# | Article | Downloads | |||||
5251 | Shustova E. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 52-58 . | 1034 | |||||
5252 | In the article the problems of economic education of school pupils of the upper grades under comprehensive conditions are considered; some methods of their solving are presented on the base of suggested social-pedagogical approach. | 1034 | |||||
5253 | The issues of legal culture and legal ideas of the peasantry population of Russia in the process of agra¬rian colonization of the regions behind the Urals are analyzed in the article. M.K. Churkin, generally ac¬cepting the thesis of the predominant role of the re¬gular legal grounds in the mentality of peasants, still believes that the measures taken in the post-refor¬mation period couldn't help influencing legal mentali¬ty of the peasants of European Russia. New ideas of law predominance in the social and economical life (mainly in agriculture) were transferred by the Rus¬sian settlers in 70* - 90th of the 19th century and at the beginning of 20th century to the colonized regions of Siberia. At the same time the legal ideas of the peasants - settlers and native residents of Siberia (whose mentality was formed in the condition of state remoteness and land expanse) often differed greatly which caused the land conflicts. | 1034 | |||||
5254 | In the article are published matherials concerning the problem of self-restoring of soil and vegetation coveers of technogenic landscapes in Kuzbass (on example of Listjansky and Badaevski coal-mines). Here are defined main causes determining the development of soil and biological processes. Here is also shown spatial changing of succession stages, attended with inorganic and biological factors | 1034 | |||||
5255 | The logic system of simulation modeling for synthesis and research of computing medium with reconfigurable structure is considered in the article. The main properties of the closed system of automatic control, which is developed on the basis of the one of such medium, are resulted | 1034 | |||||
5256 | The article reveals the essence of necessary conditions that are demanded for useful formation of professional motives of non-language students. The authors describe the method of projects, its advantages and peculiarities of using it in the work of High non-language education. The effi cient usage of contextual approach in projects making is also supported in the article. Keywords: professional motives, approach, method, development, conditions, study, contextual approach | 1034 | |||||
5257 | In the article questions of formation of a phenomenon of the childhood in Russian culture of fi rst third of the 20th century within the biogenetic concept of development of the person which was domestic analogue judgement of a science about the childhood – pedologies are brought up. Philosophical and naturally scientifi c interests of domestic representatives of the given concept were originally realised into understanding of the childhood, its specifi city and value, ways and education methods, many of which have not lost the urgency and now. Keywords: childhood phenomenon, interdisciplinary researches of the childhood, pedology, childhood psychology, the biogenetic concept of development of the person | 1034 | |||||
5258 | If the torsion exists (i.e. if the Christoffel symbols are not symmetric), it induces the four-fermion gravitational interaction. This interaction is dominating below the Planck scale. Its regular, axial-axial part by itself does not stop the gravitational compression. However, the anomalous, vector-vector interaction results in a natural way both in big bounce and in ination. Keywords: Planck scale, gravitational four-fermion interaction, big bounce, ination | 1034 | |||||
5259 | The article discusses the importance of teaching creative disciplines such as terminology kernel for definition of culture. The significance of creative disciplines in the development of the creative potential of the individual and the use of creative abilities to perceive the result of cultural activity as a universal means of communication in a multicultural society of the globalized world is discussed. Keywords: culture, educational process, creative subjects, creative arts, pedagogy | 1034 | |||||
5260 | The article presents one of the types of communicative influence – the urge. The author highlights the means of decreased imperativeness (urgency) in the modern educational discource. The main ideas are supported by the examples from the educational text in German and in Russian. Keywords: discourse, pragmatic, communicative influence, urgency, stimulation | 1034 | |||||
5261 | The article considers forms of M. A. Bulgakov’s dramatical conventionality on the material of his two plays: “The Purple Island” (1926) and “Crazy Jourdain” (1932). Firstly, the writer of a famous meta-novel uses metatext structures in his plays, combining parody on the modern art, social satire with the author’s aesthetic self-determination, comprehension between real life and theatre. Metatextual semantics of the “reception” in “The Purple Island” combines satire of a modern state art with the reflection on creative work, and understanding his place as a writer in the new society. Reviewing the Moliиre’s creative works in his play “Crazy Jourdain” he employs the three-tier structure of “the theatre in the theatre in the theatre” and focuses on author's loss of meaning of the creative work. “The theatre in the theatre”, “the theatre’s rehearsal”, the parallel “literary” plots, cultural and literary reminiscences become the conventional forms in the M.A. Bulgakov’s dramas. Keywords: M. A. Bulgakov’s playwriting, meta-play, “theatre-in-theatre”, metatextual structures, literary selfreflection | 1034 | |||||
