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5601 | The authors determined the need for special training of future teachers of physics to the organization of research activity of schoolchildren. This need is due to the new requirements of the school standard in which many research activities are laid as the results of studying. It includes problem statement, the search for problem solving, planning and execution of research activitiy to solve the problem. In accordance with the requirements of the school the standard of pedagogical university graduate training has also changed. In this paper we propose a model to prepare students for the guidance of the pupils’ research works, teaching them to the research activities that meet the requirements of the new standard. The ways to implementation of the model are shown, the results of its use, which speak for the effectiveness of training of bachelors and masters are presented. Keywords: research activity, guidance of the pupils’ research, ability of organization of research activity, assesment | 848 | |||||
5602 | The specification of the concept “readiness of future teachers of physical culture for work with orphan children” is reflected in the article; five components of readiness of future teacher on physical culture for work with orphan children are allocated: motivational, cognitive, activity, emotional and volitional, reflective and evaluative; indicators of formation of each component and levels of formation of availability for work with orphan children are defined; diagnosing of initial level of availability for work with orphan children is carried out, the activity which is positively influencing the increase in level of availability for work with orphan children is theoretically described. Keywords: formation, readiness, future physical culture teacher, orphan children, components, level, initial level | 848 | |||||
5603 | Specificity of costume designer’s professional activity is harmonious combination of the aesthetic and utilitarian aspects. The aesthetic aspect, associated with the creation of positive emotions, expressive aesthetic, artistic imagery, has traditionally been the dominant in Russian design education. Modern condition of Russian clothing industry requires deposing the costume designer’s professional competence towards creating useful qualities of the object. The article discusses the possible reasons of the aesthetic and utilitarian aspects imbalance. Also the author proposes some ways of organizing and content of practical training, which will help to restore the right balance between aesthetic and utilitarian components in our design education. Special attention is devoted to the problem of organizing the industrial practice for fashion designers. The author emphasizes the teacher’s role and the role of his own fashion design practical experience in the formation of costume designer’s professional competencies. Keywords: bachelor, design education, design activity methods of vocational training, industrial practices | 848 | |||||
5604 | The article introduces the concept of “obliged” artificial bilingualism in connection with the occurrence of obscure words in Russian language. It analyzes contemporary approaches to the mastery of the speech in ontogenesis and in the case of bilingualism. The author considers bilingualism as an aggravating factor in language learning. Great attention is paid to the relationship of language with culture. With the help of the free associative experiment it is proved that the representatives of the Russian ethnic group have no associations to the stimulus word “Ombudsman”, which means that they do not understand the words, it leaves gaps in the reflection of the worldview in the language consciousness of the individual. Keywords: language consciousness, worldview, borrowing, bilingualism, free associative experiment | 848 | |||||
5605 | The article contains generalization of experiments’ results, which were based on methods of scalling and addition of suggestions; analysis of influence of public language personality’s voice and appearance in the the audio-visual form of the author’s media text spread; research of the results of informants’ modelling of author’s verbal portrait including indication of his age, social status, education, interests, peculiarities of appearance, character. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors affecting the interaction of the public language personality and the media environment have been identified. It was determined that media text’s name, its placement (informational plot) and idea are of the most important characteristics, that have an influence on media text’s effect on collective language personality of young people (the informants were the students of philological faculty at the age of 18-20 years old). It was found out that outward of public language personality and usage of figurative means and rhetorical devices during media discourse perception are the most significant characteristics for this category of informants. Audio-visual channel of media text spread considerably broadens spectrum of its influrnce on collective language personality according to the results of experiments. Special importance acquire voice characteristics of media text’s author (timbre, time, volume, intonation, pause, logical stress), which allow to perceive sense accents of an author, his emotions and assessments sufficiently. Outward of media text the author and his nonverbal behavior (gestures, mimicry, outfit) as special discursive factors are also significant for media text influence on collective language personality and modelling of different author’s peculiarities by addressee, that is of great importance for comprehension of author’s position verbalized in a text. In terms of influence of media text in the case of its written form of its distribution the key role belongs to a theme, which is dedicated to, and to author’s position, explicated verbally. The received results are of interest for the theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: media text, media discourse, language personality, experimental methods | 848 | |||||
5606 | The article, based on the analysis of modern historical and pedagogical research, interprets the following concepts: ideal teacher, teacher’s mission, which helps to present the pedagogical ideal as a sample image. This article shows that the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX century is of particular interest for the history of public education, since during this period pedagogical ideas developed intensively. Important and up-to-date judgments about the ideal, mission, and the role of the teacher were expressed. There are relevant views of modern scientists on the ideal and mission of the teacher in the article. Special attention is focused on a study conducted at the beginning of the XX century, where you can find generalized data about ideal teacher from the students’ point of view. Pupils’ reflections on the ideal teacher, his traits of character, personal and professional qualities are given. According to the students, these traits and professional qualities have the most favorable impact on young people. It was found out, that the favorite teacher was considered to be the one who knew his subject at high level, explained information clearly and, more than that, this person would be cheerful, kind, patient, fair, noble, sincere, young at heart, understand the problems of young people, treat students like adults, trust them, see their personality, love his students. Keywords: ideal, mission, teacher, education, pupil, the second half of XIX – beginning of the XX century | 848 | |||||
5607 | The paper considers the steps taken by regional authorities for creation of school boards in West-Siberian school district. The author distinguishes early organizational measures consisting in determining structure and functions of School Boards. Keywords: history of education, West-Siberian educational district, school boards, reform | 847 | |||||
