатеринбург: Наука, 1993. 231 с. 4. Мурашкинский К. Е. Горно-таежные трутовики // Труды Омского сельскохозяйственного института. 1939. Т. 17. С. 75–108 5. Сафонов М. А. Субстратная специализация дереворазрушающих грибов и ее локальное варьирование // Вестник ОГПУ. Электронный научный журнал. № 3 (7), 2013 г. С. 44–53. 6. Иванов А. И., Скобанев А. В. Характер накопления железа, марганца и цинка плодовыми телами некоторых ксилотрофных базидиомицетов (aphyllophorales s. l., agaricales s. l., auriculariales) // Микология и фитопатология. 2008. Т. 42. Вып. 3. С. 252–256. 7. Бондарцева М. А. Определитель грибов России: (порядок Афиллофоровые). Л.: Наука, 1998. Вып. 2. 391 с. 8. Nordic Macromycetes. V. 3: Heterobasidioid, Aphyllophoroid and Gasteromycetoid basidiomycetes. Gopenhagen: Nordsvamp. 1997. P. 383–620. 9. Сафонов М. А. Географические закономерности распространения ксилотрофных грибов в Южном Приуралье (Оренбургская область) // Поволжский экологический журнал. Саратов. 2005. № 1. С. 60–70. 10. Сырье и продукты пищевые. Атомно-абсорбционный метод определения токсичных элементов. Минск: ИПК Издательство стандартов, 1997. 12 с. 11. Бондарцева М. А. Афиллофороидные грибы особо охраняемых природных территорий Республики Карелия / М. А. Бондарцева, В. И. Крутов, В. М. Лосицкая // Грибные сообщества лесных экосистем. М. – Петрозаводск, 2000. С. 42–75. 12. Дунаев А. В., Дунаева Е. Н., Калугина С. В. Ложный дубовый трутовик Phellinus robustus bourd et galz в белгородских дубравах (биоэкология, распространение, вредоносность) // Научные ведомости. 2011. № 9. С. 35–42. 13. Богомолова О. И. Некоторые закономерности зараженности стволовыми гнилями Qurcus robur L. на территории Оренбургской области. // Известия Оренбургского государственного аграрного университета. 2013. № 4. С. 224–226. 14. Ryvarden L., Gilbertson R. L. The Polyporaceaeof Europe. Oslo: Fungiflora, 1993–1994. V. 1–2. Keywords: xylotrophic basidiomycetes, Quercus robur L., trophic structure, biocenosis, destruction, heavy metals, Orenburg Preurals | 889 | |||||
5799 | The paper considers specific features of image and status of English king Edward the Confessor’s wife Edith based on “Vita Ædwardi Regis” that was written in the middle 60-s of the XI c. on the orders of Edward’s widow. Edith’s status as the queen at her husband’s court as reflected in the “Vita…” well fitted in the overall trend of late Anglo-Saxon rulers’ wives strengthening influence on state affairs. However, the key factor in Edith’s “career” and in her image interpretation by the “Vita…” was her kinship with the powerful Godwin’s clan, the English king had to reckon with. By representing herself in the “Vita…” as the ideal wife, queen, sister and daughter of the powerful Godwin family members Edith attempted at strengthening her position at the royal court after the death of king Edward, her husband. Keywords: woman in the early Middle Ages, Anglo-Saxons, the queen’s status, Edith of Wessex, “The Life of king Edward” | 889 | |||||
5800 | The issue of formation of the library’s own funds of the educational organization with the use of the method of selection of information resources is considered. The results of studying the training system on the basis of methods and technologies providing a high level of the educational process, research and development, which are one of the main tasks facing the new standards of GEF 3+ are presented. It is quite obvious that for successful management, in addition to traditional methodological approaches, it is advisable to develop solutions for knowledge management of students. A detailed description of the process of creating new knowledge as the main management of an intellectual resource that determines the competitive advantage of an individual is given. The structure of information resources providing scientific and cognitive activity is considered. To create new knowledge, a process is needed that makes hard-to-reach knowledge understandable and accessible to perception. To start such a process, convert explicit, hidden knowledge into explanatory information. Information resources are an important component of the development of information and knowledge capacity. Therefore, the methodology for selecting information data can be used as knowledge management tools. The ways of selection of information resources based on the complex approach on selection of the most important periodicals with the purpose of updating information and knowledge potential are described. The proposed methodology allows to solve an innovative task: from the acquisition of own funds and the formation of its list of priority publications to the accumulation of its own knowledge potential. Keywords: information-knowledge potential, new knowledge, information support, selection of information resources, the process of creating new knowledge | 889 |