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4001 | In the article by L.A. Dyrkova the concept of national revival of Russia suggested by A.I. Solzhenitsyn is investigated. In the article, special attention is paid to constructive and real strategy of national development which, according to the writer, will help to lift the country from crisis during the post communistic period. | 1109 | |||||
4002 | The article is dedicated to textual study aspect of church reform of Patriarchy Nikon (1654–1666). It considerers the changes, contributed by the reformers into the text of one of the main orthodox church books Prayer-Book, peculiarities of Nikon’s edition in comparison with more early editions of the XVIIth century. | 1109 | |||||
4003 | Описание инвестиций в человека на базе концепции жизненного цикла | 1109 | |||||
4004 | The article investigates the questions of cluster contains and their usage as region industrial policy forming. The authors analyse cluster approach potentialities as effective decision of different branches and interregional investment and innovational projects | 1109 | |||||
4005 | In the article the realized research on the revealing of pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in professionalization and stabilization of mental health of teacher-graduates, existential dialogue as the psychological criterion of readiness for selfdevelopment and innovative activity in the morden conditions of education is discussed. Selfmonitoring in the context of the realized research is considered as the begining of reflection over existential sense of pedagogical profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of educational identity can be organized in the conditions of engineering of educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements of balintovskiy sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management of educational process, quality of education, selfmonitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 1109 | |||||
4006 | The aim of the article is to clarify social and political standing of Daniel, the metropolitan of Moscow in the first half of 16th century. The author comes to conclusion that Daniel’s cooperation with state authorities was mainly induced and did not have a global character. Keywords: Russian state, the Russian Orthodox Church, history, 16th century | 1109 | |||||
4007 | The problem of creation of pedagogical conditions of development of patriotic consciousness at history lessons is considered. The idea of the model of creation of situations of self-determination and consciousness of the relation to the native place, compatriots and to oneself as a representative of the fatherland is proved in the article. The author comes to the conclusions about the reflexion role in creation of pedagogical conditions for students in their personal process of comprehension, understanding oneself as patriot. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, self-determination, consciousness, a reflexion, patriotic values. | 1109 | |||||
4008 | The possibilities of applying an elitological approach to the study of historical and pedagogical phenomena are analyzed in the article. The essence of elite as a characteristic of family upbringing and home education is disclosed. On that basis the processes of formation of the merchant elite under conditions of the family upbringing and home education in Russia in the 19th century are investigated; the content, organization, traditions of the best (high class, elite) patterns of the home education and family upbringing in the families of merchants are revealed; the criteria of description of the characteristic features of these pedagogical processes are singled out; the genesis of the elite upbringing traditions in merchant families are traced. Keywords: family upbringing, home education, elite | 1109 | |||||
4009 | A new method for constructing stochastic models of off-lattice physical and chemical processes occurring at the active metal supported nanoparticles deposited on an inert carrier. The proposed algorithm has linear time complexity. The created on this base program permits the use, in general, anisotropic interatomic interaction potential. For changes in the potentials of interatomic interaction program does not require recompilation. The equilibrium shape of the Lennard-Jones nanoparticles was obtained. It is shown that there is a dependency of the equilibrium shape of the nanoparticles on the interaction parameters of the substrate and metal atoms. Keywords: relaxation of the nanoparticle, off-lattice model, Monte Carlo, linear time complexity | 1109 | |||||
4010 | The paper presents characteristics of the network model of organization of additional vocational training, the network of community, whose main objective is to organize professional development of teachers to the educational activity. Keywords: educational activities, online community, organization of additional vocational education | 1109 | |||||
4011 | The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of formation valuable attitude to the teacher`s profession in universities of education in the Republic of Korea. It presents the teacher`s social status in the Republic of Korea, data about the attitude of students learning at university of education to the future profession and reasons of that. Keywords: teacher, university of education, valuable attitude to profession, Republic of Korea | 1109 | |||||