5608 | The article gives a brief review of the development of the theory and practice of correlation between general education and vocational training and provides an overview of the major trends in the research in this sphere in the history of education of Russia. The underlying reason for this survey is the necessity to enhance training of craft and trade workers in Russia both in general and vocational subjects taking into account the experience of the previous generations. The outcomes of the research can be used to increase the quality of training specialists for small enterprises including craft enterprises. The introduction of competence-based training in the vocational education system of Russia opens up a new sphere of research of the problem of correlation between general education and vocational training. Keywords: general education, professional education, vocational training; correlation | 847 | |||||
5609 | The second half of the XIX century is the heyday of the provincial statistics. The reason for this was the conversion in the early sixties the provincial statistical committee, which until that time was held with the governor’s office. Since that time, the statistics committee became an independent institution, which attracted intellectuals to work in the province, as every more or less educated person was invited as a member of this committee. Ufa Provincial Statistical Committee was created in May 1865 on the basis of Orenburg Provincial Statistical Committee. As mentioned above, in the organization of the Committee actively participated along with government officials a number of local historians: R. G. Ignatiev, V.S. and M. V. Lossievskiye, G. S. Rybakov, V. L. Olszewski, V. A. Novikov, P. I. Dobrotvorsky, A. A. Packer, A. B. Ivanitskii and many others. The biggest contribution was made to the organization of its activities by the member of the secretary N. A. Gurvich. Under his leadership, was held a lot of work, which contributed to the development of statistical work in Ufa province. This article considers organization of the activities of Provincial Statistical Committee of Ufa Province during the second half of the 19th century, which has made a definite contribution to the account of the population, real and personal property, which in turn influenced the strengthening of the economy of the region and definition of strategy for government social and economic development of the region. Keywords: Ufa Provincial Statistical Committee, statistics, population census, estimate of costs, land statistics, population | 847 | |||||
5610 | The article provides an analysis of doctrines of Catharian and Waldensian heretical movements, wide-spread in France and Germany in XII – beginning of XIV cc., in order to show how it reflected special features of burgher mentality, which were formed in conditions of urban life and caused burgher disapproval of the Catholic Church and their involvement into heretical movements. Involvement into heretical movements gave burghers possibility to provide a religious basis for their transformed way of life. The list of historical sources includes works of catholic priesthood (theologians and inquisitors) of Italy, France and Germany which were written in XII – beginning of XIV cc. Keywords: heresy, Cathares, Waldenses, burghers, mentality | 847 | |||||
5611 | 2000 and the present education system undergoes qualitative changes. They suggest the creation of conditions for pupils in which there is a formation of generic competences that allow to freely participate in further socialization of a fully developed individual with the preservation and promotion of health. There is a need to use the elective part of the school educational programme on physical training for different sports specializations. One of the specialties of sports disciplines, which is currently widely implemented in physical education of schoolchildren, is Rugby. Keywords: educational process, physical education, competence, students, socialization, lesson of physical culture, Rugby and physical abilities | 847 | |||||
5612 | Introduction. The comic aphorism is usually considered in the framework of parody forms, although its genre potential is much wider. Comic aphorism as a genre form is one of the super-small genres, widely spread in satirical and comic journals and play important role in periods of mass interest in publications of this type. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this work is to determine the place and functions of aphorism in the Russian satire of 1905-1907, to identify poetics and typology of aphorisms in this period, which allows us to make theoretical and historical-literary conclusions concerning comic aphorism as a genre form. Material and research methods are based on a frontal study of the available corpus of sources, including satirical-humorous Russian magazines of 1905-1907. The article explores the comic aphorism as a genre, as separate text written with the corresponding author’s intention. The historical-typological and historical-functional approach and the structural analysis provide an opportunity to identify the role of context in the poetics of satirical aphorism and the main models of construction of aphorism and cycles of aphorisms. Results and discussion. Comic aphorism is included into the system of comic genres both functionally and conceptually. The opinion expressed in the form of aphorism is dictated as authoritative and rational. Aphorism allows to achieve the highest possible level of generalization and satirical typing by minimal means: at the potention of the genre form and its conventional perception. Context plays an important role: the author’s intention requires an appropriate reader’s reception. In most cases, the genre form of aphorisms in magazines of 1905-1907 was clearly marked: the genre setting was expressed in the definition given by the author or the editor, which set the appropriate reader’s perception. Another form of fixation is the declared connection with the corresponding literary tradition (K. Prutkov). Conclusion. The main intention in aphorisms of 1905-1907 is not parody (like Prutkov) but satirical. Among the subjects of satirical aphorisms are almost all spheres of the state and social order. Aphorisms also concern persons and situations that had a great resonance. The subject of the statement can become the object of satirical image: most often, such comic aphorism is created as a direct speech. Theoretical contribution. The research proves that comic aphorism as a genre must not be considered as only a parody form. It is one of the ultra-small genres that are widely used in satirical and humorous magazines in Russia and play a particularly important role in the periods of mass interest in publications of this type. The wide spread of comic satirical aphorism in 1905-1907 is determined both by the formal structure of satirical magazines, which widely used ultra-small genres, and by the genre possibilities of satirical aphorism, which acquires a bright, sharp and universal character. The content of the statement combines accusatory pathos, comic intention, a high degree of generalization and the associated axiomatic categoricity. Self-incriminating statements are put into the mouths of real public figures who become the target of satire. Practical significance. The results of the work would be used in the studying of Russian literature of the 20th century, Russian satire and in lecture courses on the theory and history of satire and aphorism as genre. Keywords: aphorism, satire, sarcasm, satirical magazines, the First Russian revolution, comic, Kozma Prutkov, P. Potemkin | 847 | |||||