5262 | The authors studied the species composition of the trees of the mixed birch and pine forests of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) practice base in the village of Kireevsk Kozhevnikovsky district of Tomsk region. As of 2014 defined taxonomic and chorological composition of plants, installed the types of life forms of trees according to ecological and morphological classification and position and method of regeneration buds. In the study area, there are 22 species of trees belonging to 17 genera and 11 families. The department Gymnospermae is represented by 1 family, 4 genera and 4 species, department Angiospermae – 10 families, 14 genera and 18 species. According to the rhythm of the foliage development domination belongs to the deciduous trees form, fanerofity od Eurasian geographical group. Keywords: tree plants, species diversity, the type of life form, taxonomic composition, chorological analysis | 1034 | |||||
5263 | The second half of the XIX century is the heyday of the provincial statistics. The reason for this was the conversion in the early sixties the provincial statistical committee, which until that time was held with the governor’s office. Since that time, the statistics committee became an independent institution, which attracted intellectuals to work in the province, as every more or less educated person was invited as a member of this committee. Ufa Provincial Statistical Committee was created in May 1865 on the basis of Orenburg Provincial Statistical Committee. As mentioned above, in the organization of the Committee actively participated along with government officials a number of local historians: R. G. Ignatiev, V.S. and M. V. Lossievskiye, G. S. Rybakov, V. L. Olszewski, V. A. Novikov, P. I. Dobrotvorsky, A. A. Packer, A. B. Ivanitskii and many others. The biggest contribution was made to the organization of its activities by the member of the secretary N. A. Gurvich. Under his leadership, was held a lot of work, which contributed to the development of statistical work in Ufa province. This article considers organization of the activities of Provincial Statistical Committee of Ufa Province during the second half of the 19th century, which has made a definite contribution to the account of the population, real and personal property, which in turn influenced the strengthening of the economy of the region and definition of strategy for government social and economic development of the region. Keywords: Ufa Provincial Statistical Committee, statistics, population census, estimate of costs, land statistics, population | 1034 | |||||
5264 | The article explores the artistic symbolization in the F. M. Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment”. The short analysis of the historical background, consideration of historical and cultural types of symbolism, differentiation of symbolism “natural” and symbolism “spiritual” forms theoretical base of research. Spiritual symbolism as a basis of art thinking of the writer for the first time appears in the novel “Crime and punishment”. An example of representation of spiritual symbolism in the novel is Pulсheriya Alexandrovna Raskolnikova's image polemic pointed by the writer in relation to anthropological ideas of Fr. Schiller. In the conclusion the article says about the typological connection between the characters of the novel in the context of spiritual symbolism. Keywords: spiritual symbolism, natural symbolism, parable, anthropology, Schiller, Dostoyevsky, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, image, idea of self-will | 1034 | |||||
5265 | The article describes actual approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language in China, formulated in the articles of the leading Chinese experts in this area. The review of the latest publications allowed to find out that most of the Chinese specialists in Russian philology, teachers and methodologists, write about the need of practice updating of language training. In particular, researchers note the strong influence of the Russian methodical innovations on the theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in China that is expressed in several features. Firstly, the levels of proficiency in Russian began to be considered in the aspect of formation of linguistic and communicative competence, but not only in a paradigm of knowledge in the field of vocabulary and grammar. Thereof it is necessary at the lessons to change a ratio of speech activity types, to focus on communicatively significant listening comprehension and speaking and to lower the load of the traditional grammatical focused forms of education. Secondly, in a translation practice from Russian to Chinese and vice versa it is necessary to develop skills of extensive reading, that is understanding and interpretation of the main information which is contained in the text, allocations of the text meaning and the authors idea. Thirdly, the training humanization which has to be shown in positive changes of the behavioral and emotional sphere of educational process is necessary, for example, it is important to induce to a dialogue and communicative interaction, the teachers should use new interactive or open methods of training. However the humanization, according to the Chinese researchers and methodologists, shouldn't significantly transform traditional directive and imperative model of training. Thus, the modern paradigm of training methods of Russian as foreign language in China assumes a harmonious combination of traditional approaches to teaching and new methods of training that more correspond to national and sociocultural peculiarities of the country. