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5601 | Due to level system of professional education and new Standards in Russia one should pay special attention to lecturers qualification, using modern technology in teaching and code of practice for the assurance of academic quality. Keywords: Bologna process, quality of education, key competences, qualification, QAA (quality assurance agency for higher education) | 1009 | |||||
5602 | The author considers the results of typological analysis of terminological units of scientific style of American variant of English in lexical-semantic field ‘renewable energy sources’ in the present article. Types of terminological units of scientific style in lexical-semantic field ‘renewable energy sources’ of American variant of English were defined. Among terminological units single component terminological units and multi-component terminological units, acronyms and acronymous compounds, nomenclature units, preterminological units, and occasionalisms were found in the texts of scientific style of American variant of English in the sphere of ‘renewable energy sources’. Linguistic characteristics of terminological units of scientific style in lexical-semantic field ‘renewable energy sources’ of American variant of English were given. Keywords: terminological units, preterminological units, occasionalisms, acronyms, acronymous collocation, nomenclature units, renewable energy sources | 1009 | |||||
5603 | The article deals with the problem of the transition to a model of personality oriented interaction with children in pre-school educational institution. Among the reasons that hamper the process is the lack of psychological readiness of edicators, understanding the essence of personality oriented co-operating. Discloses the conepts differentiation and individualization of educational environment in preschool educational organization. Covers methodical aspects of the differentiated (individualiazed) approach to children: markes milestones, describes methods of diagnosis, a summary of the formative (innovative) step. Presents the results of the implementation of a differentiated approach in preschool educational institution, the prospects for further stadies. Keywords: personality oriented interaction of educator with children; reasons hindering implementation in practice of the model of personality oriented interaction with children; differentiated approach to children | 1009 | |||||
5604 | The research project deals with the analysis and description of the features of the author’s text of the academic medical discourse in English language. In relation to our research “components” of the above text are those language units which on the semantics and the form “… carry out in texts both esthetic, and stylistic functions” and represent “the description of the numerous stating life facts – death, health – illness, incurability reasons – curability”. The mentioned criteria in components of texts of the academic medical discourse are described through an explication of components of the evaluation which basis is made by the author’s reasonings giving “an idea of the text as about uniform semantic space” and leading to the conclusions predicted at the beginning of the text. In this paper research is conducted on the material of contexts of the American medical association journal and New England medical journal. Therefore, the analysis of the examples of the author’s texts of the academic medical discourse representing different linguocultural spaces is given. As a result phraseological units according to their semantics and form are considered as a means of updating the author’s position in the scientific medical discourse. Keywords: texts of academic medical discourse, text blocks of author’s reasonings, phraseological unit, text evaluation | 1009 | |||||
5605 | The article presents the results of I. A. Kuratov’s lyrics analysis through the prism of its subject structure. The analysis found that the lyric poet is multy subject system containing various subjective forms of the author’s consciousness expressions: the actual author, lyrical hero, the author-narrator, the hero «role» of the lyrics. Kuratov’s lyrical system is oriented towards the samples of realistic Russian and world lyricism, which has already mastered polysubject forms by the 19th century. Development by the poet of different forms of expression of author’s consciousness is connected with extension of the thematic contents of poetry. An analysis of poetic material made it possible to reveal the unconditional connection between the choice of the forms of expression of the author’s consciousness and the semantic aspect of Kuratov’s works. However polysubjectivity is characteristic of certain verses by Kuratov, which creates a poetic polyphony, and expand the functions of direct speech. Studying poetic works of Komi poet through the prism of their subjective system makes it possible to reveal not only the immanent features of Kuratov’s lyricism, but also to present the place and role of I. Kuratov in the development of the subject sphere and the poetic system of the lyrics of komi of the 1850s-1870s. Keywords: Komi poetry of the 19th century, I. A. Kuratov, subject organization, multisubjectivity | 1009 | |||||
5606 | The article presents the results of the research conducted with К. Minin University students. The goal of the present research is to analyze the peculiarities of the French language study through the student vision of the education process and to make the process of learning French more efficient. The author analyses students’ responses, discussing various problems, possibilities and perspectives of learning the French language. The results of the conducted research showed that the students clearly underestimate the potential of the French language, and many of them are not ready to manage their own educational activity. Understanding the numerous perspectives provided by the learning of the French language, future teachers do not long for self-development and self-actualization. The conducted research sets new tasks to the teachers of the French language: – reaching by the students the real command of all types of speech activities on the level of “conscious communication”; – involving the students into the management of development of their own foreign language communicative competence with the help of a wider use of the recommended Internet resources; – developing the independence and responsibility for the process and the result of education; – active attracting of the students to the participation in linguistic contests organized by the French Institute in Russia, Russian National Association of the French Language Teachers and expanding the opportunities of students learning the French language. Keywords: results of research, problems of learning the French language, perspectives of learning the French language | 1009 | |||||
5607 | The process of modeling the system of continuous pedagogical education, its description at the pre-university (propaedeutic) level is shown. The project of this model with an emphasis on the use of such modern pedagogical technology as a professional test is presented. The pedagogical, diagnostic, orientation and acmeological potential of this technology is revealed. On the basis of the analysis of the theory and practice of pre-professional training of high school students to teaching identified the possibility of its integration into the content of the pedagogical classes. The experience of implementation of the model and analysis of its effectiveness in the practice of pedagogical classes (on the example of a joint project of the Federal state educational institution of higher education “Tomsk State Pedagogical University and municipal autonomous educational institution «secondary school №30 of Tomsk» «Socio-pedagogical class»). According to the results of the initial testing of the proposed model, the author formulated a number of conclusions: the importance of compliance with the principle of free professional self-determination of high school students, and therefore, the system should be very flexible and allow to build an individual route of professional development for each student; the effectiveness of the model largely depends on the structure of mechanisms of interaction of organizations-stakeholders (teacher training colleges and universities, schools, institutions of additional education of children, etc.) and all stakeholders. Taking into account these conclusions, the author identifies the need to adjust and refine the model proposed by him, and also outlines the prospects for further research on this topic in the context of building a system at the levels of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies. Keywords: professional training, pedagogical education, professional probation, pedagogical class, high school students, profile training, pre-university training, professional self-determination and career guidance | 1009 | |||||
