# | Article | Downloads | |||||
701 | The article reveals the essence of the concepts “competence”, competence approach in higher professional education. The author of the article analyzing the model of a graduate of the third millennium, focuses on the creation of the conditions contributing to the formation of future professionals. Keywords: competence, competence approach, philosophical-anthropological approach, the values of education | 1331 | |||||
702 | The article deals with the problems of genesis, reforming of pedagogical universities, diversification and the necessity of preservation of the native pedagogic education traditions. It also considers the main data of the demonstration of diversification in the system of higher professional education. Keywords: system of pedagogical education, problems of genesis, reforming, diversification | 1331 | |||||
703 | The article deals with I. A. Krylov’s Fables reception in the 19th century England. Five representative translations (1821–1883) are considered to show basic tendencies of English perception of the Fables in diachronic aspect. Keywords: I. A. Krylov’s Fables, Russian-English translation | 1331 | |||||
704 | The article points to identification of generality and difference in content and ways of representation of notions idiostyle and linguo-cultural character, which are topical for modern Russian studies. The comparative analysis of the methods of idiostyle’s studying in communicative stylistics of text and studies of the linguistic and cultural characters in linguistic culture studies is described in the article. Keywords: language personality, idiostyle, communicative stylistics of text, linguo-cultural character, linguistic cultural studies | 1331 | |||||
705 | Discusses the issues of transition from children’s music schools, which are an integral part of the system of additional education, pre-professional programs in the field of art education, to further professional self-determination of graduates of art schools. Unfortunately, the ranks of graduates of art schools, in recent years, rarely fill up the number of students wanting to get an art education. After graduation many of the graduates, educated in a certain field continue professional training, and to act in the educational institutions of other profiles. This is due to the fact that the prestige of education in the sphere of culture and arts is not high. Among parents and children standing on the threshold of the school and are ready to choose a future profession, there is an unspoken ranking of “necessary and important” professions according to their prestige, “fashion” and material security. Low wages in the sphere of culture and arts does not allow it to rise to the same level as the more prestigious, according to parents and high school graduates, professions. The results of the analysis of the pre-professional programs are presented and the issues of their implementation are identified. The most significant were the increased physical and temporal workload, and a lack of motivation on the part of parents and children. The requirements for training in additional pre-professional programs are given, and the areas of responsibility of all parties in the educational process are selected. The conditions necessary for the formation of positive motivation and successful development, additional preprofessional programs are revealed. Among them are the following: the ability of the teacher to build the learning process so that heavy physical exertion associated with the development of choreographic disciplines, was seen as a requirement to achieve the learning outcomes; the interest of parents and their involvement in the learning process; the formation of students ‘interest in subjects of pre-professional programs. Keywords: additional education, pre-professional programs, motivation, choreography | 1331 | |||||
706 | Mikhail Arkadievich Polumordvinov (1867–1917) is a border guard officer, Orientalist, a member of the Society of Russian Orientalists (Harbin). His manuscripts and collections of Asian artifacts are now stored in the Tomsk Regional Museum after M.B. Shatilov and in the Scientific Library of Tomsk State University. His biography is little studied, although it attracted the attention of researchers. The article uses new data, an attempt is made to reinterpret previously known material. The article examines connection of military service with his occupation of orientalism. The conclusion is drawn not only about presence of this conditionality, but also that conditionality was beyond these limits, determined by personal inclinations of orientalist and peculiarities of Oriental studies existence in “Russian Harbin”. Polumordvinov appears before us as strong orientalist and representative of military intelligentsia, whose heritage is interesting for a wide range of researchers to this day. Also shown are geographical boundaries of his activity and personal qualities of this person. The article is of practical value, as supporting material for further work with the orientalist’s collections. The appeal to the life and creativity of Polumordvinov will serve to understand content and subjective component of the Chinese-Mongolian “branch” of Russian oriental studies of the early 20th century. The study of Harbin orientalists’ activities takes on special relevance in light of current strengthening of the ties between Russia and foreign Asia. Keywords: oriental studies, eurasianism, Polumordvinov, Zaamursky District of Border Guard, Russian- Japanese relations, Manchuria, CERD, Harbin, Russian Orientalists Society, Tomsk Regional Museum named after M. B. Shatilov | 1331 | |||||
707 | The article of Skripko Z.A. is devoted of differentiation approach in training of natural science disciplines. As a substantiation of such approach there are scientific researches of gender pedagogics undertake. The author offers the own approach in designing the educational texts of a rate “Natural sciences” for humanitarian profile classes | 1330 | |||||