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language in China, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, open communicative method | 1034 | |||||
5266 | The article considers some questions of esthetics of Wallace Stevens, one of the leading American poetsmodernists of the XX century, whose work remains almost not studied by the Russian literary criticism. Russianspeaking reception of his work appears in some works of G. Kruzhkov. A. Genis today talks about the specifics of his poetry, the difficulties of translation, etc. Among other things, G. Kruzhkov is the author of a number of Russian translations of poems by Stevens. The identified reference points are there in the aesthetic program of the author, among which the particular importance is attached to understanding art and the determination of the place of the poet and poetry in the modern world. The origins of his creative method are based on the works of Russian researchers of the Steven’s poetry. This method synthesizes the searches of European poetry of the XIX–XX centuries. Conclusions are made about the complexity of the aesthetic concept of the American author, as well as about its value and relevance for contemporary art and science. The aim of this article is to clarify the question about the status of the Russian-speaking reception of the creative heritage of William Stevens, who played a very prominent role in the literary life of the United States in the first half of the twentieth century and to contribute a better understanding of the literary and cultural process which takes place in the United States of America, as well as deeper penetration into the specifics of Stevens’ work. Keywords: esthetics, concept of art, symbol, reception, the author’s position, literary translation | 1034 | |||||
5267 | The article concentrates on the research of the processes of metaphorical term formation in Chinese on the basis of the terminology system of the oil and gas industry. There is the opposition method of spheres-sources of metaphorical modeling when analysing the processes of metaphorical term formation, method of frame structure analysis, method of continuous sampling, quantitative analysis and also method of linguocognitive modeling. Thus, metaphorical terms of the oil and gas industry are revealed (based on using of methods of semantic analysis and linguocognitive modeling), that allow us examine deeper the investigated approach. The specificity of terminology system modeling represents in the metaphorical model formation. The article reveals the metaphorical model formations which constitute the system, metaphorical model formations which consist of the certain metaphorical terms. Moreover, the article represent the basis of models conformity and symmetry of metaphors. The aim of the article is determination of metaphorical term formation in Chinese on the basis of the terminology system of the oil and gas industry basis. The article set out the results: 1. Confirmation of content the metaphorical fragment in Chinese terms; 2. Prevailing type of metaphorization is Artifact – Equipment; 3. Quantitative variance of symmetry of metaphors and models conformity in the Russian and Chinese languages. Keywords: process of term formation, term system, metaphor, oil and gas terminological system, metaphorical term | 1034 | |||||
5268 | The issue of increasing the efficiency of conducting classes in computer classes is considered, thanks to the improvement of the student’s interaction with the teacher. One of the solutions to this problem is the active use of the program “Remmina Remote Desktop” of the Linux operating system. Especially actual application of Remmina program in the absence of a video projector in the class. Describes the features and step-by-step instructions for using the Remmina program in computer classes. Its use is recommended for training in computer classes of educational institutions of general, secondary or higher education. The main advantages of the program: the opportunity to observe the actions of the teacher on his desktop in the conference mode and return, if desired, to his own work. With the help of the Remmina program, the teacher has the opportunity to constantly or occasionally display the desktop of his monitor at workplaces of students. The function of the teacher is reduced to the voice explanations of the material shown. The experience of using the Remote Desktop Remmina program allows you to recommend its application for training in computer classes of