4012 | It is proved that when 8 fermions associated with the supersymmetries broken by the AdS4 x CP3 superbackground are gauged away by using the k-symmetry corresponding equations obtained by variation of the AdS4 x CP3 superstring action are contained in the set of fermionic equations of the OSp(4j6)=(SO(1; 3) x U(3)) sigma-model. Keywords: AdS4 x CP3 superstring, OSp(4j6)=(SO(1; 3) x U(3)) sigma-model, osp(4j6) superalgebra, equations of motion | 1109 | |||||
4013 | The abstract discusses the specifics of the design and assessed effectiveness of the competence-based educational program under andragogical practices. The differences between the appliance of competence-based approach in educational practices and human resource management are marked. Possibilities of application of models of competences for the assessment of productivity of the competence-based focused educational program are experimentally shown. Keywords: competence-based approach, competence, the competence-based educational program, andragogical practices, model of competencies | 1109 | |||||
4014 | Two antropological strategies (selfness and perichoresis) represented in the Christian culture are comparatively analyzed. It is claimed that these anthropological strategies are conceivable only in the personalistic paradigm, according to which a person a self-identical reality, a “center” capable of “anthropological openness” perceived as constitutive disconnection – forming person's constitution, person's identity structure as an anthropological topos, made with the sum of person's communicative acts. Keywords: person, human, Christian culture, anthropological strategies, synergy anthropology, anthropological opening | 1109 | |||||
4015 | Describes the methods of using student-oriented technology development of critical thinking through reading and writing as means of development of reflective activity of pupils’ health. Substantiates the importance and role of reflection in the personal development of pupils, confirmed by the federal state educational standard of the second generation. Based on the functions disclosed various types of reflection, coupled with the main stages of the learning process in the classroom. Proves the urgency of the technology as a reflective technology and proposes the technique of its formation in the elective course of preprofile learning “Ecology of Plants”. Establishes respectively technological stages of the basic techniques and methods of forming a reflective activity of pupils in the study of the elective course “Ecology of Plants”, respectively, with a specific function for each stage, reflective activities and techniques. Keywords: technology development of critical thinking through reading and writing, reflection, reflective activities, techniques and methods of technology, preprofile elective course “Ecology of Plants” | 1109 | |||||
4016 | The article examines the basic principles on which it is necessary to create the educational courses concerned to professional ICT competence development of pedagogical staff in the modern realities of post-industrial society. ICT competence is resumed as an educational outcome, which contains four components: axiological, cognitive, praxiological, reflective. In this case the concrete outcome includes the system of demonstrated and diagnosed (measured) characteristics of motives, abilities and readiness to solve certain tasks. Main issues of the article contain modern approach to teaching operations and algorithms of actions with ICT-based services and smart-devices, which are specified and can be used as equipment for solving meta-professional tasks and realization of professional needs. Conditions and requirements of the vocational pedagogical education during Digital revolution are also presented as the main ideas of smart education in Digital Age. Keywords: professional ICT competence, methodic of ICT-skilled education, smart education, vocational education | 1109 | |||||
4017 | Consideration is given to develop the professional competencies of the bachelors through the informal interaction on the basis of a public organization with a professional focus. In particular the subject to study was “The club of public firefighters, rescue workers and volunteers” which currently includes 78 students and 5 teachers. The practice activity of a student club, organized in 2012 year by the Yurga Institute of Technology (Tomsk Polytechnic University Affiliate), shows the stages of its formation and relations with University and with a municipality, detects the conditions of the student’s developing competencies and the student’s socialization. Here the integration is achieved by institutional and non-formal education, to create a field activity of students to improve their competencies and practices when developing future profession. Thus the informal activity of students enriches the academic learning. In addition, for teaching staff the club has become a testing ground for educational innovations. Keywords: development of competencies, non-formal education, pedagogical interaction, student’s socialization | 1109 | |||||