5613 | The article deals with theoretical study of developing research activity and scientific methods in modern education. The author offers the approach of intensification of formation of knowledge and skills of the teachers promoting an optimum choice, an effective utilization and adequate presentation of scientific methods of research. Keywords: research activity, scientific methods, professional training, intensification, typology, model, presentation | 846 | |||||
5614 | The article deals with the method of “total immersion” of a foreigner as a secondary language personality in speech and wider – communicative – media environment. In modern linguistics, the method is defined as one of the most efficient, allowing a carrier to master a second language and effectively form lingvocultural competence. The key thesis is the one on the necessity of combining classroom training aimed at developing understanding of the language system, and study of the functioning of the language elements in a spontaneous conversational communication. Proves the expediency of development of alien non-literary (for example, slang) units of modern language, actively functioning in the speech of the Russian people. It is noted that in view of the principles of appropriateness and ethical permissibility of the use of jargon in the speech of secondary language person achieved the result, optimizing the overall intercultural communication. Jargon, becoming the the subject of exploration of alien units has linguocultural properties since, including their means of familiarizing media carried a foreign language to the Russian linguistic culture. Introducing an alien not only to literature, but also to the resources of the modern Russian colloquial language extends the communication possibilities of the language person in the space of multicultural interaction, has a strong educational value for the formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude towards representatives of other cultures and mentalities, learns to be responsible for the spoken word, to assess each situation in terms of the interaction of ethical and national communication standards. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, intercultural communication, the secondary language personality, language competence, lingvocultural competence, jargon, slang | 846 | |||||
5615 | The article describes the possible areas of monitoring methodical-mathematical training of future elementary school teachers from the standpoint of implementation of competent approach in vocational education. Provides the analysis of research on the definition of the essence of the concept “monitoring”, on the bases of which were given the specific features of pedagogical monitoring as a system and a process. As a system, monitoring is a set of elements (the purpose of monitoring, the object and the subject of monitoring, monitoring results, monitoring tools, and monitoring activities) that ensure effective implementation of the monitoring procedures. From the standpoint of the procedure approach monitoring can be seen as a consistent implementation of the collection of information on the quality of education, its processing, analysis, assessment in relation to the performance of educational development and the development of further measures to further correction of the educational process. The content of the monitoring activities through the lens of professional competencies, formed in the process of teaching mathematics to students has been revealed. A component structure of competencies has been presented, their components have been revealed – cognitive (what the student must know), active (what the student should be able to do) and personal (what the student should master). The criteria of their formation of future elementary school teachers in the course of mastering the discipline “Methods of teaching mathematics” have been emphasized, and specified the types of assessment tools used for monitoring activities in these areas. Keywords: pedagogical monitoring, teaching mathematics, professional competence, future elementary school teacher | 846 | |||||
5616 | French gastronomy is the pride of the French nation. The French cuisine traditions play a great role in the attractiveness of France and its culture and the development of gastronomic tourism. This article deals with the French gastronomy discourse as one of the kinds of the national discourse, which is a complexly organized, multi – composition formation, interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of public dietary and foodstuff trade, publicity gastronomy discourse, restaurant discourse, scientific gastronomy discourse, academic (educational) discourse of the cookery art, gastronomic media art, commercial discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the gastronomy expert discourse proper in the sphere of professional communication. The complex discourse nature of the gastronomy discourse has given birth to a variety of genre forms. Keywords: gastronomy, gastronomy discourse, speech genre, functional style, food, cookery art, a unit of analysis | 846 | |||||
5617 | N. Otsup, Russian poet of the first wave of emigration lived abroad for 34 years. He lived in France, but his heart belonged to Italy. His first poem, dedicated to Italy, appeared in the book “In the smoke” (1926). N. Otsup was hoping to see a country of great culture, but found the country of philistines. Gradually his negative impressions were replaced by descriptions of the aesthetic space of Italy, largely due to meeting with his future wife. In N. Otsup’s lyrics Italian motifs are closely intertwined with motives of love and faith, as the wife has brought him to God. The poem “Meeting” (1928) was dedicated to the enlightenment of the lyrical hero. Italy is a prideful country, where the life passes slowly, and therefore the enlightenment comes not very soon. Italy took important place in the last N. Otsup’s poem “Diary in verse”. The poet dedicate it to his wife, which he compares with Dante Beatrice. Otsup describes the usual life of Italians, the idyll of rural Italy and also wrote with sadness about fascism. The poet joined Italian Resistance and fought for the country as for his second homeland. During the WWII he experienced a spiritual crisis, but he overcame adversity and found his Paradise in the Holy land of Italy. Analysis of the image of Italy shows the hero’s journey from despair to the attainment of love and faith. Keywords: Russian literature abroad, poetry of Nikolai Otsups, Italy | 846 | |||||
5618 | This article concerns the question of determining levels of language competence in foreign language teaching to students of technical specialties. The paper includes the results and analysis of testing aiming at identifying relevance to one or another knowledge level of a foreign language. The knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, understanding of foreign speech based on reading is checked with the help of placement test. The assessment of basic knowledge by means of input testing reveals the correspondence of knowledge, habits and skills of students to one or another level of knowledge of a foreign language. In its turn, the subsequent language competence in the university, which orients future specialists to self-development and intercultural communication, depends on the results of testing. The main goal of the level approach in foreign language teaching is the striving to provide conditions that allow students to make progress at the level identified by the results of placement test. The experience shows that applying this approach to students in teaching allows to develop habits and skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing at the appropriate level in order to achieve the next level of mastering a foreign language successfully. According to the results of the entrance testing, the groups are formed, i.e. students are distributed to groups (subgroups) taking into account their language knowledge by means of applying the technology of level training. Keywords: level training, efficiency, language competence, levels of language competence, placement test | 846 | |||||