5608 | Introduction. The aim of the article is to identify and describe the main characteristics and variants of the linguistic and cultural transfer of nominations of social diseases. Material and methods. The study material includes nominations related to the sphere of social diseases in the amount of 700 units selected by targeted sampling from bilingual and multilingual medical dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, scientific and popular scientific literature and texts of social advertising. For the semantic and etymological analysis of nominations that have undergone linguistic and cultural transfer, the study used the method of comparative typology, to determine the value of the nomination of socially significant diseases the study used the method of historical interpretation. Results and discussion. In this study, linguistic and cultural transfer is considered as transferring or borrowing units of one linguistic culture to another. The transfer may affect not only similar linguistic cultures that have historically conditioned connections, but also cultures belonging to completely different types, which is quite characteristic of the sphere of social diseases. At the same time, units of one linguistic culture undergo a process of not only borrowing, but also penetrating into the host culture, go through all the stages of adaptation in it. Thus, there are 3 main characteristics of the linguistic and cultural transfer of social diseases: the extensiveness of the process of the linguistic and cultural transfer reflecting the quantitative increase in the number of loanwords in the linguistic culture; the intensity of the process of linguistic and cultural transfer, in which there is a qualitative borrowing of units of another linguistic culture; the prevalence of linguistic and cultural transfer, when loanwords are transferred in several linguistic cultures. Conclusion. The main variants of the linguistic and cultural transfer are the transition of lexical units from everyday vocabulary into terminology, eponimization, polysemy and synonymy of nominations in the sphere of social diseases. In addition, the problem of the disorder of nominations in the field of social diseases in different linguistic cultures is quite acute, which can lead to disruptions in the exchange of information at the international level and difficulties in translation. Keywords: linguistic and cultural transfer, nomination, social diseases, polysemy, eponymization, synonymy | 1009 | |||||
5609 | Introduction. The implementation of the modern model of education requires teaching staff to possess certain skills in research work and to use scientifically grounded forms and methods in their professional activities. It seems that reliance on science should make it possible to achieve the required quality of education and thereby ensure the fulfillment of the social and state order for the education system. In particular, it is necessary to fix the fact that in empirical research used in science, there are, today, serious problems regarding the reproducibility of the process and the results of pedagogical research. In this regard, in fulfilling the requirement to achieve the quality of education, which is verified, first of all, by empirical research, teachers are faced with a serious problem, namely, with a crisis of reproducibility. The reproducibility crisis is a serious methodological crisis, the essence of which is the impossibility of repeating the results of studies that were previously published or the impossibility of repeating the study itself (for technical and other reasons). Most often, this is due to the absence or insufficient representation of the following elements of pedagogical research: the presence of an experiment, a clear description of the planning and course of the experiment, verifiable data – when it is not clear what, how and in what conditions to reproduce. The goal is to scientifically substantiate the feasibility of extrapolating the meta-analysis method from evidencebased medicine to pedagogical research as a tool to increase the reproducibility of both experiments and the results obtained in pedagogical research. Material and methods. The research methodology is based on the following methods: study and analysis of literature, analytical generalization, forecasting, abstraction, analogy, measurement, data synthesis, generalization, modeling, analogy, statistical processing of the information received. After the main reasons causing the crisis of reproducibility in science were considered, the use of the meta-analysis method in pedagogical research was substantiated as a means of minimizing the negative impact of the crisis of reproducibility. Results and discussion. The current literature on the research problem is analyzed from different positions. The essential features and causes of the crisis of reproducibility in pedagogical research have been studied and generalized. It was found that the crisis of reproducibility is interdisciplinary in nature. The problem of finding means to minimize the negative impact of the crisis of reproducibility on the development of pedagogical research is actualized. As such a tool, a meta-analysis is considered and an assumption is made about the advisability of extrapolating the method of meta-analysis from medicine to pedagogical research. The theoretical and practical aspects of the application of the meta-analysis method are considered. The definitions of the concepts of meta-analysis and a systematic review are derived. It was found that meta-analysis intersects and partially includes elements of such methods and technologies as content analysis, applied scientometrics, blockchain. The organizational and substantive features of the meta-analysis are considered, which make it possible to apply this method to assess the quality of pedagogical research. As a practical justification for the applicability of the method, a contour plan for the meta-analysis of scientific publications reflecting the results of pedagogical research is proposed. A number of controversial provisions that could become the basis for further research is put forward. A way is outlined for a comprehensive study of tools to minimize the negative impact of the crisis of reproducibility in pedagogical sciences. Conclusion. The has been substantiated the use of meta-analysis as an effective tool for: 1) assessing the quality of pedagogical research; 2) planning and organizing the experiment; 3) presentation of the results of empirical research in pedagogy. Keywords: meta-analysis, blockchain, systematic review, reproducibility crisis | 1009 | |||||
5610 | The article deals with the problems of adopting the methods of humanitarian science while teaching subjects related to information technology. The main goal of this humanitarian shift is to provide communication and management skills for competitive in post-industrial society. Keywords: post-industrial society, knowledge industry, social adaptation, competition, labor market, public relations, management, communications | 1008 | |||||
5611 | Today television is the main mass media. It can show a huge audience not only current events, but also recreate the past. Therefore, today television is actively used to create television programs that broadcast historical knowledge. The author of this article examines one of the most conceptual aspect of historical popularization on TV – the conception of fact as a semantic category. The analysis bases on several examples o f television program “Nefact” (“Not a fact”), broadcasted on the Russian television channel “Zvezda”. It is a modern television product, which explores different events and phenomena in the point of view of the concept of fact and factual. In the focus of the article is lexical units “fact” and “not fact”, its semantic and functional meanings, and different ways of using in text structure of the TV-program. At the end of the article the author concludes that this lexical units can denote a reliable piece of information; 2) serve as a marker of doubt; 3) give a starting point to journalistic investigation and determine its structure; 4) serve as confirmation or refutation of information, being used at the conclusion of the investigation; 5) perform a nominative function, defining a specific style of presentation of the material. The author examines communicative potential of the test unit in journalistic materials and its importance in the promotion of knowledge. Keywords: fact, factual, lexical meaning, connotation | 1008 | |||||
5612 | The article considers the specificity of the organization of mentoring activities with students involved in quasiprofessional activities. The peculiarities of polysubjective interaction of a mentor with future teachers at the stage of their entry into professional activity are described. It is noted that polysubjectivity requires orientation toward cooperation, co-creation in joint pedagogical activity at a qualitatively high level of a mentor’s professionalism. Mentoring is understood as a permanent dialogue and interpersonal communication that is aimed at professional adaptation of a young specialist. This provision serves as the basis for detailing different types of relations between an experienced university teacher and young specialists. It is concluded that the given vector of relationships in the context of polysubject interaction in preschool education will help solve the problems of successful professionalization of future teachers already on the student bench. The author proves that the cooperation based on the polysubject approach is more effective in organizing the mentor’s activities. This approach provides the development of professional competencies for future teachers and educators and their motivation for communication with children, parents and colleagues. The author suggests that the organization of mentoring activities at pedagogical university is actual for all profiles of future teacher training and not only in preschool education. Keywords: mentoring activities, mentor, polysubject interaction, young specialist, preschool education | 1008 | |||||
