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3301 | Study of blended learning usage in modern research works wins increasing popularity and becomes highly topical in conditions of innovational trend of education system. Because of the innovative process taking place in the higher education one has to apply modern pedagogical ways and new technologies. The interconnection between students and teachers via information and communication technologies is the part of this process. But at the moment, some components which are actually forming blended learning of students are not always incorporated in integral system and are considered as a list of independent constituents. As a result electronic learning resources for many members of faculty and higher school administration are only auxiliary tools but not fully functional part of students’ learning process. Beyond the doubt influencing the structure of learning process the digital technologies are not able to change it. They only can significantly enhance and optimize conditions of higher education obtaining, and also promote effective students’ individual work, improve procedure of teacher-student interaction, provide positive trends for formation mutual competency capabilities of teachers and students. The goal of this paper is to define the place and role of electronic learning resources in students’ blended learning system, and also clarification of terminology issues and problem of traditional and electronic interaction methods of teacher and student in higher education. The paper considers distinguishing features of online electronic and blended education in the higher school. Analysis is carried out for numerous sociological studies held in Russia and abroad on issues of electronic technologies introduction in modern education. Keywords: higher education, university, blended learning system, hybrid learning, mixed-mode instruction, elearning resources, statistics, information and communication technology in education, information educational system | 1132 | |||||
3302 | The article examines the issue of Italian painting reception in the creativity of V.F. Odoevsky at the levels of images, motives, allusions. This issue is associated with pictorial art as a challenge for Odoevsky. Italian art in his prose is connected with a creator’s destiny: his …, insanity, unrealized … Art and creativity express chaotic and irrational part of the human nature, forming opposition with philosophy. The image of Italian Madonna is interpreted as an aesthetic and etic ideal of beauty. Odoevsky’s perception in this aspect corresponds with perception of the Lubomudry in general. This idea of perfection reflected in the images of wise and beautiful women playing the role of Muse. In aesthetic conception of Vackenroder the same image creates ties between art and religion. Madonna is identified in short stories “Vicenzio and Cecilia”, “The improvisator”, in stories “Silphide” and “Black glove”. Odoevsky uses ideas of German romanticists and Zhukovsky, but reconsiders them. For example, Cecilia embodies not only beauty, but also spiritual independence. The picture with Madonna in “The improvisator” expresses motive of beauty damaged by analysis and rationality. In the image of Siphide Odoevsky combines features of Venus, the divine of love and beauty painted by Botticelli, and Cristian Madonna. “Black glove” demonstrates absence of Madonna (line of Maria) in modern world. In conclusion, interpretation of Madonna’s image is included in Italian text system of the Lubomudry. However, Odoevsky adds to this text individual features typical of his philosophical prose. Keywords: the Lubomudry, Russian romanticism, Italian text, the image of Madonna | 1132 | |||||
3303 | The researcher focuses on the cnaracteristic of the entrepreneurship evolution as the most significant phenomenon in the economic and social life. The article draws the reader's attention on the historiography as well as determines perspectives in the study of entrepreneurship with the accent on peculiarities in Russia and Siberia | 1131 | |||||
3304 | The article is devoted to the aspects of professio¬nal education among students of sports higher educa¬tional institutes. It grounds the contradiction of metho¬dic-theoretical approaches in application the means of reconstruction in training process of young sports¬men and teaching process of students. It also proves that theoretic-practical theses of the conception of re¬construction of special capacity for work immediately in the process of sports and teaching practice elabo¬rated experimentally by the author are the modern edu¬cational component of professional training for spe¬cialists of physical culture and sports. | 1131 | |||||
3305 | The article is devoted to the problems of reception of A.P. Chekhov’s dramatic art in Germany in 70’s – 80’s of the XX century. This stage is inextricably related with P.Urban’s name – the German translator, publisher and the Slavic scholar contributed significantly to the point of comprehension and adoption of A.P. Chekhov’s drama heritage. His translations based on close perusal of the original and ability for delicate feeling of linguistic material, gave a new life to Chekhov’s plays, bringing them to the German reader, opening new opportunities for stage performance. The article gives a review on basic principles of P. Urban’s translation, which allowed him to keep in translation features of dramaturgic poetry style of Chekhov, simplicity and naturalness of the language of his plays, which translators of 60’s failed to succeed in many cases. | 1131 | |||||