educational institutions of general, secondary or higher education for the following reasons: • Remmina program activates interaction between the teacher and students and can be considered as an alternative to using a media projector with a screen. • The reliability of training in the event of a technical failure of available facilities (interactive whiteboard, media projector and others) increases. • The Remmina program can also be considered as a supplement to existing tools. The teacher, at the same time, has the possibility of a wider choice of means when submitting material in order to increase the students’ motivation for learning. • The application of the program does not require adjustments in the curricula of classes. Keywords: remote desktop, Remmina, Linux, student interaction with the teacher, conference | 1034 | |||||
5269 | The modern specificity of the sports game “volleyball” is considered, which is based on the technical and tactical abilities of players used by them in the high-speed game, where it is necessary to solve quickly technical and tactical tasks. All this is directly connected with a game environment in which fight on the volleyball court is conducted. In the game of volleyball, each player has to monitor a game situation, not allow the opponent to impose his game plan, otherwise there will be a game defeat. In higher educational organizations, volleyball is included in the work program “Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports”, so the trainees study the features of this game with interest, not only in training classes, but also in training extra-curricular activities. Therefore, playing volleyball, students practice skills to quickly respond to changing situations, make the right decisions in various circumstances, choose the most appropriate actions. In this regard, as practice shows, interest in training classes in volleyball has increased, it also has defined the relevance of our pedagogical research, in selection of the most effective complexes of special exercises developing speed of reaction to a moving object among students engaged in the volleyball sports section. Keywords: speed of reaction, visual orientation, speed of motive reaction, reaction to a moving object | 1034 | |||||
5270 | The article deals with the concept Friend and the ways of its actualization in the language usage of the youth in English. It characterizes the youth as a special social and age group. The language usage of the youth is chosen in the article because of its dynamic development that meets the requirements of modern society. The results of the definition analysis of the lexeme “bro” and its derivatives as a part of concept Friend are given. The article presents formal and informal definitions of “bro”, which show two main connotations of the word: “blood relationships” and “kinship of souls” regardless of gender. It defines seven semantic fields with the “bro” root words which characterize the concept Friend in the English language. The fields are: friendship with no boundaries, close nonsexual relations between men, assistance, having fun, love, male friendship through the prism of attitude to women, friendship as hobby. The article describes each of the fields with details and states the increasing nominative ability of the lexeme “bro”. The concept Friend is becoming more pragmatic because of new nominations and semantic fields: friend is a person to spend free time with (bromam, to bro out, brover), even to make love to (friend-a-fit, broabe) or to interact with to gain more popularity (frien, frienaddict). However, modern language usage of the youth saves the “real friend” nominations: bromance, brover, bromandawg, frienbling, bro-action. Keywords: concept Friend, semantic field, language usage, bro, concept representation, American slang | 1034 | |||||
5271 | Zhukova O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 48-49 . | 1033 | |||||
5272 | . | 1033 | |||||
5273 | The present article is about the social role of man in the modern world, and regularities of Russian development. Keywords: globalization, personality, anthropogenic culture, national character, new value system, picture of the world, spirituality, systematical crisis, developing system | 1033 | |||||
5274 | The paper considers the problem of the formation of specialized municipal educational network for projection and implementation of the network of educational programmes. Keywords: municipal education network, network-training program | 1033 | |||||
5275 | The paper presents an example of a certain level of technological thinking of students’ means of information and communication technology (ICT) through a task in the research. There are criteria and indicators of the conceptual, figurative and activity components and characteristics of the considered levels of thinking. Keywords: Technological thinking, components, levels, criteria, indicators of development, means of ICТ | 1033 | |||||
5276 | In the present article the author synthesized model of an assessment of results and effects of innovative activity at micro level (the enterprise, a cluster, holding), is investigated a component of the innovative field – “result”. The author consistently determined types of innovations, the directions of an assessment of productivity efficiency and ekonometrichesky model. The results of innovative activity used in statistics in the Russian Federation, are compared with the expressed author reference of economic effect and an interpretation principle. Keywords: innovations, the innovative field, the synthesized model, innovative activity, innovative potential | 1033 | |||||
