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3851 | At Tomsk State Pedagogical University the third year operates the center for physics, mathematics and science Education. The main activities of the centre are connected with the complementary education of students and teachers. The article considers the forms of participation of students in the activities of the centre and the importance of this interaction for the formation of competence of future teachers. Keywords: training of students of pedagogical university, building professional experience, students’ work with schoolchildren, formation of pedagogical skills | 1116 | |||||
3852 | Social integration of visually impaired people in the community is a complex and time-consuming task, especially with regard to children and adolescents. Resolving of this issue involves complex innovative research, bringing together medical, social, educational workers, specialists in adaptive physical culture and sport, recreation and so on. The importance of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports for adolescents with different degrees of visual pathology and visual impairment can not be overstated. As it is known, in recent years the Paralympic Movement, in which people with different visual impairments can take part in sports competitions, has been actively developing. Goalball, as Paralympic sport is as accessible as possible for persons with severe pathology of eyesight, regardless of age and gender. Goalball Sport can be included in comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents with visual deprivation. Keywords: Adaptive sports, adaptive physical education, comprehensive rehabilitation, visual deprivation, goalball, General physical training, social adaptation and integration | 1116 | |||||
3853 | The article puts forward a model of studying a n artistic image in national poetic linguoculture. The model comprises three levels: сharacter-contextual, linguopoetic and conceptual. Each of the levels offers research into different layers of the image. The first level aims at describing character repertoire of the image, the second level focuses on its linguostylistic characteristics and the third level provides research into its conceptual content. Application of the model contributes to understanding of a literary image as a complex phenomenon – a projection of three semiotic systems: poetics, language and culture. Thus, each of the model layers is characterized by its own methods of research. Contextual analysis is a dominant method of research on the first level. At this stage of analysis major focus is given to constructing contextual setting of the image. Thus, the following structure of integrated imagological context is proposed in the article. Names of characters and their second naming varieties constitute its nuclear zone, speech portraits represent its central zone and a peripheral area comprises narrative portraits. Quantitative and linguostylistic analyses dominate on the second level of imagological research. At this stage the analysis is split in two parts: research into lexical specifics of imagological contexts and its stylistic peculiarities. A conceptual analysis is used on the third level of imagological research and it aims at establishing links and means of connecting the image to national culture through a notion of linguocultural concept. Keywords: artistic image, character, imagological contexts, linguostylistics, consept, imagological conceptual space | 1116 | |||||
3854 | This article considers the criteria and indicators of the formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural context and describes the model of the process of its formation. The data of the psychological and pedagogical experiment, the evaluation of the effectiveness of creating pedagogical conditions after the introduction of the developed model in the educational process of the university are given. The examples of the use of active methods, forms, techniques and tools aimed at developing the backbone elements of student’s culture and determining his proactive attitude in forming up constructive relations in a modern multi-ethnic society are presented. The author reveals the ways of organizing independent creative activity, reflexive experience as a mechanism for reinterpreting the content of consciousness, correlating one’s abilities, self-actuating and self-improvement. The purpose of the study was to identify and substantiate definite organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral culture of a future professional in a multicultural educational environment. The introduction of the model of formation of moral culture of a student in the multicultural educational environment made it possible to raise the level of knowledge system, motives, attitudes, values and moral orientations of students, the ability to interact with partners from other cultures. Positive dynamics in relation of student to the proposed study of the field of culture, its specific content, readiness for self-actuating and self-evolution was noted. Keywords: spiritual-moral culture, multicultural educational environment, student, model of formation of moral and spiritual culture, multicultural educational environment, psychological and pedagogical experiment, pedagogical conditions | 1116 | |||||
3855 | In the article the authors touched on one of the topical issues of defectological education: improving motivation to self-correction and self-control among children with severe speech disorders. For children with severe speech disorders the corrective-speech process at kindergarten speech therapy center lasts 2–3 years. During this time it is necessary to help children to correct the defects of the entire system of language: aspects of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical side, of coherent speech. The necessity of examination and formation of a stable motivation for corrective speech work is caused by the low level of interest of senior preschool children with severe speech disorders to speech therapy classes, because they require perseverance from the child, and this quality appears later. The authors identified three stages of diagnostics, necessary for a comprehensive examination of children with severe speech disorders. Stage 1 – speech diagnostics, stage 2 – study of children’s motivation, stage 3 – parents’ questioning to identify the child’s interests. The attention is focused on the stage of studying of motivation for speech therapy classes, with the aim of identifying conditions for the formation of stable motivation of children with severe speech disorders. The diagnostic parameters of the motivational component are demonstrated, their connection with speech therapy tasks is specified. Keywords: speech disorder, motivation, interest in speech therapy sessions, diagnostics of motivation | 1116 | |||||