3306 | Managers’ professional skills providing effectiveness and success of their work are described in the article. Peculiarities of the adaptive method, modular and problem teaching methods which provide effective development of professional skills of the students are described. | 1131 | |||||
3307 | The Voguls (Mansi) of the Vejakor group are settled on the rivers Gornaya or the Great Ob, they belong to the Ob territorial group which is part of northern ethnographic group. The representatives of the following families – the Kostiny, the Partrnovy and the Schadriny belong to the phratrie Por. The Kuleyabkiny, the Saviny and the Grishkiny are the representatives of the phratrie Mos. This group has one and the same spirit-patron Konsing oika “The Clawed Man”; the same cemetery, spirits-patrons of the families are in certain relationship among each other. | 1131 | |||||
3308 | This paper is devoted to educational aspects of practical application of rational land use`s conception (following the example of recreational land use) in sustainable development interests. The programme of higher school`s discipline “The principles of recreational land use” is presented in this article | 1131 | |||||
3309 | Theoretical analysis on the problem of the structure of professional knowledge and skills of a manager as well as new approaches on the development of abilities of a student-manager to learning and work are presented in this article. Keywords: manager, managing, management, knowledge, skills, learning | 1131 | |||||
3310 | The author of the article analyzes the three mechanisms of formation of administrative policy in the Altay mountain district: congresses of administrative staff, emergency information collection and use of the mobile expert. The work shows dynamics of mechanisms’ development in the conditions of active transformation in the management system because of economic dominant’s change in the Altay industrial-territorial complex. Keywords: Altai mining district, administrative policy, S. P. Shvetsov, K. N. Mirotvortsev | 1131 | |||||
3311 | In this work we have done the analysis of the concept of personality, which was formed in the Christian intellectual tradition, based on the substantial ontology and the apophatic method. In the research personality is presented as a transcendental condition of existence of the anthropological reality, which can not be immediately objectified. This makes it possible to talk about the mystery of personality in the context of general cognitive process and governs the apophatic method. Essential difference between the Eastern and Western apophatic traditions is presented. Keywords: personality, apophaticism, mistery, substance, anthropology | 1131 | |||||
3312 | The article deals with the first form of implementation of European education, introduced by Peter I – Russian students sending abroad. It gives the opinion on the effectiveness of this policy, as expressed by his contemporaries, and researchers. The author assesses the learning outcomes “volunteersо from the point of view of their influence on the course of modernization processes in Russia New time. The author views the results of “volunteersо learning in terms of its influence on the course of modernization processes in Russia in modern times. The author used previously unpublished archival material. Keywords: Petrine era, education, reforms, modernization, elite | 1131 | |||||
3313 | The author highlights the importance and necessity to study the phenomenon of social resilience of personality. The author describes social resilience from the pedagogical point of view and outlines its components. The author describes the theoretical model of enhancing social resilience in institutions of higher education. The article contains the results of the experiment of applying the recommended theoretical model in practice. Keywords: social resilience, model of enhancing social resilience, methodological approaches to social resilience, methods of developing social resilience, levels of social resilience, social resilience assessment criteria | 1131 | |||||
3314 | The article discusses the level of poverty in the example of Tomsk region in the context of post-crisis stage of development. The authors analysed the structure of income of the population at the regional level and showed specific poverty problems of Tomsk region. The operating regional system of measures of fight against poverty is given and recommendations about increase of their efficiency are offered. Keywords: crisis, poverty level, specific problems, post-crisis restoration | 1131 | |||||
3315 | Introduction. The group of stories in which the scene is the center of the artistic model of the world, and the distinctive features – the transformation and interpenetration of real and virtual spaces. Aim and objectives. The article deals with the strategy of playing with the reader in “theater” stories of E. Zamyatin. Materials and research methods. Material of a research are stories by E. Zamyatin E. Zamyatin “The Ten Minute Drama”, “Meeting”, “Lion”. The reader is in a situation of uncertainty, which is due to the fact that he can not distinguish the real space from the virtual (“Meeting”), is forced to respond to the effect of changing masks. Thus, in the story “The Ten Minute Drama,” he finds himself in the role of a spectator, an odd man out in an imaginary play. The author also changes the mask, turning into a director, screenwriter, character of the “drama”, played