708 | In this article the authors recommend teachers of physics to use different technologies taking into consideration peculiarities of teaching pupils at different types of schools. Keywords: physics, teaching, schools of different types, different technologies and methods. | 1330 | |||||
709 | The article analyzes the nature, essence and causes of networking, clustering, and their structural and functional organization, functional conditions and principles of existence and development trends, analyzes the shape, quantitative characteristics and specific parameters of innovative economic structures and institutions of the network type, it analyzes the basis of substantial, quality attribute and properties, the laws of creation, functioning and development. Also basic tendencies, directions and mechanisms of innovative cluster formation as the competitive structure of economy in the national economy of Russia. The adaptive model of cluster development in the domestic economy is considered. Keywords: innovation cluster, industrial cluster, clustering, competition, the structure of economy | 1330 | |||||
710 | The central problem of the given article is the definition of the following concepts: “competence” and “creative competences”. The authors analyse various interpretations of the named categories within the bounds of encyclopaedic, pedagogical and psychological literature. The authors expand and add the concept “creative competences”. Keywords: competence, creativity, creative competences | 1330 | |||||
711 | The paper presents an attempt of classifying zoomorphic metaphors of the Chinese language, which serve as a means of person’s qualitatively-evaluative characteristics. The suggested classification of the scrutinized units, selected from lexicographic sources, has been worked out on the basis of revealing the semantic-thematic similarity of the tenors in zoomorphic metaphors. Some peculiarities of zoomorphic evaluations in the Chinese language are also discussed. Keywords: zoomorphic metaphor, Chinese language, zoomorphism, classification of zoomorphisms, axiological aspect | 1330 | |||||
712 | Terminology of language didactics as a kind of pedagogical terminology includes the most important concepts of linguistics, pedagogy, philosophy, psychology and applied linguistics. The number of terms included in the dictionaries of language didactics has been steadily increasing, and it can be seen both in domestic and foreign editions. The article deals with the problems of systematization of terminology of language didactics in contemporary domestic and foreign dictionaries. The main difficulties of systematization of pedagogical terms and terms of language didactics are determined, among them are: changes in the conceptual apparatus, spontaneity of occurrence of terms, ambiguity and inconsistency of terms and concepts, the desire of scientists to give their own definition of new concepts, tautology, incorrect grammatical and stylistic formulation of the concepts, the choice of the term formulation without proper reasoning, the uncertainty of the relationship between concepts, mechanic replacing of conventional terms, “fashion” on certain terms, the lack of mechanisms of official scientific recognition of terms. The main contemporary dictionaries of language didactics are analysed. Particular qualities of the systematization of terms of these dictionaries are characterized (the number of terms, their grouping, reflection of the relationship of terms and terminological groups). Some drawbacks in systematization and description of terms in modern dictionaries of language didactics are named. Keywords: term of language didactics, systematization of terminology, glossary, methodical dictionary, dictionary of language didactics | 1330 | |||||
713 | The writers demonstrate an urgency of laboratory activities for teaching the integrated course «Natural sciences». The important functions of laboratory activities are that they can be used as a means of train¬ing and as a means and method of knowledge of a surrounding world. During the fulfillment of laboratory activities the integrated knowledge of the nature, synthetic submission, the knowledge about the laws and reciprocal relationships existing in a surrounding world is reshaped. Such knowledge gets reshaped while teaching the integrated natural science courses. The laboratory activities for such courses differ as they are complex (integrated), that is demonstrating an investigated phenomenon or process from different aspects -physical, chemical, biological. The outcomes of testing, demonstrating the necessity of usage of laboratory activities, distinguishing the contents and methods of fulfillment, forms of organization and so on are adduced. | 1329 | |||||
714 | The article realizes the analysis of the modern theory of knowledge, indicates the tendencies of its development designated as “epistemic revolution”, which is directed to change the classical, science oriented theory of knowledge into socially-human synthetic view of gnoseological problems. The trends of historization, sociologization and axiologization of gnoseology marked as the main ones in forming the modern non-classical theory of knowledge are considered as the common strategy presented in the most shaped form in the interdisciplinary research “case-study” strategy. The article shows that different versions of the interpretative paradigm, which develops in the frame of constructionist’s epistemic program, are considered as “theoretical background” of the researches made by means of the “case-study” method. | 1329 | |||||
