# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3001 | Modern innovative processes in education, pluralism In methodical created unprenadental possibilities for teaching foreign languages what at present results in formation of communicative competence. In her article K.S. Lelioushkina presents a new productive model of teaching foreign person-orientated communication of upper forms pupils, which motivates the growth of their creative abilities and in enriches and promotes their private experience. | 1062 | |||||
3002 | Article is devoted to the description of preliminary results of International space crew communication ‘ psychological analysis. Certain evidence confirming existence of “information filtration” was found, as in space simulations, crews preferred not to share certain problems of their life with MC. They also demonstrated preferences in contacts, being more prone to talk with their confidents in MC. At the same time, certain psychological problems in adaptation caused well-known transfer of negative feelings to MC. Astronauts preferred to contact their national MC. MCs, in their turn, mostly addressed with information and requests to their own national astronauts. | 1062 | |||||
3003 | The article discusses the problems that are connected with the revision of epistemological principals in the contemporary philosophy. Trends that form new concept of cognition: antysubstantionalism, antyfoundamentalism, pluralism are analysed. The article shows that non-classical approaches do not deny traditional epistemology but supplement it. The foundation of such interaction is communicative ontology. Communication is presented as united principle in modern conditions when reality becomes pluralistic and heterogeneous. | 1062 | |||||
3004 | The article is devoted to the problem of time interpretation in drama, which is a crucial phenomenon in drama of the XIX-XX centuries. The peculiarities of A.P. ChekhoVs plays are pointed out In comparison with the works by G. Hauptman and B. Shaw, for time for A.P. Chekhov becomes not only a theme and prob¬lem but a structural basis as well, which makes his drama close to rnysic and myth. | 1062 | |||||
3005 | The key philosophical and methodological problem of the strategy of education is disclosed in the article. The transformation of social institutions having an innovative character makes critical the problem of connection of their functioning and development that is represented in relation to higher professional education. As one of the prior objectives of the comprehensive system of education the author distinguishes and presents elaboration of conceptual models of education and research activities, their scientific-methodical provision, construction of systematic model of education including elements and components of analyzed and modeled system on its various levels. | 1062 | |||||
3006 | Special value of theoretical physics course at pedagogical high schools consists in the necessity of formation of high-grade, fundamental education of future physics teachers, that provides adequate understanding of the unity of the physical world and the laws describing it. In O.V. Brusnik’s article «Development of Cognitive Activity of Students at Studying Theoretical Physics Course at Pedagogical Universities» activization methods of cognitive activity of students at studying theoretical physics at pedagogical university are considered. | 1062 | |||||
3007 | The basic characteristic of school chief's professional practice is his communicative competence. However it is not realized as the basic component of professional competence in the school chiefs' practice. Taking into account the intensity and temporary limitation of extension and professional development courses of the employees, it is necessary to develop the school chiefs' value relation during realization of the model. The author carried out the appropriate experimental job, evaluated the dynamic of levels, parameters and components changes and proved mathematically the statistically significant difference in the results of control and experimental groups | 1062 | |||||
3008 | The innovatory model of the foreign language education is presented in the article. The model forms the creative personality purposely The innovatory technology in the foreign language education is being developed in the framework of the Powerful thinking general theory based upon G. S.Altshuller’s research, the author of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). TRIZ is a science of problem-solving based on objective regularity of system development | 1062 | |||||
3009 | The author of this article makes an attempt to leave from the analysis of a separate subcultural phenomenon to inwardly social space and, through mythological aspect approach to holistic perception of "models of the world" in a complex picture of society, avoiding traps of several disassociated and lopsided perception of more characteristics modern social science Keywords: social space, subcultures, youth subculture, model of youth subculture, collective myth, individual myth | 1062 | |||||
3010 | The article deals with actual trends of efficiency diagnostics of rural municipal educational systems modernization and pedagogical conditions of its realization, which research actuality is conditioned by the necessity of forming rural education development mechanisms: area nets, including modern models of schools (including incomplete and scanty schools), realizing modern educational programs using innovational educational techniques (technologies); models and techniques (technologies) of preparing teachers for rural area and raising the level of their skill Keywords: efficiency diagnostics of municipal educational system modernization | 1062 | |||||