out in the tram. The change of masks creates the illusion of a theatrical play. Results and discussion. The article proves the position that a special type of relations between the author and the reader and, consequently, the strategies of the game with the reader are set by the modernist paradigm. The second important factor in determining the specifics of the game strategies, is the special nature of synthetism of E. Zamyatin, which has predetermined properties such properties of his prose as the stage charisma and the cinematography. The staginess is associated with the visualization of the text, the brightness of spatial images, the effect of staging, the significance of the details, the cinematography of the text is determined by the implementation of the principle of montage. Conclusion. The analysis of “theatrical” stories allows you to detect game practices which are peculiar to the post-modern paradigm, for example, focus on game interaction with the reader, performativity, autocommentary, the creation of the text by analogy with the dramatic piece or a movie script, the fixation of the unreliability of the narrative. Units of divisions of such a text are the episodes, the appropriate personnel and scenes. Thus, the transformation of the reader into an aesthetic subject involved in the creation of a work or observing this process is carried out. The models of the world created in the stories do not draw reality as a space of simulacra, it would be impossible within the framework of the system, which E. Zamyatin defined as neo-realism. Keywords: play with the reader, modernism, stage, theatricality, synthetism, neorealism, literary cinematography | 1131 | |||||
3316 | Introduction. In this article on the example of football discourse texts, we look at the role of contextual synonymy in processes of conceptualization and language actualization. We analyze plurality of nominations at the intersection of theory of nomination, cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis, semantics and lexicology. The purpose of the study is to identify the role of contextual synonyms (CC) in the actualization and conceptualization of football concepts, with the COP being the main source of diversity in football nominations. Material and methods. Context in its broad meaning as a situation of communication, as well as in its narrow understanding as immediate surroundings of a word, largely determines the choice of lexical units and their semantics. Therefore, it makes it impossible to study plurality of nominations outside of context without overlooking or misrepresenting some significant information. That is why in this article we use the method of contextual-semantic analysis of nominations. Results and discussion. Language nominations show the way the author of an utterance conceptualizes a certain notion. These lexical variants in their turn, being «voiced» to the recipient, cause certain changes in the structure of recipient’s concepts, enriching them with new ideas, associations and connotations. Contextual synonyms serve as the main source of plurality of nominations, hence play an important part in language actualization of concepts and conceptualization itself. Applying contextual-semantic analysis to football nominations we discovered the following contextual synonyms of popular football concepts: to score (a goal) – to head (in/home), to fire, to net, to complete, to turn (home), to force, to slot, to slam, to smash, to shoot, to finish); a goal – home, the bottom corner, the net, the side netting, target; a goal (as a score/point) – an opener, the equalizer, the winner, a brace, a second, a finish, a stunner, a triumph, a free-kick, an effort; football/ball – danger, diamond, fruit. The variety of lexical actualizations is an indication of semantic richness of conceptualized units, and their importance to communicants. Culture and language specific features of football concepts represent the prospects of further research. Keywords: contextual synonymy, contextual synonyms, nomination, invariant, concept, contextual-semantic analysis, conceptualization, language actualization | 1131 | |||||
3317 | The article reveals the actual problems of high qualification specialists (doctors of sciences) training. The author of the ar¬ticle sees the main reason of complication of the analyzed prob¬lem in reducing the amount of state expenses on science de¬velopment with the result of «brain drain» out of Russia. At the same time the article notes such tendencies of high qualification specialists training as an increasing number of doctors and professors in the filed of physical-mathemat¬ical, psychological-pedagogical and humanitarian sciences; rejuvenation and feminization of new doctors of sciences. The article emphasizes the necessity of further improve¬ment of financial and social positions of scientists. Keywords: - | 1130 | |||||
3318 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the forming sec¬tion of modern psychological science and practice - eco-psychology. Studying of a person's behavior in dynamic changing environment becomes one of the perspective sec¬tors in science development. «Information sphere», the most important component of modified, transformed environment of a person- generating numerous psychological phenomena- is the main object of the article's research. Special attention is given to three groups of information technologies, employed in distance learning: 1) technologies of providing educational informa¬tion; 2) technologies of transferring educational information; 3) technologies of storing and handling educational infor¬mation (knowledge banks and database). Keywords: - | 1130 | |||||