715 | The description of the present and future trends in language testing begins with a survey of the history of language testing originated from and closely linked with mental and educational tests. Researchers distinguish three historical periods (or rather trends) of language testing in the twentieth century: pre-scientific, psychometric-structuralistic and psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic. Many important national and international language tests are moving to computer based testing, viewed as a more practical alternative to paper-and-pencil testing. The next generation of computer based tests is considered to be computerized adaptive tests. Two significant language assessment products as applications of adaptive testing for large-scale language testing are presented. | 1329 | |||||
716 | One of meaningful ideas is the idea of nationality in domestic education. Formed in the middle of 19th century, it saves actuality to the present day. An address to the idea of nationality is called to educate personality, respecting the cultural features of different people, able to live in the dynamically developing many-sided world. The offered article brings to light the historical features of forming of idea of nationality and experience of its realization at modern school. Keywords: nationality, cultural tradition, cultural authentication of personality, national consciousness, ethnopedagogics, ethnicity, multiculturulness, interethnic cooperation. | 1329 | |||||
717 | In the article intrafirm complex model of preparation of the personnel at the enterprises with nuclear dangerous manufacture which has some features connected to specificity of the nuclear industry is examined: a modern level of equipment of manufacture and high requirements to qualification of the staff. It is shown, that irrespective of internal structure, forms and methods of management intrafirm vocational training of the personnel of the enterprises of Federal agency on an atomic energy can be examined as social and economic system which can be object of research with the purpose of optimization of this system and designing of its internal structure. It is established, that the condition of researches of functioning and development of such systems allows to design today already normative model of intrafirm vocational training of the personnel of the enterprises of Federal agency on an atomic energy and on its basis to improve historically developed control system of intrafirm training, raising thus quality of a professional training for the nuclear industry. | 1328 | |||||
718 | The article deals with the Khants’ housing construction system. This system of constructions has its own peculiar features and reflects Khants’ traditions. Under the analysis the linguistic characteristic of word or word-combination was used. Peculiar features of Khants’ housing construction, its interior was described for better understanding. | 1328 | |||||
719 | The concept of the Baku text, phenomenon of Russian linguistic culture at the crossroads of cultures, created by esthetic judgment of the image of oil is described in the article. It is proved on the material of “The Baku verses” by S. Yesenin and V. Mayakovsky that the social paradigm of the embodiment of concept oil in the Baku text develops towards these or those forms of the new religiousness and the statement of the absolute human will. The development of this line of interpretation of the concept in Russian poetic discourse is caused as a whole by unique social and historical circumstances in which Baku cultural topos was formed in the first half of the 20th century. Keywords: Russian linguistic culture at the crossroads of cultures, Baku text, concept oil | 1328 | |||||
720 | The article considers the program to create a psychologically safe environment at an early stage for children in preschool. Creating a psychologically safe learning environment is necessary for successful adaptation of children in preschools. Psychological safety criteria of preschool environment are emotional well-being of the child, satisfaction with the enviironment, confidential communication, lack of psychological violence. The effectiveness of programs to improve the adaptation of children of preschool age is shown. Keywords: psychological safety, preschool age, adaptation in preschools | 1328 | |||||
721 | In this article components of preparedness of students and teachers of Primary School for the professional-creative activity are considered. The main components are: a high level of development of creative potential and psychological readiness for realization of the given activity, including formation of motives of activity, skill to put forward the original purposes and problems of training and education; representations about the program of activity, an information basis of activity, the block of acceptance of decisions, a subsystem of professionally important qualities necessary for realization of activity: skill to develop technology – didactic-technological creativity, the qualities necessary for creativity of the teacher in the field of designing, modeling and realization of didactic process, skill to analyze the psychological-didactic difficulties which arise during development of the given activity. | 1327 | |||||
722 | The article investigates the principles and methods of the realization of A.N. Ostrovsky’s plays on the stage of Siberian theatres in connection with the change of social and cultural situation in the country | 1327 | |||||
723 | Certain methodological methods of communication of up-to-date knowledge are being examined in the article. The author tried to clarify the notion of educational communication as an integral part of the educational system, as well as to highlight its structural and integrative aspects. A lot of attention is paid to the significance of applying the bilingual method of teaching in educational process. Keywords: educational communication, knowledge-gaining technique, knowledge- gaining culture, level of competence, functional competence, corporate competence, intellectual business. | 1327 | |||||