4018 | The problem of speech influence of public language personality on media sphere is examined on the example of media discourse of M. A. Zakharov, who took part in the programme “Difiramb” and “Razbor polyotov” on radio “Echo of Moscow” in 2011–2015. The research is done on the material of media texts, which were put on the Internet. Speech behavior of language personality, comments and questions of Internet users and radio “Echo of Moscow” listeners are analyzed in the article. Dynamics in character of rating and comments in programmes of 2011–2015 with participation of M. A. Zakharov is revealed. The problem of public language personality’s influence in media communication is examined in view on mass addressee (with a glance to responses of radio listeners and Internet users) and individual addressee (anchor). A special attention is payed to regulative strategies in media discourse of public language personality. Keywords: public language personality, speech behavior, regulative strategy, speech influence, media environment | 1109 | |||||
4019 | Every nation in everyday speech besides words and combinations of words use the sustained phrases, a variety of which is paroemia (eg, proverbs, signs). Proverbs are special units and signs of language, the essential elements of human communication. These signs convey specific information, refer to the typical life and mental situations or relationships between these or other objects. The correct and appropriate use of proverbs gives the speech a unique identity and special expressiveness, it gives the opportunity to enhance the learning process. This article explores the role of proverbs in the formation of the communicative competence of students in the classroom as part of the discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. One aspect of the formation of communicative-speech competence is familiarity with the language of one of the Mordovian people – Moksha. With Moksha students learn in the classroom for discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. Therefore, we modulated the different situations of communication, different communication tasks. Proverbs help create a real atmosphere in the class, introduce elements of the game in the learning process. The authors developed the tasks conducive to the formation of a common culture of students, increase the level of linguistic competence and activity of students in the classroom, promoting education of tolerance and love for the native land. Keywords: proverbs, intercultural approach, principle of communicative orientation, verbal and cognitive activity | 1109 | |||||
4020 | The article represents the insufficiently studied up-to-date issue of Diversity Pedagogics, expanding its theoretical essence and its historical–cultural Russian origin. It deals with two main approaches to conception of Diversity Pedagogics in contemporary science. The first approach is considered in a context of a certain assignment for school, composed by society to solve up-to-date related problems. The second one represents a broader view on inclusive education that is beyond of creating essential conditions for teaching children with special needs. In terms of analysis of Diversity Pedagogics genesis in Russian history the two main directions of its evolutional development are emphasized: cultural diversity (differences according cultural, national, religious characteristics) and individual diversity (children in a difficult life situation and children with special needs). The cultural origin of diversity is properly researched, and it leads to conclusion that cultural diversity phenomenon contains its own Russian roots and distinctive characteristics that are traced back in Russian Pedagogics, in its applied and theoretical aspects, arrhythmic circulated in different types of world outlook, reflecting the culture-specific elements, cultural-historical processes and folk orthodox religious traditions in teaching. Keywords: Diversity Pedagogics, inclusive education, tolerance, cultural diversity, Russian education history | 1109 | |||||
4021 | The article deals with the activities of the Imperial Mineralogical Society (IMO) since its inception in 1817 until the separation of the state structure – the Geological Committee in 1882; рeriodization of the stages of the company’s activity is given, experience of cooperation with the state is shown. The main sources of research are the materials of the St. Petersburg branch of the RAS archive, where the IMO foundation was postponed. The prerequisites for the interaction of the scientific society (IMO) and the state structure (Geological Committee) in the field of geological research are considered in the article. Mechanisms of interaction of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee in the field of mineralogy and geology in the last quarter of the 19th century were prepared by the already established model of IMO’s relationship with the state; in the article channels, forms and results of this interaction are analyzed. Financial support by the state of the Imperial Mineralogical Society was based on the personal connections of its leaders, the article points out specific merits in this direction. The article presents quantitative results of various areas of joint research (members of the Imperial Mineralogical Society and the Geological Committee). The results of this study make it possible to identify the directions of the IMO and the Geological Committee, understand the prerequisites and mechanisms for productive cooperation, and make proposals for improving the interaction of the state and the scientific community. Keywords: Geology, Imperial Mineralogical Society, mineralogy, science, scientific societies, state, society, management, geological committee, civil society | 1109 | |||||