5613 | Inroduction. Despite numerous publications on the early reception of F.M. Dostoevsky’s work in Great Britain, the scientific literature covers some important facts for understanding the peculiarities of the phenomenon only partially. Among them are the critical responses of the English writer Arnold Bennett pre-echoing the “Dostoevsky cult” in Great Britain. The aim is to elicit the peculiarities of Dostoevsky’s work reception by Bennett in 1910s and to identify the role of the latter in forming the tendencies of the writer’s legacy apprehension in the English culture. Material and methods. Material of the research includes three Bennett’s articles about Dostoevsky, published in The New Age weekly in 1910–1911. The methods comprise cultural-historical, literal-historical and comparative analysis. Results and discussion. In general, A. Bennett in his interpretation of Dostoevsky’s work follows the line of his predecessors. For example, he regards the form of the author’s works as a drawback; while his younger contemporaries will discover its novelty and meaning-making function in the text. Herewith, he rethinks some aspects of the traditional interpretation and calls The Karamazov Brothers, previously underestimated by the critics, an outstanding work. Bennett is not prepared for the deep understanding of the Dostoevsky’s work, but his interest in the author’s legacy, persistent urge to publish the translations play important role in popularizing his books in Great Britain. As a result, Dostoevsky’s novels become a matter of discussions among the young English writers and become available for the common readers. Conclusion. Bennet’s articles about the Russian author make a representative material in terms of learning the critic’s personal reception and in terms of identifying the typical features of the reception of 1910s. They form preconditions for the development of the so-called “Dostoevsky cult”. Keywords: A. Bennett, F. M. Dostoevsky. M. Baring, G. L. Strachey, V. Woolf, reception, English modernism | 1008 | |||||
5614 | Kalinina L. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 25-26 . | 1007 | |||||
5615 | The article presents the results of the sociological research of intellectual leisure-time of Krasnoyarsk region residents, conducted by the research team of Siberian Federal University in the fall of 2013. Among the areas of concern, in which researchers are interested – the scope and the structure of free time of the respondents, the essence of intellectual leisure, the quality of services offered by agencies recreational areas, the financial resources of Krasnoyarsk region residents when purchasing leisure services, advertising and promotion of leisure activities and institutions offering intellectual leisure. The study provides recommendations for the development of the intellectual leisure activities in the Krasnoyarsk region. Keywords: leisure, cultural and leisure activities, Krasnoyarsk region, intellectual leisure, leisure practices, information support concerning leisure activities, survey, leisure institutions | 1007 | |||||
5616 | The term “the national character of the literary creation” is in the base of our research showing how the language material can reflect peculiar features of a certain culture. Language and culture meet each other with the help of a concept. Usually an interpreter translates only a conceptual component, as a rule ignoring an associative-cultural one. In our work we reveal lexemes which reflect national concepts of Little Russia and analyze English translation of them. On the basis of Little Russian songs from the stories “The fair of Sorochinetz” and “A night in May or drowned maiden” we are revealing lexemes which reflect national Little Russian concepts, which are given in the texts of songs as ethnographic and political realia and analyzing a specific character of their translation into English. Keywords: national character, concept, non-equivalent lexicon, realia, denotative meaning, significative meaning, connotation, songs of Little Russia | 1007 | |||||
5617 | The article presents the results of a study on the formation of self-competence of university students through interactive computer technologies. We developed criteria, indicators and tools to determine self-educational competence formation of university students through interactive computer technology. Diagnosis of high school students conducted by electronic tests and questionnaires are available on the websites and moodle.gasu.ru and ank. gasu.ru. To prove the existence of statistically significant differences in the level of development of self-competence in the control and experimental groups was used Fisher’s test. After statistical analysis of experimental data it can be concluded that students of control and experimental groups have significant differences caused not only by random factors but a certain legitimate reason. The reason was the experimental work performance to implement structural and functional models for self-educational competence formation of university students through interactive computer technology. Keywords: self-educational competence, levels of formation, statistical significance | 1007 | |||||
5618 | The aim of the work is to examine the process of formation of new system of fire-prevention actions which began to emerge in the Altai province after final establishment of the Soviet government. The article is prepared on the basis of a wide range of archival materials, materials, many of which are introduced for scientific use for the first time. As a result of the work the author has come to the following conclusions. The fight against forest fires included a range of prevention measures, prevention and liquidation of fire in the forest and punishment for persons guilty of arsons. The new government was interested in the preservation of forests from fires, so forestry specialists and local authorities were tasked to create effective system of struggle against forest fires in short terms. Questions of forest preservation from the fires were regulated by local regulations which were based on provisions of the decree “About the woods” 1918. The forest was nationalized, every citizen had the right to use forest products, but on the condition of personal participation in the protection of forests. The implementation of fire prevention measures was entrusted to the local population. However, this practice has not justified itself, so it was decided to return to the standard scheme, in which the main role in the protection of forests from fires played professional forest guards. Keywords: forest preservation, forestry, Altai province, forest fire, prevention of forest fire, forest arson | 1007 | |||||
5619 | The article describes some results of a research on the techniques of teaching the discipline «Methodology and information technologies of project management» to the students of the field «Applied Informatics». This work develops the statements of works [1–3]. The present article generalizes authors’ teaching experience and demonstrates some working practice. The research on educational process shows the necessity of subject field extension to provide future graduates with related theoretical and practical knowledge that will enlarge their professional skills and thus will forward them to be more successful and competitive in work. Thus, the aim of the study is to improve the existing disciplines’ programs to build a branched system of teaching and learning materials that will meet the requirements of contemporary educational process. In this article some questions of teaching techniques the discipline «Methodology and information technologies of project management» are considered. Some elements of electronic courses are presented, as far as the system of evaluation of educational achievements is described. Microsoft Project that is studied among existing management systems was chosen to demonstrate some evaluation tests and education material. The Moodle platform served as basis for summing up and testing of created techniques. Further goals on educational system development are also argued. It is planned to continue the development of electronic courses intended for supporting independent student work while studying the disciplines. The question of remote professor’s guidance is also mentioned. Keywords: competence building approach, field of professional activity, MS Project, project management, design approach | 1007 | |||||