3856 | The article deals with the method of moral dilemmas used for development of communicative competence in foreign language teaching at higher school. The author pays special attention to the need of stimulation of any speech activity of students with the aim of clarifying of the unexpectedly appeared misunderstanding. The author underlines that showing oneself in the discussion, regardless of the language knowledge and skills and having no fear of making a mistake, is an invaluable experience for speaking. The author presents the examples of moral dilemmas used in teaching English at higher school and the stages of the work with them and gives specific recommendation on it. While describing the work with dilemmas, the author points out the importance of correct determination of size and gender composition of the groups and the possibility of discussing moral dilemmas by the students having different level of the language. The author comes to the conclusion that the discussion of moral dilemmas in the classroom while teaching foreign languages at higher education institution not only contributes to the understanding of moral values and qualities, but also develops language skills, fluency of speech, speech accuracy; it improves pronunciation and interaction with a partner. Keywords: communicative competence, morals, moral dilemmas, discussion of moral dilemmas, foreign language learning | 1116 | |||||
3857 | Mikhaylichenko Yu. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 11-13 . | 1115 | |||||
3858 | Zholobova I. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 2 (2). P. 46-48 . | 1115 | |||||
3859 | Manankova R. P. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 33-35 | 1115 | |||||
3860 | Eltsov Yu. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 83-87 . | 1115 | |||||
3861 | The present article analyses motives of K. Vaginov's prose connected with «Mermaid» plots and images in Russian literature (in works by L. Mey, A. Maikcv, A. Blok, 1. Annensky. N. Gumilev, V. Khodassevich, V Khiebnikov, N. Zabofotsky, A. Grin etc.). Female characters of K. Vaginov try to realize themselves as sirens who destroy people. However, they, as a rule, do not succeed in doing that. On the opposite, they are suffering creatures whowa not only « collects» variants of different mermaids from works of literature, but aiso renovates plots about them. | 1115 | |||||
3862 | A new point of view on study of a phenomenon of the unfinished text is submitted here. The author finds out tools and patterns of "intra-guildian" reception in Pushkin's unfinished fragments. The chosen aspect allows to show potential of the unfinished text, provoking the creative reader to complete the text as a co-author. Besides, the fragment represents art dominants of every receptionist style. | 1115 | |||||
3863 | On the base of authors’ collection as well as of largest malacological collections of Russia was established that in the Western Siberia waterbodies the species Opisthorchophorus baudonianus (Gassiez, 1859) occurs. Previously it have usually been recorded as Bithynia inflata (Hansen) or B. leachi var. inflata (Hansen) | 1115 | |||||
3864 | The article considers the conditions of functioning of the Narym Selkups language in 1920–1930. The paper is based on the materials of State Archive of Tomsk Region. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the factors influencing the linguistic situation and its development. These factors are of social, economic, ideological and cultural character, they were formed during the process of settling the system of Soviet values. The complex of the factors changed the linguistic situation in the Narym region and caused the continuous degradation of the ethnical and cultural identity of the Narym Selkups. | 1115 | |||||
3865 | Searching of the problems of developing investment process, particularly on the regional level, takes today the priority significance. But special attention is attracted to developing of evaluation mechanism, as an instrument, which gives the possibility for more adequate evaluation of the condition of the most important economic trend and the perspectives of the region on purpose to make suitable decisions. Therefore, the methodology approach to evaluation of the effectiveness of the investment action in the region is given in the article | 1115 | |||||
3866 | The paper represents mechanisms of transition the molecules of the solvent and ions under influence gradient of the pressure, the temperature, concentration of the dissolved salts and electroosmos in peat, as well as accompanying processes of the ion exchange and change the structure of the material Keywords: Peat deposit, water solution, high molecular substances, mass transit, ion exchange processes, temperature | 1115 | |||||
3867 | The author of the article presents experimental results which show that activation and maintenance of the condition with heightened interhemispheric interaction in brain enriches intellectual capacities of a person. Keywords: activation, brain, interhemispherical communication, intellectual capacities | 1115 | |||||
3868 | Different translations of Chekhov's narrative «A Dreary Story» into the French language are considered in this work. Translator's choice of a narrative title is in the center of our attention. Difficulties of a translation process which are connected with unbiased language peculiarities, specific character of Chekhov's works, and difficulties of the story itself are analyzed. Keywords: Chekhov, «A Dreary Story», translation into the French language, translator's decision | 1115 | |||||