5619 | The current state of humanitarian science, on the one hand, and the objective conditions of the changed world, on the other hand, inevitably require a new comprehension of problems, both long-known and actual for the new era. And therefore, it is by no means a coincidence that there is a surge of interest in such young scientific fields as psycholinguistics and linguoculturology. The role of psycholinguistics in the study of RFL in the absence of a language environment is considered in the article. It emphasizes the importance of possession, along with the fundamental foundations of the Russian language and the science of it, psychological features and communicative culture of native speakers of the Russian language. Based on a comparative analysis of the facts of the Iranian and Russian linguocultures, examples are given of accounting for psycholinguistic factors in the teaching of the Russian language to Iranian students. Considering the fact that psycholinguistics is a relatively young science, however, it has firmly won the scientific space not only because of its interdisciplinarity, but also the novelty of approaches and, most importantly, the effectiveness of research. Psycholinguistics is the core of the anthropocentric trend in linguistics. While the object of research is a linguistic person – the general discipline of different disciplines that make up anthropological linguistics, each science has its own subject of study. The subject of psycholinguistics is linguistic personality, considered in the individual psychological aspect. Questions that are solved in psycholinguistics, are of pivotal importance for the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Successful mastery of a foreign language is its practical mastery. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, psycholinguistics, communicative culture, linguoculture, the Persian language | 846 | |||||
5620 | Razina G. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 52-52 . | 845 | |||||
5621 | In this article the principle of creativity is considered through the student’s preparedness to creative activity in the beginning of foreign language learning. The purpose of the present article is in defining and characterizing this preparedness not only as personal, but also significant quality of students within competence-based approach on the example of training in a foreign language. For achievement of this goal we defined the following tasks: to clarify the concept “preparedness for creative activity”; to define degree of preparedness of students for creative activity; to reveal the factors interfering preparedness formation. The article presents the purposes, contents and results of the questioning, which allows to get versatile information on degree of student’s preparedness to creative activity. Keywords: principle of the creativity, student’s preparedness to creative activity, factors of unavailability | 845 | |||||
5622 | The article regards some problems connected with transforming foreign language educational needs into personal values through educational needs and contents of technology of foreign language learning. The needs and contents of technology achieve their educational goals with application of two factors: perfecting the moral qualities of the learners and selecting the appropriate contents of didactic stuff which serves as a basis for the learning process organization. Our new author’s pedagogical technology involves the worked out structure, the accentuations and the algorithms. The article presents the main components of the educational needs: professional and general culture as the background of the improving the personal values and attitude to the educational process. Discusses the problem of constructing the needed educational content of foreign language and presents the algorithmic technology of building the valuable foreign language content. Therefore, the article presents and describes the main blocks of the process of transforming educational needs into personal values. Keywords: foreign language education, educational technology, educational needs, personal values, spiritual personal needs, spirituality, morality, bands textual content, educational content | 845 | |||||
5623 | The article deals with the problem of studying of supplementary literature when mastering the content of specific disciplines within the framework of training of Bachelor of pedagogical education profile “Music” in accordance with the features of contemporary artistic and educational practice in the field of musical art that require maximum actualization reflexive-semantic aspects of the personality. Identified significant positions with supplementary literature in music and education. In the course of comparing the texts examples from basic and supplementary literature the importance of the later is revealed. The further literature contributes much to the development of students’ own attitude to professionally significant information based on creative work that deals with cognitive activity and interpretation of texts. Keywords: identity of the teacher-musician, professional literature, interpretation of texts, cognitive activity | 845 | |||||
5624 | The article discusses a study conducted to identify pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in the professionalisation and stabilization of mental health of graduates and educators, as well as existential dialogue as a psychological test of readiness for self-development and innovation in the current situation of education. Self-monitoring in the context of the study is considered as the beginning of reflection on the existential meaning of the teaching profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of the educational identity can be organized in terms of designing the educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements Balint sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management, quality education, self-monitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 845 | |||||
5625 | The article presents the data obtained during studying of features of attention of employees, the providing the state protection (PSP). By means of Hardware and Software Psychodiagnostic Complex (HSPC) “Multipsikhometr” we studied the features of stability of attention of employees of PSP and Department of Internal Affairs. Stability of attention was investigated with the help of technique of readiness for the emergency action (REA). We analysed the following indicators: efficiency, latency of reaction, accuracy, stability. In the study it was found that latency of reaction and indicators of the volume of physical activity have no statistically significant intergroup distinctions while in experimental group (PSP) indicators “efficiency” and “stability” are statistically more significant than the results of the control group. It is possible to assume that the processes of attention of PSP employees (readiness for the emergency action) proceed more effectively than those of the ordinary staff of Department of Internal Affairs. Most likely, the formation of the identity of employees of PSP are influenced by some factors: professional activity in the conditions of extreme situations which create difficulties in the solution of professional tasks, affect success of actions and demand high professional stability from employees, special psychological readiness, ability to work harmoniously in special conditions. Keywords: attention, personal protection, staff, providing state protection | 845 | |||||