5620 | The article focuses on the polifunctional pronoun form gli and its patterns of use in the 16th-century Italian. In Old Italian, as a result of phonetic changes, this form became virtually universal, as it performed various subject, direct object and indirect object functions and co-occurred with other developments of the Lat. ille. In Modern Italian gli has several uses, but they are not stylistically equal: gli as the indirect object masculine singular pronoun is normative, gli as the indirect object plural form is colloquially marked, and gli as the indirect object feminine singular pronoun is regarded as a vulgarism. The 16th century, in a way, was a transition period when certain uses of gli that later became obsolete are only present in comic genres and in the writings by semiliterate authors. Another interesting feature is the growing discrepancy between the dialect of Florence and the codified norm. The reduction of superfluous uses of gli in the 16th-century Italian has not been dealt with specially before. The present piece of research aims at assessing the way the functions of gli were gradually being reduced and differentiated stylistically, which becomes evident when one confronts prose and verse writings belonging to different genres and to authors from different regions of Italy. Keywords: Italian language, history of Italian, personal pronouns, grammatical synonymy, language norm | 1007 | |||||
5621 | Introduction. The lack of current theoretical and methodological works of inclusion of modern network discourse in the context of an additional education is an important problem of a pedagogical reality. The aim of the article is justification of methodological potential of a network approach for the development of additional education. Material and methods. The study is based on theoretical and methodological constructs, which are typical for modern stage of development of a network approach, which is represented by social network analysis (SNA), relational sociology, actor-network theory (ANT) and theory of social upbringing. Results and discussion. The development of modern additional education is connected with the comprehension of the social cooperation resource, which defines the practice of network partnership. Partnership network relationships are developing most dynamically under the condition of: a) openness of the life of the institution of additional education; b) the generated interest of institutions of additional education for partners; c) the development of “weak ties” (M. Granovetter). Conclusion. The network approach becomes a strategy of modernization and development for additional education. Under the condition of network partnership, “weak ties” of the network of additional education organizations, which provide opportunities for self-realization and displaying talent, become very important. Keywords: additional education, social network, network approach | 1007 | |||||
5622 | The article considers the way linguistic and cultural knowledge is used in translation and justifies the need to view a translator as a professional native and foreign language user. Similarly, it is important to recognize the specific character of translator’s language knowledge because, firstly, it is a tool in a professional cross-cultural mediation in translation; secondly, it provides the basis for the acquisition, development and functioning of translation skills. An attempt is made to identify the characteristics of translator’s linguacultural knowledge relevant to the process of code-switching, which should be viewed as the switching of linguacultural codes in order to reflect the interlingual and cross-cultural aspects of translation. Based on the analysis of the mental processes and mechanisms of linguacultural switching the following characteristics of translator’s lingualcultural knowledge have been proposed. Chunk-based language knowledge is represented by communicative chunks and communicative contours and is able to improve access, activation and retrieval of linguistic knowledge, error control, the functioning of radiant thinking and spreading activation. Frame-based knowledge of a foreign language creates the framework for probabilistic forecasting, facilitates direct access to conceptual representations in a foreign language, raises its activation level and reduces its dependence on the native language, as well as improving integration of linguistic and conceptual information into semantic memory. Systemic language knowledge means knowing a language as a system of dependencies and connections and ensures distinctness, flexibility and mobility of language knowledge. Language awareness involves the ability to pay attention to language forms, reflect on language, patterns and specific character of its functioning. Such awareness develops the skill of separating two languages and cultures, improves language and error control and prevents linguistic interference. Functional parallelism reflects the type of relationship between two language systems and is made up of systemic, communicative and operational aspects. The last characteristic involves the awareness of the linguistic factors causing breakdowns in code-switching in translation, as well as the ability to predict and deal with such problems. Collectively, the above-mentioned characteristics form the readiness and ability of a translator to code-switch. The development of these characteristics should be made part of professionally oriented foreign language teaching to trainee translators. Keywords: translation, code-switching, professionally oriented foreign language teaching, metalinguistic awareness, frame | 1007 | |||||
5623 | The paper develops an approach to the assessment of knowledge of students in virtual educational system. For such systems there is an urgent need in finding automated approaches to the assessment of the level of acquired knowledge by students, monitoring of the level of knowledge and their possible management. The mathematical dependence includes three components: interim, assessment, and the level of forgetting. Discusses the mathematical formalism of knowledge assessment. It is shown that for successful learning students need to consider these three components and to predict the learning process, which allows to take into account the individual characteristics of the student. Keywords: software system, training technology, virtual learning | 1006 | |||||
5624 | The article is dedicated to the research of lacunarity of derivational paradigms of adjectives denoting mental characteristics of a human in forming names of persons. Attention is paid to cognitive aspects of derivation. An attempt is being made to determine which parameters of feature semantics are relevant to a native speaker in forming nouns with the meaning ‘a person according to an attribute’. Determination of such semantic components contributes to a research of a linguistic world-image which stipulates the thematic justification of the research. For the accomplishment of the targeted goal the analysis of situations anticipating the selection procedure of adjectival naming units is carried out. Considering the obtained results the author’s classification of adjectives of a lexical semantic group ‘mental characteristics of a human’ is proposed. Compared to semantic roles of verbal actants the semantic roles which may be attributed to the actant being near an adjective are determined. It turns out that the whole array of adjectival lexicon can be divided into three groups depending on presence or absence in semantics of adjectives of a component such as controllability. It is the category of intensional control that appears to be an integral characteristic of semantics of adjectives entering the process of forming names of persons. Absence of an adjective of a semantic component ‘control’ in semantics forbids a formation of adjective-based naming units. Keywords: lexical gap, adjective, attribute bearer, semantic role, agent, patient, experiencer, intensional control | 1006 | |||||
5625 | The article deals with consideration of argued and polemic media discourse in regulative aspect. Different regulative means and structures are explored, regulative dominants and ways of regulativity in media discourse of informational and media language personalities are revealed on the material of analytic and polemic articles of 2015–2016 by writer Y. Polyakov and journalist A. Kolesnikov. Dependence of regulative means which are used by language personalities on author’s intentions and subjective assessment of different social reality is determined. Some typical and individually personal peculiarities of their argued and polemic discourse are revealed. Keywords: regulative means, regulative structures, dominant of regulativity, argued and polemic media discourse, of analytic and polemic article, informational and media language personality | 1006 | |||||
5626 | The article considers general characteristics of the program of training in a postgraduate study. Designates the components of scientific and methodological providing of the discipline “Computer science and medical statistics” that implements training of graduate students in medical school. Taking into account the modern requirements of scientific and methodical providing presents as a complete system of normative documents, organizational and methodical documents and didactic materials. Based on the concept of contextual learning, grounds the methods and forms making up a complete didactic postgraduate training cycle. The suggested methods and forms allowed the increasing of cognitive interest to the discipline and made the transition from the knowledge transfer to the active development of the educational material content. Keywords: postgraduate study, scientific and methodical aids, theory of contextual training, medical statistics | 1006 | |||||