724 | “The Book, Told Chronicler Novgorodskoy in Brief, for Lord’s Churches” is imprecisely called “The Novgorodsky third chronicle” in scientific literature. It is the monument to the Great Novgorod annalistic tradition of the 12th century. This source contains unique information and reflects spiritual life of the town the most deeply in comparison with other Novgorod annalistic monuments. In this research we make an attempt to give the general characteristic to the chronicle (code lists, text publication, time, place and circumstances of creation) and to examine The Chronicler as the source of Novgorod episcopacy history in the period of its formation (10–12th centuries). Keywords: Great Novgorod, chronicles, Christianity, source studies, historiography | 1327 | |||||
725 | Interrelation of morphemic repetition and syntactical parallelism in English fiction is not infrequently accompanied by the phenomenon of defeated expectancy. The combination of twofold repetition – of those of morphemes and of syntactical structures – reciprocally enhance the rule and order they create. Unpredictable breach of the established rule leads to defeated expectancy on the part of the reader. This effect is never realized in full, since the unexpected changes enforced by the author do not radically affect or annihilate either morphemic repetition or syntactical parallelism. Keywords: morphemic repetition, syntactical parallelism, the effect of defeated expectancy, indexicality of repetition, unpredictable breach of the established rule | 1327 | |||||
726 | The article is devoted to the features of the contents of the vocationally oriented language learning in higher school on the basis of aims, principles of teaching, components of contents. The analysis of foreign language syllabuses of some higher educational establishments of the European Union based on the components distinguishes the approaches to structuring the course contents of the sector. The determined approaches are 1) the combination of general and vocational components, 2) the domination of vocational component with the support of general component, 3) the main part of general component with some elements of vocational component. Keywords: vocationally oriented language learning, learning contents, approach, structuring the contents, high school, countries of the European Union | 1327 | |||||
727 | In the given article three prerequisites of creative activity are revealed. On their basis the conditions of humanitariation of education are defined, the mechanisms and possibilities of the development of consciousness are being discussed. Besides we touch the development of abilities of a person, forms of effective selfeducation. | 1326 | |||||
728 | The article regards a combination of classical and non-classical types of artistry in the poetic book “Leaves of Grass”. The expressing of live “growth” phenomenon in the book’s poetics (time, space, figures, perception) and developing of the text from the myth and poetic unity of “I” and the World to their tragic harmony are investigated in the article | 1326 | |||||
729 | In the present article, the author reviews and elaborates the notion “research competence”, on the grounds of the international and domestic experience. It indicates interconnection of level of such competence and the process of the professional development of pedagogue in the conception of praxiological approach. Keywords: research competence, methodological culture, base skills, key skills, praxiological approach | 1326 | |||||
730 | In the article the essence of professional activity of the doctor is defined, its motivational component is allocated, necessity of its development is proved, the role of higher education in development of professional activity of the person of the doctor is emphasized. The value of a motivational component in development of professional activity of the doctor is marked. The positions of the program of development of professional activity of the doctor on the basis of its motivational component during training in medical high schools are stated. Data of empirical research of development of motivational component of educational and professional activity of medical students are cited. Keywords: professional activity, motivation, a motivational component of professional activity, professional work, development of professional activity | 1326 | |||||
731 | A method of measuring the directions of socio-cultural transformations was proposed in the article. The method was proposed on the basis of the established criterion of information systems self-organization, the effectiveness of information acts as this criterion (the result was obtained in the framework of the project RFBR № 11-06-00160). This method was named by the author as "semiotic diagnostics". Keywords: semiotic diagnostics, information-synergetic approach, bioethics, symbol as the operator of social action, metaphor "the many faces of Janus", metaphor "Tower of Babel" | 1326 | |||||
732 | An experience of the development and introduction into practice of new techniques of medical exercise therapy for children with infantile cerebral palsy is shown in the article. A complex of exercises is performed in a special costume “Aerokombinezon”. For the first time, a technique of exercises in a neuroorthopedical costume “Ippo” is developed for hippotherapy. The data of empirical study reflecting the results of correction of the movement disorders of children with spastic form of infantile cerebral palsy are presented. Keywords: infantile cerebral palsy, medical exercise therapy, hippotherapy, neuroorthopedical costume “Aerokombinezon”, neuroorthopedical pnevmokostume “Ippo” | 1326 | |||||
733 | The article points to specificity of the new type of language personality, which is conditional on dominating of media communication channel in modern network communication. The author found out certain typical peculiarities of informational-media personality with a glance of linguistic and extralinguistic factors of communication, which are connected with the use of new informational technologies in communication process. Keywords: language personality, informational-media personality, discourse, mediadiscourse, communication channel, linguistic and extralinguistic factors of communication | 1326 | |||||