3869 | The article is devoted to the approaches to the integration of e-learning with traditional training tools for school Mathematics, based on example of e-educational complex in mathematics for primary school; it describes in detail the structure of electronic complex. Keywords: school textbook with a new type of computer support, e-education complex in mathematics. | 1115 | |||||
3870 | In this article, the author proposes the concept of organizing of the service of medical and psychological support at higher school based on specialized medical institution. Complexes of therapeutic and prophylactic, diagnostic and psychotherapeutic interventions. Keywords: state of maladjustment, psychotherapeutic methods, service of medical and psychological support of the educational process at higher school | 1115 | |||||
3871 | The article outlines the range of research works dealing with the education services market. The results of the content analyses of the research works published in the last 15 years is presented through the pedagogical hermeneutics. Keywords: education services, education services market, competitiveness, professional education | 1115 | |||||
3872 | The article deals with testing the model of forming a professional-creative position of the future architect and designer within the discipline of “History of Culture and Arts” in college. It defines the principles that underlie the model and describes the contents of training modules. The article describes the features and results of mastering each training module, as well as the model as a whole. Keywords: professional attitude, pedagogical model, a cultural history, methods of teaching | 1115 | |||||
3873 | The paper deals with a compositional analysis of the professional competence. The analysis is aimed at revealing key competences which determine a content of the foreign language component. The author suggests applying a foreign language professional-communicative competence as effective means for foreign language refresher courses. Keywords: retraining, structure, professional competence, competence, foreign language professionalcommunicative competence, cross-cultural professional communication | 1115 | |||||
3874 | The article describes decay dynamics of dominant plant species in bog complexes of the south taiga subzone in West Siberia. On bog plant material decomposition has taken place during warm time of year when water table was low and oxygen passed easily in upper part of peat. Plant fractions are divided into two types in accordance of the character decay. Plant fractions are grouped in three groups relatively of rate decay. The maximum decay rate belongs to Menyanthes trifoliate L., the leaves and rhizomes losses are 80 % mass relatively initial value after two years of experiments. The roots and rhizomes of Eriophorum vaginatum L. decomposed slowly then other fractions; the losses were 20 % after two years of experiments. Sphagnum mosses were lost from 20 to 40 % of mass. Keywords: bog, West Siberia, decomposition, fractions of plant matter, sphagnum mosses | 1115 | |||||
3875 | The author presents some concrete examples of projects on the problem of the surface material of the electric charges in different ways. The basis is the heterogeneity of distribution of charges arising from the friction electrification of various polymeric materials. There are presented some schemes of practical projects. It can be used in specialized schools in the course of electrodynamics. Keywords: design tasks, electrification by friction, the creation of the charge distribution | 1115 | |||||
3876 | The article presents the system of social and psychological students’ support in the training process in educational institution of further education (for example, the Research and Education Centre of Economy and Information Technology, Vologda). It shows the essence of the system, especially its organization and the main content of the experts’ activity. As performance indicators presented and analysed the data obtained from the results of diagnostic studies in the period of institution functioning. Keywords: Research and Education Centre, the social and psychological support and support of students, diagnostic research, developing lecture, psychological prevention and education, consultancy | 1115 | |||||
3877 | The article deals with the conjunctions as if/as though functioning as markers of intellectual being presence. The conjunctions in question can introduce utterances describing situations that are not true. Keywords: concept, game, counterfactual modality, assumption, the seeming | 1115 | |||||
3878 | The article examines processes of innovations implantation in economy as one of the most important source of economy growth. Wherein innovations implantation is accompanying appearing of such facts like technology gap and innovation diffusion. It shows sources and possible instruments of technology gap overcoming in the context of evolutionary economic theory. The author analyzed processes of economies structures convergence and divergence in the result of innovations implantation. Keywords: evolution of economy, innovations, institutes, economic growth, convergence and divergence | 1115 | |||||
3879 | The problem of realization of the state policy in formation of Russian legal culture of citizens is considered in the article. The insufficient number of hours for the studies of the subject “Law” in educational institutions is discovered. On the base of the research, the author proposes to introduce the discipline “Law” for the elementary and basic general education. Keywords: sense of justice, legal education, legal culture, discipline “Law” | 1115 | |||||
3880 | The article deals with the notions of “empathy” and “cross-cultural empathy” which are viewed as the basis of cross-cultural understanding. The author outlines if it is necessary to distinguish between “cross-cultural empathy” and “empathy” as well as if the quality is inherent or acquired. The article also focuses on the importance of crosscultural empathy development in adolescence nowadays and what methods are appropriate for that. Keywords: empathy, cross-cultural empathy, adolescence, cross-cultural dialogue | 1115 | |||||