3011 | The article is devoted to organization of specialized education by means of online education in the rural ungraded school. Online education means flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of students with help of different sources of information, online and regular interaction with the leading teacher of the course and group work Keywords: specialized education, education, rural ungraded school, quality of education, online education | 1062 | |||||
3012 | The article characterizes the condition of West Siberian Teachers’ Institutes during the First World War. It shows the influence of The war on the inner life and order of these institutions and describes the process of crisis phenomenon intensification in the field of pedagogical education against the background of social and economic problems in wartime. Keywords: West Siberian Teachers Institutes, the First World War, pedagogical education | 1062 | |||||
3013 | The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical bases of complex structural changes in education of the Russian Federation: the emergence of theories of post-industrial society, modernization, education philosophy, management of educational systems, teaching in rural schools. Keywords: common historical and pedagogical trends in the municipal education systems in Russia, the rural educational system specifics, tendencies of realization of ideas of modernization. | 1062 | |||||
3014 | The article describes approaches to the connection of mental and physical issues in philosophy, psychology, linguistics and literature. Some examples explain the possibility of physical and spiritual synthesis in Russian literature. Keywords: mental state of human, the physical state of human, physical and spiritual synthesis, Russian literature | 1062 | |||||
3015 | The article is the result of an experimental study of the structure of the teacher-philologist competence Keywords: teacher’s culture of speech, psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher, professional competence, teaching communication, nonverbal ability, professional competence, professional culture of the teacher | 1062 | |||||
3016 | The article deals with the poetic text in the context of cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics. The sense of the poetic text is presented as a result of the complex interconceptual interactions. There is an overview of some of the artistic (poetic) concept structural typologies. It is proposed the valence model of artistic (poetic) concept, which allows us to represent the interaction between conceptual elements in such cognitive structures as metaphor, metonymy, symbol. Keywords: artistic concept, poetic concept, the valence model, a poetic picture of the world, text, cognitive poetics. | 1062 | |||||
3017 | In the article an attempt to identifi cation of modern football in the process of competitive activity in all its diversity from professional from professional sports management to intra football and by football segments of mass culture, in which fans are an integral and inseparable part of it. The authors consider sub-cultural phenomenon – constructive support – as a tool for positive infl uence of fan’s support on emulative results directly during a football match. In this case the set of identifi ed components of the sports process creates a new mechanism for its stakeholders Keywords: mass culture, football and by-football subcultures, a constructive support, complex modeling sociocultural objects and relations, stakeholders of modern sports process | 1062 | |||||
3018 | The article contains the analysis of concepts of scientific and technical creativity in order to find out its connection with magic. The author comes to the conclusion that magical and scientific-technical creativity processes have cultural-historical, linguistic and semantic-containing connections. Keywords: scientific-technical creativity, magic, theurgy | 1062 | |||||
3019 | The article is the result of studying the issue of social partnership in labor relationships in the Siberian periodical press in the 1800’s – early 1900’s. We have considered the standpoints of the left-wing and liberal press on this problem. Pre-revolutionary Russian liberal press gives an idea of the compromise (which would consider the interests of the bourgeoisie as well as the workers) in solving the labor issue. Unfortunately, the social development of Siberia in Imperial times could not possibly yield such changes. Keywords: labor relations in Siberia, social partnership, pre-revolutionary periodical press | 1062 | |||||
3020 | The role of mathematics in professional competence of psychologists is determined, the definition of professional mathematical competence of psychologists is given and the structure of this competence is offered. Also the pedagogical conditions facilitating its qualitative formation in the educational process in university are investigated. Keywords: professional mathematical competence, competence structure, stages of competence formation, pedagogical conditions | 1062 | |||||
3021 | The article proposed the idea of creating a special course based on actual problems of modern physics, based on the consideration of physical reality from the standpoint of the three categories. The material can be used in the study of general physics in education departments. Keywords: special course, physical interpretation, paradigm, physical outlook, geometric world view, a relational view of the world | 1062 | |||||
3022 | The article deals with the problem of interpretative variety of Russian classics in line with structural-semantic theory of receptive codes. A. Smirnova’s film “Fathers and sons” is seen as attempt of the lyrical reception of the novel, activating the basic structural principles of Turgenev’s discourse. Keywords: convergent discourse, receptive model, decrypting code, lyrical undertones | 1062 | |||||