5627 | In the process of contemporary methodical training of inexperienced teachers of foreign languages they use textbooks which were published not only in the present century (XXI), but also in the previous one (XX). As a rule, these manuals are considered to be classical. Nevertheless, such manuals usually have rather different target orientations and content components in comparison with modern ones. Educational literature on methods of foreign language teaching of the second half of the XX century represents particular interest in comparison with the other evolution periods of such kind of educational literature and the development of methods of foreign languages teaching as an independent science in the matter of target aims, content components and used methodological terms. The given article represents the brief description of the most famous and the most popular domestic textbooks on methods of foreign language teaching of the second half of the XXth century. These textbooks can be divided into two categories: 1) the textbooks of the 50s – 70s (L. S. Andreevskaya-Levenstern, O. E. Mikhailova, V. D Arakin, I. M. Berman, B. F. Korndorf, I. V. Rakhmanov); 2) the textbooks of the 80s – 90s (R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev, G. V. Rogova, I. N. Vereshchagina; G. V. Rogova, F. M. Rabinovich, T. E. Sakharova; E. I. Passov, S. F. Shatilov). They have some different and common features. Keywords: foreign languages, methods of foreign language teaching, university textbooks, the content of textbooks, target orientations of textbooks | 1006 | |||||
5628 | The Gogol’s story “Nevsky Prospekt”, repeatedly becoming a subject of reflection for two centuries, is of interest to researchers for its multifacetedness and inexhaustible possibilities for interpretation. The author’s aim is the systematization of the story’s verbal lexicon into lexico-semantic groups and the demonstration of typological and mental differences of the characters. These differences were the subject of scientist’s reflection, however, in our view, they are not only in the ideological and semantic levels of the work, but, first of all, in the linguistic level. The author does not analyze the entire verbal lexicon, but only those verbs that are directly related to the description of the main characters - Piskarev and Pirogov. We rely on the definition of Z. D. Popova and I. A. Sternin who believe that “lexico-semantic group is a large group of words of one part of speech united by a single word-an identifier or a stable phrase-combination, whose meaning is fully included in the meaning of the remaining words of the group and which can replace the remaining words in certain contexts” [7, р. 95]. We also rely on the verbal lexicon classification, proposed in the dictionary edited by T. V. Matveyeva, considering this classification the most complete. The most frequent are the lexico-semantic groups of the following verbs: Pirogov – displacement in space (15), speech message (10), thinking (4), utterance (4), perception (6), penetration (4); Piskarev – displacement in space (40), perception (16), utterance (5), thinking (4). In addition, there are unique lexical and semantic groups for each hero. The total number of verbal lexicon in the case of Piskarev is much larger than in the case of Pirogov. That’s why Piskarev is not just a naive dreamer, but an actor who is trying to transform the surrounding reality. As a true romantic, he produces a modified (idealized) reality in his works, then – dreams, and finally he perishes, failing in the transformation of the real life and consciousness of the beauty girl. Keywords: verbal lexicon, lexico-semantic group, romanticism, “natural school”, spectacular folklore | 1006 | |||||
5629 | Introduction. This study is a series of consecutive problems in the practice of educational reading in modern university pedagogical training. Educational reading is defined as a complex, sophisticated multi-order phenomenon. The study highlights the textual dimension of reading (aspects inherent in speech educational practices, without including management plans through the training assignment and pedagogical communication by reading practices). The empirical focus of the research includes the experience of interaction of undergraduate students of the Belarusian Maxim Tank State Pedagogical University (BSPU) with a fragment of the text by the Polish pedagogue Janusz Korczak. Aim and objectives. The research organization solves two interrelated tasks – diagnostic and project ones. The first is designed to identify the established trends in the educational work of students with a text. The second is to specify the circle and type of priority tasks that ensure the propaedeutics of educational transformations. An important goal of the study is to discover the specifics of the work of the retransmitting educational model in the practice of educational reading. The objective of this study is to find effective tools to limit the range of retransmitting reading regulators. Material and methods. The study used the method of discourse analysis of students’ written statements. The empirical basis was formed by the acts of reading and interpretive interaction of BSPU students with the pedagogical works by J. Korczak. The typical reading strategies used by students in teaching, as well as marginal textual tactics, creating the possibility of diversification of reading practices in the process of their studies are highlighted and described. As a condition for this kind of transformation, a specific (poetic) design of J. Korczak’s pedagogical statement is considered, which enables him to act as a “screen” of objectification of the students’ pedagogical experience. Results and discussion. It was identified that the dominant trends that have shown themselves in the students’ statements are textual (semantic) reconstruction and semiotic correlation. The following are the most frequently used text reconstruction tools by students: thematically oriented reading, qualification of the text as messages about real events, and text authorization. In marginal ways of reading, one can diagnose, on a preliminary basis, the issues of initiating, in the process of reading J. Korczak’s text, the primary signs of students’ linguistic (discursive) consciousness. It has been shown that in “relations with oneself” working with a text by J. Korczak brings to life three types of discursive effects: self-identification, self-observation, and self-motivation. One of the important results of the research is the discovery of the specifics of the retransmitting educational model, which traditionally acts as an asymmetric shift in the reader’s attention from the form (AS) to the content (WHAT) of the message. The following plans for limiting this model have been identified: theoretical-methodological, epistemological, and methodological. Conclusion. The study shows that pedagogical work in the situation of an educational reading crisis should be withdrawn from the reflexive-theoretical state and placed into an experimental-developmental environment. This means the need for didactic reconstruction of reading practices in professional pedagogical training, one of the options for which can be rhetorical re-reading of pedagogical classics. An example of the implementation of such didactic work in the meaning of the constructive condition for the formation of the professional position of the future teacher is a poetic attitude to the text representing the teaching practice by J. Korczak. It puts in the focus of attention the pedagogical experience of the students themselves and creates the possibility of their objectification and discursivation. The basic condition for such an opportunity is the specifics of the participation of the future teacher’s experience in the formation and changes of pedagogical situations. Keywords: reading practices, pedagogical text, grammatical exposition of pedagogical text, rhetorical exposition of pedagogical text, didactic transformation, reading crisis in culture and education, retransmitting educational model | 1006 | |||||