3319 | In the sectional report the processes of an interna¬tionalization of reproduction processes are considered. The writer investigates development of the Russian economics, forecasts its perspectives in conditions of a world economic system. | 1130 | |||||
3320 | The article runs Tomsk region experiment in stock activity of forest wild production and conditions for entrepreneurship activity raise. The author investigates the data of the territory potential resources, economic stock development efficiency. | 1130 | |||||
3321 | At this article the authors analyses the problems installation of modern technologies to physical fundamental education and they suggests the way of combination the traditions and innovations technologies at the process organization elective courses | 1130 | |||||
3322 | Problems of a complex peat deposits exploitation with the subsequent bog restoration and peat formation process are considered. The block diagram of organic and mineral raw material extraction technology for composite materials production with an estimation of economic efficiency is resulted. Keywords: mire, recreation of mire, peat, sapropel, accumulation of peat, peat deposits, drawn peat bog , composite material | 1130 | |||||
3323 | The paper defends the thesis that philosophy of education has a special position in structure of social-philosophical knowledge. It's the part of philosophy which could help to maintain the logic of forming of mental representation of reality and principles of transition from tradition to innovation. Keywords: philosophy of education, social philosophy, structure, knowledge | 1130 | |||||
3324 | The article contains descriptive analysis of the monitoring and expert estimation and assessment of the innovation activity in high school. It is necessary for Russian high education to set up adequate control on the innovation process to perfect it. Keywords: innovation activity of institute of high education, pedagogical monitoring, innovations | 1130 | |||||
3325 | It is presented results of research of molecular-mass distribution humic acids in peat soils dranned and used in agricultural production. The influence of the drainages on processes of organic matter transformations in upper layer dranned peat soil-unrepresentative for peat soils oxidation-reduction conditions and raised biological activity that is reflected on structure of humic acids. Keywords: organic matter, drained peat soils, humic acids, factional and group composition of the peat soil, paramagnetic centers, transformation, mineralization | 1130 | |||||
3326 | The article, based on published data, consider the interaction of local mechanisms of regulation of cardiac activity during the transition processes in the cardiovascular system. We describe the factors that ensure the stability of the hemodynamic processes in the transition process. Keywords: cardiovascular system, transients, haemodynamics, factors of stability | 1130 | |||||
3327 | The article explores I.I. Kozlov's «assumed» translated texts as a specific adaptation translation genre of English lyrical works to the Russian poetic reality. There have been analyzed the adaptation mechanisms which allowed longterm functioning of some of his translations in the national Russian literature as original Russian texts. Keywords: Romantic poetic translation, «assumed» translated texts, adaptive translations, genres of translation, genre russification | 1130 | |||||
3328 | In this paper there is presented from the epistemic approach point of view an interpretation of some ideas of T. Hobbes, P. Golbach, N. Malebranche and G. Hegel on certain questions of cognition, and also the steps of content mastering of studied material offered by W. Rein. Given concepts of a set and a relation of sets of epistemes allow the author to look in a new way at the analysis of a number of cognition questions and steps of content mastering, to give some of their characteristics by means of the episteme concept. Keywords: cognition, education, methods, steps, epistemes, relations on the sets of epistemes | 1130 | |||||
3329 | New medical technologies and the modern development of medical science determine the need for systematic post-graduate training. So far there are no science-based methods of continuous medical education implementation. Moreover, the motivation of nursing staff in systematic professional development is not explored. In the article the opinion of experts concerning independent formation on a speciality of average medical workers and the motivation analysis to regular improvement of professional skill is presented. Keywords: average medical staff, post-graduate training, system, motivation | 1130 | |||||
3330 | The article considers issues of designing the course of technical translation for MSc from the angle of its motivational constituent. Pedagogical and psychological aspects of senior year students (Masters) have been viewed. Types of exercises developed for the course in technical translation have been analyzed with motivational exercises to be stated as basic ones Keywords: technical documentation translation, specialists of non-linguistic higher institution, motivation, motivating exercises, pedagogical and psychological aspects of senior year students, linguistic and professional competence | 1130 | |||||