5277 | The article presents the results of the aothors’ research on the impact of orthostatic sustainability on the physical development of the two age groups (11–15 years and 17–21 years), involved in sports with heavy lifting. Discovers the presence of hypertensive variant of orthostatic reactions in the younger group and the practical absence of it in the senior group. Also reveals the influence of orthostatic response of the cardiovascular system on the performance of physical fitness of the involved. Makes the conclusion about the need to integrate the data on the orthostatic testing at the initial stages of training athletes when working with heavy weights. Keywords: orthostatic stability, straining, physical development | 1033 | |||||
5278 | The article explains the choice of the empirical material as the cognitive-discursive research of written texts – compositions, which is a component of the Russian Unified State Exam on the Russian language. The key point of the author is that the modeling potential of these speech patterns allows creating an invariant of a high school graduate worldview picture. The modeling direction within the given research gives a reconstruction of the represented in a system of certain frames worldview of the modern high school child in the aspect of the axiological characteristics. The text, reflecting in itself a fragment of the world picture is the richest material for the researcher wishing to analyze not only the originality of the author’s position on this or that question, his or her creative potential, but also a system of the author’s signature style evaluations, and also priorities in a foreshortening of axiological preferences. It is noted that the formation of the high school graduate worldview is carried out in difficult historical and socio-cultural conditions, on the one hand because of the economic and political changes which happened during the last decades in Russia and the world, on the other hand because of the world values shift in the society and, as a result, contradictions in an axiological paradigm of different generations representatives. The conclusion is that, despite the presence of templates affiliation in the processes of writing and evaluation of these works by the experts, the graduates compositions accurately present the world values, that are determined primarily by the age and the social factors. Keywords: picture of the world, worldview, world values, worldview axiological parameter, psychology, writing, Russian Unified State Exam | 1033 | |||||
5279 | The paper focuses on national and cultural peculiarities of indirect euphemistic expressions in American English. The author suggests that euphemism is a strategic communicative device varying within and under the influence of the historic, socio and cultural linguistic context. The major emphasis of the article is the concept of “American football” as a means of understanding American cultural mind set and source of equivocal euphemistic vocabulary. The paper explores some American cultural traits and values (related to sports traditions and rules) that are deeply impressed in mind and influence language choice: individualism, high risks, strategic planning, obsession with technology, competitiveness, religious affiliation, nationalist beliefs and aggressive business behaviour. The article highlights the popularity of American football and sports in the USA that results in the corresponding euphemistic vocabulary generation. Some sports terms borrowed from American football get in general use and are widely employed in political rhetoric and everyday speech. Therefore, American euphemisms are believed to be a class of their own, principally because they involve American realia and appeal to basic American values, thus becoming challenging to decipher for outsiders and at the same time sounding familiar and picturesque to American English speakers. Accordingly, euphemisms under study provide cultural insight and bespeak cultural identity. Keywords: culture, indirect statement, euphemism, sports term, culture metaphor | 1033 | |||||
5280 | The article is devoted to the problem of textual activity in the Russian classes of high school. The purpose of the study is to justify the need to work with the text in the Russian language lessons to develop the communicative skills of high school students. The current requirements to the subject results of studying the field of «Philology» are being clarified. In the light of requirements of Federal State Educational Standard to the level of development of oral and written speech of the graduates, development of communicative abilities of students is becoming a priority. Among them are the skills of communication and understanding and generation of the texts. It is specified that communication is a text activity. The «text-centered» approach in teaching language is concretized. The skills of text activity are among the main indicators of the general culture of a language