3881 | Wide application of project method in teaching of physics shows the potential of this method for engineering education in modern conditions of training of specialists able to adapt to modern conditions of production. The studies of many authors confirm the need for the formation of the generalized design skills for teaching physics at the technical University throughout the study at the University, including classes in physics. In our previous studies were introduced the notions of learning tasks in physics and generalized design skills and proved their compliance with the stages of the training project activities, represented the design skills formed on these stages corresponding to the phases of professional design activities of engineer. As a means of forming generalized design skills, we propose to use learning tasks in practical classes in physics. This article presents one way of forming common design skills, criteria for the selection of learning tasks in physics with the aim of forming common design skills, introduced the concept of the design potential of learning physical tasks. The authors show the method of formation of the generalized design skills and the step by step algorithm of actions of the teacher to organize the educational process to create and implement projects based on learning tasks in physics. Keywords: project potential of physical problem, project method, project skills | 1115 | |||||
3882 | The study was performed in line with the theory of intertextuality and one of the areas of communicative stylistics of a literary text – the theory of regulativity. The study of the dialogic nature of literary text is of interest in connection with the modern anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics. Intertextuality, reflecting the author’s dialogue not only with readers but also with the poets-forerunners to the modern writer masters of artistic expression, extends the semantics of poetic works and determines their semantic deployment in the consciousness of the perceiver of the text of the addressee. The article presents the typology of regulative strategies of O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts including intertexts (intertextual structures), important for the complete decoding of the author’s intention. The work is based on the material of poetic texts from the collection «Stone». The peculiarities of the regulatory strategies that update the intertexts in this collection include: systemic reproduction; prevalence of strategies of explicit type; dominance of strong regulatory strategies; use of intertexts as a means of regulativity; consistent performance of aesthetic information; complex application of various intertexts by the poet (plots-intertexts, regulative models of the intertextual type); intertextual links with the main stages of Western European culture and the culture of the silver age. Proved that O.E. Mandelstam uses intertextuality as one of the important way of controlling cognitive readers’ activity by the author. Regulative strategies of intertextual type, based on the use of various intertexts, were considered from the point of view of proportion and aesthetic way of presenting information, the homogeneity / heterogeneity of the dominant means of regulativity, depending on the regulatory power of the text, according to the methods of regulatively. The data obtained are of interest for the detection of idiostyle of the poet. Keywords: poetic text, regulativity, regulative strategies, types of regulative strategies, intertextuality, intertext | 1115 | |||||
3883 | In the article the issues of penitentiary staff training during the first years of the Soviet government are revealed. These issues are of concern for research as one of the underworked topics in native science. The author focuses on the events connected with it, on historical and pedagogical experience, trials and errors of pioneers of Soviet penitentiary staff training system. Chronological boundaries of the article are determined by the major events of Russian history, which were highly influential on the process of professional penitentiary staff training. The lowest boundary begins in October 1917 with inauguration of Bolshevik regime. The highest is connected with the Second Congress of penitentiary affairs officials of the RSFSR held from November to December 1924, after the agreements of which systematic solutions of the issues of Soviet penitentiary staff training became possible since the second half of 1920s. The first agreements of the government during the first years of Bolshevik regime concerning penitentiary personnel policy and shifting penitentiary priorities are revealed. The central place in the article is devoted to the revealing of external and domestic factors undermining the professional penitentiary staff training and having a negative impact on the possibilities of penitentiary personnel policy in that period. The conclusion about the role of the first educational endeavors’ of Soviet government in foundation of the Soviet system of penitentiary staff training is stated. Keywords: history of education, personnel policy, penitentiary staff, professional training | 1115 | |||||
3884 | The article deals with the problem of the specific character of the translator’s knowledge of language and culture. A review of the relevant literature has shown that translation is a unique mode of language use which is significantly different from ordinary communication in a foreign language. The author introduces the concept of “problem awareness” as one of the key characteristics of the translator’s lingua-cultural knowledge. Problem awareness is essential in translation which involves switching between languages. It is understood as the awareness of the linguistic factors causing breakdowns in code-switching in translation, as well as the ability to deal with such problems. These linguistic factors include idioms and proverbs/sayings, translator’s false friends, culture-specific concepts, geographical names and confusing words similar in form, meaning or use. Each linguistic factor is described and its ability to interfere with the process of code-switching is explained. Based on these facts a list of relevant skills and psychological characteristics is presented for each group of linguistic means. The author then provides guidelines for ensuring a targeted approach to the teaching of the above-mentioned linguistic means. These recommendations also include a description of the types of activities which are especially relevant in the context of teaching foreign languages to trainee translators. Keywords: translation, code-switching, translator’s false friends, culture-specific concepts, idioms | 1115 | |||||