734 | The article presents a review of theoretical approaches to studying of emotional violations at children's age in the context of defense and coping behavior. The authors note the essential influence of emotional violations on defense and coping behavior and their obstacle to achievement by the individual of psychological health and an emotional maturity. Keywords: scientific approach, emotional violations, emotions, emotional conditions, defensive and coping behavior, psychological defense, coping, children's age | 1326 | |||||
735 | The individual particularities of the cognitive sphere structural organization of a personality are in close connection with the students’ thinking productivity. The results of discipline, specific and common students’ achievements at CSE (Common State Examination) may be used as the markers of their individual thinking productivity. It was proved that the determinants balanced correlation of the students’ cognitive development influences greatly the thinking productivity | 1325 | |||||
736 | The article analyzes androghinious theories, proposed by Russian and western thinkers of the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth century and developed at present. It is shown, that the works of some soviet and modern Russian authors (A.M. Kollontaj, Y.B.Ryurikova, G.D.Gacheva, A.E. Chuchina-Rusova) continue the tradition started by Russian religious thinkers concerning the problem of androghinia and love interraction. The Russian thinkers present the doctrine about the male-female human nature as a key to understanding all the rest secrets of being. In the article the thought that androghinia is the basis to overcome the gender asymmetry in social-cultural realitiy. Androghinia is seen not only as a condition of true sexual love. It is called «to remove» traditional polarity of the male and female origins in culture, and, thus, it causes the tendency for the social-cultural development, its biarchy androghinious character recognizes as a standard | 1325 | |||||
737 | The article is dedicated to the analysis of Absolute Participal Constructions in Gothic and Old English in which the Present Participle in -nd is used. The basis of the Gothic Absolute Participal Construction is Germanic by origin. The Absolute Participal Constructions are found in the ancient Scandinavian literuture too. The Absolute Participal Constructions found its further development in modern germanic langauges. Keywords: Absolute Participial Сonstruction, dative absolute, accusative absolute, nominative absolute, genetive absolute | 1325 | |||||
738 | Actual issues of the education statistics using for international comparative analysis are considered in this article. This is especially significant for Russia today, as the country have launched a wide-scale modernization of the education system. Thus the possibility «to check the course» against the world trends is especially topical. The main international comparative programmes descriptions and data sources for different national educational systems are given in this publication. It also presents the main necessary conditions that will lead to improvement of the international education data application and the quality of international comparisons. The main of them are: determination of correct average values for comparison with Russian indicators; national education programmes classification in line with International Standard Classification of Education; finance and economic indicators conversion to comparable ones with Purchasing Power Parities application. Keywords: international education statistics, world education indicators, countries grouping by development level of economics, Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs), International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) | 1325 | |||||
739 | Visual search and identification of complex fragmented visual stimulus goes with the decrease of P3 component amplitude. Concentration of attention and identification of simple and complex fragmented images is accompanied by late positive complex (LPC) and N300 component. These data suggest that appearance of late positive complex may have connection to the late identification mechanisms and to the processes of categorization of fragmented stimuli; and N300 component plays the leading part in identification of complex fragmented visual stimuli, and serves as a neurophysiological marker of object selection. Keywords: visual search, fragmentation, event-related potentials, P3 component, late positive complex, selection, frontal areas | 1325 | |||||
740 | The article dwells upon the descriptor theory of metaphor applicable to the sphere of scientific discourse. With reference to notions “significative descriptor” and “denotative descriptor” the metaphorics of alternative energy sphere is analysed. Exemplified by denotative descriptors and the metaphorical models serving as the basis for the interaction of the former are identified. Keywords: metaphorical model (M-model), significative descriptor, denotative descriptor, source domain, target domain, conceptualisation, structural metaphor, ontological metaphor | 1325 | |||||