personality. Different ways of working with the text at the stage of preparation for the unified state exam in the Russian language and in the process of teaching essay are described. The results of experimental work on teaching essay in high school are presented. Practical recommendations for the analysis of essays are given. It is emphasized that the practice of teaching essays can be an alternative to the system of preparation for part C of the unified state examination in the Russian language, and also to significantly diversify the activity of the teacher-grammarian in developing communicative skills of students. The literary examples are chosen to prepare students for the unified state examination essay and to teach essays. The conclusion is that the work on the text contributes to the formation of language, linguistic and communicative competence, provides an organic unity with the knowledge of the system, the structure and development of speech. Keywords: text, text-centered approach, textual activity, essay text, communication skills, speech practice | 1033 | |||||
5281 | This article is a brief analysis of the activity-oriented approach applied to the teaching of a foreign language. In recent years this approach has become increasingly popular in the context of discussions on the formation of public policies in the field of education. Based on the analysis of methodological literature, the concept, structure, principles and advantages of this approach in teaching a professional foreign language are defined. A characteristic feature of this approach is the fact that personal, meta-subject and subject results are achieved by involving students in educational, cognitive, practical and problematic activities aimed at developing and evaluating skills of foreign language self-acquisition, transfer and integration. The article provides examples of the practical application of the methods of this approach in foreign language classes thus facilitating the solution of the problems of narrow didactics in the educational process. The use of this approach in teaching practice allows to demonstrate the students the foreign language potential as an opportunity to expand their linguistic and sociocultural competence. This approach makes it possible to show the possibility of using a professional language in the field of a particular specialty; promotes development along with the linguistic competence in the course of classes in a professionally oriented foreign language, as well as the improvement of social and professional skills. Keywords: activity-oriented approach, modern methods of teaching foreign languages, self-education, professionally oriented education in a foreign language, the integrity of the learning process | 1033 | |||||
5282 | Lemeshko E. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 6 (9). P. 58-59 . | 1032 | |||||
5283 | In this article the problems of man's socialization in the organization are considered. This finds a reflection in the administrative processes of the organization. The forms of expression of man's socialization are worked out here. One of the forms is social partnership. Then the accent to the covering of the social partnership tech¬nology and its place in administrative process is made by the author. | 1032 | |||||
5284 | The settlement Ryuzakovo (Dukhovoe) ceramic complex analysis is carried out in the article. The received data serves as basis for its cultural and chronological properties. Keywords: the early Iron Age, ceramics group, settlement Ryuzakovo (Dukhovoe), kulaysk and shelomoksk | 1032 | |||||
5285 | This work examines the characteristics of mental tempo in children who have experienced physical abuse. The results of investigation have shown that physical abuse negatively influenced on mental rate of primary school age children: in children who have experienced physical abuse there is reduced the mobility of nerve cells which is characterized by either their passive state, or exhaustion. This is manifested by the rapidly advancing fatigue and a change in the index of mental tempo with the intellectual load. Keywords: posttraumatic stress, physical abuse, mental tempo | 1032 | |||||
5286 | Modern vocational training is focused on training the professional capable to self-education during all life. Readiness for self-education assumes presence at the graduate of skills of research activity. Readiness for selfeducation assumes presence at the graduate of skills of research activity to whom it is possible to carry: ability to organize research to collect and process its results, to draw generalizing conclusions, to issue the text, to present and protect the obtained data. Training the student for research performance is carried out through subject matters, and also actions, which are spent at higher school during free time. Keywords: The competence, research activity, interrelation, Katanovsky readings | 1032 | |||||