5626 | The article considers some lexical issues of the Aghul language. Shows the meanings of the synonyms, variants of their usage in the speech. Give some examples of synonyms’ and antonyms’ usage in the language. Research of synonyms and antonyms in Aghul is of great importnace and significance, which is seen through the comparison with paradigms and system of some Slavonic manuscript sources. At the present stage of Bible translation in Aghul we have an opportunity to analyze the homogeneous ancient writing. Discussion of the problems in syntactical synonymity of Aghul and Russian leads to findings of their typological similarities. Stylistic analysis conducted in the paper defines forms and variants of writing in synonymic diversity of Aghul. Richness of language units variants in Russian and Aghul makes possible further development of semantic equivalents in terms of communication and cognition in speech process and exposes their insufficient study. Keywords: Aghul language, general meaning, synonym and language problems, richness of variants, syntactic synonymy, semantics of language units | 845 | |||||
5627 | The article considers discourse and in particularly speech activity of epistolary media language personality in terms of Internet interaction in the aspect of implementation of the communicative strategy “risks aversion”, the relevant tactics and text units of representation of the latter. The risks, which the native speaker potentially makes himself liable to in the network interactions are evaluated from the ethical and legal points of view. The communicantss’behavior in cyberspace is regulated by both external factors (from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, moderators and site administrators, and so forth.) and by the users themselves. The emphasis is laid on the specific features of epistolary electronic-media texts tby means of which can be solved the problem of full / partial blocking by the addressers the risks associated with violation of the current legislation and the existing moral and ethical standards. Drawing on available sources on the topic of research gthe author presents a list of tactics that contribute to managing risks in public communication: the manifestation of subjectivity, “blackout” of the referent, torn predication, deauthorisation, autor rehabilitation. Implementation of tactics of risk avoiding is seen as an example of open letters’ texts, online-petitions and appeals of citizens to the City Administration’s website. Research perspectives are associated with the identification of dependence of choice of tactics and the appropriate means of expression in the text activity of the addresser according to the genre and stylistic and functional-pragmatic properties of epistolary electronic-media texts of different types. Keywords: epistolary electronic-media texts, epistolary media language personality, legal risks in verbal communication, communication strategy “risk aversion”, communicative tactics of avoiding risks, legevfemizm, legevfemizatsiya | 845 | |||||
5628 | ‘The Tales about Ignasuis the Cat, Fedya the Chimney Sweep and the Lonely Mouse’ (2004) by L. Ulitskaya is a book published in a format of a children’s book, but it has implied sense addressing to an adult reader. Intertextual code in ‘The Tales …’ allows us to find out references to cosmogonic myths. The main character acts in the following roles: a demiurge trying to create her own cosmos (organized reality), a lonely woman trying to overcome her loneliness, and at last a recognizable character of folklore fairy tales who does not possess the abilities necessary for a cultural hero which leads to a catastrophe. Man-made demiurgism of the Little Mouse is held in derision. Also, ‘The Tales …’ itself is read as a work about overcoming the loneliness and about finding of the family. At the base of the author’s concept lays the idea about a wise world structure where even annoying accidents help to acquire harmony and happiness. Keywords: fairy tales of L. Ulitskaya, literature with double addressing, modern children’s literature | 845 | |||||
5629 | The article deals with the organization of local history work in the pre-school educational organization. The authors disclose the potential of local history material for the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of patriotism and the basis of his active life position. The authors dwell in detail on the organization of interaction between preschool educational organizations and cultural and educational institutions, whose activities are aimed at translating local lore knowledge to preschool and primary school children. At the same time, emphasis was placed on the possibilities of cooperation with the museum of local lore through the organization of joint cognitive activities, excursions, museum lessons. The author presents the author’s development of conducting regional studies in kindergartens of the city of Tara, Omsk region. The proposed thematic plan is designed for two years of study, built from simple to complex, from the known to the unknown. Its content covers all milestones in the history of the city. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the author’s development was carried out taking into account the principle of systemic nature, which makes it possible to exclude fragmentation in the organization of local history activities and make this work comprehensive. The practical significance of the research is the possibility of applying its results in the pre-school educational organization of a particular subject of the Russian Federation, and also using it as a model for organizing local lore activities in other regions. Keywords: pre-school educational organization, local history work, patriotic education, regional component | 845 | |||||
5630 | Introduction. The syntax of the Selkup language has long remained a “white spot” on the linguistic map of the Samoyed linguistics. Phonology, morphology and vocabulary of Selkup dialects have repeatedly been the subject of scientific researches by representatives of various scientific linguistic schools. Much fewer scientific works are devoted to research of the syntactic features of the Selkup language, and most of this small number are based on material from the Northern dialects, while the Central and Southern dialects of the Selkup language have long remained out of the view of linguists. These factors make the study relevant. Material and methods. The material of the study are 30 four-line racy folk rhymes in the Narym dialect of the Selkup language. The main methods of the research are popular scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and specific scientific (linguistic) methods: comparative, descriptive, method of immediate constituent analysis. Results and discussions. A brief overview of the syntax studies of different dialects of the Selkup language is presented, structural analysis of the texts of the four-line racy folk rhymes of the Narym Selkups is carried out, word order is analyzed, repetition as one of the main folklore techniques is considered. In terms of structure, 60.9 % of the sentences analyzed are two-part sentences, 39.1 % are one-part sentences. The most frequent word order in two-part sentences is SVO (16.66 %), in the second place is SOV (7 %), in the third - OSV (4.7 %); there are very few sentences with word order OVS (2.38 %). The most frequent repetitions revealed in the study are concentrating repetitions. Conclusion. A four-line racy folk rhyme as a special folklore genre borrowed from the Russians became widespread among the Narym Selkups. This genre is expected to have rhyme and influences the structural and syntactic organization of the sentence. Repetitions serve the function of structural organization of the text of a fourline racy folk rhyme, highlighting the most significant content components, and are less involved in its syntactic organization. Keywords: the Selkup language, a four-line racy folk rhyme, word order, repetition | 845 | |||||