3331 | Science, as result (actual opportunities of knowledge) and as process (scientifi c search) is studied in philosophical paradigm of the world of potential and actual opportunities. The problems of attitude, comprehension of the world, world outlook and assimilating of development of the cultural world correspond, according to the author's concept of sense formations, to four parameters N, B, G, A sense defi nitions. Essence of scientifi c object is the true knowledge, and the cultural world of science – system: the cultural of the scientifi c of search + culture of knowledge + assimilating of development. Keywords: science, knowledge, the cultural world, culture of science, sense of scientifi c of search, potential and actual opportunities | 1130 | |||||
3332 | There were considered backgrounds of the establishment of Tomsk branch (Scientific Center) of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian Academy of Sciences). The emphasis was put on the preparatory stage of organization of the academic science in Tomsk city. The authors investigated the history of formation of the hard core of the scientific center during period under review. There was made a conclusion on functioning of the network of Tomsk academic institutions as unified complex for carrying out scientific research. Keywords: Tomsk scientific center, academic institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, scientist, directororganizer, scientific research | 1130 | |||||
3333 | In the article the author investigates the role of information technologies in the system management of knowledge and innovations, considers types of the technologies providing functional decisions in the field of management of innovations, corporate network heterogeneous information system as the instrument of management of innovations. Keywords: management of innovations, information technologies, information retrieval systems, system of support of decision-making | 1130 | |||||
3334 | The article reveals the psychological basis of the creative potential of students’ training at a pedagogical university and preparation them for creative activity and methods for their organization in different approaches to teaching rising generations that has a determining influence on the quality of educational processes and development of the personality of a new type demanded new social and economic conditions in Russia. Keywords: psychological bases of the development of the creative potential, self-actualization, prospective learning technologies, system, pedagogue | 1130 | |||||
3335 | The article deals with the study of the background of a unique female character formation, based on Sofia Kovalevskaya’s autobiographical story and A.-Sh. Leffler and Sofia Kovalevskaya’s (the younger) memories. The gender approach reveals a consistent inversion of traditional female roles in the fate of Kovalevskaya: unloved daughter, fictitious wife and nontypical mother, female scientist. For the analysis were taken the following works: the literary autobiography of Sofia Kovalevskaya «The Childhood Memories», the book «Sofia Kovalevskaya» by Anne Charlotte Leffler and the work «The Memories of Mother» by S. Kovalevskaya (the younger). S.V. Kovalevskaya’s «The Childhood Memories» reflects the first thirteen years of her life. The article deals with the role of family atmosphere in little Sonya’s personality development: the attitude of her mother, father, sister, governess, male relatives to her. Through childhood events both awareness of herself as an «unloved» daughter and at the same time a desire to prove that she is worth being loved and respected can be traced. Analyzes the key moments of Kovalevskaya’s complex nature formation: on the one hand - very motivated and hard-working, on the other hand - emotionally immature, vulnerable and childish. Keywords: Sofia Kovalevskaya, memories, childhood, Anne Charlotte Leffler, education, gender studies | 1130 | |||||
3336 | The system of activities, represented in this article, is aimed at training students to proofread writing. The ability to identify errors is of high priority for a future teacher of foreign languages. This will help students acquire and master necessary professional skills and will introduce the idea of language norm, as well as develop the ability to analyze and generalize information. Evaluating the quality of a written text can be done in an effective way by the knowledge of proofreading exercises. These exercises can really help students only if they are conducted in an organized manner and the students practice them consistently. The system of activities introduced in this article is designed for teaching students proofreading and includes four units. The Introduction acquaints students with the symbols, used for marking errors and provides first training. The Practice includes different in-class activities, such as peer evaluation, proofreading students’ own texts and games. In the Assessment part the author suggests the criteria for evaluating students’ proofreading skills. Some ideas for Creative Work are offered. The content of each unit is revealed in the article. Getting students to recognize problems in their writing is an important challenge which is best dealt with in class exercises. However, the author considers the possibility of students’ individual work, providing they are acquainted with proofreading techniques. Keywords: professional competence of a teacher, proofreading, written speech, grammar, students’ individual work | 1130 | |||||
3337 | . | 1129 | |||||