5287 | The author deals with substantial components of such concepts as BEAUTY, USE, HARM, HEALTH. The concepts mentioned are significant for Russian consciousness and are connected with ideas of outward appearance and plainness, use and harm. On the basis of the material analyzed, the stereotypes reflecting these notions’ interrelations are revealed, the changes in Russian linguistic worldimage are set. The author also describes the techniques for creating advertising messages, which are based on operations with cognitive structures. Description of linguistic worldimage of the world fragments with the help of different materials makes it possible to enlarge the insight about national features of material and spiritual culture of Russian people. It also helps to realize the peculiarities of Russian mentality. Keywords: concept, stereotype, use, beauty, language consciousness, harm, advertisement | 1032 | |||||
5288 | The subject of this article is the possibilities of visual anthropology, the study of religious worship. Prospects of visual anthropology in this area are linked to the role of the visual element in the cult: its determining influence on education meanings, leading role in the dissemination of religious values in the culture. Analyses available achievements in studying the visual component of the cult in relation to Orthodox worship, and prospects of formation of new methodological approaches to the study of the cult. The conclusion is that due to the strategic role of the visual component, the search for new methods for the study of the cult can be done in a visual field. Keywords: visual anthropology, religious experience, a religious cult, the Orthodox Liturgy, spatial icon, reverse perspective | 1032 | |||||
5289 | At the present stage the state needs a healthy and physically developed generation who would assimilate cultural values of a multinational society and this need is growing. Analysis of scientific, methodological, psychological and educational literature allows us to conclude that the problem of integration of the national cultures of the peoples of Russia in the physical education of preschool children is not studied enough, thus it is of current interest and requires further development. Terminological certainty is one of the conditions for the successful introduction of the integration of national cultures in the physical education of preschool children. The article deals with the concept of “integration”, “national culture”, “physical education” based on their interconnectedness and interdependence of identity in the context of the designated research problems and offers the authors’ approach to the definition of the concept of “integration of national cultures in the physical education of 3–7 year old children”. Keywords: pre-school educational organization, integration, integrated approach, national culture, physical education, 3–7 year old children | 1032 | |||||
5290 | Presents the theoretical aspects and the practice of implementing the strategy of advanced development of education; describes the mechanisms of innovative organizational and methodological practices that are implemented in the educational institutions on the territory of a separate municipal entity. Special attention is paid to the consistency of the developed strategy with the priority directions of development of the territory, taking into account the complex non-linear forms of organization of non-equilibrium structural elements of different legal forms and different levels of jurisdiction, which allows to predict and develop a new image of the educational system at the municipal level. Describes combination of developing innovative mechanisms to ensure efficient implementation of measures included in the strategy of priority development of the municipal education system, namely: administrative, economic and organizational-methodical conditions for the development of education (system investment policy), with particular focus on matrix management system, organizational-methodical and information-technological support of implementation of the strategy (based on the network principle of organization of municipal innovative practices); municipal system of education quality assessment (with a focus on rapid responsiveness to external needs of the educational space and the requests of society and of the labour market), consulting center for training of graduates for final certification, and also automated information system “Network city. Education.” Keywords: strategy of priority development, management education, quality evaluation system, automated information system | 1032 | |||||
5291 | The problems of teaching modern schoolchildren in the conditions of introduction of a new state standard and the problems of the training of a modern teacher of Physics, which have arisen in connection with this, are pointed out. Currently, as indicated in many documents on higher education, in the country’s development program, there is a shortage of engineering personnel. This is due to the insufficient number of entrants for technical specialties and their weak motivation for training at university. These problems occur at school. These problems can only be solved by a teacher. In order to s olve this problem the author proposes a model of advanced training of bachelors of pedagogical education in Physics. For special training of bachelors a learning model is built that is implemented on the objects of a method ical orientation and based on considerable independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher. Preparation of students for the activation of Physics teaching and orientation of students for technical education is built in stages, with the distribution of study assignments for the fourth and fifth years of study. Students independently stu dy the literature recommended by the teacher, work together to develop materials for teaching students. This article presents samples of the developed materials for students in grades 7–9. All work with students is built on the basis of selected principles that theoretically justify the construction of the model training. The results of the pedagogical experiment are presented. Keywords: motivation for teaching physics, focusing on technical education, home experiments, mini projects, practice-oriented projects | 1032 | |||||