5631 | Introduction. This article presents a methodological reflection of the study of the value-semantic aspects of the representation of the hagiographic tradition in Dostoevsky’s work. Analysis of the artistic anthropology of the writer, ideological searches and spiritual conflicts, which determine the peculiarities of the problem and poetry of his works, allows to see the deep connection with the hagiographic tradition in its understanding of the world and man. The spiritual experience captured in the lives for the writer is not just a genre or pictorial tool, but a deep semantic vector, anthropological and axiological dominant. Material and methods. The material of the study is artistic and journalistic works of late creativity of F.M. Dostoevsky, the ego-documents of the writer, memories of contemporaries. The methodological basis of the study is the axiological approach, which is complex and includes cultural-historical, comparative, structural-typological, and biographical aspects. In the system of views of F. M. Dostoevsky, questions about a person, his spiritual and moral development, value attitudes and ideals are of great importance, are reflected in artistic creation, especially in the novel The Brothers Karamazov and The Life of the Great Sinner, take a basis among the life of the writer, his religious education and religious-philosophical worldview. Results and discussion. The representation of the hagiographic tradition is inextricably linked to the writer ‘s worldview, his system of values. In the system of views of F.M. Dostoevsky, questions about man, his spiritual and moral development, values and ideals are of fundamental importance, are reflected in artistic creativity, especially in the novel The Brothers Karamazov and The Life of a Great Sinner, take the basis among the life attitudes of the writer, his religious education and religious and philosophical worldview. Conclusion. The influence of the hagiographic tradition on Dostoevsky’s creativity is a complex problem both in terms of research aspect and methodology. The study should take into account the deep connection of Russian literature with Christian religious tradition. In the process of changing literary formations, Dostoyevsky ‘s creativity allows to see the spiritual core that Russian classical literature preserves and broadcasts from era to era as a culturalforming and meaning-forming dominant. Keywords: Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, The Life of a Great Sinner, A Writer’s Diary, egodocuments, author, hagiographic tradition, axiology, values, value and worldview position, Christianity, Orthodoxy, Russian culture, morality, spirituality, holiness, axiological approach | 845 | |||||
5632 | The article explores the dynamics of the development of media art in the practice of avant-garde art in the second half of the twentieth century. The subject of the study is the works created via the television technology in Western Europe and America between 1950-s and 1990-s. The author's conclusions offer a fresh look on the history of art in the twentieth century and genesis of the phenomenon of New Media Art. The author analyzes the examples of the use of television devices in the context of the cultural and historical conditions that have caused the change in the society's notion of the role and place of the new media in culture and its attitude to television. Keywords: television art, video art, media art, cinema, new media art | 844 | |||||
5633 | We develop superfield models for constructing classical actions of various models with rigid supersymmetry on S^2 and S^3. We introduce superspaces based on supercoset manifolds SU(2|1)/U(1) and SU(2|1)/[U(1) × U(1)]. We show that models on S 3 with extended supersymmetry can have different versions which are invariant under different supersymmetry groups. Among the models with extended supersymmetry on S 3 we consider the N = 4 and N = 8 SYM theories, Gaiotto-Witten and ABJM models as well as their analogs on S^2. Keywords: superspace, supercoset, super Yang-Mills model | 844 | |||||
5634 | The article identifies the group composition of the organic substance of peat in several geographical provinces of the Altai mountain range. Gives a comparative analysis of quantity indicators of organic components of the mountain peat under study with the West Siberian peat and the peat of the European terrain of Russia. Reveals the resemblances and distinctions in a quantitative proportion of separate groups of the organic substance of peat of a various genesis in conditions of humic and arid climate of Northeast, East and Southeast Altai provinces. Marks some features defined by specific conditions of mountain peat formation in a group composition of organic matter of regional peat. Keywords: peat, Gorny Altai, organic substance, bitumen, easily hydrolyzable materials, humic acids, nonhydrolyzed residue | 844 | |||||
5635 | The article specifies the basic research concepts in the context of intercultural educational programs participants’ readiness level such as “potential intercultural educational programs participant”, “intercultural educational programs participants’ readiness”, “intercultural interaction”. Reveals the intercultural interaction components (cognitive, necessity-motivated, practical, intercultural, analytical-reflexive). Main accent is paid to participants of intercultural experience. Describes the intercultural interaction readiness components (intellectual, personal, intercultural, operational), criteria (cognitive, necessity-motivated, actionable), levels (situated, basic, high) set; appropriate techniques to diagnose the readiness level, the base (students of Omsk State Pedagogical University), procedure and results analyses. The results of the diagnostics correlate to the intercultural interaction readiness level. Keywords: international educational programs, potential participants, intercultural interaction readiness | 844 | |||||
5636 | The article is devoted to the theoretical justification of the process of development of students’ value orientations in learning activities. Clarifies the concepts of “law” and “principle” in pedagogy, grounds the connection of the principles of training and education. Formulates the following the laws and the derived from them principles of the value orientations development of the schoolchild in educational activity: the development of value orientations of the schoolchildren in educational activity will be the more effective, the more the student will be the subject of training and education (the principle of consciousness and activity, the principle of activation of self-realization and selfexpression), the deeper and the better will be opened the axiological potential of the school subject (the principle of reliance on the content of a subject in education, the principle of communication training with life and the principle of scientific training), the better will be considered the individual characteristics, interests and needs of students (personification principle and the principle of emotional learning). Keywords: law, principle, education value orientations of students, the content of the subject | 844 | |||||