3338 | Abstract: A family of planes generalizing tangentially degenerated surfaces in the n-dimensional projective space is studied. By use of a class of planes from the family, manifolds of singular points are. | 1129 | |||||
3339 | The analysis of an electronic structure of the boron and aluminum halogenide complexes was carried out on the basis of the density functional theory. The parameters of NQR spectra calculated with use all electronic basic set compared with the experimental values. Is found out, that NQCC of the quadrupole atoms calculated on the base of the extended basic set is in an insignificant deviation from the experimental values. The bonding of an element - chlorine and element - ligand in complexes with use natural orbital bond was analyzed | 1129 | |||||
3340 | The article represents a theoretical model of continuous pedagogical activity of students in the process of professional training. This model is essential for training future teachers to perform their professional work. The model contains interrelated elements (tasks and objectives, conditions, content, methods and results of work). The description of implementation results of the given model into the process of future professional training shows, that forming of professional skills to educate children is more successful when applying the above mentioned model. | 1129 | |||||
3341 | The paper deals with some types of school texts which help to develop students’ ability of math simulation. There are such texts which motivate students to introduce a parameter and solution of problems with parameters. That will give the possibility to investigate the completeness of presenting a problem and to teach students to estimate influence of changes of the conditions of the problem on mathematic model and the process of simulation on the whole. These texts were made use of teaching students to solve word problems. | 1129 | |||||
3342 | This article is devoted to transformations of mental culture of Selkups and Khanty living in Tomsk oblast. It analyses the activity of creative groups (ethnic centers, clubs, and associations) and language circles where pupils study selkup language. The author comes to conclusion that we observe the “professionalization” of the culture. This is natural process and it promotes positive self-identity of indigenous people. | 1129 | |||||
3343 | The paper is devoted to the exploration of the concept of the information culture of a personality and the evolution of its meaning. The author analyses various aspects of this concept, the stages of its development and tries to find the reason for the absence of unified approaches to the subject | 1129 | |||||
3344 | The article “Taxation of subsurface-using businesses” addressees the core taxes imposed on oil and gas companies. These taxes include mineral resources extraction tax, subsurface use payments, profit tax and export duties. This article also focuses on the peculiarities, advantages and disadvantages of the current taxation system in subsurface use sphere. The article emphasizes the necessity of improvement subsurface use legislation and traces the ways of such improvement | 1129 | |||||
3345 | Recently at the highest state level discussion of a question on modernization of the Russian formation(education) became more active. It is supposed, that reform of formation(education) should mention all levels of an education system, starting(beginning) from preschool and finishing(stopping) послевузовским. Thus the special attention is given availability, efficiency and quality of formation(education). Public practice testifies, that any transformations including in pedagogical sphere, do not give due result if they are carried out(spent) by a trial and error method, without scientifically proved approaches. Development of such pedagogical technologies which would allow to raise(increase) quality of school physical formation(education) considerably is of interest | 1129 | |||||
3346 | . Keywords: . | 1129 | |||||
3347 | The article shows that the mobilization of metabolic processes under muscle performance is accompanied by the correction of a vegetative balance, which is connected with exocrine activity of the pancreas. Keywords: adaptation, homeostasis, vegetative balance, periodic activity of a gastrointestinal tract, pancreas | 1129 | |||||
3348 | The paper defends the thesis that social-philosophical investigations could help to solve the problem of forming of innovation science-educational structures. Keywords: social philosophy, education, science | 1129 | |||||
3349 | Theoretic analysis of the categories «culture of health» and «continuity» is carried out, characteristic of modeling as method of knowledge and method of research is given. The presented model of continuity of education of culture of health of future teachers in the system «pedagogic college - pedagogic higher education institution» is created by means of multicomponent mechanism of modeling. Several components are outlined: need-motivational, cognitive, activity, evaluative-reflexive. Keywords: secondary and higher professional education, continuity, education of culture of health, modeling, model | 1129 | |||||
3350 | This article deals with the peculiarities of the concept «space» expression from a position of a human being’s commonplace sense and existing everyday practice. The methods of «inaccurate» vertical measurement of the space with the help of the parts of the human body have been analyzed (data of English). Keywords: space, «inaccurate» measurement, vertical, anthropocentrism, scalar and vector observations, everyday practice | 1129 |