4022 | Belyayeva V. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 48-50 . | 1108 | |||||
4023 | . | 1108 | |||||
4024 | The problems of Siberian teachers in the in the difficult period of the development of the Russian revolution are considered and the attempts of their solving at the professional congresses in 1917 are analyzed. | 1108 | |||||
4025 | The article presents the author’s experience in acquainting non-Russian speaking students majoring in philology with orthodox spiritual culture. The author resorts to biblical texts, popular spiritual literature, folklore texts on the topic, namely proverbs, sayings, phraseological units pertaining to the sphere of ‘popular religion’. The author highlights methodological concerns relevant to the issue, discusses teaching techniques to be used in class, develops criteria for choosing study material, and presents sample tasks on using folklore material in class and during out-of-class activities | 1108 | |||||
4026 | This article is devoted to the necessity to form humanistic thought of law employees. The author proposes her plan of lectures on the formation of humanistic arrangements. | 1108 | |||||
4027 | The article is devoted to the phenomenoiogical structure of the Russian prose of the second half of the 19,h century. After characterizing the essentials of the problem raised the article turns to defining the strategy of the systematic description of the phenomenology of the Russian prose concerning plot, genre and position of the author. | 1108 | |||||
4028 | The article analyzes different kinds of mineral rent, which are the economic basis for the essential payments for man-caused deposits development. It also analyzes differentiation of rents depending on the kind of product obtained. The differential rent which occurs due to different conditions of man-cause. deposit development should be correlated with the classification of these deposits | 1108 | |||||
4029 | For Western Siberia is studied For the first time specific structure and zooplankton distribution in various types of marsh reservoirs of pool of an average current of the river Chulym. It is established that each type of marsh reservoirs is characterised by a certain set of the general specific structure and characteristic kinds of a zooplankton. For reservoirs of moor of transitive type 13 characteristic kinds of a zooplankton, for back moor – 39 and for the river reservoirs connected with bogs – 22 kinds are established. For the first time for fauna of Russia 7 kinds, and for Western Siberia – 11 kinds are established. Keywords: zooplankton, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda, moor of transitive, back moor, evribiont | 1108 | |||||
4030 | The article is devoted to the personality concept, which was developed in the personalistic discourse Christian culture, as a basis for the analysis of the moral aspect of modern bioethics. The initial background and categorical foundation of the personality concept is considered in the article. The ontological difference between the concepts “personality” and “person” in their anthropological representation is analysed. There were presented preconditions for the holistic person model formation, which defines the moral status of the person when doing ethical analysis of biotechnologies. Keywords: bioethics, person, individuality, essence, personalism, anthropology, christian culture, the existence of man | 1108 | |||||
4031 | In the article there are analysed two allied cultures of the II millennium B. C. The attention is paid to the qualities of “the action” and “the statics” in the ornamental design of these cultures. These qualities determined the measure of the similarity and of the distinction between researching archaeological cultures. The basic method in this research is the method of symmetrometria. Keywords: Alakul culture, Fyodorovo culture, ornamental design, “the action”, “the statics”, symmetrometria, chronology, territory | 1108 | |||||
4032 | The article deals with the species composition and structure of the population inversion of malarial mosquitoes in Central Europe: Germany, Poland, Belarus. In the studied samples there were revealed two species Anopheles: A. messeae and A. maculipennis. There was set inversion polymorphism and XL-3R-shoulders polytene chromosomes of A. messeae. The authors discuss regularities of the composition and the frequency of the inversion of options depending on the region of Europe and the characteristics of local environmental factors habitats. Keywords: malarial mosquitoes, karyotype, inversion, homozygote, heterozygote | 1108 | |||||
4033 | Energy metabolism was studied in poisoned rat liver tissue after application of sapropel lipid extracts and its fractions. Total extract and its polar fractions affected distinctly the energy metabolism and ultrastructure of hepatocytes. The restoring influence of sapropel lipids appears to occur due to hoth their chemical composition and adaptogenic effect on intracellular reparation. Keywords: liver, sapropel, lipids, ultrastructure of hepatocytes | 1108 | |||||