5292 | The article deals with the problem of teaching technical students to professional foreign vocabulary in relation to the joining “Initiative CDIO” which is an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers and the demand for specialists with the knowledge of a foreign language at work. It defines the difficulties of getting a lexical skill in speaking and problem solving activities. The article discloses psychological basics of learning a word as a complicated mechanism, which includes both visual-hearing-motional structure and semantics. It describes the approaches to teaching professional foreign vocabulary existing today. As a result, it suggests implementing exercises based on a list of words, which proves their effectiveness; it demonstrates the examples by giving a list of words (short phrases) on a particular professional topic and different tasks to motivate and encourage students to learn, practice and use the vocabulary in speaking. Communicative approach in teaching foreign languages presupposes the use of sets of instructions, situational correlation, communicativity, functionality while organizing these exercises. Creation of comfortable educational environment contributes to students’ motivation in the process of professional lexical skill formation and development. It is important to take into consideration learners’ individual peculiarities, interests, likes and needs to achieve better results in teaching professional foreign vocabulary. Keywords: technical students, professional foreign vocabulary, lexical skill, exercise with a list of words, communicativity, individualization, motivation, educational environment | 1032 | |||||
5293 | Pichurin L. F. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 10-11 . | 1031 | |||||
5294 | Karbysheva T. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 35-37 . | 1031 | |||||
5295 | Osipova O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 42-49 . | 1031 | |||||
5296 | Zhukova O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 12-14 . | 1031 | |||||
5297 | The article analyses the specificity of Tomsk regional educational system – ungraded educational establishments and their infrastructural characteristics. Keywords: few complement schools, infrastructural characteristics of regional educational systems. | 1031 | |||||
5298 | Here we discuss Fradkin-Vasiliev approach for investigation higher spin elds interactions. Initially this approach was developed for investigation of massless elds interactions, but using frame-like gauge invariant formalism for massive higher spin elds it can be straightforwardly applied to any combination of massive and/or massless elds. After brief description of such approach we consider the simplest possible examples - self-interaction and gravitational interaction for partially massless spin 2 eld. Keywords: higher spins, gauge invariance, interactions | 1031 | |||||
5299 | The article deals with the means of representing an inexact measure of distance, namely, a lexeme expressing the meaning of “шаг” in Russian, German and English languages. The concrete language material shows the difficulties emerging in the process of the lexemes in question being translated from Russian and German into English and the ways of overcoming the difficulties in accordance with the revealed peculiar features of the semantics and agreement regularities of the lexemes analyzed in each language. Keywords: anthropocentric means, inexact measures of distance, lexemes “шаг”, “Schritt”, “pace”, “step”, “stride”, “remove” | 1031 | |||||
5300 | From the standpoint of activity theory we discuss the methodological features of teaching students skills for solving mathematics problems of higher level of complexity. We propose a classification of this type of problems (problems with parameters, problems on divisibility, problems on the decimal representation of numbers, Diophantine equations, problems on finding the largest or smallest natural values satisfying given conditions, problems on the integer part of numbers, etc.) and a step-by-step method for solving them. For each type we provide a set of examples of non-standard problems with full solutions aimed at development of students’ positive motivation, independent thinking, and action skills necessary for their successful mastering of mathematical activity. The developed materials can be used as part of a school course in advanced study of mathematics, as well as to prepare students for the All-Russian Olympiads in mathematics. Keywords: mathematics problems of higher complexity, step-by-step method for solving non-standard problems, problem-centered approach to learning, mathematical activity | 1031 |