5637 | Introduction. Based on the substantiation of the relevance of the search for ne w tools and technologies for the organization of independent activities of students, the problem of building a modern methodology for its organization in the system of professional training is highlighted. Aim and objectives. Building a methodology for organizing independent activities of students in the modern educational paradigm for the vocational training system. Material and methods. A clarification of the conceptual apparatus has been proposed: independent work is understood as a set of independent target activities, each o f which is composed of a system (base) of actions. At the same time, the ability of independent work in the process of learning is understood as the ability of the learner to perform (rep roduce) the construction of a system of independent activities and to carry out the actions included in these activities for the reliable achie vement of the set educational goal. The characteristic features of independent work in the vocational education system are highlighted on the basis of analysis and comparison of the totality of the used independent actions and the structure of the system of independent activity when performing independent work. Results and discussion. The characteristic features of independent work in the modern educational paradigm are: 1) individualization, which will manifest itself and be recorded in the set of available actions used by the student, constituting independent activity, and feature s of the structure of independent work as a system of independent activities, 2) the need to ensure corporate professional communication. It is proposed to use the interaction of cloud personal educational environment of a teacher and personal learning environments of students as the main means of forming the skills of independent work and the formation of the information field of independent activities. Taking into account the formulated provisions, a structural-functional model of the organization of students’ independent work using cloud technologies has been developed. Conclusion. From the standpoint of the proposed methodology in the implementation of the competence approach for building a methodology for independent work, the levels of ability for independent work are proposed to be determined as follows: the level of knowledge of actions; the level of ability to perform actions; the level of knowledge of activities with the actions that make up the independent work; the level of implementa tion of activities with actions constituting the independent work (including the design and modeling of the system of activities). Keywords: independent work, independent activity, learning activities, information and communication technologies, cloud technologies, personal educational environment, personal learning environment | 844 | |||||
5638 | Russia’s joining WTO changes the environment of competition, creating for Russian firms additional opportunities and threats. The paper examines the impact of monetary policy on the competitiveness of Russian firms oriented on internal and external markets. Keywords: WTO, monetary policy, competition, competitiveness of firms | 843 | |||||
5639 | This article deals with the inner form of Quebec place names as a way of reflection of Quebec’s language world picture. The author attempts to uncover the information (historic and cultural) these place names contain. The article covers the periods of time of the place names formation and the peculiarities of their origin. Keywords: Quebec, language world picture, place name | 843 | |||||
5640 | The current state of affairs in the Protestant movement is defined in close relationship with the ecumenical movement and the process of globalization, secularization of society. The central place in the study focuses on the analysis of the relationship spheres of activity of Protestant communities with political and economic situation in the life of Western society of the turn of XIX–XX centuries, which became the period of formation of a Western ecumenism. Operating with key terms such as “Empire of global capitalism”, “religious rationalism”, “religious thought”, “liberal culture”, “the Protestant preaching”, “Ecumenical movement”, “religious ecumenism”, “practical Christianity” helps to understand the essence of the issue. Keywords: empire of global capitalism, religious rationalism, religious liberty, liberal culture, protestant missions, ecumenical movement, confessional ecumenism, practical Christianity | 843 | |||||
5641 | This article summarizes the main problems hindering the development of the strategy of innovative development of Russian economy. The main factors impeding the development of innovation are analysed. The model of China’s innovation strategy was considered and proposed as an example. This model has proven its effectiveness even in the face of the global economic crisis by launching a sustained, large-scale, complex program, becoming the world’s factory and world laboratory for the production of innovations. Strategic direction will increase the competitiveness of the economy of our country and help to move from the use of natural resources, to an economy based on innovative development. Keywords: innovation strategy, technological innovation, innovative activity, organizational and managerial innovations, Advisory democracy, global transformation, commercialization point, overtaking development | 843 | |||||
5642 | The dynamics of a charged relativistic particle in electromagnetic field of a rotating magnetized celestial body with the magnetic axis inclined to the axis of rotation is studied. The covariant Lagrangian function in the rotating reference frame is found. Effective potential energy is defined on the base of the first integral of motion. The structure of the equipotential surfaces for a relativistic charged particle moving in strong magnetic field is studied and depicted. Behavior of the stationary points of the effective potential energy near the light cylinder is discussed. Keywords: Størmer’s problem, oblique rotator, potential energy, trapping zones | 843 | |||||
5643 | The aricle presents various approaches in understanding of financial literacy both in Russian and in world practice. Gives the essence of concept “financial literacy” in author's understanding. Financial well-being of the population in the conditions of the market is determined by the quality of management of the personal finance, thereby, forming the shape of national economy. At each stage of life cycle of the individual or a family there are concrete financial requirements. Hence, a sufficiently high level of financial literacy will help to be guided with a forthcoming choice of reality situations. Increase of level of financial literacy has a number of positive consequences for the state, business, households and economy as a whole, promoting prevention of social and economic mobility and closedness from the financial market. Keywords: financial literacy, financial competence, components of financial literacy, financial well-being, financial behaviour, financial products | 843 | |||||
5644 | The article addresses the questions of the history of Russian-German literature relations with the main focus on three poets: Mikhail Lermontov, Heinrich Heine and Rainer Maria Ril’ke. The article reveals the nature of the relations between the creative works of poets. Using the lyrical work by Heine “Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht” (“Death is the cool night”) as an example, the author explores the peculiarities of reinterpreting of the theme and motif by the creative consciousness of Lermontov that was embodied in the poem “I come out to the path, alone…” as well as their “return” through Rilke’s translation “Einsam tret’ ich auf den Weg, den leeren…” back into the German-speaking cultural space as a new poetic masterpiece. Keywords: literature relations, connections; poetry, literary translation | 843 | |||||