4034 | In the article pedagogical aspects of Olympic and Paralympic education at elementary school are considered. Systematic classes on the Olympic and Paralympic subject positively influence social orientation of younger schoolchildren in the course of physical training, if the occupations are consecutive and logical. Keywords: Olympic education, Paralympic education, younger schoolchildren, physical culture, social orientation, socialization | 1108 | |||||
4035 | The article focuses on the possibility of implementing multisubject approach in pre-school education. The author draws attention to the fact that multisubject interaction can ensure the development of the personality of each child and development of his/her personality in the organized interaction in the educational process. Keywords: pre-school education, multisubject approach, subjectivity, dialogue subjects, interaction | 1108 | |||||
4036 | The article is focused on ekphrasis serving as a term to designate verbal representation of a work of fine arts in literature. Ekphrasis is analysed as presented in the poem “Portraits” written by the famous English poet Ted Hughes. Specific features of ekphrasis and various linguistic means of its manifestation are subjected to analysis. A dialogic form of ekphrasis is employed in the poem. The main features embedded in the archetypal scheme of an ekphrastic dialogue are revealed in the poem under analysis. The mysterious message sent by the portrait of the heroine with the doppelganger in the background is deciphered not by the artist as the connoisseur and the interpreter, but by the poet whose role is that of a naпve listener. Keywords: English poetry, Ted Hughes, “Portraits”, fine arts, ekphrasis, ekphrastic dialogue, the archetypal scheme, an image coming to life, mysterious message of the picture, the motif of a doppelganger | 1108 | |||||
4037 | Despite the lack of qualified designer specialists in the garment industry, many design department graduates can’t find employment in their specialty. The article attempts to identify the causes of these contradictions and assesses the quality of modern design education through the analysis of subjects and professional level of the final qualifying projects of costume design bachelors. The author describes the main projected clothes collections types and peculiarities of the work on such projects. The article presents statistics in percentage of various collection types and identified strengths and weaknesses of the costume designer’s final projects for the last four years. In the end, the author concludes: 1) graduates are incompetent in designing of demanded industrial products due to lack of communication between design education and pilot production with advanced technology and high production organization; 2) it is necessary to develop extended and balanced training hours and study the subject’s educational program; 3) it is important to overcome the constant backlog of the education system from the advanced knowledge and technology, stylistic concepts, new methods and design tools; 4) the system of advanced training and periodic retraining of designer cadres should be created. Keywords: fashion collection, costume design, project, perspective fashion trends | 1108 | |||||
4038 | The problem of mortality and the experience of death is one of the most urgent for a person. Each culture offers its own solution. In the Ancient Greece of the era of the classics, mysteries were the means of the lifetime experience of death, among which the most widespread were the Eleusinian sacraments. The emergence of the mystery phenomenon is connected with the specificity of the ancient Greek religion, which was a kind of complement in the form of rituals to existing mythological subjects and never turned into an essential cultural dominant that would determine all spheres of life of ancient Greek society. The Eleusinian Mysteries, which arose on the basis of the agrarian myth of Demeter and Persephone, allowed people to survive death without dying, while still alive, and thus not only include it in the circle of being, but also get hope for a better posthumous fate. In this case, the mysteries are more connected with the myth than with the actual Greek religion. They acted as illustrations to the myth, ritualizing it. The problem of the lifetime experience of death with the help of the Eleusinian Mysteries will allow us to understand better the specifics of the ancient Greek culture of the classical epoch, and the findings can be used in the preparation of courses on the history and culture of ancient Greece. Keywords: Ancient Greece, Eleusinian Mysteries, sacraments, myth | 1108 | |||||
4039 | The article is devoted to revealing poorly studied cognitive mechanisms of color naming in Russian and Chinese on the basis of lexicographic and Internet sources, and the national corpus of the Russian and Chinese languages. Derivative secondary colorants denoting tertiary chromatic colors have been analyzed. Cognitive color naming models related to the cognitive macro model “color plant” have been identified. This allows us to conclude that the color picture of the world reflects diverse experience of man’s knowledge of the plant world in all its forms. Ways of replenishing the color naming system of this type have been defined. The color naming systems in the Russian and Chinese languages with respect to the type of cognitive modeling being analyzed are basically the same. The authors have found out universal cognitive color naming models of Russian and Chinese, among which the most productive ones are the models “color flower”, “color fruit of the plant”, which indicates the similarity of thought processes realizing color naming. National features of the color picture of the world are manifested in the presence of specific nominations of color shades in both languages. These nominations reflect cultural characteristics of Russian and Chinese native speakers as well as peculiarities of the color semantics of interlingual equivalents in the languages. Quantitative and qualitative differences of Russian and Chinese derived color lexical units confirm the idea that the color naming is the reflection of the natural and cultural space of the ethnos. Keywords: cognitive modeling, color naming, coloration, Russian, Chinese | 1108 | |||||