5630 | Introduction. The amateurish text is a notable phenomenon of modern mass (not elitist) speech culture. Factors that ensure the promotion of this type of text in the media include the priority of the hedonistic function to the detriment of the cognitive, as well as the interest of society in the public figure, which the media institute provides an opportunity to speak on issues not related to education and profession. The aim of the article is to study the perception of an amateurish text (its content and form) by different groups of recipients. The research issues are aimed at identifying the heterogeneity of mass speech culture by comparing the estimated positions of different recipients of the same text. Material and methods. As an example of amateurish text, the text of the chief editor of a glossy magazine is used, which emphasizes distance from specialists in the field of knowledge (philology) that he discusses. Based on the semantic- stylistic method, speech material obtained in a psycholinguistic experiment, that is, secondary reaction texts, is analyzed. Recipients are divided into three groups: non-specialists from 18 to 44 years old; non-specialists from 50 to 62 years old; students studying in the direction of “Philology”. Results and discussion. It is established that the text broadcasts relatively reliable information (scientific and semiscientific knowledge, a linguistic myth), contains factual errors. An experimental study of evaluative reactions to the text shows that the information transmitted by the text is uncritically accepted by a significant part of the recipients. Non-specialists regard the amateur as a social type depending on age: young participants in the experiment are more loyal to him than senior group recipients. Students who have mastered the problem under discussion in theory and practice speak out sharply negatively about amateur judgments. Assessment of the speech features of the text correlate with the assessment of content. The younger group approves of the humor, accessibility, “ease” with which the information is presented; the senior group notes in the text speech aggression, violation of ethical standards. Philologists in their assessments of the author’s speech style are closer to the older group, that is, more conservative than their peers. Conclusion. Evaluative reactions to one of the varieties of modern mass culture – the amateurish text – allow us to talk about the heterogeneity of this culture, namely the existence of an older and younger communicative norm. The positions of the younger norm in mass speech culture are stronger. This conclusion is based on the fact that the speech features of the source text, which received approval from the younger group recipients, and disapproval of the senior recipients, are considered in modern style as the most striking features of the press as a whole. Keywords: mass speech culture, amateur text, text perception, text assessment, junior communicative norm, senior communicative norm | 1006 | |||||
5631 | This article gives the theoretical substantiation of research of criteria and functional contents of professional identity at teachers of the higher school with a support on representation about professional identity as the structural formation consisting of components of an image I, cognitive and motivational characteristics of the person and providing successful adaptation. It allows empirically defining the social and psychological adaptation of the person in structure of professional identity as function which is shown in maintenance of backbone roles of an image I and as criterion which is realized through its measure of integration and correlation of substantial characteristics. Keywords: social and psychological adaptation, professional identity, satisfaction professional work, the criteria and functional contents, teachers of the higher school. | 1005 | |||||
5632 | The research describes the role of premodal lexical semantics in grammaticalisation and in forming of the functional-semantic specificity of verbs with modal meaning, their cognitive and historical-cultural determination. German modal verbs are sollen, mьssen, wollen, mцgen, kцnnen, dьrfen. These verbs are preterite-present, which means that their present tense has the form of the strong preterite. Modal verbs are the prototypical linguistic means of modality expression, at the same time there are many other verbs with modal semantics in the periphery of the modal field, which have similar functional-semantic features. The so-called modalized verbs can also express possibility, necessity, desirability, habitual actions and various estimates. In contrast to modal verbs, German modalized verbs are used with particle zu (except the verb lassen). It is very interesting to look at the involvement of verbs with modal semantics in grammaticalisation. There are many studies in the field of grammaticalisation (Lehmann, 1982; Heine, 1984; Bybee, 1994; V. A. Plungian, 1997; Maisak, 2005, and others). These works focussed on many important problems of grammaticalisation, and specifically on the possible lexical sources of grammatical items. In the study we regard grammaticalisation as a semantic process (Heine, 1984). We intend to determine the influence of pre-grammatical semantics on the functional-grammatical forming of the verbs with modal meaning. So on the one hand we define grammaticalisation as the process, in which a lexical word or a word cluster loses some or all of its lexical meaning and starts to fulfil a more grammatical function, on the other hand we try to determine the pre-grammatical specificity of form and content. The historical changes in the premodal semantics of the verbs with modal meaning (lassen, brauchen, haben/seinzu, wissen, pflegen) cause their modern functional-grammatical specificity. These verbs express one type of modality and demonstrate the functional monosemanticity. Keywords: German modal verbs, functional-grammatical specificity | 1005 | |||||
5633 | This paper is devoted to the conditional model of the spatial organization of the novel which was written by A. M. Remizov and called “The Mere”. In fact the organization of the named novel consists of such locuses as The Yard of Ogorelyhev brothers and The Street. The first locus has pretensions of immensity, but it is limited by the picket fence. The second locus shows the essence of human wickedness. The article deals with the external and the internal aesthetic spaces one at a time. When the external events are over the internal space becomes relevant. Nicolay’s mind is closed under the instigation of the devil. This process leads the main character to the crime and selfdestruction. Keywords: A. M. Remizov, spatial organization, topos, locus | 1005 | |||||
5634 | The article presents different approaches to the definition of “motive”, highlights the features of transformation of cognitive, educational and professional motives in the context education. The main types of contextual problems (substantive, interdisciplinary and practical) are considered and marked with their distinctive features for the training of IT disciplines of the future teachers-psychologists. Proposes actual integrative didactic means – the mental-task context consisting of the mental map of the relevant section (theme, paragraph), with the filling of contextual tasks of different types. Reveales didactic and methodological possibilities of their use in the training of IT disciplines teachers-psychologists bachelors. The results of research show a positive trend of development of motivational sphere of students using mentalcontext tasks in the learning process. Keywords: motive, motivation, contextual learning, contextual task, mental-context task, informatics discipline | 1005 | |||||
5635 | The article considers the specifics of the national and European identity in the structure of the German identity. Analyzed lasting, historical problematical formation of national identity in Germany, the stages of its formation and their main features.Particular attention is paid to the analysis of foreign statistics of the European Commission (Eurobarometer), which show the complexity of the processes of formation of the double identity of the German population on a timely point in history (1990–2014). Using statistical analysis, it was found that over the 20 years since the reunification of Germany (1990), citizens of this country had to change the identity of the three times, allowing you to call the German national identity is not fully formed. The reason for this is the specificity of the historical path of Germany, a special model of the German national identity, as well as geopolitical, economic and other aspects of European integration. Keywords: national identity, European identity, the identity of the German nation, the European Union | 1005 | |||||
5636 | The article analyzes the problem of qualitative preparation and professional self-determination of graduates - future teachers in the context of self-monitoring of educational identity. Most higher educational organizations take into account, to varying degrees, new innovative educational technologies. The humanistic approach in education is relevant to the subject-subject paradigm, the transition to which is possible through the development and formation of subject positions of students, transferring them from passive consumers of information to actively and consciously acting participants in the educational process, subjects of educational activity. «Quality» is a fundamental parameter of any kind of activity and is now considered as one of the most important categories of philosophy and a term actively used in the modern economy. This process in the pedagogical system has specific features. Thus, the expert evaluation of the management of the quality of the pedagogical process, referring to the administrative language, refers to the internal audit of the content of education in a pedagogical university. Improving the quality of education also involves solving important methodological problems in the management of the quality of teacher education, which include the solution of the psychological and pedagogical problem of professional self-determination and educational identity. According to the authors, the self-monitoring procedure can complement the practice of developing subject-subject relations in the modern educational process, in the management of the quality of pedagogical education through the development of professional self-determination of graduate students. Keywords: education, management, teaching profession, self-monitoring, identity, quality of education | 1005 | |||||