741 | The article dwells on the functional and semantic peculiarities of the so-called semi-suffixational elements and suffixes that have similar meaning. As a result of the comparative analysis of synonymous semi-suffixes and suffixes, the synonymous sets of semi-suffixes correlated with the corresponding sets of suffixes were revealed. It was stated that despite of being functionally and semantically close, possessing common distributional characteristics and sharing to a certain extent the same area of application, these word-building elements can’t be considered as the identical ones. The reason of it is hidden in the specific nature of the meanings of semi-suffixes: the semantics of the latest is not as wide in its denotative part but it shows more variety in its significative part than the semantics of the correlated suffixes. Moreover, suffixes demonstrate a higher degree of generalization of the lexical meaning than semi-suffixes. The author comes to the conclusion about a wider significative meaning of a semi-suffix capable of uniting more semantic characteristics and conceptional relations than the semantics of a suffix; denotative meaning of semi-suffix appeared to be more narrow and limited than the one of a suffix. Thus, significative meaning of semi-suffix contains a greater number of conceptual, semantic features and pragmatic relations. Keywords: semi-suffix, suffix, generalization of meaning, synonymy, polycemy, significative meaning, denotative meaning | 1325 | |||||
742 | The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of the teacher able to fulfill his/her professional activity in the cultural context. The essential grounds for changing the paradigm of rational knowledge for the paradigm of cultural creation, the transition from the absolutism of knowledge, skill and ability values to the assimilation and realization of human cultural values in education are shown. Further, the cultural approach is proved to be one of the leading guiding lines In the modernization of the teacher training system. Finally, the prospects of development of a new type of education - multicultural education - are considered. | 1324 | |||||
743 | The analysis of psychiatric and legal literature on limited ability and responsibility resulted in negative attitude of the author to the fact that in the Civil Code of Russian Federation there is no article about limited ability caused by psychiatric disorder. The main criteria are characterized: medical, psychological and legal. The author gives its legal determination. | 1324 | |||||
744 | The reviewer analyzes five editions (1973, 1982, 1996, 2000 and 2005 years) of A.I. Martynov’s textbook «Archeology». Each edition was finished and improved by the author. The edition of 2005 year is the most complete on volume of the text, methodical materials (schemes, cards, tables, reconstructions, figures) and appendices. This textbook is used by the students of humanitarian departments of universities of Russia. | 1324 | |||||
745 | The article is devoted to analysis and classification of museum excursion as a museum-pedagogical form of activity at Russian museums. The main features of a museum excursion are the use of a museum item and dynamic character of excursion. The article defines classifications according to the content, age structure, length, use of out of museum space. Keywords: excursion, museum-pedagogical form, basis from, objectness, dynamic | 1324 | |||||
746 | The article deals with the problem of adequate keyword distinguishing from scientific texts in order to retain the meaning of the text and to lessen the risk of misinterpretation of information rendered by it. There is a great need for the effective methods of automatic keyword extraction due to the excessiveness of the data. The article presents the review of up-to-date approaches to text rendering and keyword distinguishing in foreign and Russian research. This research is essential for further investigation of the problem as it shows the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches found. The existing methods are subdivided into four groups: statistical approaches, natural language processing, machine training methods, hybrid methods combining the above mentioned three groups. The second part of the article presents a hybrid method for extracting keywords from scientific texts in the process of rendering law texts. It employs statistical and empiric approaches at its beginning taking into consideration the formal features of keywords (frequency, information weight, position). The next stages include linguistic methods of lexico-semantic analysis, building of word chains, the part-of-speech analysis. The final stage of extracting the categorical component of the meaning of the keywords is essential for describing the concept of the text and allows to restore the meaning of the whole text out of the few keywords. The research presents a list of categorical components of keywords extracted from abstracts of scientific texts of law discourse, which is the result of the application of the suggested method. Keywords: rendering, scientific discourse, categorical component of the word meaning, text comprehension | 1323 | |||||
747 | . | 1322 | |||||
748 | Kashenov A. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 17-20 . | 1322 | |||||
749 | Peculiarities of the organization of semantic and associative context of the concept «way» in N. Gumilev’s lyric poetry are represented in this paper. The paper concerns the communicative stylistic role of the text. The basic components of structure of the concept «way» and its connections with other key concepts are singled out. | 1322 | |||||
750 | By means of the analysis of results of international investigations the authors bring up the problem of changing the educational paradigm from «knowledge» approach to information-activity approach. The main content of the article is devoted to the problem of formation of juniors' mathematical thinking on the case study of the Siberian school's technology of prod active education. Mathematical thinking is considered through functional development of thinking activity of schoolchildren, through formation of the basis of logical thinking as well as creativity skills of self-expression of schoolchildren. The alternative strategy of teaching is worked out in details by developing of the methods of teaching main parts of Introductory Mathematics Course. | 1322 |