3023 | The article explains the specifics of the special kind of genre picture of the world: the epistolary. The starting point in the study supports the thesis of the syncretic nature and polydiscursive essence of epistolary defining features of its contceptosphere. There was revealed the importance of modeling the epistolary genre picture of the world invariant. As example, there was analyzed the communicative model of Russian epistolary text of speech culture media elite of the 20th beginning 21st centuries. Keywords: epistolary genre, epistolary picture of the world, polydiscursive epistolary genre, invariant epistolary text | 1062 | |||||
3024 | This article discusses the value-sense sphere of mother. Motherhood is one of the urgent problems of contemporary Russian society. Evolutionary purpose of women is the birth and upbringing of children. This article reflects the problem of inner peace mother, her value-semantic framework. It represents the theoretical literature review of research on the issues under study. Showes the results of the study of value and sense sphere of mothers. Determines the core values of mothers and childless women. Analyzes the differences of value-semantic sphere of mother and childless women. Mothers revealed significantly greater percentage of respondents experiencing fear and loneliness of losing loved ones, compared to childless women. Mother is a cultural and moral model for your child. For mothers sense-forming factor is the value of family life. Childless women have a wider range of values, that is more diverse and multidirectional than that of mothers’. Keywords: motherhood, maternal position, values, family, woman, mother, childless woman | 1062 | |||||
3025 | The epistolary forms which entered a context of “The Moscow magazine” and “The Bulletin of Europe” are considered as an embodiment of the concept of N. M. Karamzin – the publisher, as a reprezentant of his creative method. N. M. Karamzin actively develops poetics of the private, friendly letter in the journalistic and publishing practice, thus the poetics of epistolary publications in Karamzin magazines is conformable to poetics of his private letters. In magazines, also as well as in private letters, estimates and judgments of the publisher, his image itself organize reader’s perception, play a sample role, immerse in the Karamzin sphere of spiritual and intellectual aspirations. The letter as a plot forming element of Karamzin magazines allowed their publisher to come into direct contact with the reader, and “someone else’s” letters became remarks in the dialogue organized by the publisher, a reason for publishing reflections. The letter becomes an ideal form of creation of the addressee – the reader of the magazine as in it the behavioural standard is formed. Certain dynamics of epistolary poetics from “The Moscow magazine” to “the Bulletin of Europe” is noted. The conclusion is that the epistolary is the major esthetic category, it in many respects causes deep internal unity of editions of N. M. Karamzin. Keywords: epistolary form, magazine, N. M. Karamzin, “The Moscow magazine”, “Bulletin of Europe” | 1062 | |||||
3026 | The article aims to clarify the concept of “political discourse”, its definition, structure and its place among other discourse types. Political discourse in this article is considered as a complex of all speech acts used in the political debates, and it can also be interpreted as a complex of rules of social relations which have their own traditions, and have been tested by many years of experience. The article describes politician’s verbal impact on the public from a gender perspective, and characterizes typical traits of a female politician. Verbal impact can include different methods and tactics used by the orators to influence and persuade the audience. However, these influence tactics differ from individual to individual in their effectiveness, as well as across gender. The article presents different types of the communication tactics (contact-establishing tactics, self-presentation tactics, communication tactics, accusation tactics and «play in figures» tactics) by the example of Hilary Clinton’s campaign speech – the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the Unites States of America in the 2016 election. With the help of these tactics Hilary Clinton has a possibility not only to establish contact with the audience, but also she can influence people’s emotions, feelings, and can induce public to act. Keywords: political communication, election speech, political discourse, communicative tactics, politician’s speech portrait | 1062 | |||||
3027 | In the article the author examined the views of scientists on the problem of choosing the topic of the study and described the requirements for choosing the topic of children’s research: accessibility, interest and benefit for the child. The text of the article contains a description of the mistakes that children make when formulating the title of the topic of the latest research. Semenova N. A. singles out the peculiarities of preschoolers’ research activity, she describes the approaches to the selection of the research topic in the kindergarten, reveals the differences between the spontaneous and specially organized research activity of preschool children. The article presents approaches to the selection of topics for educational research in primary school. Enumerated educational tasks, which the teacher solves when choosing the topic of children’s research activities. The author of the article proposed a method how to identify and formulate these criteria for choosing the topic of his research by junior schoolchildren in joint activities with the teacher. He provides the results of the analysis of the themes of children’s research works performed by junior schoolchildren and submitted for the contest “Create, Explore, Try” at Tomsk State Pedagogical University for seven years. The researcher makes a conclusion about what topics and why are claimed by the pupils of the primary school. Keywords: research topic, choice of research topics, competition of children’s research works | 1062 | |||||