5645 | Introduction. The paper deals with the speech portrayal of a representative of the eastern branch of Russian emigration in Australia. Australia was one of the countries re-emigrated by Russian emigrants from China, particularly from Harbin, which was the center of Russian eastern emigration in the 1960s. The research was carried out within the framework of linguopersonology, a modern trend in linguistics, which studies the individual speech patterns of a linguistic personality. The purpose of this paper is to analyze both linguistic and sociolinguistic speech characteristics of a representative of the eastern branch of Russian emigration in Australia. Scientific relevance of the research results from the interest of modern anthropocentric linguistics in the linguistic personality phenomenon and in the language of the Russian emigration, which in the twentieth century existed in special linguistic conditions. Materials and research methods. The major method used in the paper is the method of speech portrayal. The research was based on the audio records of the speech of a representative of Russian emigration in Australia. These records are a valuable historical and linguistic source of information about the Russian eastern emigration in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Results and discussion. The speech of a representative of Russian eastern emigration is studied as a set of proper linguistic and sociolinguistic characteristics. His speech patterns are analyzed at different levels of the language system: phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical. The speech analysis of the Russian re-emigrant from China to Australia demonstrates a good preservation of the Russian mother tongue at different levels of the language system although throughout his life the linguistic personality existed in a foreign language environment. His speech is not influenced by the Chinese language, which he did not know, though he spent twenty years in China. There is not much interference from the English language except for some borrowings, though he has been living in the English speaking environment for fifty years and is fluent in English. Conclusion. The high level at which the Russian native language is preserved in the speech of Russian re-emigrants from Harbin to Australia is highly dependent on the subjective factors. It is an amazing linguistic phenomenon, demonstrating the preservation of the native Russian language as a means of national and cultural identification and the main attribute of national identity. Keywords: the Russian language, the Russian language of emigration, the eastern branch of Russian emigration, linguopersonology, linguistic personality, speech portrait, linguistic characteristics, interference | 843 | |||||
5646 | The article studies the basic theoretical concepts of teachers of the 20–30-ies. of the XX century of such form of the control of students’ knowledge quality as diaries and suggests their classification. It also analyses the experience of practical use of diaries in the educational process of higher schools during the period in question. Keywords: quality of knowledge, estimation of students’ knowledge quality, forms of control, diary books | 842 | |||||
5647 | The research describes the role of premodal lexical semantics in grammaticalisation and in forming of the functional-semantic specificity of verbs with modal meaning, their cognitive and historical-cultural determination. German modal verbs are sollen, mьssen, wollen, mцgen, kцnnen, dьrfen. These verbs are preterite-present, which means that their present tense has the form of the strong preterite. Modal verbs are the prototypical linguistic means of modality expression, at the same time there are many other verbs with modal semantics in the periphery of the modal field, which have similar functional-semantic features. The so-called modalized verbs can also express possibility, necessity, desirability, habitual actions and various estimates. In contrast to modal verbs, German modalized verbs are used with particle zu (except the verb lassen). It is very interesting to look at the involvement of verbs with modal semantics in grammaticalisation. There are many studies in the field of grammaticalisation (Lehmann, 1982; Heine, 1984; Bybee, 1994; V. A. Plungian, 1997; Maisak, 2005, and others). These works focussed on many important problems of grammaticalisation, and specifically on the possible lexical sources of grammatical items. In the study we regard grammaticalisation as a semantic process (Heine, 1984). We intend to determine the influence of pre-grammatical semantics on the functional-grammatical forming of the verbs with modal meaning. So on the one hand we define grammaticalisation as the process, in which a lexical word or a word cluster loses some or all of its lexical meaning and starts to fulfil a more grammatical function, on the other hand we try to determine the pre-grammatical specificity of form and content. The historical changes in the premodal semantics of the verbs with modal meaning (lassen, brauchen, haben/seinzu, wissen, pflegen) cause their modern functional-grammatical specificity. These verbs express one type of modality and demonstrate the functional monosemanticity. Keywords: German modal verbs, functional-grammatical specificity | 842 | |||||
5648 | A Lagrangian formulation of irreducible half-integer higher-spin representations of the Poincare algebra with a Young tableaux having two columns is presented based on the BRST approach. Starting from Casimir constraints written by oscillator representation of Poincare algebra, which is the necessary condition of the irreducibility, we find closed higher spin superalgebra. In order to convert all constraints to the first class we introduce four auxiliary oscillators with γ-matrix and use Verma module method. To get nilpotent BRST operators we further introduce ghosts. After using restrictions on spin number and ghost number we construct Lagrangian having gauge symmetry with finite stage of reducibility. Keywords: higher-spin fields, gauge theories, BRST method, Lagrangian formulation | 842 | |||||
5649 | Artistic reflection of the young poet is described as a regulatory strategy of implementation of the results of inner world introspection, socio-cultural, linguistic and historical phenomena in aesthetic form. This regulatory strategy is explicated and uniform according to the type of the dominant regulatory tools, which include the intertext and metatext, forms of aesthetic incarnations of metahistorical and metapoetical consciousness of forming creative personality. In contrast to the mature poet, aspiring poet is more exposed to artistic reflection of collective memory resources, which reflected the results of the philosophical experience of previous generations. The memory of his own actions, deeds and experiences is being formed more clearly, so the author’s consciousness is to become a prism through which the “memory of art” eflects. Keywords: aesthetic reflection, regulatory strategy, creative language personality, aspiring poet | 842 | |||||
5650 | The article analyses the most typical pronunciation errors of the Mongols in the mastery of the Russian language. Characteristic phonetic differences are determined by different phonetic systems of two languages (lokalisasi and consonant), the difference of articulatory bases, the laws of the positional distribution of phonemes and phonetic oppositions, and peculiar to each language characteristics in suprasegmental level. The most serious errors that lead to misunderstanding are related to the violation of the structure of the Russian word. It is expressed in the reduction of vowels in all syllables except the first, the frequency of prosthetic and epistatically vowels appearance. Reduction of vowels at the end of the Russian word leads to the lack of expression of grammatical values. Interference difficulties in mastering the Russian accent are determined by the constant (fixed) accent in the Mongolian language and articulatory differences in the accentuation of the main syllable in two languages. The law of vowel harmony in Mongolian language is the cause of most mistakes in the Russian words concerning positional distribution of phonemes. Carried out in a comparative aspect the systematization of the main phonetic difficulties can be used in the methodological development and practical training of the Mongols Russian as a foreign language. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, phonetic interference, comparative phonetics of Russian and Mongolian languages, phonetic difficulties, auditory-articulatory skills | 842 |