4040 | Zarubina O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 5-6 . | 1107 | |||||
4041 | Detterer A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 33-36 . | 1107 | |||||
4042 | . | 1107 | |||||
4043 | The Problem with Man's health as an important an¬thropological constituent a is being considered in this pa¬per. Modern understanding of Man presents his structure as a golographical element of cosmos, in this way creating a new paradigm of antropocosmism. Metaphysical princi¬ples of medicine form a system which integrates into the analytical pouter of Western and the synthetic one of Eastern medicine. The Individual and his organism contain both his own antonomy and entegrity of the whole being. The problem of physical, spiritual and morat health of Man can be solved on the bases of the above mentioned prin¬ciples. | 1107 | |||||
4044 | The role of popular educational societies of naturalists and doctors at the Tomsk Imperial University, Siberian engineers, the Tomsk Department of the Russian Technical Society, legal society, the society of studying Siberia is represented in the paper in development of cultural processes in the Tomsk prov-ince in the period of XIX-XX centuries. | 1107 | |||||
4045 | In the article on the material of early stories by V.T. Narezhny included in the cycle «Slavic evenings» (1809–1826) the formation of the romantic concept of the person in Russian prose of the beginning of the XIX century is considered. The special attention is paid to transformation in the context of pre-romantic systems of values of educational Narezhny’s representation about human nature. In the work it is traced, as the new attitude of charcters (feeling of spiritual independence and aspiration to assert it) changes traditional norms of plot’s composition and brings to the forefront the social-psychological conflicts connected with the problem of alienation of the charceter. | 1107 | |||||
4046 | Modelling of pedagogical systems is the integral unit and the working tool of scientific researches. Calibration of various models of designing of an intelligence system of high school has led to the following tool implementation. Keywords: information technology, handle, modelling, system, indicators | 1107 | |||||
4047 | In article it is described the question of increasing quality engineering education is Considered (Examinned) (item; clause) by means discovered model of the educational process. In (To; At) this model is included(switched on; listed) in addition external(outward; front-end) objective information, algorithm of the transformation to external(outward; front-end) information in(to; at) opened problems(tasks) and technology инновационного designing, which(who) is based on (upon; in; to; for; at; per; for) "Function-стоимостном analysis(test)" and "Theories of the decision of the invention problems(tasks)". Keywords: formation, technology, development, model, invention activity, opened задачные of the system | 1107 | |||||
4048 | This article deals with the problems connected with modern teenagers’ ability to work with text information. The analysis of senior schoolchildren’s creative works allows state a low level of their speech culture. We can see mechanical memorizing of texts, inability to work with a task and a speech production, which makes the necessity of constructing such a methodical system of handling the information in which certain knowledge and acquired experience permeate pupil’s own ideas and become sensible due to this. Using a literary text as a bearer of moral spirituality and as an example of a speech production will allow paying attention to the development of the ability to act and to think creatively, to make up original speech productions, to stimulate teenager’s speech culture during the process of teaching. Keywords: speech experience, perceiving, comprehending, text information, speech culture, texts, creative works, speech production | 1107 | |||||
4049 | The article reveals the necessity and the content of the innovative-educational designing in the higher school. The algorithm of actions of the innovative-educational process’s subjects is given. The technology of innovation’s designing in the higher school is described. Keywords: innovation activity of institute of high education, pedagogical monitoring, innovations | 1107 | |||||
4050 | The article deals with major fields of activities for ungraded school teachers aimed at developing their professional skills as well as conditions in order to modernize such an educational institution. Keywords: professional competence of ungraded school teachers, vocational education technologies. | 1107 |