3028 | The increase in the number of disabled children requires from specialists new methods, technologies and means of correction at the current stage of development of education. The article discusses the possibilities of the genre of the musical training of future teachers for working in conditions of inclusion. The search for alternative forms of training of future specialists determines the relevance of the article. The presented method of the interactive musical was considered from different positions within the framework of the realization of the formation of the inclusive competences of the students of the pedagogical faculty. The experience of staging a musical on the basis of higher educational institutions as a form of practice-oriented training of future professionals working with children with disabilities (HIA), and implementation of interactive musical institutions as a gradual and complementary work demonstrates positive results. The first stage is devoted to the formation of a new pedagogical consciousness, underlying the adoption of different children and their development, a tolerant acceptance of children with various pathologies. The second stage is directly devoted to the study of new techniques that allow to create independently for a child the conditions for inclusion in the educational process, taking into account his characteristics and needs. The authors also propose to use it in working with children with disabilities. These areas are recommended as nontraditional forms of work with students of higher educational institutions. Keywords: children with disabilities, interactive musical, inclusive education, inclusive-oriented training, competence, musical, non-traditional, vocational training, correctional work | 1062 | |||||
3029 | The article deals with lexicographic material, which allows seeing the features of the concept both in diachrony and in synchrony. There is doubt that dictionaries in Russian and Chinese as lexicographic materials help us to see the semantic and derivational efficiency of the concept and its segments in full. Meanwhile the lexical meanings fixed in the dictionary are what people have in mind when they use the word. Fate is one the most important categories of consciousness, through which a national conceptual picture of the world is built in Russia and in China; therefore comparative analysis of the concept fate in Russian and Chinese is of interest all over the world. In the article we use the comparative analysis method and reveal the similarities and differences in their meanings in Chinese and Russian explanatory dictionaries to disclose different concepts of fate from the root in Chinese and Russian. Through analysis it is concluded that such values as, for example, the will of God, the higher power, fate, lot, stake, fate are characteristic of both languages, while the definitions of order, superstition, development and change are peculiar only to the Chinese language, and the court, the court of God, the verdict – exclusively to the Russian language. Keywords: semantic and derivational productivity, lexical meaning recorded in the dictionary, destiny, national conceptual picture of the world, comparative analysis method | 1062 | |||||
3030 | The implementation of master programs is considered. An assessment of the quality of the implementation of master programs on example of Department of Television and Control of the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics was conducted. For the assessment, a questionnaire was conducted among subjects of the educational process. The main advantages and disadvantages of master programs on electromagnetic compatibility at the department of Television and Control are revealed. Factors influencing the decrease in the effectiveness of the educational process are revealed. The organization of a contact area of a teacher with students and the implementation of scientific work in the framework of training in the magistracy were considered. A set of measures to improve the implementation of master programs, related to the organization of the educational process, the revision of the formats of work with students, the conduct of research activities undergraduates is developed. The results of partial implementation of this complex were presented. Tests for verification of the residual knowledge of students and for internal monitoring of the quality assessment of the educational process were developed. The testing was conducted and it’s results were analyzed. The importance of conducting a systematic assessment of the educational process quality was shown. Keywords: higher education, master programs, quality of education, electromagnetic compatibility | 1062 | |||||
3031 | Introduction. The oxymoron in the title of the paper expresses the evidence of the trichotomy proposed in the work and its obscurity to a wide range of poststructuralists who in one way or another touch upon questions of glottogenesis. The dominance in the world linguistics of the intracorporal vectors of language search from the middle of the past century led only to the mystification of this field of knowledge. However, the turn of research at the change of millennia towards extralinguistics is capable of dispelling the myth rooted in a wide audience about the intracorporal (cognitive, psychological, mental, etc.) origin of the language and leading the extralinguistic determinism of glottogony and language evolution processes to the first positions in linguistics. Nevertheless, contrary to the repeatedly verified data of interdisciplinary research, at present, one can still observe the confrontation of the sophistic tradition of idealism, defending the idea of intracorporal origin of the language, and the completely forgotten in linguistic circles theory of socially determined genesis of language, that had