5637 | Intellectual, emotional-psychological and behavioral-communicative components of the legal culture have been analyzed and a contradiction between the need to form these components since the school age and the lack of appropriate social and educational programs in the education system have been determined. The conclusions are drawn that additional education has certain peculiarities in comparison with other types of formal education and it is determined that it is the system of additional education of children that is the space providing effective formation of schoolchildren as subjects of life activity and contributing to the successful implementation of programs aimed at shaping the legal culture of schoolchildren. The relationship between the high level of legal culture, civil legal relations and their manifestation in the tourist activity is defined. The contradiction between the requirement for a high level of legal culture among participants of legal relations in the sphere of tourist activity and the lack of the system of work aimed at satisfying this requirement and the contradiction between the need to form the components of a legal culture, starting from school age, and the lack of appropriate social and educational programs in the educational system. The main provisions of the supplementary education program “Legal foundations of tourist activities” developed by the Center for Children and Youth Tourism of the TSPU are described. Keywords: legal culture, intellectual, emotional-psychological and behavioral-communicative components of legal culture, formation of legal culture, legal relations, tourist activity, tourism, additional education | 1005 | |||||
5638 | The article describes the concept of motivation and motives, explores a naturalistic approach to man, characteristic of the Western tradition studying the motives as «a multifaceted concept that includes: needs, attitudes, interest, habits, motives, desires, inclinations, urges, examines the impact of motivation on learning, the dynamics of motives of choice of profession, the influence of type of school on the motivation of educational activity of students at state and private institutions. It is noted that among the students of a private university clearly prevails the pursuit of knowledge and orientation to a professional career and at the same time a disregard for the degree. We are slightly puzzled by the coincidence of positions of students of both universities in relation to the career of the entrepreneur and the manager. The survey showed that the availability of money with a lack of abilities plays a prominent but not central role in the selection of paid education. The motives of educational activity of students are closely linked with the motives of choice of institution (profession), and with the conditions of professional activities. They are largely determined by the degree of satisfaction with the quality of teaching and training. The study motives of the student youth of non-state and state colleges of higher education suggests that at present the fundamental differences in this area do not exist, largely due to the immaturity of the private sector of higher education. However, research has shown the relationship between the payment for learning and a higher motivation for learning of students of a private college. The students found great interest in his professional career, confidence in their future, there is no doubt that they are faster to adapt to new economic and social realities. Keywords: motives, motivation of educational activity, state sector of higher education, private sector of higher education | 1005 | |||||
5639 | The article, based on the analysis of modern historical and pedagogical research, interprets the following concepts: ideal teacher, teacher’s mission, which helps to present the pedagogical ideal as a sample image. This article shows that the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX century is of particular interest for the history of public education, since during this period pedagogical ideas developed intensively. Important and up-to-date judgments about the ideal, mission, and the role of the teacher were expressed. There are relevant views of modern scientists on the ideal and mission of the teacher in the article. Special attention is focused on a study conducted at the beginning of the XX century, where you can find generalized data about ideal teacher from the students’ point of view. Pupils’ reflections on the ideal teacher, his traits of character, personal and professional qualities are given. According to the students, these traits and professional qualities have the most favorable impact on young people. It was found out, that the favorite teacher was considered to be the one who knew his subject at high level, explained information clearly and, more than that, this person would be cheerful, kind, patient, fair, noble, sincere, young at heart, understand the problems of young people, treat students like adults, trust them, see their personality, love his students. Keywords: ideal, mission, teacher, education, pupil, the second half of XIX – beginning of the XX century | 1005 | |||||
5640 | Slobodskoy V. I. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 75-75 . | 1004 | |||||
5641 | The article deals with the “Mode” concept in the cognition of the German ethnos as a component of its cognitive view of the world. With the help of experimental methods, and namely, the associative and receptive experiments, the description of the structure and content of this concept in relation to its language model that allows showing the model of the concept “Mode” in a dynamic context is given. Keywords: concept, fashion, cognitive view of the world, kernel, interpretation field, experimental methods, dynamic aspect | 1004 | |||||
5642 | At present the higher school is facing an acute problem of training specialists, demanded by the labour market. Therefore, the necessary condition is to improve the quality of education of the students, in which a special role is assigned to individual work, especially during transition to level and individually-focused training in the logic of state of educational standards of the third generation. Individual educational work seems rather a problematic concept. In the terms of quality issues the concept of “work” is determined by the concept of “activity”, which is the base for it. By means of individual work the students’ readiness for independent activity is carried out. And for the formation of self-reliance as the characteristics of an individual to adapt first-year students an opening course ‘Introduction to the vocation’ is designed. The main objectives of the suggested course are “to introduce students to the vocation”, i.e. introduce the features of student life and activities throughout the coming period of training, to form certain ideas and skills necessary for mastering of all subjects of the curriculum, as well as to introduce the features and requirements of the economics profession. Keywords: didactic, or educational and professional adaptation of students, independent work, the independent activities, subjectivity, management of independent educational activity, introductory course | 1004 | |||||
5643 | The article considers psychological and pedagogical features of adolescence students, for which different kinds of activities, such as studing, scientific, sport, labour and art are characteristic. Special attention is paid to the importance of psycho-pedagogical peculiarities in the formation of ecological culture of adolescents, the relationship between nature and pupil. A huge value of degrees in ecological examples is staged in teenager age. The patriotic attitude to the nature is formed not only by the nature itself, but by society, culture and the level of their development also. In the relationship between nature and people estetic, psychologic, sensitive and educative functions are used. The paper presents the monitoring data of formation of ecological culture of teenagers of municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school № 31 of Tomsk, which show an increase in the number of students with high and moderate level of ecological culture. Keywords: nature and man, age psychology, ecological culture, teenager, teacher | 1004 | |||||