3885 | The article deals with basic periods of formation and development of communicative stylistics of text, which has been growing at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University since 1992 at the department of modern Russian and stylistics (from the end of 2017 the department of the Russian language). Peculiarities of this scientific school and factors that defined its dynamics in scientific context of linguistics at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century are described in the article. In the light of the ideas of the communicative paradigm of linguistic knowledge, in the nineties and early 2000s, the achievements of related sciences are formed that fall under the traditional and functional stylistics, functional lexicology and the theory of the communicative text: the main directions of the communicative stylistics of the text: on the verge of linguistic pragmatics – the regulative theory, on the verge of psycholinguistics – theory of text associations, on the verge of philological hermeneutics – the theory of semantic expansion of the text. Each of these areas of communicative stylistics is aimed at researching the effectiveness of dialogue between the author and the reader with the use of text. The main is the systemic and active approach to the text as a form of communication and the phenomenon of idiostyle of the language personality, which is “left” outside the text. Ideas of communicative and active approach to the text, which are realized in works of this trend, were called for the methods of teaching the Russian language. The basic periods of communicative stylistics of text development are due to new tendencies in language and speech research, connected to extension of units of analysis and to intensification of cognitive and discursive aspects of textual activity, expansion of empirical base of researches, that includes at the beginning of XXI century poetic, advertising, epistolary, media discourses. Cognitive and media vector of development is typical for modern communicative stylistics of text. It is obvious that there is the necessity of further expansion of empirical material associated with genre and style variety of up-to-date media communication, elaboration of typology of informational and media language personalities, research of cognitive aspects of their idiostyle as well as perfection of methods of different types of texts’ analysis in perspective. Keywords: communicative stylistics, regulative theory, theory of textual associations, theory of semantic expansion of text, tendencies and periods of scientific school development, text, language personality, idiostyle | 1115 | |||||
3886 | Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of addressing the problem of political education of military personnel under contract at the present stage of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this research is to substantiate the ideas that serve as the basis for the development of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline. Material and methods. The material of the research is normative legal documents on the organization of political education in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as materials of pedagogical research devoted to the development of concepts of educational disciplines in General and their content in particular. The analysis of these materials allowed us to formulate the main ideas of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a new academic discipline in the political education of military personnel, the organization of the process of its development. The concept reflects the conditionality of the political consciousness of military personnel under contract by the nature of their military professional activities, the form of participation in the system of relations inherent in their professional group. The research is based on the theoretical provisions of the activity approach to the construction of pedagogical processes, the subject-subject paradigm of building pedagogical interaction in professional teams, and the competence approach to the selection of the content of professional training. Results and discussion. According to the developed concept, the purpose of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline is to form the military personnel’s competencies necessary to perform professional tasks with political content; subjective images (personal meanings, meanings and relationships) that form the cognitive basis of the political consciousness of military personnel. The concept assumes active inclusion of military personnel in the system of public relations and phenomena of state military policy. The selection of material is based on the General purpose of training a specialist, the system of cognitive goals and opportunities of the discipline. Carried out conceptualization focuses on the need for leading, core concepts (ideas) in the course content; definition of the basic (invariant) core and variant parts of the content of the training modules, to correlate this material with the level of cognitive activity of students; allocation of consolidated problems of professionally-oriented nature, the resolution of which requires knowledge and skills in the academic discipline; select content and determine the scope of a training module, selection of methods of cognitive activity. The use of «content nodes» of educational material (conceptual, worldview, subject-image, activity) allows us to specify the control and evaluation system aimed at checking the formation of military personnel’s competencies under the contract in solving a set of educational and professional tasks. Conclusion. The developed concept serves as an indicative basis for solving the problems of developing the political consciousness of a military serviceman under a contract. The results of the research allow us to clarify the ways and means of forming the political consciousness of conscripts during the period of changing ideological priorities in professional education and training of military personnel. Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture | 1115 | |||||