solitary status still in the middle of the last century. Post-structuralism, which has thoroughly entered into a “cognitive dead end”, has condemned itself to deserved criticism, to which a fair amount of this work is devoted. The aim of the paper is to propose a new trichotomy of structural systemic linguistics “language system – grammar – speech”. Material and methods. Structural-systemic and semiotic approaches form the epistemological framework of the study, during which the methods of logic (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.) were used, as well as the general scientific method of triangulation, that allows to single out a common third for two objects of observation. Results and discussion. The proposed trichotomy of the structural-system linguistics “language system – grammar – speech”, where grammar is understood as a set of rules, and speech – as a result of combinations of system elements, deepens understanding of the functioning of sign communication systems in the language community, as well as co-evolution of language and society. The language is designed so that the minimum of speech combinatorics can contribute to the assimilation of the rule, and the learned rule, in turn, is the key to mastering the maximum of the system itself. The rule, as an additional third and transitional link between the system and the function, acts simultaneously as an extra-linguistic binding of the virtual system of signs, invisible to a person, and the speaker. The sign nature of a language is understood through the semiotic conditionality of glottogony, in which logic plays a leading role not in the Aristotelian sense, but as a system of principles, laws, and operations for performing a certain activity — in this case, communicative. The participation of logic in the processes of speech-generation refutes the existing ideas about grammar as part of a language construct and prompts to consider it an additional third (instruction) in relation to the language system and individual speech repertoires. Conclusion. Glottogony is not a cognitive, but a logical-semiotic process. The sign, which lies at the base of all three elements of trichotomy, precedes both the processes of understanding (awareness) and the production of speech. In addi tion, through the sign and logical (non-mental or speculative) rule of its use, the speaking population becomes itself: the sign and rule unites users of the language, realizing its main function in the environment – the integrative one. Keywords: trichotomy, glottogony, semiotics, logic, grammar, system, function | 1062 | |||||
3032 | . | 1061 | |||||
3033 | In the paper the results of study of the first stage electrical forming in thin-film MIM - systems are presented. It was found, that there was a threshold voltage ~ 1,5 V below which the process of forming was strongly decelerated or absolutely stopped. The presence of a latent stage of forming was also detected. When investigating the conductance of MIM-system after the first stage of forming, two characteristic regions were chosen. In the first region (U | 1061 | |||||
3034 | The article is devoted to the critical theme of research. The author considers the aspect devoted to the formation of children's abilities and skills in speech communication as well as development of their communicative activity. Accord¬ing to the author's opinion these realities make the basis for the personality's universal education and later on give op¬portunities to realize creative potential of the personality. Keywords: - | 1061 | |||||
3035 | The obtained results of investigations showed that presented methodic of training with the using of fitness aerobics and the elements of callithenics give positing results not only in keeping body from gifting into the state of lowered resistance of girls 10-11 years but makes a great contribution to the correction of heir psychioemotional sentiment and morpohofunctional condition and all-round development psychological process and motor fitness. | 1061 | |||||
3036 | The topic under consideration is important for describing the peculiarities of finite verb form derivation in Ket. The paper offers extensive data on pairs of iterative verb and their non-iterative correspondents in Ket. The analysis of the morphological structure of these pairs allows to unify and present a limited list of regular derivational patterns employed in the language for iterative verb formation. The author singles out three basic derivational operations on the one hand, and three basic meanings for the derivational category, named iterativity, on the other hand. A descriptive scheme in the form of equation is devised for coding groups of formal markers used for iterative verb formation in Ket. The outcome of this research is categorizing of all known to the author strategies applied to iterative formation according to the three basic derivational operations. | 1061 | |||||
3037 | The article deals with the different types of communicative conditionality of word-formation processes: the correlation of word-formation with the formal aspects of textual structure and the conceptual development of national discourse. | 1061 | |||||
3038 | Considered of conception Problem Vision end Visualization in didactic of Physic for application in content Teaching of different degree detail for computer method in learning training. The Elaboration Vision model end formulate gйnйrale Topology for model visual. Demonstrated of grand effect in Teaching possible realize of application composite combination visual end natural models relies for modeling | 1061 | |||||
3039 | The article covers the constituents of the patriarchic perception still thriving in the modem Russian culture, and traces the influence of the works of George Sand on its downfall in the 19th century. The Russian literature of that epoch, both at its grand and inferior level, was affected by the transformations in the morale of the society, alongside with the penetration of the new literary plots, collisions, motives and characters. | 1061 | |||||