5644 | The article deals with the notion of locativity. There are analyzed nouns, as one of the main lexical means for expressing this category in the Erzya and Finnish languages. The study identifies five groups of nouns with the locative semantics in two related languages: 1) toponymical words, which contain names of surface types, parts of the world, continents, landscape; 2) nouns, which name administrative-territorial division (names of countries, cities, regions, areas, streets, squares); 3) nouns, which denote buildings; 4) subject nouns (names of furniture, tableware); 5) names of receptacles, containers, vehicles. In every group of nouns there are given examples from Erzya and Finnish literature. The collected language data shows, that a noun in both studied languages is one of the most distributed lexical means of expressing locativity. Keywords: semantics, space, category of locativity, noun | 1004 | |||||
5645 | Advertising influence is seen as manifestation of discourse social power, which is realized in different linguistically encoded forms of mental control over the target audience. It is analyzed in terms of representational structures – text worlds (mental representations) created in advertising discourse to establish relations between participants of communication. PRODUCER, PRODUCT and ADDRESSEE are the core elements in the structure of text worlds created in separate communicative acts. Text world is considered a generic term encompassing the notion of basic text world and sub-worlds, which are either participant-accessible or character-accessible. Sub-worlds projected in British advertising discourse are stated to differ depending upon the pragmatic perspective. The former have the effect of providing greater significance to the rational element of promoting the product, while the latter focus on entertaining aspects of advertising often associated with fiction. Keywords: representational structures, discourse, text world, initial text world, sub-worlds, advertising influence | 1004 | |||||
5646 | The article considers the theoretical aspects to the definition of “quality of education” and “quality of educational services” with a focus on their continuous transformation in a changing social and educational environment of the school. A comparative analysis of concepts allowed the authors to identify that the quality of educational services as an integral part of quality education, focused primarily on the quality of education. The authors concluded that the quality of educational services as the most important indicator of the effectiveness of educational activities should more fully satisfy the educational needs of students, taking into account the economic aspect: the state of the materialtechnical base, educational-methodical, information technology support, etc. Proposed a definition of the concept “quality of educational services” in relation to modern educational process. Keywords: quality, education, educational services, quality of education, quality of educational services | 1004 | |||||
5647 | The issue of training cadets of military higher educational institutions for the Olympiad in Informatics is under consideration. The nominations of the Olympiad are described and the methodical aspects of training cadets for one of the topics of the first round are described in detail – the use of the MS Word application in solving military-applied problems. Based on the analysis of the Olympiad assignments on computer science of the past years, a classification of tasks has been performed on this topic. The following types of tasks are identified: working with text; work with objects that are not text; execution of the document; automation of mailing; creation of macros and electronic forms. The method of teaching the solution of the selected types of Olympiad problems is described with the help of a set of different levels of difficulty in the exercises. Each subsequent exercise should either be based on the previous one, or repeat the sequence of actions formed in the previous tasks, which allows you to consolidate the result of the previous work. At the same time, in each subsequent exercise, a new action (or several actions united by one group of teams) must necessarily be added, which accentuates the attention of the cadet, thereby contributing to a more meaningful assimilation. Expansion and gradual complication of the set of exercises or the creation of a new sequence of similar tasks allows you to gradually master all the necessary material. A generalization of methodological provisions is made on the basis of which the method of preparing cadets for the speech at the Olympiad in the first round is proposed: it is necessary first to classify tasks for each topic of the tour, then to develop a set of exercises that form the cadet’s free operation with the actions necessary to solve problems of each type. Keywords: olympiad in informatics, methods of training, classification of tasks, set of exercises, formation of actions | 1004 | |||||
5648 | The article describes the strategy of professional training of a teacher-musician using modern audiovisual technologies. The characteristic of both traditional audiovisual means and technologies (different types of presentation, training, reference, creative computer programs using sound and image) and modern means functioning in a computer multimedia environment (digital (electronic) educational resources, music and computer training programs) is given. The advantages of using audiovisual technologies in solving a number of methodical tasks of the lesson are described: the development of a variety of methodological tools, differentiation of these methodological developments into groups of exercises. The expediency of the use of audiovisual technologies is also considered in terms of the formation of professional competencies of bachelors. The important technological functions of music and computer training programs are noted, namely their polyinstrumental format, the possibility of “immersion” of the child in the historical, artistic and emotional environment of musical culture due to sound material. It is shown how the technical capabilities of music and computer programs contribute to the immersion of the child in the process of musical creativity, create conditions for the activation of creative imagination, cause interest in the art of music. The examples of realization of the system of creative tasks in the creative-computer format are given. Keywords: audiovisual technologies, digital educational resources, music and computer training programs, interactive forms of learning, training of music teachers in the university | 1004 | |||||
5649 | This work is a brief review of superfield methods applications for the deformed theory, adapted for nonanticommutative case. The algorithm of the finding componental lagrangian on the example of the general D = 4, N = 1/2 supersymmetric chiral-antichiral model formulated in terms of arbitrary Kachler potential, chiral and antichiral superpotentials. Further procedure of research of quantum aspects of the general chiral superfield model is resulted into one-loop effective action and missing and final contributions. Thus we use the technics of calculations keeping structure of modified product at all stages of the quantum analysis. Keywords: The supersymmetric theory of the field, the deformed superspace, non-anticommutative theory | 1003 | |||||
5650 | The article considers the influence of many associated factors which are of scientific and practical interest and represented in the form of the concept of the multilevel assessment of the potential of interaction between labour market and the market for vocational education services in the reproduction process of a primary labor resource (a young specialist). The analysis, systematization and constant monitoring of the results of the methodological approach to the potential assessment of interaction between labour market and education market allow the government to get the right information at the macro- and meso-levels for adjustment and planning of criteria of the reproduction process of young specialists as a specific category of the workforce. It is substantiated that this approach allows the state and its subjects to obtain the necessary information at the macro- and meso-levels to adjust and plan the parameters of the reproduction process of young specialists as a specific category of the labor force and serves as an instrument for managing the interaction of the subjects of the regional markets for vocational education and labor services. Thus, it is shown that effective training of young specialists is implemented to a greater extent in the regions with a favorable demographic structure of the employed population, whose potential is used more rationally in terms of minimizing the costs of unemployment, on the one hand, and the use of incentives for productive labor, aimed at advancing growth of labour productivity over the wage growth with further improvement in the implementation of its reproductive and stimulating functions, on the other hand. In conclusion, the article points out that effective training of labor resources is relevant not only for industry but also for the region in particular, as the economic space of the Russian Federation as a whole is characterized by considerable differentiation in the socio-economic development of the regions. Keywords: methodological approach, potential assessment, professional education, full employment, market services, reproduction, young professionals, primary labor resource, effective training, continuing education | 1003 |