3887 | Manankova R. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 3-3 . | 1114 | |||||
3888 | The article is dedicated to one of most important tasbs of modern Russian state, i.e. the creation of a single program of developing in the system of education. Historical experience of the development of the Russian civilization proves that the premises for the formation of the educational system seem to be the: needs of economics, ideology, policy and activity of progressive reformers. | 1114 | |||||
3889 | - | 1114 | |||||
3890 | They pay great attention to the establishment of the origin of funds invested in business in countries the market economy. Successful resistance to the legalizing of can only be achieved both on national and international levels. | 1114 | |||||
3891 | The features of the training process of computer science teachers are considered in this article. The drawback is a low level of informative and technological components of the teachers’ professional training content. It is suggested to improve the basic fundamental training by incorporating new subjects by means of the regional component of the university. Computational geometry is one of such disciplines. This work covers a new approach to teaching of computational geometry foundations on the basis of the specific character of pedagogical education. The problems of computational geometry training in the conditions of a pedagogical university and the ways of their solving are analysed | 1114 | |||||
3892 | In the article the author analyses approaches to an estimation of reliability of the subject of professional work. The urgency of development of model of an estimation of professional reliability of the teacher on the basis of the system organization of self-control proves. Criteria of an estimation of professional reliability are allocated: integrity and interrelation of structural components of self-control. The algorithm of a quantitative estimation of professional reliability of the teacher is described | 1114 | |||||
3893 | The article presents the work experience of the department of improvement of professional skills and retraining teachers and lecturers on the basis of competent approach “education on order,” advance education and network cooperation | 1114 | |||||
3894 | The paper considers an integrative approach to organization of common activity of graduating psycho-pedagogical chair of the institute and Psychological Center. The approach provides with development of specific professional competence of educational psychologists. Peculiarities of professional communication of teachers on the integrative level are determined. The author outlines psychological aspects and development levels of united integrated professional space of the chair and Psychological Center. Keywords: : integrative approach, professional inter-chair space, psychological structure of chair and center, educational integrated content, psycho-pedagogical space | 1114 | |||||
3895 | The article is dedicated to the problems of education. It is based on research of materials of Fund of education support project. The author considers the features of developing programs of cadet’s education, describes their goals and expecting results. The article shows the ways of describing modern cadet’s portrait, social and personal successes of graduating students, shows technologies of evaluating students in military schools. Keywords: cadet’s education, practice of pedagogical planning, graduate student’s portrait, ways of social examination of education results | 1114 | |||||
3896 | The article analyzes the stages of development of public schools in pre-revolutionary Russia, which were represented at that time by various models of different types, reflecting its national traits, experience and traditions of national education. Keywords: rural education setting, variety of models of rural education, rural community. | 1114 | |||||
3897 | We consider massive p-forms in arbitrary D-dimensional curved space-time. Quantization of these models has been performed. The massive theories of p-forms do not possess gauge invariance, in contrary of massless theories. We restore the gauge invariance in massive p-forms models with help of the multi-step Stuckelberg procedure and we evaluate the effective actions. The result is presented in terms of d`Alembertians acting on p-forms. Keywords: quantum fields in curved space-time, antisymmetric tensor fields, p-forms, gauge field theories, effective action | 1114 | |||||
3898 | In the paper we depict the process of forming the national myth about revival of sinful woman in the Russian literature of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. The three stages are examined in series. The first is the creation of the myth based on the “initial” motive about Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene and realized embodied in the traditional model “male redeemer/female victim” in the works by N. V. Gogol’, N. A. Nekrasov, N. G. Chernyshevsky (the 30–60s). The second is the myth’s destruction in the works by A. I. Levitov, A. P. Chekhov (the 60–80s of the nineteenth century). And finally, the third is creation of the neomyth about female redeemer in the works by F. M. Dostoevsky and L. Andreev. Keywords: Russian literature, myth, neomyth, women in literature | 1114 | |||||
3899 | The article deals with development of exercises complex for teaching pre-translation analysis of professional texts to non-linguists. It represents the research results in this fi eld and its experimental approbation. Keywords: pre-translation text analysis, exercises complex, speech, training and orientation exercises | 1114 | |||||
3900 | The problems of development of the system of certification of the teaching staff in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. During this period, at the legislative level degree system was developed, as well as the procedure for awarding them. The paper also attempts to understand the historical experience of the formation of the national system of training of the teaching staff. Keywords: certification, degree, graduation, PhD, Master and Doctor | 1114 |