3040 | -The article presents a mathematical model of High Educational Establishment (HEE) activity. A program system training simulator of HEE management is created on the basic of this model. The training simulator is oriented for the process of training and retraining of administrative staff. The specifity of the model is that it meets russian real-life conditions and it reflects various aspects of Higher Educational Establishment activity: monitoring of educational process, students and staff, admission committee, infrastructure and etc. Keywords: Education Establishment activity model | 1061 | |||||
3041 | The article considers the questions of formation and work of labor courts in Russia at the beginning of 20th Century. The problems connected with examining individual labor debate of the present are analyzed. The proposals of organizing labor courts in Russia are submitted. The article also gives analysis of jurisdiction | 1061 | |||||
3042 | Semiotic and cultural functions of the sword are examined in the article. An attempt for an opportunity of representation of functioning of the sword’s symbolic in the model of system dynamics of culture is made. A project of sociological research of the modern forms of perception of symbolic of the sword is discussed | 1061 | |||||
3043 | The paper defends the thesis that philosophy of education has a special position in structure of social-philosophical knowledge. It's the part of philosophy which could help to maintain the logic of forming of mental representation of reality and principles of transition from tradition to innovation. Keywords: philosophy of education, social philosophy, structure, knowledge | 1061 | |||||
3044 | The harmonic all-round development of a human organism is the common purpose of teaching and education. With the purpose of harmonic development of growing generation education should be organized according to new approaches and technologies in teaching and educational process. Many researchers established that cerebral circulation is improved, psychological processes become intense, CNS functions better, human mental abilities increases as a result of movement activities. The game activity contributes a lot to maintaining optimum movement regime of young learners. The basic constituent of game activity is collective games. Physical and psychological components in games are closely connected. Thus, children realize movement needs, expend their energy, improve the main physical skills. Moreover, from the one hand, they learn to be initiative, independent, persistent, from the other, to control themselves, consider peers opinion, submit their actions with other participants of the game. Keywords: all-round development, movement activity, mental abilities, game, game activity | 1061 | |||||
3045 | In the article such problems as network connectivity formation between educational institutions and the role of pedagogical universities in the process of network educational programs realization are being analyzed. Keywords: network connectivity, pedagogical universities, educational centres | 1061 | |||||
3046 | The article considers the question of information-communication technologies elective courses introduction to students of an agricultural profile as the important component influencing their professional competence. It is offered the elective course “ICT in professional work”, which will acquaint students where and how effectively to use information- communication technologies in professional work. Keywords: information-communication technologies, agricultural branch, elective course, competence approach, professional work | 1061 | |||||
3047 | The article analyzes the concepts of scientific and technical work to identify them in the metaphors of divine creativity. The author argues that the high moral evaluation in the public consciousness of the process of scientific and technical creativity is due to his involvement in the everyday and theoretical thinking to the world’s sacred creation of God. The emphasis on creating incentives for the development of scientific and technical creativity stems from the specificity of creativity as a creation out of nothing. Keywords: creativity, creativity, creative personality, the Philosophy of Culture | 1061 | |||||
3048 | The article is devoted to the problem of interrelations of people who are the representatives of different nationalities and religions on the territory of the old Commonwealth in the 16th – 18th centuries. As a result of emerged situation during almost five centuries of the old Polish-Lithuanian state history no one nation of the Commonwealth has lost its historical and national consciousness besides the polonisation of many representatives of these nations. Keywords: commonwealth, interrelations, national minority, confessional minority, settled nations, scattered nations | 1061 | |||||
3049 | The article explores the mechanisms of creating and functioning of I. I. Kozlov’s individual translator’s myth concerning the creative works and personality of D. G. Byron. I. I. Kozlov is known as one of the early Russian byronists. Appearing of this myth is viewed as a result of using various strategies of translation and adaptation of English poetry into Russian. Keywords: Romanticism translation, strategies of adaptation, translator’s myth. I. I. Kozlov | 1061 | |||||
3050 | The article describes the author’s observations of the impact of a particular system in higher education. The author focused on specific organization of higher education, reflecting its objectives, challenging personal leadership and the dynamics of priority areas of basic research. Keywords: basic research, higher education, higher education as a social factor in the progress of science and technology. | 1061 |